V A BIG EXPRESS ROBBERY, nrenly Thousand Dollars Taken from on Ascnty Two Haslied Men Colorado Springs, Col., Nov. 12. Tbe Wella Fargo Fxpresa Com pany has given oat the following statement regarding the robbery at Sante Ee depot about 1 o'clock last night, "iwemy iDoueaou aonara was gent from Denver to the Ficst Na tional Bank of Colorado Springs early in the afternoon. This money ff8 in currency of small denomina tions and was received about 4 o'clock Mid too late to be delivered to the back. The package containing the money was placed in the depot safe and both doors locked. There was DOthiag tc indicate its value. Evi dently the thieves knew of its exis tence. "When train No. 6 came in about 9:43, there were other packages aboard with currency to the amount of $35,000 consigned to the same bank. These packages were deliy ered to the agent and placed in the safe with the other. Af ter the train had departed, the agen George Kront, was met at the door by two masked men with drawn revolvers. The package containing the $20,000 was demanded and the agent we 8 compelled to open the safe and give it np. The agent said nothing about the remaining packages and the rob bers left at once. A posse ith bloodhorinds is in pursuit'. The express conjpaJv'd cfllcials belieye that the robbery was comn mitred by A J Gray - alias Sam Wells and J G Stuart, alias O J Starr, who were airested for the theft of $15,000 from the express wagon at Cripple Creek, April 11, and who recently, in company with lom McCarthy escaped from jail in this city. R T Montgomery, who waj a prisoner at the tme of the C8cape, notified the police at Denver wyeral days ' ago . that Gray and otatrt plotted whea in jail to rob the eipress company again. The omcials of the company believe that me robbers had an accomplice in we bank. . A. flomehold Treasnre, DW Puller, of CftTiftinTiariA 1ST Blys that he always keeps Dr, Jg s New Discovery in the house tod. his family lias always found the Jry best results follow its use; that w would not be without it, if pro ble. G A Dykeman Druggist, ill, N. Y.t says that Dr. Kind's Bisooverv is iinilnnlifArllv- tWo t-Cough remedy; that he has J8 it in his family for eight years, it has never failed to do all that claimed for it. .Why not try a edyso long tried and tested. al bottles free at etzers Drug 0re' Regular size 50c and $1.00. V fiuc awre room, next to Dove & goeK 13 0r rent Jt is 22x75", with Jan -vvaatrnpnr UnnnMnA; : i -l 1896. Apply to J2 J. Dove. x ' "issolntion. Con6 given that the Posed o rv.oishouser & Co., com filler Jr' H.oIshouser and J L onKov. 1st 1895. C. HoLRTTOnSKR. I tr,:?i J- Tj. 1f tt'.t.t. Will , i , . - ... toer n "abilUiea of C. Hols aouMH-and collect all notes Tsiiid v ? -tber indebtedness f'lhnr:,; ), J. L. Millee. a3 r ; ,.he public for past ie. conunuoTcG ox J. L' Millee. GOV. BROWN IN A BRAWL. He I rlM a r.. nn on a Clerk In the Auditor's Ofli Urown and wtt ki 1. ... , .WUV. ,.13. txOV. the Auditor rffl"rtt rrk ?a the Stato House the lioand would have" iome to blows had bv.atandfiJ K fared. NewhaU had accused the' Governor of voting tW i.w; woKet ana acting the iarfc of fr;- . . w M - iAULk 1 tor. The j - ., an emphatic denml T, n.. gououUt)U wiin men struck at ft. a Ar," tmZ . J J i 1 . iwuuB OI tne two flflnnroi. It was claimed that Gov. Brown at- unpiea 10 araw his revolver, but he denies that he was armed. Met Arter Blxty.Three Tears, my, t . m - loof nf . .-v.u 100r. . last of December, 1832, two youne wui(; Bil.V a L 1 1 H. I. inn mflT, mUUUU.... -.i.. - . " Wft;,r,rL:M?- Th9 ,0 I.' e. -.t .here the "town of S Tw ati o r.j ., . iouiaiueu mere an night and slept together. 'ThA a vvasu inches deep on the ground the next. morning. Thev8fin9rnt - w ft ft-tVf if and one wentinto the ministry and went na n. m as n-r- tji:- went as a missionary tu India. where he spent several years. The other returned to his home in Burke count. Tho other day they met again for the first time in 63 years ana notn of them were in good .'. . health. Both were 79 years of age. xxioj. orervev. uonn ujKankin, of 1V M T . -r 1 -. . . i,BW tiersey, ana our esteemed uuuuiyinau, jiir. jn a irowell. 1. r --v . . Cl, A. 3, Andrews Elected a Director of the Knoxvllle & Oblo Itallroad JNnoxville, Tenn., Nov. 13t4t the annual meeting of the stockhol ders of the Knoxville & Ohio rail road, held in this city today, the ioiiowmg namea directors were ,, . I elected: A B Andrews, Eae.eh N. W-1 Joaiawm.. Jr.: . Waahmcrtnn ." C;W H Baldwin., Jr.; Washington, D. C; O HICastor, John Greenough, Samuel Spencar, H S Chambeilain, Chattanooga; E J Sanf ord and C M McQhee, Knoxville.' I mportant Meeting. Thfl Of nnlr Hrliaa rf CrmA T?- r-.--wV-w.v.wB V vvuW1u j. o- male Academy will meet in the oflBlce of J W Cannon to-morrow nn tn.mnrrftw f Wfi rl ow . & " A i v9.l.1 . cjcuiuft nu UC10CJ..U,. p.. . T TIT.-il. - i V- Eyery stockholder should be' repre. RAnfAd t w n.r -r-f XfUBtte' nr--i n -.v I j. wo genwemen, passengers on tne northbound tram last night were engaged in an inter earn g discussion when the train stopped here. They were talking of cotton and the possibilities of its reaching ten cents before next year. They dif fered from one another and the re suit was that before the train left here there were two bets "up. One was that January if utures would reach -ten --cents in .New York before the first of January. Another was that the staple would sell ; for nine cents in the Southern cities before December sets in. The farmers in this county wish that the gentleman betting on high cotton wili win. Salisbury World. Examinations and Consultations Positively Free, Fourteen years experience in tbe treatment of Cancers, Piles and Chronic Sores. Any case, taken. A cure guaranteed or no pay; Offioe at Morris House; office hours from 8 a.m. to 10 p. m. - - Old Dr. Odom. Episcopal Convention Ashevillev N. O. lickets on sale JMovember loth 11th pnd 12th final limit Nos vember 15 1895. Continuous passage - I 1 1 LZ TjA .u 1 in DOin airecLiunc, I'uioiur ruuna trip $7.00. OIll.. N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER M. 1895. RICHMOND'S $125,000 FIRE. -rannun's street Rnndninh wn - - Bok Factory Burned.? Richmond, VaM Nov. 13. By far I.. he m" Richmond f eDffered fw occurred 3 V.? e rank,in buUdiBg of the Rwdolph Paper Box ffl? The origin 0f the flr " nnknown. The flames " -.uB.au way ana at one time it was seriouslv fparAd thof I ' . o. the surroundin would also be destroved. hut f Tia fi I A n 1 . J ' : . - . ' . V ucuariuaenii BUCCeeaea in rnfini the fire to the buiing in which it 8Uircea- TbQ building was situated on one of the narrowest streets in 4.1 ? J ' . tue cuy ana in Close proximity to tha Hnmfnr Tm,.ui- uu ofci" A am oo years 01 ace I jVI JTm fl M nam fa I i tU. I - - --.c., -uu mo mmates or uauxo, iu iijih community from these infltifnrmna .hr.w v.-v q.... .u. . . ' f,c giwuv P 97'000- " - " , wp-io.aie Topic. Did if. aW n, uLI 1 w - V WWW U. L LU HIIII I.IIHI. Villi can me the price or V newepaper mv'H-. -.. ; . 1. Z7. I reading the . 0 - There are tea diflforea kinds of moMj in this eopntrjr, bnt down in iu cuon we.nave to uostle around Py n veiy to get any of em. Do not think that you necessarily et enough r2lirion on Sutidav In I 1 i i- k . . . I "8t you tnrougn the week. You may really not fret enousrh to last all I W I". I day. M rs. Amelia A Frost has succeed- ed her husband as pastor of a church in MassacnuseU8, -It is to be hoped tna& no coolness in the church will re3ult. THa ABfimAfo f ih nOMfvn taa h ,H h?.rmo0 i,0f a . --. tug VtflUCO tl UUU XJnited States this Tear ja the largest . - . ... 0 ever raisea, and will reach 282.148. 000 bushels. A decided innovation in the methods of raising money for church purposes is reported from El Toro, tJal., where social dances have sup rpianled church hanr I. - - .. nL.i'i: r o i - . . . . ,upner. xwris, agea eignty. one, was married At Columbus, Ohio, - wis being his third -irnfe and her fourth husband. J 'Ola. rats love cheese' 'tia claimed x. z t i i . . - i - region or Indiana the eas so nerme atea the earth that even lovers have I to be very carefnl how.they do their nFart.ing, evenw .explosions nave ' I occurred from the cereless handling oi maicnes. : i The people of Kichmond ere aomg some very substantial work to- . . . . . . . . I wards raising funds for rebuilding the University. 4 Up to date they had raised in the neighborhood of $30,000, which speaks well; for the capital city of the Old Dominion. An escaped convicc from the Ark ansas penitentiary was recently ar rested m Chicago. He says he didn't escape, but was blown over the wall by a cyclone, and as there, was no 1 : Ja1- - ojwone aiopna . w oiow mm DacK, uc uuuuiuueu tucio was no u?e in wasting time fooling around waiting for one. . ' The Jersey Sentinel gets off the following joke: "One of our farmers relates a story that caps the climax. He says the pigs had been getting in his field, and he conceived the idea of putting yokes on them. He did so and says that they learned to crawl in backwards and pulled the yoke off over their heads. J DR. JAMES WHITE m a ow uenind tbe Bars In Cabarrus Jall-His Crime, If True, a Host Atrocious One From tbe West In ies wenles tne Ctmres Him. Against "Dr. James White is my ham' eaia the -prisoner when a Standard man called on him in his cell at the jail this morning. He occupies a front room on the second floor, where he spent last night in deep medita tion, brooding over the result of the atrocious crime for which he is held and which be denies. "Wnen but a boy," said he, "I was captured by the indians near Hoi- holland, Cuba, with whom I was TPfl.ro ri anil nlioM T J:, j l i . !nfKli t .-00 V I .n1 .-.. il .. r- v.a UMW ouuub Bli weeKS I - -t a married man. f in,erfere ",th Practice of local pnysicians, as 1 onlv work on I i, -,, ..- At chromc case8 such as thS not I -1 1 ZF-IZm'TT' oT l"ea with Martin Fnrr, in Cabarras G hi$ horge lana burrv. - Had noriA nf rm Barbee lives in Stanlv mnnf v iBf over the line. His danghter's name is Sallie. I thint. M1 ; i Uears old, has been afflicted all W life. The charges for which I am held ars nnt trna in iho loDf T will emolov counsel and onHnr fn establish mv iwnnnAnnA " I - I -VWUW I . ' A tn mv 0.inMn v,. affections of the wife of Martin Far, prior to the unfortunate af- ftir or Tuesday, is a lie, as was in 1 evidence at the preliminary hearing lyeaterdav. before Esanire R L Hart- i ... m - - ; - I sell, of Stanlv county I ' . : J Unon adricA nf -Raonirpa T? r. Hart8e11. of Stanly, and 0 P Smith j t nr m : .-n -l auu u J-orner, ot uaoarrus, com- mitment papers, with the prisoner, were sent here, the magistrates' hay ing thongnt it unwise to attempt to send him to Stanly, fearing that he would be lynched. White ia dx feet two inches in height, weight 150 pounds, . wears a moustache and has a sallow com ; pleiion. His hair is long (foot ball style), smokes cigarettes, but con verses very intelligently. He was accompanied to town by an escort nf fiftAPn nr ttrpntv-man 8oma oi wnom were nosuie . ana -;-. a ,-.. an,, v.i ...: however, bv law-ahidino' tMtm wY wished the law to tak.iti conraA . ,J a w- w i asV The prisoner has secured the ser- vinpa nf r tt rfoi.-iii -www w mm f j w J- - . TT 61 M defend him. who has the case now . . in his bands. Able to A fiord It. The Baltimore Sun gives $500 to the newspaper fund to rebuild the rotunda of the University of Vir ginia which Mr. J H Lmdsey, edi.' ha8 opened in hia paper.FIoating Tfpm , " The Baltimore Sun can well af- ford to gire $500 to this enterprise, for it is oiie of the most valuable newspaper properties in the'United States. A gentleman who spends much time in Baltimore told the Landmark, recently that he was( in. formed that the Sun netted its pub lishers 700 an issue. It is pub lished six times a week ank a week's net earnings would arpount. there tore, to $4,200; and $4,200 per week for 52 weeks in the year is a pretty fair income. . Whoiib NO. 1,345 SILVERWARE ! Eleeant Bridal presents and brithday presents in Sterling: and Plate. ONYX TABLES AND LAMPS. Five o'clk tea ket tles. Lock Bracelets, Diamond Rings, Watches and Jewelry. Call to sec na and we -will show you the most complete lines of these goods that iiuve ever been carried in Conccrd, and they are cheap. I J. 6 J. F. YOif. Professional Cards. L. M , ARCHE Y, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Concord, N, O. OFFICE: ST. CLOUD ANiEX. JN0. R. ERWIN. C A- MISENHEIMER ERWIN & MISENHEIMER Physicians andvSurgeons ' Office No. 3. Hartv hnilrsinr- -. poBite 2nd Presbyterian hnrK Charlotte. N. C- FIRE INSURANCE. When in need of Fi call and see us, or write. We repre' sen. omy nrstciass iiome Td for eign companies. -; Resrjectfii.. WOODHQUS-S & MAOTFACTUBERS OF FIMB GINGHAMS ' OUTING CLOTHS, '- : --' : ."". - , ' -j ' PLAIDS, SHEETING AND SALT BAGS ' ' ' -O - " i DEALERS JN General ...... . Merchandise. BUYERS OF Country Produc e of al Kind AND Ftnr-Foot : wood always wonted best prices for same. We invite an in spection of all the goods we Manufacture. 11 iaifeyii w'k

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