.. .. I T g Arrival of Trains , from Richmondi arrives at 10:27 a. m. No-" !.. Washington " " 9:58 p.m. 2X Atlanta " " 7:22 p.m. Atlanta " " 6 New York " " 3 Atlanta 0:35 a.m., New York " " 8:51 a. m. Atlanta " " 9:00 p.m. . ,vorhbound freight leaves at 12m. Southbound M "5:15 p. m. v 11 and 12 are the - local trains between o nnd and Atlanta. Nos. 35 and36 are the ?,CS trains between - Atlanta and Washing fast mau u and s8 lhe Washington and c n'thwestern Vestibuled Limited trains and stop at Concord on signal. v - If you get Hungry for good Candy, don' t for get that ve sell Tenney's fine candies " in sealed packages. Some candy looks nice but don' t taste right, that isn't the way with Ten ney's, it looks nice and tastes nice. Try it at FflfflTC. DIG STBBL A BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS. Central opens Rowan picked Upland Put in Shape By ,Om UustliHtr Pencil Pusher. Sv-Vsbury is fixing to sell oil by weigat. New lot of silverware at Yorke's Jewelry Store. Preaching tonight at Methodist ehnrch. New lot of silverware at Yorke's Jewelry Store. Judge Nor wo: d eoart next Thursday. Mr. Ed Fisher has killed" his big hog. It weighed 430 pounds. Warm Baker's bread today and t-3;j.;crro-.T at Kri : It il ) 30. neuhbeund ' passenger tr-iin, was five nours late today. Forecast: Local showers to-daj ; fair Saturday; colder. Saturday morning. -i Mr. William Widenhouse, of No. 9 lownshi pis with the new clothiers as salesman. Mr. George 'Murr has purchased 'the pair of pretty white ponies tha were at Corl'a staoles. The Cabarrus roller floor mills are running at nu-at in oraer to catchup with orders. Jet; the favorite old black cat "bo familiarly, associated with the mer chants, Js. sick. If he : ehould idle, ne would be greatly lamented. ... . ........ .e ., , . . , h . ....,... ., . ., , D M Walker navs the highest market prices for all kind ot copntry produce, . cash or barter. JJoa t torget the plawj opposite D p jl- uii b at ruresb nil. tl Master Eugene, the 7-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Johnson, of Mooresyille, died Wed nesday afternoon and was buired Thursday. , V Dr. W H Wakefield, of Charlotte, will be in Concord at the St. Cloud on Friday, November 29. Hia prac t ' . . ................ A tice is limited to the eye, ear, nose and throat. tf Little Annie Moore, the 14 year old mute at Cannonville, has returns ed to Morgan ton where she is a student at the deaf and dumb asylum. Some changes have been made at the postoffice. The letter box has been remoyed to the upper side and the "poor man's hole" fixed to Keep out the cold. The Governor has offered $100 re ward for the capture of the mur derer Cain, who slew his brother m Davie county on the 7th day of last August. - You may eat cheap food and not be seriously hurt by it ; but you can not take cheap medicines without positive injury. If you use any sub THE RUSE OF HUMANITY1. People Who Travel, as Seen by iinr ; Ieiorleir. Mr. Alex Taylor, of E-jwan, is visiting in the city. Mr. E F Correll" returned to Gaffney, S. C, today, ; Rev. J Q Weriz, of St. John's, spent today in the city. Capt. M F Nesbit, of Coddle Creek, was in town today. Clerk J O Gibson returned from Atlanta last night. Messrs M A and C E Boger and A Hartsell returned this afternoon from Atlanta. Mrs. L J Eoil, of Mt. Pleasant, accompanied by Miss Pearl Evans, spent the day with Mrs. Dr. John- ston. Mr, and Mrs. J 0 Deaton, Masters Fred,1 Gray, and Earle Brantly, of Mooresville, were in the city last night. Mrs. Steven Murr returned to day from Salisbury, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. M L Ritch and several grandchildren. Dye Finish AND Quality Slade a Roostes Drink. Two mischievous younsesters! of XT oorJ r Vl l a U' mi A r rr caught one of Mr. McNinch's fine roosters and forced some whiskey, pure corn, down its little i tne city ing stitute for Ayer'a Satsaparilla,-you threat. The effect the spirits had do so at the peril of your health, por- up0n the fowl was amusing. It baps of your life, laaist on having crowed of courset floppea it8 wing8 Ayer's, and no other. turned summersaults, reeled about The football game'to be played in for some time, and whei last seen Chnrlotle tomorrow between the by several young men, it was stands Virginia A. & M. College team and ing on its head, trying to grasp a the North Carolina University boys limb to a cedar bush with its feet. will be an interesting contest, Sev- The most important is DYE AND FINISH'. Meteor Serge, 35 Inches wide, wool both ways, 25c per yard. French Serge, 45 inches wide, wool both ways, 40c per yard; worth 50c. French Henrietta, 45 inches wide, wool both lways, 50c; worth 65c. Black Faille Francaise Silk, 20 J inches wide, 85c: worth $1.00. Another lot of BOUCLESi- in black, 50 Inches wide, $1.00 per yard, worth 1.35. They are shaggy got the curl up to date. , IMPORTED PLAIDS, bilk and Wool, 38 inches wide, worth 75c our jprice 60c. See our patent LOWE & SOW DO YOU KNOW Ipr tmh That there are only 60 days left for us to close out our stock of goods. The time Is short and there is lots of stuff here to be sold. In order to do this we are going to make the price move the goods We will let our kid glove sale continue for a few days. There is good things in it when you can :buy $1.25 and. $1.50 gloves for 75c. All kinds of , DRBSS GOODS 25 and 35 cents per pair. Fits like kid. Don't jicome too late. We are selling. X CANNONS &FETZEH ft ft - : ft eral will go over from here. Greensboro Record: J Sterling Jones, manager of the Provident Sayings Association, left this morn. 'THE OLD RELIABLE Penn Mutual pany of Philadelphia. Just, digni fied, 1 iberal, perpetual . ing for Concid, carrying with him The best managed with large divU cheek for $2,000, payable to Mrs. dends, policies never forfeited nor Burkhead, amount of insurance car- contested. Every leading feature of ried by her husband in this staunch life insurance at extremely low rates. J. F. Hurley, Agent, .. . Concord, N. O. n7tf Guard at the Jnil. Sometime after night fall Thurss company. The. demand for Ayers Hair Vigor in such widely. separated re gions a3 South America, Spain, Aus- Mr. Geo. E Fisher has secured a fraKft ond India has k-prifc afft'with position as salesman at the Baltf- the home consumption, which goes day evening Sheriff Sims received more clothing house. to show that the3e people know a information that a mob of several Four new housea are soinff no on cood thing when they try it. . hundred men were Heading for this v.ni ..... iTr Tinn, city for the purpose of lynching the ZrnZrJZ: Chief of Police Shayer this rnon- man, white, who is held for an out. r J ing received a letter trom umei rage upon poor unfortunate Sallie The family of Mr. James, of Boger, of Concord, asking if a man Barbee, whereupon the "Sheriff Union county has moved into the by the name of Bud Luther, was promptly prepared for their arrival isessent nouso, on juain street.- wanted here for stealing an overcoat jby stationing a guard at trie jail Mountain Buckwheat flour and and a railroad ticket and wanting to No one appeared to molest the jail, fine Pororico molasses: also Heinz's know if there was , any reward on Qvtiet and at 4 o'clock th a- morns loose pickles .at Sims & Alexanders. himV If a theft of that .kind wasing tlie gaard waa dismissed. Mr. Tames C Willeford is making committed here our police Know tDr white" showed , no signs of arrangements to open out a line of nothing of it, balisbury Voria. fe&TB, and in his warm cell enjoys watches, clocks and silverware for mhp T?ftlPiVh rnrresoondent of the quite and repose and the pleasure sale. n ww t nhrr tlla a rood one of smoking cigarettes. His comforts Ahnntiv fannliea occudv the Utithe'exWse- of ' citizen' of the and safety are well considered, and -vw ....s.w ' ml A neat Mill, HPTTT71 Life Insurance Cm-1 1 1 P 1 COMING- K WOMAN If the fashion plates are to be believed, will wear black, and there never waft such a demand for BLACK I DRESS GOODS To go nw for below their value. Our lace, stock has been cut down in price until you can afford to trim cheap dresses with to the exclusion of all col ored fabrics. Nothing adds more to the beauty and dignity of a woman' s appearance than a fine black gown, which is alike economical and ultra fash ionable. We have just gotten in our black and navy bines bought when the prices were low can sell you 75 cent Henrietta Surah for 50c 46 inches wide Can sell you a $1 goods 50 inches wide for 76c. Our stock of Black Creapones are the latest production. We ask all Ladies to see our dress goods before buying else where. Do you want to see the prettiest line of Now is the time when ryou can't let your feet stay on tile ground. You must put shoes on all the little pebple, and if you don't know that LOWE'S is the place to SHOE THE CROWD tis time you are finding it out other people know it and are profiting by it., No one wants to sell shoes at the prices we sell them, bat they must be sold. goes every day and the people who tade advantage of . this sale put money in j their pocket. Cyercoats and suits. now ai aimosc wnat you want to pay. We are -placing a special brick hoases oatt the Baffalo capital city. He asys the editor of it " taought that there u i tto danger A "DT F.'S SHOES r r . . , I...- of an unrisme now. for the chances LjJrLJ LJLZj O'Onv where tne spmaies Keep a leaamg reiigiuau paper iupio uo- - , , . s thing3 abuzzing. ever shown In Concord Then come and seerus and , be convinced. Our No. 49 narrow I Opera y- .vs.. t ;oaw aomft tor lyncnmsr, ib is sam, were . . . . Lh flio mnh hflforA hia tiftrliminarv License has been issued authorize name as a wellnown young socieiy - ? .r T.i.-u-i.-L, rol,rt;0 Dnnn tnmarrifidinan on weuneaaay. mg tne marriage oi ixir. uuuuj-i.uicj B . .... it. r m r Tl ..'....1 T'Vi a a A 1 f AT 1 Q aaa Misa Florence, aangnter oi m. resisted and routed the supposed Toe perfect beauty Tw i,,ttw-All of No. 5. Rev. eetting letters now from his zealo9s reaistea ana rouiea tae "po Ji t- M0 B F Davis will tie the matrimonial church folk, wanting to know wh, mob was composed ot tne touowmg rr, c Arr in the world he is to be married out men : "uuw UCAb WUUUttH I ; i m a ... of his own church. Some of these Few people take a3 much interest -. ; . n a . f. : Eddy Morrison j tut. Ikind enquirers also want to know T TJ tj u UlH'lSlniT LflR TlUullCrj aa U.UCS iJii.I 7 . lO JU. JJUKCX - - - - Vmw.wr' . t i ' . . . 1 I w John K Patterson; who is always up what he means by "leading germans Dr. Keed to date in the erecery line. He has in Raleigh:" that they see his name Jay Sims juet received a fresh lot of Heckler's m te papers in that capacityl tucswneat, macaroni, ginger auapo, pretzels, cakes, ; crackers, figs, dates, nuts, raisins, edeoanuts. nlain and fancy candies, lemons, apples, oranges, canvassed hams, leaf and country lard, cottolene, Daisy cheese, the hnest ever brought to the city, an assortment of molasses, ana in fact eyery thing that ia found . in a ell regulated and first-class gro eery store. nib When Baby waa rick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for CastorbW When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, ahe gave them Castoria. R. L. Keesler J. P. Query Will Johnson V J DBost Maun Stuart Sheriff Sims. Sheriff Sims informed a reporter this afternoon that White had been saf ely removed from the j ail. He would not tell if he had taken him out of town or not. No trouble is looked for tonight, although it might be that the sheriff will place a guard at the jail to protect the otUer prisoners. r CnrNo. 71 Needle Square Toe prettiest'seoe on the mar ket. . Our No, 69 Pointed Razor Toe the most stylish yet. Our No, 70 Round Toe a grand seller, all at low figures, UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS Our city trade "Leader pure Linen Bossom extra heavy muslin double front and bacK, patent continu ous facings on back and sleeyes, custom cut and at the low price of 50c. Gibson & Morrison, bargain; COUNTER in the middle ot our house where we will place on it every day something special, and to keep up with this sale it will pay you well to drop in every day and see what is going on. t We want you to come and . . see us. LOWE & SON. - v h t. . h P K . i : I ' - s . i r f.f .'tf .-11 .r- ,-