'J? FOR THE NEXT FIVE DAYS. Eu The salesmen" will mark today'purchased fromCannons, Fetzer & Bell. After ' teh stockhas7tbeeD'gonetlirougliitli,we will SLAUGHTER THE PRICES. The stockasboTight foi spot cash money, and at a'price that out customers can have the. benefit. We ' will sell URNITRTE OF ALL KINDS CHEAPER FOR THE NEXT NINETY DAYS Than any Furniture dealer in North Carolina; Seeing is believing, come and' see us. ;, J . DRY & WADSWORTH. REDUCED RATES. Cotton Stales a$ listesjatloiial Exposition ATLANTA, Stplemhcr 18 December 3f, f895 Yor the above occasion the Southern Hallway "Co. will sell low-rate round-trip tickets to ATLANTA, GA., and return on the follow ing basis: - i FEOM E Alexandria, Va -Ashe ville, N. C . Burlington, N. C. . . , . . Burkeville, Va Calpeper, Va Chatbam, Va.. CharlottesYille, Va... Chapel Hill, N.C.. Concord, N. C Charlotte, N.C........ Danville, Va Durham, N. C. Front Royal. Va Greensboro, N. C..... Croldsboro, N. C. Hendersonville, N. O. Hickory, N. C. High Point, N. C Hot Springs, N. C . . . . Henderson, N. C Lynchburg, Va. Lexington, N. O itorganton,N. C Marion, N. C.. Newton, N. O......... Orange, Va. Oxford, N.C..i.i...; . Richmond, Va ........ geidsville,N. C....... aleigh,N. O South Boston, Va Strasburg, Va.. Salisbury, N. O....... Statesville, N. C Taylors ville, N.O .... Tryon, N. 0..... Washington, D. O . . . . Oft'lA OR 114.00! 12.85'..... 9.40 5.75 18.70 13.7ffl 9.65 11.951 25.30Xl.n5 120.8515.3 113.50 10.55 23.2517.a5! 120.40 15.00! 12.40 10.85 114.20 il0.40 6.55 U3.15... 9.65 5.85 20.0514.70 110.20 10.45 E0.40 15.001 26.2519.25 14.00 U7.6512.9a 9.20 21.7515.95 11.C0 11.70..... 8.60 5.25 15.30 11.25 7.25 8.40 16.95 14.00' 12.4.5 120.40 15.001 10.60 6.75 10.45 22..50 16.50! U.fiO . 16.05..... I5.30i'..... 8.05 7.25 11.25 14.85..... 10.90! 7.10 15.30 124.55 18.00! 11.25 7.25 13.10 120.4015,00 10.45..... 12.40 9.70j..... 10.45..... 10.801 23.2517.05 18.8513.80 20.4015.00 21.5515.fi0 6.2519.23 14.00 115.30,...'.. let otv 11.25 7.25 11.25 T.25 16.35 Xll.UU ..... 8.15 10.75 7.85: 26.25 '19.25 I - - - w w West Point, Va....... 23.6517.85 Warrenton, Va . .-. . 28.25 19.25 wilkesboro, N. C. . . . . 22.95 16.85 114.00- !l2.60!...M 14.00j... 11.80!. , vtinston-salem. N. C. U9.00 13.95 Crates from intermediate points In proportion EXPLANATION. o JSiUI: .Ti?ets will be sold September 5 S2? ?ai y f rom September 15 to Decern. ? 1896! taclusi ve, with final limit January - fWfL?V TIcets oW daily from &&e?ii7.16 December 15, 1895, inclusive, with final limit twenty (20) days from date 3 fSfe n CiV Fcet will be fold dafly from SFk65 to December 80, 1805, inclusive; h fiwal,mihflLteeu (15 da7 fi-omateof V- - vv JJ $tIcket to bear longer Umit than Jami- h ? s TiPets will be sold on Tuesdays ?7niu?day8f week from September 17 until December 24, 1895, Inclusive; wiS final limit ten (10) days from date of saleV iw?111 EVe will be sold daily from ?he?15tt0 December 80, 1895, inclusive; V with final limit seven (7) days from date of aaS O . SOUTHERN RAILWAY "Is the only line entering the Exposition ;"?e railway from the oenteroTthe city of Atlanta to the Exposition Grounds. r Ior ttcketa and full Information apply U jyour nearest eent, or address " T ; II. CCTLP, V "W. A. TUIIK, 0 Traf3o Manager, Genl Pass. Agt 1KX) Penna. Ave ITashintcn, D. GL 3pir?imr'i?5lnA'i??,0P,umX11 Dr- Miles' Paiji' JfiLs cuns AU Fain. 'Que pent a dose." Mil downjthe price ofiPnrnitnre, Mount Amoena SEMINARS k Flounshing School for Young Xaaies. - TEN TEACHERS Oriu Ameni&l Branches Beceive Carefui intention HEV. C. L. T. FISH EE, A. M Pbinoipal, mount:pleasant.: n o COAL FOR SALE HARD-COAL, SOFT COAL, BLOCK COAL. STOVE -COAL, SMITH COAL Best Coal in the Son th. Orders taken to O E Fisher's store, or given to my drivers, or at my office will be prompt ly attended to. ; K. L. CRAVEN. ill Mm Urn, MT PLEASANT, N. C, REV. J ' D. SHIREY. D. D" f RES ADADEMICCOMMMKOIAL AND ' "COLLEGIATE COUESES. Total necessary expenses session of 38 weeks, $85.00 to $137,000. . " Next session begins :Sept 3. 1895. . For cotalogne- and special lnfoimation, address the President as above, or l m, - . Secbeta by of ' Faculty The Bible In Pnblic School. t Chicago, III, Noy. 15. Sixfyn thousand men and women who be-' lievrtfae Bible should be read in the public, schools in a non-sectarian manner have signed a petition to that effect which will soon, be pre. sented to the board of education Signatures are still being obtained. The petition has been .prepared and is being circulated by the Woman a Educational Union, of Chicago. Letters of endorsement have been received from Carninal Satolli, Archbishop Janssen, New Orleanes; Bishop Keane, rector of the Cathalic University, Washington; Bishop Hesiin, Natchez, Mies.; Bishop Hennessy, Kohler, for the J ewish Congregation of New York; Bishop Fallow?, of the Methodist church; President Harper, University of Chicago, and President Kogers, of the Northwestern University. It is proposed to have a committee, rep resenting the various churches, pre pare selections from the Scriptures to be read. Assessment Holds Against Jay Gould's Estate. New York, Nov. 15. The gen eral ternrof the Supreme Court to day handed down a decision in whieh they sustain the special term in dis missing a Jwrit of certiorari asked for by the executors of the estate of Jay Gould ttf reyiew the aetion of the tax commississionera in ass ssing them upon 10,000,000 of real prop erty. The assessment $10,000,000 made by the commissioners foi 1893 theref or o stands. The Coustitntlonal Connventlon Columbia, S. C, Nov. 15 The Constitutional Conyention devoted the day to a discussion of the pro posed increase of the poll tax. The proposition to make it $2 and ,$1,5 0, instead of $1, were votfd Sown. The committee reporting in fayor of exempting all persons sixty years old and oyer from the poll tax. i i ...hi !i i . r--n' i M I , " i,i I, , . im - Examinations and " Consultations Positively Free, " Fourteen years experience in the treatment of Cancers, Piles and Chronic Sores. Any casertaken. A cure guaranteed or no pay. Offioe at Morris House; oflSce hours from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Old Dr. Odqm. NOTICE TOWN TAXES, ,The town taxes for the vear 1895 are now due and placed .in my hands for collection. All persons owing the same are requested to call and settle at once, and save costs. The law in regard to adver tising property has been changed, so pay promptly and save being ad vertised. Office opposite court house in Town Hall. J, II. BOGER, . Town Tax Collector. ill COKCORD, N. C. J. M. Odell, President D, B; Ccltrane, Cashier. L. D. Coltrane, - Assistant Cashier Capital, Surplus, $50,000 $16,000 DIRECTORS J. M. Odell, D. F. Cannon ElamKing, J.W.Cannon, W E. Odell, W. H, Lilly, D.,B Coltbane. "ITAx Notice. - . I have visited every township in the couuty after due notice of time andt place, for the. purpose of cols lectin g taxes as the i law requires. I will be in my ofilce hereafter, and I respectfully urge the tax payers to come forward and pay their taxes; as the law compels ' me to collect earlier than has heretofore been res quired of sheriffs. I notify tax nay era that Ilwill (positively) -on No vember 15th' begin to levy andi adyertipe property for sale for taxes. Very Respectfully, - JOHN A. SIMS;; diilSwdl; Sherift I VVVVYVvNVV, " for smams pEiaTY years' observation Olllioaa of persons, permit It is nnquestionapiy xno posx remcay ror xnfants and Child ' $he Tvorld has ever fcnown. It is harmless. Children llhe it. it gives them health. It Will.gave their lives. In it Mothi vnro something which is ahsolntely safe and practically perfect a-i a child's medicine. ' Castoria destroys Worms. . Castoria allays Feverishnefts. ' Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd. Castoria enres Diarrhcsa and Wind Colic Castoria relieves Teething Tronbles. Castoria onrea Constipation and Flatnlenoy. Castoria nentralizes the effects of earbonio acid gas or poisonong ai?. Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. Castoria assimilates the food, "regnlates the stomach ar.d ho-vrela. giving healthy and natnral sleep. Castoria is pnt up in ono-size bottles only. It is not sold in Tbullr. Pon't allow any one to sell yon anything else en the plea or promise that it is " jnst as good" and "will answer every purpose." gee that yon get C-A-S-TQ-.R-I-A The fee-simile tignatnro of Children Cry for HS&. nednced Railroad Rates. Cotton State and , International Expositior, Atlanta, Ga. Tickets on sale';S?ptember 5 and 12 and daily from September 15 to Decern ber 15. 1896, inclusive with final limit January 7, 1896. Fare for round trip 314.20. Tickets on sale da:ly from September 15 to Decern ber 80, inclusive with '1 final. ""limit fifteen days from date of sale. Fare for round trip $10.40. Tickets on sale daily from September 15 to December 30, inclusive with final limit seven days from date of sale. Fare for round trip S6 55, - . North Carolina State - : Fair (colored). Kaleigh , N. C. Tickets on sale November 2 to 9 inclusive. Final limit November 11, 1895. Continuous passage in geach direc tion.. Fare for round trip including one admission to fair grounds $5-50. Kickingham countny Fair, BeidS'- ville, N. C. Tickets on sale Oct. 26, 27, 28, 29 30 and 31 and November 1. FinalPmit November 4, 1895. Cons tinuous passage in each direction. Fare for roudd trip 3.10. Layicg Corner Stone Masonic Temple, Danville Va. Tickets on Sale Oct. 26, 27 and 28. Final limit November 4, 1895. Continuous passs age in each direction. ' Fare for rouud trip $5.45. Notice. - . All persons holdincr claims aeainst J W Burkhead, deceased, will please present them to me or to H I Wood house promptly, All persons inn debted to same will please call and Bettle at once, o7 lw 2w Alida L. Bubkhead. Executrix of the last will and testa. : ment of J W Burkhead, peculation, HAMMOND & CO. - 130 &132 Pearl Street, NEWYOBKCITY.y, , ' Stocks, Bonds and Grain bought and eom, or carried on Margin, P. S. Send Tor exnlanatnrv niwn 4 lar on speculation also weekly mar- w wwer (Hree) dwly ' v vV M and nnaren. of Castoria xrWx the jrc L: ns to speak of .if without' ffnt.. ia on every wrapper. Pitcher's Castoria. sisj5 CONCORD MARKET COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling. 8.35 Middlings .7.85 Low mi-idling 7i o uai us ... o to of PBODUCE MAjtiET Corrected bv C. W Swink. . bacon........ ...... ................... hi Bugarcured nams 12i tol5 Bulk meats, sides 8 to 9 Beeswax.:...r ......20 Butter ....15 Ohickena 10to20 Dorn...... ..; 40 Eggs,.... 121 Lard......,....... ...8 Flour(North Carolina). 1.75 Meal .53 Oats ......v......;..... ..... ....... .35 ranow.....;........ ...5.., -3to4 mm This pleasant and perfect remedy, so delightful to take, so refreshing and exhilarating, stands in highest favor with aU who know it best, as the great est of all medical remedies for both sexes, of all ages and in all conditions. WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOO. II Bill glT3 jca APPETITE. Itwill gfw jou restful refreshing SLEEP. Ilirni ttelats jctir DIGESTION. itwlU restore ycur NERVOUS .EKERS7. It will put jour KIDHEYS In psrfast It wIH purifjr jfcur Bleed. It wiil changa jcur weakness into STPXfiGTH. ivm fcrtogf ou cut of sickness fete HEALTH. NEW PACKAGE, LARGE BOTTLE, 103 DOSES OlfE I SOLD BY ALL DHUGCISTS. XS I 5 I . 1 fc nt --. .i v- OR, M. .; " '" - ''MAJTUTACrUBED ONI.Y BT Tba Aflanta Ctesicil Co., Atlanta, Ga. ' VMg TOK 3-PAeE E00S, SAUK r2 FETZER' S DRUGSTORE

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