mm Rlchmondl arrives at 10:27 a. m. nt .. Washington " " 9:58 p. m. 35 Atlanta - " " T.22 D. 1. Cane stick ninn vi - - : , store V " jeweny it MflrQ " 3 . Npw York " " 8: a. m. Atlanta - 9:00 p.m. 37 3 On Friday Hlffht last Mr Ia Mrs. B S J erman en f erf ? 0a numDer of young folks 3,.vrtrthbound freight leaves at 12m. southbound " ' "5:15 P-tt. -.3 Tr andi2 are the local trains between o-hmond and Atlanta. . Nos. 35. and36 are the COmnli men tftrw frt Tun 'u ,r f,cbSl trains between Atlanta and Washing- .myuujentary tO, MlS3 Mary MonS . Nos-37and 38 are the Washington and ffOmerv of rhia nH 1, . tonVhestem Vestibuled Limited trains and stop 6um,;iJ Ol.tniS City, who 13 Visiting t Concord on signal. ;in Raleigh, WE SELL THE BEST OIG-ABS.' Our brands are : r $ POINTS. SABOROSA, , . CONQUEROR, t- -vTT- A T DT TTT? DUKE OF SPAIN, m tbt citv. . . t. . - - . - ... "Tom tho rarcals out" tfc familiar party-cry-may be applied tu microoes as well as to men. The germ of disease that, lark 'in the blood are "turned out" by Ayer'a Sarsaparilla as effectually as the old postmasters are displaced by the new aammistration. THE BUSH OF HUMANITY.1 0 Work, began today on the store room for the G;w Patterson manu- factoring company out at the mill. POINTS" is a new brand put . MrvM L Juliaa has the wood work on sale tosday and is a good one, try it, . DIG STORE. A BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS. in charge and will begin his pait of the construction Monday next. It was an old time hunt that Lawyer Puryear and Agent J F Hurley enjoyed today. They had not returned as we go to press, but we feel safe in sayingthat they will bring back at least one 'mollie cotton tail." Manr neonlfl whn a n'ttio Remarket today, which brought 81, gtipated, make thepristake of nsin saline or other drastic purgatives. week, at Dove & Bost's. nl3 All that is needed IS ft milri rinsa of Ayer's Pills to restore the regular bj clear and warmer weather to mon movement of the bowels, and nature row eyening. : . " - will do the rest They keep the system in perfect order. vifked Upland Put in Sfcape By One " - II ustlinur Pencil Pnsherl Onlv a few bales of cotton were on The ladies aid society of Forest Hill Methodist church contemplate iyiDg a concert at an early date. Raleigh Press-Visitor,: The suit of barkeeper Carroll against the News and Observer for libel in char- ' -TFWHlim;-of Winston, was iu tue cuy iouay v . Mr. aL'd Mrs: J W Cannon have returned from Atlanta. . . - Mr. Samuel Pearson, of Morgan kn; was1 in the city Sunday. Mrs. C A Dry and. children nave" returned from Danville, Va. Eaquire 0 Q Montgomery will return from Kaleigh tonight. Mr. and Mrs. G T Crowwell will leave tonight for the Exposition . o yvnuumore nas re turned from a.brief trip to Georgia. nrMessrs E F Coble and Samuel MeLester left Saiurday "night for Atlanta, . , Clerk James 0 Gibson and two sons, -William and Richard, will go to Atlanta tonight. - . 1 1X1188 juerue uross, wno waa visiting at Mrs. Moss's, returned to her home in Mecklenburg today. Mrs Stevens Smith, who was visiting at Mr.,, R E Gibson's,- left last night for Winston, wLre she will visit friends before returning: to Atlanta. ' j Mrs. n A ; Kimball went to Concord this morning to yisit her father and mother, both of whom are sic Saturday's Salisbury Herald. :Dye Finish Quality Tho most important is dye and; finish. Meteor Serge, 35 inches wide, wool both ways, 25c per yard. French Serge, 45 inches wide, wool both ways, 40c per yard; -. worth 50c. . ' French Henrietta, 45 inches wide, wool both ways, 50c; worth 65c. ir Black Faille Francaise Silk. aui mcnes $1.00. x - wide, 85c: worth Y LOWE & SOW DO YOU KNOW Another lot of C3T B OUCLESI- In black, 50 Inches wide, $1.00 per yard, worth 1.35. They are shaggygot the curl up to date. ; - IMPORTED PLAIDS, bilk and Wool, 33 inches wide, worth 75c our price 60c. , See our patent That there are only 60 days left for us to close" out our stock of goods. The time Is short and there is lots of stuff here to be sold. In order to do this we are going to make tne price move the goods We ' will let our kid erlove sal continue for a few " da vs. There is good things in it when you can buy $1.25 and m gloves for 75c. All kinds of Finger Tipped law iv?s, GOODS Miss Effie Brown returned last night from Mathinsourg, West Virginia. Owing to health she "dive." is concluded. . A non suit was compelled to resign her position was entered, the matter having been temporarily. amicably arranged by either party. Mr. and Mrs, Henry G Wcod- The Biblical Recorder of recent raff ' who were guests of Mr. and date save: A preacher in one of the Mrs W R 0dell ara spending the Greensboro pulpits, on last Sunday aernoon in .Oharlqtte, acompanied night said: "There are two places Mrs.; OdelliVf :iv:i in the world which, so far as history Miss Nettie Melton, of Chester, informs us, have never changed g. 0 who .has been visiting at one in Palestine and one in this State Damasona and Hillsboro." for the Atlanta Ezositioa. : She Cards are ont announcing the will return Friday night. Onite a lare number of vonn folks went out to Mt Hermon Sat "" his Placo of business as a urday night to attend the Demorest medal c -ntest. Mr. James R Ervin has secured and is teaching a school in the Ran kin school house at Mill Hill, No. 3 township. "Did you see the snow?" That wa3 the question asked by several people who saw the beautif unfailing this morning. There will be seryices to-night at ltral Methodist church, begin ing at 7 o'clock.' The public is com iially invited. . 25 and 35 cents per pair. Fits like kid. Don't come toojlate. We are selling. X CANNONS &FETZER To 20 now for, hplnw fhoir- value. Our lace stock has been cut down ,in' rjrice until you can afford to trim cheap U1COOC9 Wltli BOI LACE. THE GOMIN Now is the "time when you can't let your feet stay.on the marriaee of Mr. William J Olds, of Washington, D. C, and Miss Bes sie Ea'elle Bowman, daughter of The condition of Lawyer W G ReVt w s Bowman, D. D. pastor of Means is now considered out of danv gtv Mark's Lutheran church, at ger, Dr. Archey having discharged Charlotte. The marriage will take his ca39 this mornipg. place in the church on the evening Mr. JAR White, of No. 10. and we i4tnf at u o oioon. -- - For Over Fifty Tears. Mrs. Winslo w's Sooth:ng Syrup has been used for over fifty ' years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, ywith perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays alt pain, cures wind colic, and ; is the rbest remedy fof a whclesoul, splendid fellow, has Mn t G Cobb, who last week Diarrhoea It(will relieve the poor moved his family to town. He is purchasea the Morganton Herald, little sufferer immediately. Sold by living near Cannonyille. has seemed Mr. O F McKesson as Druggists in 'every partj of the Mooresville Record: Mr. M Voils its editor. Mr. McKesson is a very world. Twenty. fire cents j a bottle will offer his household and kitchen able man and writes with force. He Be sure and ask for 'Mrs. Vinslows furniture for sale on Wednesday, the is not new to the work, having had Soothing Syrup," and takemo other 13th of this month. Oq Saturday night Mr, Lsyi Hat ley was married to Miss Vircjia Martain, both of Cannon ville. Rev. J R Moose officiated. considerable journalistic experience, kind. His return, to the desk is an acqui sition to the ranks tnat will please all who know him. r: . Last quarterly conference of Cen tol Methodist church convened this afternoon at 5 o'clock at the church, Presided over by Rev. J R Scroggs. Few people take as much interest ; viioooinor fVP Tmhlir.Q as does, Mr. John K Patterson, who is always up teller," died at her home Sunday to date in the grecery line. He has afternoon of cancer. ; She was the just received a fresh lot of Heckler's wif e 0f Mr. DanGoodman, who has Buckwheat, macaroni, ginger snaps, - : a J : fc noh AS nrAnW. fiffg: dateS. iHWlWU D M Walker pays the highest Siring, cocoanuts, plain - and familiarly known; to ; our -people, market prices for . alii kind of fflricv candies lemons, apples, She was the step-mother of Mr. Al Cnvni i- v J - - i . ....11 1. -uuuj proauoe, casn or uauw. oran2es, canyassea nam?, leai ana Goodman wno worn at tne oieacnery t torget the place opposite u u country lard, cottolene, Daisy cheese, 'urr's at Forest Hill. tf. the fine8t eyer brought , to , the city, Tfxr,o. , o f ha an assortment of molasses, and in U was announced Sunday at the J "eB"eryfchillthBtl is ' found in a esbyterian church that Rev. J M well regUlated and first-class gro- "tiarev wonld nrfianh m tne lecture ofnr. , ' nio X I UCAJ owvr'" fwm of that church on Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. wear black, and there never was such a demand for BLACK 1 DRESS GOODS to the exclusion of all col ored fabrics. Nothing adds more to the beauty and dignity of a woman's appearance than a fine . black gown, which is alike economical and ultra fash- ionable. We have just gotten in our black and navy blues bought when the prices were low - can " sell you 75 cent Henrietta Surah for 50c 46 inches wide Can sell you a $1 goods 50 inches wide for 76c, Our stock of. Black Creapones are the latest production. We ask all Ladies to see our dress goods betore buying elsewhere. Do you want to see the prettiest line of LADIE'S SHOES 1 ' et er shown in C oncord x Then come and see us and be convinced. Our No. 49 narrow Opera Toe perfect beauty, ' Cur No. 71 Needle Square mataal L.iie Insurance .X'om- j. uo pioiwoayowy vu .v pany of Plilladelpbia. ; ket. i ; '.TnflL dienified, liberal, perpetual. Our No. 69 Pointed , Razor TNG WOMAN ground. You must put shoes If the fashion plates are I on all the little people, and if to be believed, will mwZ&w s23 95 A Fortune Teller Dead. Mrs, N M Goodman, aged 65 years and who is known throughout No. 6 township as the "old fortune you don't know that LOWE'S is the place to; SHOE THE CROWD tis time you are finding it out, other people know it and are profiting by it. No one wants to sell shoes at the . prices we sell them, bat they must be sold. - OLOTHIITG- goes every day and the people who tade advantage of this sale put money in their pocket. Cyercoats and suits now at almost what you want to pay. We are placing a special j THE OLD RELIABLE Penn a The best managed, withjlarge divU Toe the most stylish yt. nJ nnA nonii' - riondfl nn iciea never luncucu uwi vui w. . v - . . . rw ' rT n , c A OQll all nt.lnwficrnrpq Mis, iw V.n rfflicned Mr. D J Bostian Sunday received contested, yery leaning leatuw vl u., ------... -o- poeition at the pest office and intelligence from Mrs. Bostian, at life insurance at extremely low rates. UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS m U BnAA v f ioa ' .Tanie I Rhplbv. tha' Mr, iJiu xoone, Jjirs. i j. r. nuvcu,,. nr: -t?--.: oicrna TJab an'H hrocner. maw uic ;.nu ; . vw"Vw r" . BARGAIN Hich mond. tion to t.nv , fff nnoomW i . Ratnrdav night. Mr, Boone haa T, -' been a great sufferer for several Episcopal Convention snevuie, nere were no s a vines at tne xrrefl-1 w . . , tl.;A 1 ... Wnramliftr K.i.... . ' " : - : - Uroara- haVinff nau ivuuuiu .ivc, h.ju. icKeis, s..w,r.y. "jwrian fthnrnh Snnav nicrht. IteV. IJY . r . , -.,.-r .;,,.JioiUfl0l . 0- , which settled in nis iimos, ; irum iutn " gander hainc preached' at Oen- w he recojered. t He -once yember 15 1895.. Co4inu limit No tral u:f:37- which be neTei nuous passage salesman in both directions. Fare for round Our city trade "Leader" pure Linen Bossom extra heavy muslin double front and bacK, patent continu v ous facings on back - and sleeyes, custom cut : and rat the low price of 50c. Gibson- & Morrison. GOUNTER in the middle, or our house where we will place on v it every day something: special. and to keep up with this sale it will pay yon well to drop in every day and see what is going on. We want you to come and see us. -" ' - . LOWE & SON, Wnere 8 """" lUed in this city and was a t that will continue through the l w . trip $7.00. week i law vuo w . " (