. . .. . . .. . . 7 v ,: i " ABDUCTION, CASE. DECISION. a: i TV FOR THE NEXT' FIVE DAYS r" ' Thesalesmen'wilmark downjtlie price of Furniture, -"."' - " r . ' today purchased from Cannons, Fetzer Bell. After the stock Oiasbeen'gone through with, we will - 1 8 L A U G H t. E R T H E FRIO ES: The stock was bought for spot cash money, and at f-" a'price that our customers can have'the benefit. We will sell FDRNITRTE OF. ALL KINDS CHEAPER FOR THE NEXT NINETY DAYS Than any Furniture dealer in North Carolina, Seeing is believing, come and see us. ;' . DRY & WADS REDUCED RATES. lotion stales 'm lr;(cgai!ona! Exposition 'ATLANTA, CA.,'- September 18 December 3f, Yor the abore occasion the Southern Railway Jo. trill eell low-rate round-trip tickets to -ATLANTA, GA., and return on the follow ing basis: " FROM Alexandria, Va Asheville, N. C Uurlington, N. C. . .. JJurkevMe, Va... Culpeper, Va ......... Chatbam, Va. ........ . Charlottesrille, Va... Chapel Hill, N. C Concord, N.C. ........ Charlotte, N. C. ..... . Xhmville, Va Durham, N. C Front Royal, Va. . . . . . Greensboro, N. C Goldsboro, N. C Hendereonville, N. C. Hickory, N. C. High Point, N. C Hot Springs, N. O .... 28.25 19.251 14.00-! 12.85! 9.40 6.75 U8.7013.ra..... 9.65 23.2517.05 23.80U.55 20.85,15.30 23.2517.05 11.9a 13.50! 10.65 12.40 10.35 20.4015.00; H.20 10.40 6.55 5.85 13.15 9.65 20.05 14.70 10.20 10.45 120.40 28.2519.25 14.00 17.6512.9a 9.20 21.7515.95 ll.CO! 5.25 7.25 8.40 6.75 8.05 7.25 7.10 7.25 11.70 8.60 15.30 11.25 16.95..... 12.451 14.00' 10.50 uenaereon, jv. u...... KU.4O15.0tt..... 10.45 11.50 Xiynchburg, Va....... pS2..60 16.50' Xexinerton, N. C...... 16.05 11.8CW Jlorganton, N. C. . . . . . 15.30 11.25 Larion. N. C 14.85 10.90 11.25 -Newton, N.C 15.30'..... Orange, Va - Oxford, nTc ' - Bichmond, Va fieidsville,N.C Ealeigh,N. C South Boston, Va .... -trasburg,t Va. ....... . Salisbury, N.C tatesvUle, N. C 'Taylors ville, N.C... Tryon,N.C Washington, D.C.... West Point, Va. Warrenton, Va Wilkesboro, N. C Winston-Salem. N. C E4.55 18.00 13.10 10.45 20.4015.00 23.2517 05 12.40 18.8513.8ffl 9.70 i 20.4015.00 21.5515.80 10.45' f 10.80..... 14.00 i 06.2519.25 15.3V 11.25 U.25 12.00 7.2SI 15.30 16.35 T.25! 10.75'..... 7.85 26.2519.25,1 M.Off 23.6517.35 28.2519.25 22.9516.85 12.60..... 14.00'.... 11.30' 19.0013.95! 9.80'. 4ates from Intermediate points In proportion.) EXPLANATION. j Column A: Tickets will be sold September S from September 15 to Decern.,' JrlS, 1895, inclusive, with final limit January, V, 1896. i - Column B : , Tickets will be sold dallr from September 16 to December 15, 1895, inclusiye,1 with final limit twenty (20) days from date of ale. , :. I Column C: Tickets wiU bo iold danyfrom September 15 to December 30, 1895, mclusivi "With final limit fifteen (15) riava frnm Har ale. No ticket to bear longer limit than Janu mry 7. 1806. Column D : Tickets will be sold on Tuesdays And Thursdays of each week from September 17 until December 24, 1895, inclusive, with final limit ten (10) days from date of sale. Column E ; Tickets will be sold daily from .September 15 to December 30, 1895, inclusive, with final limit seven (7) days from date of sale. O . ; SOUTHERN RAILWAY Is the orlr line entering the Exposition Grounds, luring a douoie-track, standard your nearest agent, or address J, M. COXP, W. A.TUEK, 1 0 Trafflo ifanager, Genl Pass. Agt 1800 Fenna. Avo TTashington, D, Q, hr. mien ha tn mis are guarantee? lo ot rr0jnff r-ii i n 20 minutes. "Vn" cenc a uob.- 2ago rfeiiTayfrom the center of the city of I tlanta to the Exposition Grounds. , For tickets ana full Information apply t 40wvmmw w- Btlf , r Glint Ambena SEMINARS A Fl ouriBhinfir School for Young , Ladies. . TEN TEACHERS l? On.-ttxnental Brai'ches Keceive Carefui Attention HEV.tC. L. T. iFISHEB, A. M Pbincipal, 5 mount:pleasant.:-n o COAL FOR SALE rard;coal, soft coal, BLOCK COAL. STOVE COAL, Best , Cpal in tha.Soutli. Orders takeii to G E Fisher's store, or given to my -drivers, or at my office -will be prbmpt- Jy attended tof.; i i v. . MT. PLEASANT, N. 0, REV. J D. SHIEEY. D. D, fRES 7 X ADADEM ICCOM M M RC1A L . ; AND , ; COLLEGIATE COUR8ES. I i Total necessary expenses session of 38 weeks. $85.00 to Nexti Session ibeginsSept o. j For cotalogue and4 special information, address the President as above, or lm. Secreta ky of Faculty ORTH iDtk,;t;'iiiiii The Boy: Ua Been Given to m Father and is Kow in Bchool. , H ickory, N. C, Noy.' 3. Prof. Sevar.io D'Anpa, who figured ex. teDsively in the abduction case,, left yesterday for his Home 1 at Sajre Institute, in Lexington, K.y. : : The boy, Hugh ( Who i?fl3 the in nocent cause of all this contention, has been once m6re placed with, his step-grandmother, Mrs. Alice Mur rill, , from whose, custody j he Jvas taken by. his mother,, .Mrs. .Xhomph son. The little, fellow will at once Vesurae his studies it Clarernont Fe male ' College. The decision of !Jndge Tirnberkke was received with unfeigned satisfaction by a majority of the people of Hickory; where all parties to the case are well known, Thef judgement finds the" following' facts ; :! - -; i. That Thompson is a drunkard,1 a gambler and a spendthrift. 2, Tt at Mrs. Thompson ia a wo man of high character r.nd, were it not for her husband,, a suitable person to haye the custody of the child. ; ; 3. That Sevario D'Anna is a man of irreproachable charae'er and in every way fitted to provide support and education for tb e boy. The decree also directs that the mother shall be allowed to see Hugh whenever she wills. He is not to be, removed from the State for two years and at tne end of one year, if she so desires, Mrs. Thompson may apply for the custody of fcer son by 8howmc: any new facV that should entitle her to the possession of him. Judge Timberlake made no secret of the fact that his sympathies were with the woman. He decided in fayor of Prof. D'Anna only from stern conviction that the future of the child demanded it. In their argument oi the case, Messrs Hufil ham and Bickett, who conducted the plaintiffs case in Louisburg, took substantially that ground. Judge Timberlake remarked after tne judgement was signed: "If I thought that I would bays another case like this, 1 would, telegraph my resignation to the "Governor at once." The defendant has appealed and the case will probably be heard m December, Should the contest be renewed at the end of a year, some interesting developments may be expected. Tax Notice. I have visited every township in the couuty after due notice of time and place, for the purpose of coK1 iecimg taxes as me law requires, x will be in my office hereafter, and I respectfully urge the tax payers to come forward and pay their taxes,1 as the law compels me to collect earlier than has heretofore been' resi quired of sheriffs.. I notify tax oay-j ers that I' will (positively) on Noh vember 15th begin to levy and adyertipe property for sale for texes.! IVery Respfctfully, r JOHN A. SIMS. I dnlSwdl. Sheriff! iiiiL jC0Kb0BD, N. C. J. M. Odell, 1 r President D, B. Ccltranb. u s .Cashiers L. D. Coltbane, Assistant Cashier Capital,1' Surplus, $50,000 i , t DIRECTORS : Ki J. M. Odell, D. F. Cannon Elam King, " J. W. Cannon j W R. Odell, :w;.H,' Lilly, - jD. B COLTRANE. NOTICE TOWN TAXES.: The town taxes for the year 1895 are now, ; due and placed in toy hands for collection. AH pereoDd owing the same are requested to call and settle at once, and save costs. The law in regard to adver-j Using propei-t' haa been changed, so pay prtmptly and save being ad vertised Office opposite court house in Town Hall; J. L. Bcger, Town Tax Collector- mi nil a in it Castoria is Dr. Samudl Pitcher's prescription for Infants : and? Children..: It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic suhstance. ; It is a harmlt' substituto , for Paregoric, Irops, SootMng Syrups, and v.tor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years Bullions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and feverishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic.' Castoria relieves teething troubles,: cures constipation and flatulency. Cjastoria assimilates the food, . regulates the stomach j and bowels, giving . healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panaceathe Mother's Friend. Castoria K j . , Castoria Is an excelleut medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." ; . Dr. G. C. tJSGooD, ' Lowell, Mass. "Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant -when mothers will consider the real interest of their children , and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby Bending them to premature graves." ' Dr. J. F. KZ27CHELOB, M Conway, Ark. The Centoup Company, .77 I Reduced Kallrontl Kates. J Cotton State and International Expositior, Atlanta, Ga. Tickets on sale September 5 and 12 and daily from September 15 to Decern ber 15. 1896, inclusive with final limit January 7, 1896. Fare for round trip $14.20. Tickets on sale daTly from September 15 to Decerns ber 30, inclusive with final limit fifteen days from data of sale. Fare for round trip $10.40. Tickets on sale daily from September 15 to December 30, inclusive with final limit seven days from date of sale. Fare for round trip 6 55, North Carolina State Fair (colored), Raleigh, N. C. (Tickets on pale November 2 to 9 ; inclusive. Final limit November 11, 1895. Continuous passage in teach direc tion. Fare for round trip including one admission to fair grounds $5 50. Rickingham countny Fair, Reids- ville, N. C. Tickets on sale Oct. 26, 27, 28, 29 30 and 31 and Ndyembir 1. Final l'mit November 4, 1895. Cons tinuous passage in : each direction. Fare for roudd trip $3.10- i . ; Layin g Corner Stone Masonic Temple, Danville , Va. Tickets on Sale Oct. 26, 27 and 28. Final limit November 4, 1895. Continuous passv age in each diiection. ' Fare for rouud trip 15.45. notice." - : ''-'.-Ji i5 :., , All persons holding claims against J W Burkhead, deceased, ill please' present them to me or to H I Wood ! house promptly,- All Vpersoha1 Jin'H debted to same will pleas call and! settle at once, ' o71w 2w i ; J . I ALIDA U. tBuBKHEAPi - J i Eiecutrix of , the last will and testa-! , ment of J W B ark head. . V it .V . . . HAMMOND & CO. : v 130 & ,132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. S cocks, Bonds and Grain bought and , sold, or carried 9n Margin." i P. S. Send for explanatory circus lar on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter (Free) dwly mm Castoria. 4 Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescriptioa known to me." H. A. Archer, m. D., XII So. Oxlord St.,' Brooklyn, N. ?. " Our physicians in the children's depart, ment have spoken highly of their expert ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospitax. akd Dispensary, Boston, Mass, Aixeii C. Smite, Pres. j Murray Street, New York City. mfli il iHl.il i ' CONCORD MARKETS. COTTON MARKET. Corrected by C&nnone & Fetzer Good middling 8.82 Middlings ..........7 85 Low middling Stains ... 5 to 6J PBODUCE MAjttftT Corrected bv C. W Swink. -' Bacon.. ... ..8i Sugar '-cured nam a ............ 12 i tol5 Bulk meats, sides . 8 to 9 Beeswax.... 20 Butter i 15 Chicken.. 10to20 Corn . . . ...... ...... j40 Eggs 121 Lard........ 8 Flour(North Carolina).. 1.75 Meal........................ .-53 Oata......... ...35 Tallow....... 3to4 OTTL . . Are the joy and sunlight of our homes. . Use all care to keep the little' ones in health. Do not give them nauseous doses. You can overcome their rubles wth Dr. King's ermetuer. They all like to take it because u does, not taste, like a medicine, but like'a lemonade. It cures -colic in t young children, overcomes an bowel troubles, gives good digest, and quiet' healthful sleep. As a tonic for weak children and as a remedy for use in teething, i the greatest in the world. J :-Sold by Druggists, new pacta large bottle, 108 Doses, One Vow , Manufactured only by The ittanta Cliea&l Co., Atlaota, & Write tor 8-Ps B"ki SlStei T"''v V FETZER' S JDBTIG SlM OWES Royal 0

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