ArrlTolcX STr&Ica. l r No. " Washington " " 9:58 p. m. m S " Atlanta " r.aap.a,. ; g " Atlanta . yoop.m; Northbound freight leaves at 12m. , 63 Southbound r . ' . MSjX5 p. m.' Nos. 11 and" .are the. local, trains between Diamond and Atlanta. Nos. SsJimdss ar th fast mall trains between AtlaiuvtJid W.acii ton. Nos-37 and 38 .are i the Washington and M Walkfir market .prices for 1l Tmv? ?2i. iroduce, cash or Urter.' Vrrr'c aQ Ptace opposite D O nrr'e at Format Hil. & 4Mring the funeral discourse ac theate residence of ttnl. Wry r- fe: Mr Matthew Safrit tt - ji . w-v ,uui ill- ixinronnnn it nr. , 7 w wi huu uau tt . . quinine jiair Tonic This admirable preparation is now too lLknbwn-to re quire reebmme nda '" tion, To stop the falling of the Hair, pro mote its growth and' cure" ' dandruff it has no ebual . v ENTIRELY FREE FROM OILY OR Greasy Substance. :- - 35 cents per bottle AT FEIZEB'S DRUG Sill, CONCORD, N.C A BATOH OF LOCAL NEWS. 1 - -.. v. ricked Upjand Pat in Sbape By ;Onr 11 nstli u c rencil PusUer. One month until Ohristmas., Forecast for tcmorraw: "Showers; colder Tuesday eyeoing," : ; Go to the Grapbophone concert at the Ainory Hall tonight. ilercbaott J M Allen is moving iato his newly eomple ted home on East Depot street. Sonsa'a band will be at the Ar- mo:y H all tovnight. It will play the Directorate March, See the change in Lowe oV Son's add. Only fiive weeks to take ad vantage of their slaughter sale. You can buy candy receipts this week at the tent next to the post- office Will be here nn til Saturday. The eleven months old child of Mr. Jackson Bostj of No. 10 town ship, died this , ? morning. It had been wasting and puny for several months. , " ; Gray enameled stew pans, bread pana, dish pans, cake pans, coffee not, etc. at W J Hill's. Open at night. ,.. ' .THELfiUSH- OF HaHANITYl--- People TFtio Travel; as Sb by bar : eyer (ilwei&in Salisbury . "I Mr. B F Rogers left this morn- inn Fiw !U Vial V .-. . funtyCanaiorif acoBoTe, of oncQfd pent Sun! day with his ather;5-He is.' f armihgf running a fine roller mill. Ia -the absence of Prof, p t. Keesler;and Mrs. R S Harris Sun day,r.Uis3 Oathcart, a music teacher at Scptia seminary, presided as or Caniat at, the First Presbyterian church. - The musin at nitrbf. exceptionally fine. - VI escaped being a confirmed dy spepha by: taking Ayer's Pills in time , This is the experience of many. Ayer's Pills, whether as an af terNdinher pill or as a remedy for liver complaint, indigestion, flatul ency, water brash; and nansea, are invaluable. . Paul Smith, of London, is walks ing on a $5,009, wager, will probably reach Ralei . h bv Mondav. Ha started from Petersburg, VaV, head- come m AJacaDar? va- a. tor this, point, today. -By the Messrs J W Walker and J H terms of the wager Smith is to tramp Mason are in Charlotte today, hay to T: every, capital in the United ing gone oyer on No. 11. .,itvt!OB,-aau- is w ac r- tt n ti, !" UBB a ;eaUJ D! ' ,.Ila210VU M W Tohnsion, on Main street ireaioa. iover, .nnapons, VY asn- ingtonf Kichmond.--Saturday,s Raleigh Observer. Mr. Walter Caldwell wai up io dar from BDafiiaburg.vfVv p D ohhitoh is in Oha lotte this afternoon. Mr. John F Yorke spent Sun day at Harrisburg, Mr., M L SherrilLhas gone to Iredell county to teach schooL : Dr. A H Dreher, of Mt. Pleas ant, passed through te Charlotte today. - : : ... : . T"Capt. J M Oiell and grandson, artnur, went down to Bessemer City today i : Mr, Harte, of Kaisas City, Mo.. spent to day with Mr. WR Odell, at Mbeth. ; ; : : . Cap. A H Propst spent Sunday and today , in the citv from Snntli Carolina. Mr. and "Mrs, Clarence P Emery left this monring for their He Ftntsw -' y and Quality ! most important is DYE AND FINISH. . Meteor Serge, 35 inches wide, wool bothjwayf, 35c per yard. French Serge, 45 inches wide, wool both ways, 40c per yard; worth 50c. French Henrietta, 45 inches wide, wool both ways, 50c; worth 60c. Black Faille Francaise Silk, 20i inches wide, 85c; worth $1.00. Another lot of "BOUCLESl- in black, 50 Inches wide, $1.00 per yard, worth 1.35. They are shaggygot the curl up to date. IMPORTED PLAIDS, bilk and Wool, 38 inches wide, worth 75c our tprice 60c. See our patent PiBger Tipped Mr. J B Beall, of Charlotte, spent to-day in the city with rela Mr. Henry C. Lents, of Zsb, is not He 11 S to. Salisburj to- -Mrs, R H Parker was called W only a good merchant and compe tent officer he is the postmaster at hiB place- but he is also somewhat to Asheyille Sunday by telegram on of a farmer, too. This year with account of the illness of her daugh- one horse he has made three bales of ter, Mrs. Jackson Greer, of that city. cotton, 450 bushels of com and 86 --Misses Sallie - YoHngblood and bushels of wheat, taking no account Nettie Meltbn, of Chester, S, C of minor crops, 5 If this isn't 'a good who bava bee d spending sbme time. showing for a small, one-horse farm at R iv, W O Alexander's, returned er then we would like to know one. to their home this morning. They Salisbury Herald. Our people will join an Atlanta Exposition will remember Mr, ljentz. He was party at that place tomorrow night associated several months with Mr and go thither. Jno. K Patterson, of , Concord. Read the interesting advertise Home From Mexico. ment of Fetzer's Drug btore. lou Mr. A Jones Yorke got in Satur- itU1".t,: , . 1 , ,1 1. 1 in v nfi Liuu ir liiid nun hiiii jiii will profit by it. day night from an extended tour , , v. . Afl,. ,f Cotton is up a few poihts to-day. through the West. , He brought with ? Yorke, Mrs. C B Misenheimer, Good cotton brought .8 cents and mm que a numoer 01 uunu i. M Malfl Dav;, Mls Liura the farmers a-e aiain- beginning to from Mexico, some of which he, ex jjj Fnnie Marv and Lila Stofs While in Mexico be witnessecl; ine p j Hoover, F'L Siuithj i? A WH- 25 and 35 cents per pair. -Fits like kid. , Don't. .come toolate. We are selling. . , CAN WONS & FETZEK THE COMING. . .,W( ONLY FIVE MORE WEEKS will you liave the ad vantage of this ma nincent stock at yonr own price. Our house has been rented to other pai ties ann we will have j to give possession the 1st of January and to close out the stock ! we will sell goods at. prices that have never" been heard of. 100 DOZEN UDIES BUCK HOSE always sold at 10 and 15 cents goes on our bargain table tpday at 5 cen.tsL They have Bound for Atlanta. : - , The following Concordians board- a Cooking stoves, heating stoves, a3dlntereatingbnn fight, 8toves. oil stoves, lanxp stoves at W J a"d T "a Misenheimer; Misses Vandora Pool Hill's 'mihti ' S - and llosa Wise, . of Mont Am.ena kinson James R Young, Mrs". J F i seminary, and Mr. J Q Wertz, of St John's, ' trip very much. Mary Branic, a colored dame of To Goto Confereuc the city, waj arrested and placed in Reidsville'will haye the Methodists iail Knrla nnnn a P.hVrjrft of keet)Urifh ftipm thia wPP.k fl9 the Western 1 Temperance Entertaimnent. fcKW : A I nil JL " J - -4 I r .. - - m M. W, . TAhnamt Migg L E I at that place on Wec-uesday, KV. mvhu;. 4MUL. OJiU. wvuuvwu 'T; -7-."- - I Misenheimer were married ;.iasi Thursday at the home of: the bride's evening mother." Both of No 2. Gov. Carr has notified . The Staged to reef itself han -giving iiiy and " it3 will; oDey'the commands of ;the Governor. ; W H L McLaurin will leave this kas rendered aty Central vMfethOistj nA m;n hft followed to Bday ecnooi- ounaay nrnopC, . ' -d tt which was arranged in- accordance m y-imAr ttt ? r T1 ft n ITT n v li.M. V . 1L 1 1 I Parker, of .Central, MA, Scrith, of with thsabjectof Sandav s lesson. FOHili; 'akd -j ii Moose, of . NS?1 CahnonyilleV ' - Up Comes the Dummy Line. splendid Mk on the evils bf cigarette smoking. OMAN If the fashion plates are to be believed, will wear blackj and there never wafi such a demand for BLACK'3 DRESS GOODS to the exclusien of all col ored fabrics. Nothing adds more to the beauty and dignity of a woman' c- aDDearance than a fine- black gown, which is alike . economical and ultra fash ionable. We: ha ve just gotten in our black and navy blues bought when the prices were low can sell you 7)5 cent Henrietta iifah ! for 60c 146 inches wide Can sell a $1 goods 50 inches wide for 76c, Our stock of Black C reapones are the latest production. We ask all i iiauies to our uicbo goods betpre buying else where. want to see the prettiest line of LADIE'S' SHOES j All dress goods cut to; cost , and below Flannels at prices you have not seen before. WE SEL L A- Ladies StLOe at 75 cents that ! ' worth $1.25. . . . - . . - EVERYTHING : ! CHEAPER THIS is WEEK . ; THAN EVER. It is 'no Joke this ,tinie. The Ladies inTited , Dr. W H Wakefield, or unariotre, , , - llno wh;h bag been the ' 1 i'rol. Jii;mcuorKie arriyeu.m j-, , . . be in Concord at the 8t ,.ytt '.j.-" 'jf iA'J- d& ;to3rirom lM(k)teBTiItoi.,anaajdtf Friday, November 29, ;Uis prac ?H '"."'r "-"- -;n wiu deliver an interesting Joot ,a JL limits f.n thfl eve. ear, nysc iicucasaty -rrr-o-tti: - - TArria r AO Vft. Will on tice and throat Mrs. Laura Jane Smith, a widow tf ud William Lilly went to work on ,iue pauipxu iW.rjrr f SP; House; tonight. . Ladies are cordis ket.r idow. the?PP d of e tr th'3 & Sir invitel; to be present. The -On) hx er slibwn , iu Concord Then come and see us. and be convinced.' Our Noi 49 Jnarro w Opera perfect heauty. : Cur No'J 71- iNeedle Square prettiest sebe on the mar LOWE & son, WnBorest-Hil nightand was buried Snhda:y:iShe' force ot bfcharge;' was 40 years of age. . Key," Simp son conducted . the funeral , services. A: cup of -miiddy - coffee is not wholesome, . neither , is. . a bottle of muddv : medicinetOne'way to know; a reliable nd skillf ully-prepared blood-burifier is by its f reeomrom sediment: Aver's Sareaparilla is 'alwavs brieht and sparkling,, hen cause it is an extract and not a decoction. ' ally invited to be present. The -Our No, 69 fojntea xtazor of mvAa his lectures free Toe the most styiisn yec; and will examine several , Our Nor 70 Round Joe a u a 5 a i -? - grand seller, all at low figures. UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS Union Tnaulissflvlnff Services. 'i : I heads. There will be Union Thanksgiving ku saints ennrcn. - services on Thursday, aj; U o'clock ? ThanksgThfing service will be held Services will be held in the .First in the church, on Thursday morn. Presbvterian church, Rev. M 6 G in2 beginning at 11 o'clock. : : ; Soberer preaching; : At night, 7 : The offering will be - for the Unlock, there will be services! in St. Thorn P30n 0rPna at Cnarlotte .rames Lutheran church, sermon' by A basket will be found inside the Rev. W C Alexander. 1 - front door for any goods that may be The public are cordially invited given. - - J.O.Davis, .-. mt . t . . I. liector to tnese xnanKbiving bci v uco. Our city trade "Leader" Dure Linen Bossom extra heavy muslin double front and bacK, patent continu ous facings on back and sleeyes; custom cut and - at the low price of 50c. Pxibson & Morrison. Y f