X : - FOR THE NEXT FIVE DMS : - "V- ' ' --- "-"'-";. - 1 The salesmen will mark down the price of Furniture, today purchased from Cannons, Fetzer & Bell, After -teh stock has been gone through'with, we will SLAUGHTER THE PRICES Thejstockjwasjbought for spot cash money, and at a'price that brtr customers can have the benefit. We f will sell FURN1TRTE OF ALL KINDS CHEAPER FOR Than any Fmniturejdealer i . isrbelitving. come and see orV;a wadsworth. REDUCED RATES. Collon States am Irrational Expsltlon ATLANTA, Stptenber 18 December 3F, I89& Yor the above occasion the Southern B&llwmy Co. irill sell loir-rate round-trip tickets to ATLANTA, OA., and return on the folloif 'iag basis: FROM 'O E Alexandria, Va 28519.25 A8hevill, N. C 12.85 ..... Burlington, N.C. 18.70,13.70 14.00' 9.401 6.75 Hurkoville, Va. 23.25 17.051 . 9.65 .(11.951 . vmpeper, v a ........ iko.vo kj.oo 13.60 Charlottesville, Va... &L25ll7.0ffl vaainam, v a zu.t id.W 10.55 Chapel Hill, N0..... 040,15.00 . 112.40! 10.85 ..... . dhnrtnttm, "Kf -CI 10.40 6.5i 6.85 -Danviile7va....M 20,05'U.7t 9.65 10.201 Durham, N. C feo.4Q 15.0S T?nn- RAn.1 "IT 28.2510.2.4 10.45 Greensboro, N. C. . . . . Goldsboro, N. C Hendersonville, N. C. Hickory. N. C High Point, N.C.... -Hoc Springs, N. O .... -Henderson, N. O..... Lynchburg, Va.. Lexington, N. C Morganton,N. C Marion, N. 0.... Newton, N. C ......... Orange, Va. .......... Oxford, N. 0... ....... Richmond, Va Beldsville, N. C Raleigh, N. C.. South fiofltnn. 14.00 1765(12.951 9.20 251.7515.93 tii.eo 11.70 s.eol 6.25 7.25 8.40 6.75 111.25 16.95 112.451 . ... . 10.60 20.40 lfi.Offl 10.45 23.60,16.50 i - --i IU.50 16.05 15.30..... 11.89 8.05 7.25 7.10 7.25 11.25 I15.301 10.9M 124.55 18 .CO! U.251 13.MM 0.40:15.00..... 10.45'..... P3.2517.0a 118.85 12.40' 9.70 B1.65l5.8d 10.45 10.80 ..... u.oo Strasburg.'Va. Salisbury, N. C StatesvUle. N.O 'Tayiorsville,N.O.... Tryon.N.C B8.25 19.25 15.3U.W...U.25 15.80 1125 7.25 T.25 16.85 12X30! 8.15 4.QQ 10.75 28.25'! 7.85 - wux ji vmu T it... ... . 3.6517.85 12-V 14.00 I T , - 14.00' Winston-Salem. N.C E2.95 16.85.. 11.80...... 119.00 13.95! 980 tates from Intermediate points in proportion.) -:-. EXPiLANATION .JS)i9X2.i?i?cet,illbo September 5 wi f1 y from totember 15 to Decern. 7 mi tacluTO. wldti final limit January JgJ SaMl aalt (20) days from date fiS2.C?ctl'w daflyfroa Ptob 15tpJDecember5Q, 1895. inclusive. Al11, dV om date! ihJlJEfV111 foWon Tuesdays ??5A,.ui?d5rBOt each week from Seotember with flnsi limit mto 7dayf frosadrfBale! SOUTHEnriiilLWAY Is the only Uam stz4- the . ItroosfHon SSn11 b5Wlcf1Sna?rd. "fffo 77 from ins center o? the city of lho Eipodtlcn Grounds. y For Uckets anf full Information aDDlr ta your nearest agent, or Address pp 7 w O Trafflo Manager, V Gen'l Pass. Agt 1300 Penna. Ave TTaflhmgtcn, D. CL SMmcoR,nAi?D??Inm.An Dr- M'les- Pact i w.Hi VPRE All Pain. "Que cent a dose." TOW THE NEXT NINETY DAYS in North Carolina. Seeing us. Mount Amoena SEMINARS . A Flourishing School for Young Ladies. TEN TEACHERS On -dmental Branches Receive , Carefui Attention KEV. C. L. T. FISHER, A. M Pbincipal, hount:pleasant.:-n g COAL FOR SALE HARD-COAL, SOFT COAL,:: BLOCK COAL. STOVE COAL, SMITH COAL jBest Coal in the South. Orders taken to O E Fisher's 8 tore, or given to rny drivers, or at my omce will bejjrompt ly attended to. K. L. CRAVEN. MT. JfLEA8ANT, N. O. REV. J D. SHIREY. D. D Pres A D ADE MIO.'COM M MKCIAL ' ' - - AND COLLEGIATE COUKSES. Total necessary expenses session of 38 weeks, 185.00 to $137;000. - . ' ,'. Next session, begins": Sept 3. 1 895. For cotalocue and special information, ' address the President as above, or . Im. - Secretary of Faculty.. lf A "SOLID JIORTn'' A'OW. We have scanned Republican pa pers in vain for any warnings asaihstf the danger of perpetuating a "Solid ' norin, xncbo iuuio have for so many years denounced a solid south" as a sectional unity prejudicial to the harmony and pros perity of the country, that we reason ably expected they would make haste also to condemn what the late ejec tions revealed A solid north. But in this we have been disappointed, s; If there 13 a good reason to appre hend bad effects f rom;sectio:na4fy the danger must evidently be mucji greater when the "solid" section is the preponderant and aggressive one than when it is the minority section, always outyoted by the larger and stronger one. The"'solid south" could not control national legislation without considerable help from the north,- whereas a united partisan north can pass any measure which its sectional interests or prejudices may require. Is the "wrong ox" gored this time? Must the clamor pgainst eectional unity be stilled simply because the section making the clamor has be come the solid one? It really ap pears so. ; - i During the whole period in which the south was "solid," or nearly so, its representatives supported not a single measure designed to injure any other "section; they demanded nothing for the exclusivt benefit of the South; they proposed nothing irritating to any other part of the count j ; their policies were all con servative and national. Will they be treated in a like manner by a now sold north. ? : , Married In Atlanta. Salisbury Herald: On Tuesday morning Miss Mary Julian,' daugh ter of Mr. D R Julian,- was one of the party of SSalisburlans who left for the Atlanta Eipjosition. The following day Mr. W U Miller also went to Atlanta. The two had been sweethearts for eeyeral years, and it was gem rally belieyed that they would marry, but no one liad ajy idea that they would take advantage of the trip to be made one. Ther was a little ripple of excitement among their friends when it was re ported Friday mornufg that they were married, but the -matter was disposed of as a mere rumor. Later intelligence confirmed the report an the marriage is now a fact. Mr. Miller and Miss Julian were - united Thursday night. The ceremony was performed in Atlanta but by whom we have not learned NOTICE TOWN TAXES. . The town taxes for the vear 1895 are ; now due and placed in my hands for collection, AH persona owing - the same are requested to call and settle at once, and save costs. The law in regard to adver tising property has been changed, SO Tav BromDtlv and rrva beintf Arl- vertised Office opposite court nouse in xown iiaii. . Town Tax Collector. Cokcobd, N.' C. J. M. Odell, President, D, B. Ccltbanb, ' . Cashier. Tj. D.; Coltranb, r Assistant Cashier Capital, $50,000 $16,000 Surplus, --DIRECTORS: J. M. Odell, D. F. sCankok Elax Kaxar J W. Cannon-, W R. Odell, W. H, Lilly, D. B Coltbane, ADVERTISE Vr RIGHT HERE I -mz for Infants iHOTHE RS. Do U V U . Itema'sprops, Godfrey's . " most rethedies for children T tlo Yott Know that opium and - . : oa .xulcu loseu narcotics dthout labeling them poisons ? . . Do Yott Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your ch; unless you or your physician know of what it is composed ? . . To goti Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list cf its ingredients i3 published with every bottle ? " Y Vam TTnnw triat in most countries dnicrncf a nro ,:t4 i i :PoTo Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher " That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold tha of all other remedies for children combined ? Do Yott Know that-the Patent Office Department of the United States, and cr other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the vor i Castoria " and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense? Do Yott Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely liarmles3 ? Do Yott Know that 35 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 35 centBoronecentadose? ' Do Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept Well, and that you may have unbroken rest ? "Well, these things are worth knowing. They are facts. The fac-slmlle alsmatnre of Children Cry for 1111 . i 1 g" Reduced Jttallroad Rates Cotton State and International Exposition, Atlanta, Ga. Tickets on sale"; September 5 and 12 and daily from September 15 to Decern ber 15. 1896, inclusive with iinal limit January 7, 1896. Fare for round trip 814.20. Tickets on sale da:ly from September 15 to Decern ber 30, inclusive with final limit fifteen days from date of sale. Fare for round trip $10.40. Tickets on sale daily . from September 15 to December 30, inclusive with final limit seven days from date of sale. Fare for round trip 6 55. North Carolina State V Fair (colored), Raleigh, N. C. Tickets on sale November to 9 inclusive. Final limit November 11, 1895. Continuous passage in (each direc tion. Fare for round trip including one admission to fair grounds $5 50. Bickingham countny Fair, Keids ville, N. O. Tickets on sale Oct. 26, 27, 28, 29 30 and 31 and November 1. Final 1'mit November 4, 1895J Coa tinuous passage in ;each direction. Fare for roudd trip $3.10. aying Corner Stone Masonic Temple, Danville Va. Tickets on Sale Oct. 26, 27 and"28. Final limit November 4, 1895. t)on tinuous pass age in each direction. Fare forJ rouud trip $5.45. " Bitlee. All persons holdingjlaims against J W Bnrfchead, deceased, will please present them to me or to H I Wood house' promptly. All -persons in debted to same will please call and settle nt once. v , o7 lw2w Alida L. Bupkhead. Executrix of the last will and testa ment of J WBnrkhead. Specuiation HAMMOND & CO. StOCfefe3ldrl02Ld Jokers, . 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CUT, IT.' r. Stoekg, Bonds and Urain bmeht and Boia, or tamed on Margin. P. S. Send for exDlanRtnrv lar on speculation, also wppVW ,: and Children. Ybu Know that Paregoric CordiaV many so-called Soothing Syrups are composed of opium or morphine? morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons ? la on every wrapper. Pitcher's Castoria; CONCORD MARKET?, - COTTON MARKET. : Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling. .................. 8. 35 Middlings ....... 7.85 Low middling 71 Stains .................. ... 5 to 6$ PRODUCE MAkKET Corrected bv C. W Swink. Bacon........ .....:...3g Sugarcured nams..... 12itol5 Bulk meats, sides. 8 to '9 Beeswax...... 20 Butter 15 Ohickend......... ............... 10to20 Oorn 40 Eggs.................... 121 Lard.......... 8 Flour(North Carolina). ..........1.75 Meal............. 53 Oats .35 Fallow....... . 3to4 031 There is a difference between aedi cinesand medicines. Those of to-day, as a rule, differ from those of the past in many respects. : Fully as gTeat is the difference be- Kong's . 00YAL 1ERDET0ER 'and the'ordinarv medicines of to-dr-- It is unlike them in THESE FIVE THINGS: 1. ,lt does not taste like a medi cine.' It, is as pleasant to -take s lemonade and makes a most refresniug drink. . 2. It never nauseates the roast delicate stomaclj. .Itt- 3. It does not swap off one ease for another. It does not set one form of disease in order to reae another as is so often the case t 4. It contains no 1&A opium in any form and is liarraless even when given to a oa one day old. , f 5. It does not patch sfP1 cures. It reaches as nothing d'oeAto the hidden sources of cUseaJt In the blood'and removes the I mm uoea hum wim an eatc r have never been equaled. For all" troubles of tte Blood. Stog Bowels, Kidneys and Nerves, and ior"eIlI of MALARIAL POISON It stands pre-enu-without a rival or a peer. Or Bold by druggists, new v&cknge,ToJbr C108Uoses. One Dollar. Manufacture fHE ATLANTA GHESICAL CO., ATLAJJ; FETZER' S BE VG ST.0 icuer iree) dwly