. Pierce and r. called the matter. 1 11 UaiiV lanaarU i Smith, then, paid the bill ithLthe itjLthe el!t away : LOSS OF VOICE interest up to datjandf e t ?ctV. o ) ' YFICE IN CASTOR BUILDING Mrs. vvinsiow a ooowrog oyrup uas s r nemet tntm niraw fiffrxr iraaia VT7 I THE - ) r .. , kTTTVri Cherry LFu ' , . the Standard, ipublished every c?. f (Sunday. excepted) rn& delivers. vu by carriers- KATES' 0F80BSCRIPT10N Gn3 yoar;.X . 84 00 i Six mouths . . . . . ...... , . : 2 00 . Three months. .. ... . .... . . ... 1 )0 i One month..;. .Y. ' 35 05 ' Single copy., ...U.j. . ADVERTISING; RA.TE!3. Terms for regular adver.tia,einent8 -mado known. on applIcatioyY-' AdurooB ali'commuiiications to THE STANDARD. Ooncord.IN. O. CONCORD, NOV. i3i' V895f ! I1 1 it. J AJIE POTATOES; A C iiiiiiiuos ui mauiera lur uieir uuuureu while teething, witli perieo? stf6des. :I t soothes rthe -child,-sottenr-th gnnis,,aiUyrSlt iiti,; oarer wind; colic, and is the beat remedy fori Darr jipea, It lljeye , ,theqorJi little euSererimmediatelyw iSold&y! Druggists m evaVt1 Mfeel Wdrld.f ' Twenty ftv6cehtti .4 boUie Be sure and a3k for' ''Mrs.' Winslbw's Soothing Syrap," and take no other kind. , . . mwx&w s23'95' V O fThreenasoVI;toQk a vio- lenUold.wiiicli resuUecLman attacK, of acute bfoncmis. ?ut mTejf under medical tr$ benx, .nd at the end of two mbnthsHvas no better. I. found. $ yery difficultiito preachi and concluded to'iry Ayer's Cherry , MormouB Rid(len,ou Bails. As aland, Ky November .12. A report from WhHe Post, Pike cobntyi states that three Mcrmoh elders were taken : fr6m a church and ridden out of the state on rails' The elders who' liave been at work in - West! Virginia r for iso toe :timev crossed ;Tug river in defiance' of the warnings of the farmers and were. Someyears ago an ingenioua writer vjublidhed an esaay to prpve. ttfat the iatroduction of the potato in Ireland i exbdrting a , large, ponregationi; to accept, tne Mormon laun.wnen mey were assailed, by a band of men who rjde them out of the state,, Jout sub- was the most unfortunate event in the history of thatf unhappy jpoun try.' He. argued " that 'the potato :n:ide it eiy to gain "aiibsistence and the-efore. encouraged indolence'land 'preventvd ,t he progress of:agricuU turc. The famines from whicli Ire? land h&s sjsffired vere all:due to the pot: o ..rep; which was the'main de pordiju o.f .the peasantry. The v.rite.r- ,to whom we hayp ie 'ferrcd c -intended that had the potato beta left in South America where it 'wan found, it would have been beU (or fur !h civilized world, end el-' peciaily lor Ireland. s , , . Aod aow comes that accomplished journalist, Mr. John Qilmer Speed; with the neory that' the potato' . is mainly responsible' lor our great national fcilment, dysfepeia. Dr. Cyras Edson, of New York, joins in tho attach upon the 'potato and declares that it' is almost crimi nal to fi-edit to young children. Another, authority says potatoes should never be eaten except when they are served wich": strongly con centrated food, such as roast beef. The potato is receiving its full nhare of attention now and in -De-ireit has been lagged into politics. Mayor Pingree attained, immense Jo Cil popularity and national notoriety by propo g to plant all the vacant lots in that city in potatoes for the poor. Pscentiy when Jde, was acan didate for re-election the two big planks in his platform were. potatoes lor the J ni'ipses an'd three cent ' slreet carfare. He.jv.as. re-elected by an increased majority, but it is impos sible to aay whether f fee potatoes or cheap street car fare helped him niost, In Pingree the ranch abused po tato flndg a champion, eyen when the tCiSntific world turns against it. tlanta Journal. A -lolt Paid After 38 Tears. Bristol, Pa., Noy.-O. Joseph S Pierce, the retired merchant and fatuer-invlaw of ex-City Treasurer John Barddlyl bf Pniladelpnia; had an odd experince today, One of his former ' customers-sat his Bristol store, John Smith-returned to town after an absence ; of thictyeight years. Mr. Smith and his family when they moved from Bristol owed Mr. Price a small bill for grocerie3i while they were unable then to pay. Smith said he would come back soms time and Vtipa out the account with cesh. AI;tei thirtyeeight years he returned today, hunted up Mr. jected them to no ofch indignity. A. Bad Dream.' ' " ' HARRisBURaNi O , Noy. 13. :Mr. Walker returned f roui ReidaVille last night. His nlany friends; were eomewhat disappointed to know that jhd.id not ;bring;,ba,ek .the iexpected bride. Mr- Walker says he hope3 to have better, luck next time. , Prof. Osborne, and Mr. Spears left for a trip to ihe Atlanta Exposition last night. , . Mr. D S Rpss returned from a trip to Richmond, N. C last niglit.. He expects' to leave for the Exposition tomorrow. Mr, G W Hud8op,,of Salisbury, is iv 4- r r-r v-i rnltatriniv .1 n Pnsa f n s m 1 days. . Mr. L H Quay has been quite sick for the past few days, but was able to be up again to-day. "Gen; Morrison had a vision a few nights-ego, that one of our best Democrats was to be hung by the "Pops," and that he could not se cure help,' When the general awoke' he found he had kicked his bed -felloe,, another good Democrat, oft the bed out into the cold. We hope the general will have more sympathy next time. ."Vigilant.". .:-,S'M fli t ... . Large profits-no longer coqe from lnerqliandise sol ' OO ta'lOO per cent, on a credit of from one year to eternV1 only four ont of every hnndred; credit merchants ever I ceed. -:-VV0eIeF2D4'peK cent, .icaslx to a .straggle withq chances against ns; " ; : 1 Jo Pectprah The. first bottle gave me great relief ; the.secqncwbipli I?am now taking, has relieved ine almost .entirely of all unpleasant jTnptoms', and I feel sure that one. or two. bot tles, more j will . ect; .a .'permanent ciire; To'all Wiiiisters suffering from throat troublesIrecomihend Ayer's .CherryPepJoia.;?r-:E.M.:BiTVKTt .Dl'D., Disk, Secretary, Am. Bapt. Publication fe6ciety,Petershurg,ya. GOLD MEDAL AT THE 0BI$S FAIB. " Last Saturday, we.placed a lot of ginghams on sale at 21 cents per yard and a lot of good towels that we snapped n! at 50 cents per dozen that sell regularly at 10 cent each w maiifeed them '5 cent each. The gingham went before sun down land the towels 'before we closed; When we counted out otir casli we had our indney invested in these and 20 1 cent, pront ready to invest again xaonaay. 1 - - : This week we have, on sale a lot of Seaside novels worth lo cents ealh;: e aveput.fpunin a! bundle and sell tne lot for 5 cents, just t cent for .10 cent novels. Clothbound nbvls at 15 qeiit si; TOe Jif e of ?-Jefteson Davis, by Mrs Dayis. Sold by subscription at jl8.()0jper set of 2 vols, our price is $2,90. Rollins !Ancient Histpry in 4 vols for $2,2tf Creaseys Fifteen Battles on which tLe Civilization of thp Woria bcanns. xnis is one oi tne ncnest stories of 65 cents. Washington Irving-e works 6 vols for $2 45. 1 j! , AYER'S LEADS JLL OTHER SAHSAFAR1LUS. Notice Sale of Personal Property. ; On Tuesday December 10th, 1895, at tlio residence of the late N G White, I will sell to the highest bid der for cash the following property to wit: , . r, ... ... . , One good 'young mule, 5 . years old, one thoroughbred Jersey bull and several. Jiead.of graded cattle, one milch cowf one two.horaq wagw oh, one buggy, ohe'eart,' all "of the firming tools and gearing belonging' to N.G. White, consisting,. iof plows harrows, etc. About' 150 'bushels corny 60 bushels wheat;' 30 bushels bats, .qne lot, cotton w seed i ad,; pne lot fine clover Jiav. Sale , tu begin promptly atll o'clock mV : ! ' A l f"!;. - -;() 'f!v'T.:; Ji '-White, Administrator of N G Write, dee'd. isf:' - b.'xAiso two young mules for mm mk m,Mwm, sms i'W ft W-CE 'TA9-TELE I IS JUSTASCOODFORAOULTS, AVAR R AFJTE D. PRICE 50 cts; f -..,. w. u ... QAtATlA.ItXg., NOV. 16,1893. Paris MedicInQ Co., St. Lonisjilo ,t j r ? t o ! Gentlem(Bn:We sold Jast y&ar, 600 bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILI, TONIC S&d have boog&t tnree uross already this year. - In all or ex perience of 14 years, in. the, drug bu$ln88i Jiavo Deter told an artlcl that'gave such unlTersal saU itcuon as tout Tonic Yours trulv. . r , U ' -AiJNE Y, CA.BB ACQ."1 ; Fpr.,8aie by-aUiaruCgi8tF,liur sale privately. T. J. White." Examinations , and Consnltations Positively Free, Fourteen years experience, in the tijeatmen t of Cancers, "Piles f and .Chronic S ores. 1 Aiiy casertaken : A cure guaranteed or ho pay; OfSoe at Morris Houtee; office hours from 8 tu rn, to 10 p. m. ' ' ' ! I 1 Old De. Odom. WVien Baby was sick, xre gave he Castorfa tfheu, she was a ChUd, she cried f or Castoria. Whea she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Thoa Ehe had Children, she gaye them Castoria, oil The: first c;of-AWeriian3'Nespa' persVCffARJffii. DA'NA; itbrV .;.;; V .f.Miii: ftsv- ,hinf;o f ! Thei rAmericsm iConctitution, the 7.! " -f . - t ... -'.v -f .-,4 American Ideif the American1 Spifi t; THeselfirst,- ltist? and all the tinie forever. Daily,, by mail, ' - V '; S6year Daily and Sunday, by mail, $8 a year f The Sunday Sun J is the greatest SundaNewspaper in . ... t f the world.. . - Frice 5c. a oopy. iBy mail, $2r a year. L'':,iv 'n Gil' Ii'i5f:f Address T11E SVX; Sew YorJk. ,,. MORRISON H. CALDWEL V ATTOBNEY AT LAW, CONCORD N. C, ... . V ' i . . x - - ; Office in Morris building, opposite Court House. . The following two vols sets at 98 cents per set: 1 Prescotts Conquest -of' Mexico, Prejsscotts .Conquest of Peru complete works of Ghorles Lamb, The Count of Monte Cristo,- by Dumas, The Mysteries of Paris", by Eugene Sue JL LLC VVOUUeniJg dUW, JUJeiiC QUO, Teachers Oxford Bibles, $1.75; Teachers Oxford Bibles with patented index, ?2 00; Large family Bible, $1 98; Large family Bible, old and hew translations in parallel columns for 52 98, Lace cut shelf paper at onehalf cent per sheet, bargains in tablets and. students note books, mucilage at 3 cents per bottle, ink the same, envelopes -from 2 cents to 10 inch ones at 5 cents, two good rubber tipped leod pencils for 1 , cent, state pencils at u cenis per pouna, sieei pens, including &astbrooKs, at 4 cents per aozen. FRENCH XI Black in f AT FOUR CENTS PER BOX. Assorted carpet tacks at five cents per pound, The regth lar price is five cents for two dozen. BMf ABTIOLES: Three tin cups; One coffee pot; One covered bucket; One half gallon cups,1 j; LUN C H BASKETS, TEN TQ TWENTY CENTS. I 4. Bpqng&:3 cents; :ReiiihWto7Oarico at 20,centsja lb. . All wool flannel, xu ueuLis per yaru, , vanwn nannei at'i cents per jaru. .-.! . I. ivr. i ? 1 , OneKalf,pinti bB!tle6f Bay Rumo? 10 cents. Bargains in , - all .woolat3.7 J "cents, r ladies vest 5 'cents up. undershirts, v ty E B T H ' , . f r.. . .... iff . . D. : J. BOSTIAH, Pro A G E L prieto r.

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