AMiftl of Trains,, . ,r from Richraondi arrives at 10:27 a. m. " Washington " 9:58 p. m. , " Atlanta v " " 7:22 p.m. ' A Atlanta 41 " 9:35 a.m. New York " f 8:51 a. m. -. i " Atlanta " " 9:00 p.m. . . 64 Northbound freight leaves at 12m., ' 63 Southbound " "5:15 P.m. : Kos 11 andia are the local trains between Richmond and Atlanta. Nos. 35 and36 are the f t mall trains between Atlanta and Washing- f Nos. 37 and 38 are the Washington and uthwestern Vestibuled Limited trains and stop at Concord on signals - . J .. -f HEADACHE CURED FOR 10 CENTS FETZER'S Headache Salts QUICK, SURE, PLEASANT ; AT rtlZER'S DRUQ STORE. A BATCH OF LOCAL NHWS. kicked Upland. Put in. Shape By .Om II ustlias Pencil Pusher. Kew moon last night. Only five more weeks until Christ Fire place grates and heating stoves. Open at night. W J Hill. There was a yariety of tramps in ne city yesterday and today. Cndymakers have pitched their u'ut ne-ir the poatoGfiee. Koasters ana bakers tor meats, chickens and turkeys from 45cts up. W.J Hill. tf -r change ia Yorkes' jewelry advertisement. They have a 7;aiidiotne line. Cotton 13 bringing only cents this evening,-although a few bale3 brought 8 10 in the forenoon. U .Richmond Montgomery was on the s'.reefc this afternoon," after yeral days' confinement to his room. car load oi cudet3 from the Open at night. The Maryland Democratin PMe Association, composed of fifty mem- uers, psed down the Southern this morning on their way to Atlanta. H Tucker, a patient in the Florida State Insane Asylum, committed suicide Sunday night by. hangirg uiuiaen witn a bed sheet to a joist. D M Walker nava ha Wl,ai. market prices for all -kinri nf country produce, cash or barter. Don t forget the place opposite D 0 In addition to other improvements on the front of his store room, Ess quiie W J Hill will put over the sidewalk a beautiful awningf" such as are in other parts of the town. It THE RUSH OR. H CM ANITY. People Who Travel, as Seem by Our - Reporter. ' Dr.FE Hartsell was in the city from Georgeville. Mr, Georg W Fisher is visiting in Charlotte, for a fe.v days. 'Mr. A JWhittimore has gone on a I usinesa trip to Alamam e county. -r .; T ' ; Messrs. J 0 Wadsworth and W W Elowe returned last night from Atlanta. may save some snow sweeper a cold job this winter. Mrs. 3 J Lowe and daughter, little Ashland, are spending the afternoon in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs.-Jno.-M Harkey, of Lexington, were in the city Mon day eh route to Mt. Pleasant. - Misa Maggie Johnson, accom. You may eat cheap food and not panied by her brother, Master Gori be seriously hurt by it ; but you can- don, have gone to Atlanta to take in not take cheap medicines without the Exposition. positive injury, if you us? any sub- Mrs, M L Ritch and mother, stitute for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, you Mrs. Murr, returned to Salisbury do so at the jjeril of your health, per- this morning alter spending several haps of Insist on having days in the city; avers, ana no other. Mrs. S E White, of Fort Milla. Mr. W T Tucker, for mprlv uu S' 0., is jisiting her sister, Mrs. J 1 I IV f i,in n i. nj.n t n nf MK Pliant w t a apu. vueu is in uesse IU3 Dye Finish and Quality ! The most important is & DYE AND FINISH. Anson county spent Monday in the citv. He has a brother at - Cinnon- yn e. jyir. lucKer loacone les; in the war, and two years ao while hunting he accidentally shot his foot which had to be amputated. At 2 o'clock" this afternoon the funeral service of the .late Mrs. M E Castor was conducted from the home cf ner husband on West Depot street, by "Rev. Al G G Scherer, her pastor, which was concluded at the cemetery wnere tue remainB swere from Lexington to be in attendant put in their : last resting place. unon the marriage event that will o i - An aDD.e waon man from East ws-ur tomorrow eveamg. Ternessee came up West Corbin street. He stopped his team at the mer this evening. Mrsl N F Yorke and Master Scott, spent the afternoon at Harris burg. They brought back with them little Louise Wilson. v Mis3 Annie Bost, ftf ter spend ing some time m the city with her sister, Mrs. J W Cannon, left this morning for Salem; where she will spend some time with relatives. Misses Canaille Hunt, Li I lie Springs, Winnie Adderton and Mrs. Zib Walser arrived in the city to lay CO Davia Military. Institute at Winston passed through en route to Atlanta. The forecast for tomorrow says: Wednesday fair, probably followed by local showers. Much colder at night. Monday morning gave us 'the 3rst. .frozen ground for' this winter. Mr. E G Erviu'cilled our attention to it " . -Never in the history of the city lilt .VU.IU.J . - - Kit. the black mule that Mr. J Allison Ponarp. then he mounted St. . . . . , ' x. 1 . A uune unves to nis miiK wasron. James cnuren steps ana began knocking at the door. Getting no answer he turned and remarked to a little negro "there mustn't be nobody at home" The young Africo American took great pleasure in sayjng "why mister, dats a church. acted very naughty early this (Tues day) morning by making a dash down West Depot street, frighten, ing several people and runuing the hack against an electric light "pole, Meteor Serge, 35 inches wide, wool both ways, 25c per yard. French Serge,"45 inches wide, wool both ways, 40c per yard; worth 50c. French Henrietta, 45 inches wide, , wool bothways, 50c; worth 6oc. Black Faille Francaise Silk, 20 i inches wide, 85c: worth $1.00. - Another lot of "BO U CEES! In black, 50 Inches wide, $1.00 per yard, worth 1.35. They are shaggy got the curl up to date. IMPORTED PLAIDS, bilk and Wool, 33 inches wide, worth 75c our Jprice 60c. See our patent LOWE&SOM DO YOU KNOW f Fiw iipi M Q - X X CANNONS & FETZSK $ That there are only 60 days left for us to close out our stock of goods; The time Is short and there is lots of stuff here to be sold. In order to . do this we are goin'to make the price move the goods We will let our kid glove sale'' continue for a few days There is good things in it" when you can buy $1.25 and $1.50 gloves for 75c. All kinds ofj . PRESS GOODS . , , .... uw ior oeiow tlieir value. Our lace tock has been cut down in price until you can afford to trinTcheap dresses with 2o and 35 cents per pair. Fits like kid. Don'tjcome too late. We are selling. - - THE COMING OMAN If the fashion plates are to be believed, will wear black, and there never wapisuch a demand for knocking all the spokes out of the BLACK 3 DRESS! GOODS Ferest llill Sews. Mr. C M Suther is off duty to day, he having stuck a nail in his foot yesterday. - Messrs. B E and F E Bates, of the Whitin machine shop, Whitinsville, Mass, are sotting up five new were yacaot dwelling houses in such spinning frames in No. 2 Mill, con demand. Eyery day there are ap- taining 238 spindles, each of the r.liciuts for a home. latest make. -Dr. W H Wakefield, of Charlotte, There is a great, demand for will Concord at the St. Cloud nooses up this way ; it- seems the on Fridav. November 29. Hiaprac gunplv is not equal to the demand. 9 I X. w nose tf tice is limited, to the eye, ear, and throat. Alias Bessie Kimmons, of Mill Hill, is teaching a school at Centre Grove school house in No. 4 town ahip. She began Monday. Mr. W B Zimmerman has gone to the Exposition to see the sights. The oyster supper which is to be given by the Ladies Aid Society, of the Forest Hill M.- E. Church is innVo forward to with much an. Mrs. Joe Neisler and Master Lloyd xiety, to us especially who haven t Phillips, sister, and nephew to Mrs. had a square meal since roasting ears :! E (laatnr. arrived in the city last and beans vanished from the mar- ni.aht. from ftonk Hill. S. C. and ket. Many thanks to the brayefire in nn,A. men. who so kindly postponed their ?it y ai.,i Y-anm "rv fine entertainment in order to help out carp m a pond near "alippary rock" the good ladies m this work, and it . . rr . 'r ;a I t.hftt.thev all uiav have a snrmz. He recentlv maae a nam uit oiirteen that measured from ten to good patronage tweatyPeight inches, - Charlotte News: Mr, John Kan kin, of Mill Hill, Cabarrus county, 'va ia the city today, with a large hind wheel, turned th9 cans out and spilling milk all along the street, which bore evidence that this is a land that fiiws with-milk. Kit was halted on Spring street as she confronted Mr. Will Gooaman's team, into which it looked as if she would plunge. A Strike In Charlotte. The strike of last week at the fur niture factory in Charlotte is still on. This morning's Observer says : ' The trouhle is entirely confined to the machine shop. Out 'of fifteen hands employed in there eleven have quit. As mentioned Sunday the, canae of the trouble was. the hands state on account of a negro being put on a machine and, and then the white men refused tov work inJhe shop with a negro. They claim4iat a negro was also given a white man's place as engineer. Mr. Elliott j doesn'eseem much concerned-about the matter. He told the hands he would run the shop if he had to do it himself. The hands say he cannot doit Two more men quit last night. Now is the time when lyoa . can't let your feet stay on the ground. You must put shoes. on all the little people, and if- you don't kno,w that LOWE'S is the place to - Mr. T R Pesmger, of this hill, is y 3 i 1. . V UMirVf a nior And. in nara luuii., uo. uuugu ' delegation of his neighbors, en route to the Exposition. Mr. Rankin is chairman of the delegation. The demand for -Ayer's Hair Vigor in such wfdely-separated re gions as South America, Spain, Aus- tr.dia, and India has kept pace with the home consumption, which goes to show that these people know a .good thing when they try it. as he thought, safely penned it, but when he went to exhibit it to some friends, to his great "astonishment, the pig was 'gone. It had either crawled down a crawhsh noie or climbed out. I will give a de scription of the lost swine : A black ' niff witn long snout and;-eye prows a liberal reward will be given for information leading to the recovery of the swine. . li- Noyember 19, 1895. Then Baby -was sick, we gave her Castorla. JVhen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Wben she had Children, she gave them Castoria. For Rent. The store room, next to Dovs & Bost, now occupied by Sims' & Alex ander, is tor rent. It is 22x75, with goed basement. Possession giyen 1st January, 189IT. Apply to to the exclusion of all col ored fabrics. Nothing adds more to the beauty and dignity of a woman' c appearance than a fine black gown, which is alike economical arjd ultra fash ionable. We ha ve . just gotten in our black and navy blues bought when the prices were low can sell you 75 cent Henrietta Surah for 50c 46 inches wide Can sell you a $1 goods 50 inches wide for 75c. Our stock of Black Crea pones are the latest production. We ask ail Ladies to see our dress goods before buying else where. Do you want to see the prettiest line of LADIE'S SHOES ever shown in. Concord Then come and see us and be convinced. Our No. 49 narrow Opera Toe perfect beauty. Cur No. 71 Needle Square Toe prettiestseoe on the mar- ket. Our No, 69 Pointed Razor Toe the most stylish yet: Our No, 70 Bound Toe a grand seller, all at low figures. UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS Our city trade 4 'Leader' V pure Linen Bossom extra heavy muslin double front and bacK, patent continu ous facings on back and sleeyes, custom cut and at the low price of 50c. Gibson & Morrison. SHOE THE CROWD tis time yonare finding it put, other people know it and are profiting by it. No one wants to sell shoes at the prices, we sell them, but they Lmust be sold. OLOTHHsTG-1 goes every day and the people who tade advantage . of this sale ,put money in their pocket. Overcoats and suits now at almost what you want to pay. We are placing a special - BARGAIN COUNTER in the middle ot our house where we will place on it every day something special, and to keep up with this sale it will pay you well to drop in every day and see what is going on. ' , ; Wegwant you to fccome and 1 see us. LOWE & SON.

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