mtrrrrrT The Daily Standard OT JA31ES V. COOK. FICE IN CASTOR BUILDING Tbe Standard is published every il (Sunday excepted) and delivers carriers- - RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One year....... $4 00 Six months................ 2 00 Three months. . ............ 1 00 Qne month...... 35 .Single copy 05 Jadvertisinq rates. Terna for regular advertisements m&do known on application. Addres3 alllconimunications to THE STANDARD, (Joncord.'N. O. ! - O0NCORD, 1SOV. 19, 1895. THIS IS THE STUFF THEY THRIVE OS. That oar readers, and especially vhose in Cabarrus county, may see diat ia being written about us in liorthcrn papers, we clip the attach ed, article. We -preface the article sj saying that the author of it is an -2iin:IM,?r.ted liar. The. Morning (N, Y.) Advertiser saya editorially: ' We- are unable to agree with the oate-.mvd aid usually accurate Traveler, of Bostou, when it Bays . "iht-.t the crime of Ivnchiug negroes in the South is due primarily. to the fruity uutnmistration of the law. lizrd Dunraven could nut have. made .& snore erroneous statement. It will ,.-ot be .'ecied that crime otten goes i-apt; uhed in the South, even when it is brought into courf, but there '.ever v.- is a time when the utmo3t irior of ths law was not appliul to the ner nd more especially if ac cused of a crime against the chasity of a w! j woman. The Traveler, ihor.;;h it takes the wings of morn ing tiuu scours the whole South for vvideijce, will not find one case where ix negro brought to trial for xhis crime has not receiyed the" full r 2 natty of the law. It - will, how ever, hnd many instances where, black rcen haye bien accused; have b?cn hunted down by the furious 32 ob ; have alleged to have confessed -and have been hanged or shot to death. And after the "execution" '"t h?,3 been found tnat the wrong nigger" was killed! Theie is no fustifi cation for the barbarious hang 2 , shooting and burning of nei ?roes in the South, nor is ic just to i$.case these atrocities on the plea iat the lav is not rigorously ap pHed to offenders. The disgraceful 'fact is that the offender rarely lives to g-. t into court. Once in a while be gets into jail; but that pnly makes h easier for the mob to find uuu xiaotcuo hid cliU. 33ffcl:len'H Arnica iye. The Best Salve in f!? wnrM n Out3, Bruisss, Sores, Ulcers, Salt hm;n, FeYer Sores, Tetterd Ohappe b;inds, Chilblains, Corns and all :jjiiu Eruptions, and positively cures liWi or no pay reqai-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisf action or WJ,1Ck ioiuuueu. rnce 25 cents per r-or dale at P B Fetzer'a Drug -st'jra. .IlARMSBUItoj N, C, Nov 18 llr. J S Ross left for the Exposition last Thuisday.. He will return via. 'ion'tulowa, Cbattouooga, Ashyille and "f3?.lisbarj. Miei Lula Iryin, of Neweli's, and "Mies Rosa Irvin, of Fort Mills are visiting the Misses Caldwells. Man. Morrison and Maj. Jim Iltrna went out calling on the girls last Friday night; it is rumored. tha the general is getting tird of single life, " Mr. Jay Harris left for Fort Mill Saturday nifiht. One of our most prominent Pops in an argument a few days ago call ed on one of Rocky River's prettiest girls to proye that Pritchard was Governor of North Carolina. He was greatly surprised to know that North Garolina ljad a Democratio Governor. ' Mr. Will Kepler and H J Alex ander left for Charlotte Saturday night where they spent Sunday. Mr. Spears returned from Atlanta Friday. We understand the young ladies of Harrisburg have hired a gray mule for two weeks for one of our popular young men to make his calif. He says he does not think he will be able to get around in two weeks. Prof. O3borne returned from At lanta Sunday night. . Free Pills. Send your address to 'HIE Buck len & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr, King's New Life Pilis, A trial will convince you "of their merits. These pills are easy inaction and are particularly ef fective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guar anteed to be perfectly "freo from every deleterious substmce aui tj be purely vest table. They do not weaken by their action, but by givt incr tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate tho system. Regular size 25c par box. So!d by J B. Fetzer's Druggist- liriiigliij; Up the Keai. To the Editor of the Stand ard: As I never was fast enough to present the fhsi cotton blossom to The Standard in the summer, I thought J would be slow enough to bring the last one in the fll. My cotton is growing and blooming. We have had but little frost yet. It seems that my farm is more ele vated than any in the"neighborbood, I think that accounts for it. Jack Frost eeldom visits us until late in the fall, and in spring bids us an early adieu. J Charlie Fink. Mt. Pie?sant, Nov. 18. Mr. Fink sent us blooms aud leaves glorious climate. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having been duly appointed and qualified adm.nistrator on the esu tate of tho late Dr. Solomon Furr, deceased, all persons holding claims agaiii8t"thesaid deceased are hereby notified to present them to tho un dersigned duly authenticated on or before the 20th day of Novamber, 189G, or this notice will bo plead as a bar to their recovery Also all pern Rons owing said deceased are noti fled .that prompt payment is exs pected. L. M. Morsison, Administrator, This, Nov. 19, 1895. EXEOUTOH'S NOTICE. Having, this the 18th day of No- vember 1895, been duly appointed and qualified as executor of tho last will and'testnmAnt. nf -Mrs.. lrn.rtr CI Huie, deceased, I hereby notify all persons indebted to the estate of deceased to make immediate pay men t thereof to me. And all per sons having claims against the de ceased are hereby notified to pres sent them, duly authenticated, to me for payment, on or before the 18th day of November, 1896, or this notice will be plead in bar of their rocovcry. Hiram P. Foard, Executor. AMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having been duly appointed and qualified administrator of the estate of Margaret A Hileman, deceased, all person's holding claims against the said deceisad are hereby noti" fied to present them, duly authen ticated, to the undersigned for pay ment on olTbeforo the 17th day of October 189G or tbis notice will be plead as a btir to their recovery. Also all persons owing said estate are notified that prompt payment is ex pected. - J. A. Barnhardt, lis OcVth 95. Aministrator, This OVERWORK -nToucrjsD- Nervous Prostration Complete Becovery by the Use of Ayer Sarsaparilla "Some years ago, as a result of too close attention Jto business, my health failed. I becamVweak, nervous, was unable to look after my interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a de- " cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, began to improve at once, and gradually increased my weight from one hundred and tweiity-fivo to two Ihundred pounds. Since then, I and my family have used this medicine when needed, and we "rare all in the best o health, a fact which we attribute to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil dren would have been fatherless to-day had it not been' for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of which preparation I cannot say too much." IT. O. IlrNSON, Postmaster and Planter, Kinard's, S. C. Ayer's St Sarsaparilla RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. AYER'S Pills Save Doctor's Bills. rm - p TASTEL IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50cts. GALATIA, ULS., NOV. 16, 1833. rarls Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. ientlemen: Wo sold last year, 600 bottles of GllOVIfi'8 T4STELi3S CHILL, TONIC and have bought three itroas already this year. In all our ex perience of 14 years, in the drug business, have never Bold an article that gave such universal satis 1 action aa your Tonic. Yours truly, - AiiKEY, cars & Co. For sle by all druggists. The first of American Newspa pers, CHARLES A, DANA, Editor. The American Constitution, the American Idea, tho American Spirit. These first, last, and all the time forever. DaiJy, by mail, - 86 a year Daily and Sunday, by mail, $8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. Price 5c. a copy. By mail, $2 a year. ArtdrcssTaEC!f, New York. MORRISON H. CALDWEL - ATTORNEY AT LAW, CONCORD, N. C. Office in Morrisbuilding, opposite (Iftnrf. RnnaA - ; - v AS Pat ,Mi!BKfef Vwmk mW 7 j Mil If3 in We now have UNDER VESTS in wool and cotton for infants misses and ladies. .Infants jersey rib wool vests 25 cents, - Misses jersey rib cotton vests 25c. Ladies jersey rib cotton vests at 5, 18, 2'j, 35 and 45c. Ladies jersey rib wool vest and drawers fine goods, 81.95 per suit. Ladies extra fine merino wool yests only $3.00 per pair. Ladies red medicated MERINO WOOL vests at $3 per pr. Ladies' white and colored Merino cotton vests 35, 38, 40 and 45 cents. Ladies' white and colored merino cotton drawers Youths' merino cotton un dershirts, white and colored at 25 cts. Mens' white and colored- KNIT UNDERSHIRTS at 17 cts. Mens' white merino cotton undershirts at 25, 35, 38 and 45' cts., these 38ct shirts have sold for 45 cents up till this season, Mens' -mixed color under shirts at 18i and 25 cts, dou blerbreasted and back at 5o c Mens' rained one-half wool at 47i cts, double back and front 75 cents. Mens' good red wool under shirts at 75 cents. Ladies' BLACK CASHMERE gloves (all wool) at 15, 18, 20, 25 and 38 cents, These cash mere gloves are the finest 'we have ever . offered, for the prices are at least 20 per cent, cheaper than last year. j Ladies' black and tan col ored Sweed finished casLmers ete gloves at 45 cents. Ladies' fleeced lined silk gloves at 55 cents. Gents' black cashmere gloves at 18 cts, heavy gloves, fleeced lined. Gents' black wool cashmere gloves at 25 and 38 cents. Gents' WOOL SOCKS at 15ctsa finer at 17i, 20 and 25 cents. Gents' fine camel hair socks at 20 and 25 cents". Gents' fine worsted sox at 2d cents. Gents' fleeced linen cotton sox 15 cents. T HE B. 3". Bostian, Propri01'- T H E 3 coarse and fine SeamleSSsge silver, tan. inf ,iyss8oxi. blactc.5to 40cenu 4- Big job genfe black lki e sox BigjobgentsHermsdorfii cotton sox at 10 cents sle GOOD WEiaHT ..... 1 seamless sox at 5 (u oi 10 cents. ' ' b3 H io:lT zephvr knit h Infants zephyr, wool, cask mere, plush and silk h0 j Misses and youths Vr - vuvn mixed ribbed hose 7 to- 8 1-2 1U 1UUL. Mioses black ribbed hosei to o l-z m. ur i() cents, ' Infants coidaroy ribbed black hose 7 to 8 1-2 in. at 10 UtJULH. The beat Inrh'pn fuor iini. m,Jt KJldKH seamless hose to be found at 10 cents, better grades up to OK i. ' 1 Hooks AKrD I's at 5 cents per grosser box, Best brass plus at 3 and 4c. Horn dress stays at 3 cents per aozen. Best spool silk at 4 cents per spool, twist 2ets, lect shields for lOcts, white tape 1 cent per roll, 20 inch cottcti plaids at o cents. Drilling and cotton flannel that sell for 83 and lOctsatTi All wool red flannel at 15 cents up. HEAVY X navyflanDel for skirts at 20c Good cotton blankets 75c Hf, x rjnTYi forts at 90c and H. counterpaiDes 63cts to $2,68. Three pound feather pillows at 50 cents. 10-4 sheets atgl.o per ppir. White swans down FUR TRIMMING at 25 cts per yd. . .i.,,; i riff . JblacK Aurora iuw-c 2b cents. wraps cheap. To yarf P- terns of fine emDroiuci-- nelat $1,48 per piece. ' , a lot oi We nave VmvuuirnM1 wash outlining, emby silk which we win per Set skein. B I, & ACE

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