- ' 'k . N . ' V - - ' - - ' .-",' ' . ' Arrival of Trains, ii from Richmondiarrives at 11:17 a. m. No' Washington " y ,9:58 p.m. . , f2 Atlanta " " 7:22p.m. -N ,6 " Atlanta ' " 935 -m. i New York M 8:51 a. m. " Atlanta . " " 9:00 p.m. ' Northbound freight leaves ari2m. . 63 Southbound ,r v 4 "5:15 P m. Nos- 11 anc 13 are tne local trains between Richmond and Atlanta- Nos. 35 and 36 are the last mall ton. Nos Southwestern at Concora D M Walker rr f oof market prices; for -all kind nf Country orodhoaHu ' i.vu- Uon J forget the place opposite D C Virginia and. Norrh orrolina ffot- 1 ana Aiiania. os. 35 ana 30 are the - n j. -.' .. - ' ", trains between Atlanta and Washing- Oftll game,-KlCQm50s V V TiplrVrn .37 and 38 are the Washington and xlLlLtl8 tern Vestibuled Limited trains and stop 0D 8ae AO?; .27' b " and 28 Ch final d on signal. at . - f Myuuouuv 115..-. Continuous passage in ca h direction. - Fare for round; trirr$8i5MM - -f ' ; The bTAND ahd &o t aery pleiiS' ant. Tememberance ifromthet hands of 0 P BlackV an old Concord "bo?, who fihd8;life very dull at hia home Tin TennGSSPP " witrinnfr. flio Weekly.St andard;-' ' ;? '- QUININE; HAIR TONIC This admirable .preparation is now too well known to re- v quire recommendaN tidn. To stop the falling of the Hair, pro mote its growth and cure ' v uandruu it baa no equal . Entirely free from oily' or GREASY SUBSTANCE. 35 cents per bottle ' ' AT FETZttTS DRUG STORE. CONCORD, N.i'C "I escaped being -ay confirmed dy speptic byt taking Acer's Pills in THE RUSH OF HUMANITY. - ' I nl V'.-I i- -S 1'eople Wlio Travel s, Seen by' Oufl Reporter. " v Mr. Robert McAllister returned to Bessemer City to-day. - Merchant M Oglesby,; of Har. riaburg, was ia town to-day, ' ' , ;Mr. .-Whit Simpson, of Albs marle was in tfife citytoday,;; t ) v V' Master vikbustoh Cochren ot Charlotte, is yisiting in the city, v "Capt-" pf 1 Nor wood, is 1 in the city for a few day. ; -rMessrs.", Ed. Moss and "Maury Richmond haye gone to the Dxpcsl tion. . v: , ;. Liveryman M J Cori and con. time. ' Xhis is thaexrieripnr.f nf I Mnafor (ianr., nu..uu iki. many. Ayer's Pills, whether as an afternoon. . . af terdin.ner pill orae a remedy for tni w u , . 1, ;-y?-.j;j;s'.' v.'S . sJlerk TomBo8t returned from liver complaint, indigestion, flatuU -Af1lW . 1UCU - " . y , , Atlanta ana other southern points ency, water brash, and nansea. : are . w "CAU F"" invaluable. t : - ' fcUW 'T? V:: : : .. ? . Mr S D'Allison, the kineto Bcope and graphophone man, left to day for Rock Hill, S. 0, Miss Janie Ervin arriyed home from the State Normal school ai ! this, his dparh earth i ' fnVnH 1,0 Greensboro this morning A passenger tram passed here yes. has the teDderb st and gincereat . RevB. ZRua. M r Smith. j R pathyof his numerous friends in Moose and R H Parker left thii this city. morningfor conference 'at Reidsville. Rev. Boozer, of Burlington, spent Mr." W A Ridenhour, of Bur Monday night in the city with Kev. well & Dunn, druggists, Charlotte. T H McCullough. He had been to came over to the city this morning, Atlanta. HL Fowler, of Cannon- Mrs. J H Mason and little ville, accompanied .Mr. Boozer ton loff fn.w n. Burlington, where : he will spend wher thev will : to Atknt. u Cotton, in Salisbury, Monday, J several days recreating .among old nigtu . . ; v brought 8 cents; in Concord it and familiar scenes. . ' . brought 8i., Sticks pin here. ThereiU be no 8ervice8 li4ZZ..n .!T! Despite the rain and mud, several Trinity Reformed . church on , dava with her fatherMr. young men shouldered their guns, Thanksgiving; ,Day. The pastor, R W.Allison, v ! vv ( - called their does and went out for a Rev, B F Davis; will be. in Davidson t: ninL tt rs to-aay. : county assisting Rev. J C Leonard g urjrfHn. A BATCH OF LOCAL Nil WS. Picked IJpnd Put in Shape By .Oar llastliair jPencll Paiher. : Mr. M B.Phifer has returned from his old horn e i n Ro wan. where he was called' Friday last to attend the loinlr ViA A kU 'a.1 - ' .1 Look out for the cold wave, which Uiuuuer w nQ Pa8seQ k nrftdintPri for fnmorror : wU wuiaaj, xu vue losa ot www w w W VVM1 W W WW A passenger tram passed terday bearing twentytwo' coaches This was a long string. Odell mill No. 4 had to shut down for a few hours Monday afternoon and to-day on account of a(hot box. Gray enameled stew pans, bread pans, dish pans, cake pans, coffee pots,. etc.. at W J Hal's. Open at night. . Dye Finish- 11 AND QUALiTY! The most important is DYE AND FINISH. Meteor flerge, 35 inches wide, wool both ways, 25c per yard. French Serge, 45 Inches wide, wool both wtys, 40c per yard: worth 50c French Henrietta, 45 inches wide, wool both ways, 50c; worth 65c. Black Faille Francaise Silk, 20 Inches . wide, 85c: worth 914X). , Another lot of ETBOUCLES1 - In black, 50 Inches wide, $ 1 .00 per yard, worth 1.35. They are shaggygot the curl up to date; IMPORTED PLAIDS, bilk and Wool, 38 inches wide, worth 75c our price 60c. See our patent Fif ? Tipped 25 and 35 ceuts"per pair. Fits like kid. Don'tj;come tocTlate. We are selling. CANNONS & FETZEK l-dWE&SOlSii ,v-, . hunt to-day. tan. whfi' hft Vjppti vinifinor In the i r o afviaa rr neon rra I ior!i ooreiQO or I . . . , 6 - ,, .' ... cttj for seyeral weekj nd who vu ONLY- FIVE MORE WEEKS 1 w ill you bave tbe ad-, vantage of tbis mag , " nificent stock at your own price! ' Our bouse bas been rented to other pain -ties arin we will bave to give j'osession tbe 1st of January and to close out tbe stock we will sell goods at prices that bave never been beard of. 100 DOZEN 0 -I 0 ' I niTai.T nKurnVi naai- ThnmftatnilA J ' I wood stoves, coall stoves, casbline r?A,J. ."M4," a bridesmaid at the Buchanan-Reed r 'H H stoves, oil stoves, lamp stoves at W J Hill's. O pen at night. ColJno. R Erwin has been ap pointed county ! commissioner for The Trinity people will attend the V "r rrT-irT f V . , marriage, has gone to Charlotte to union services. spend a few days with friends. COM Mr.'Corrlher Dead. WSman If tbe fashion plates are to be believed, will wear black, and there never wa& eucb a demand for LADIES 'BUCK OE Mr. John C Corriher, one .of Hh sbeakinyQf mt, W Pfirdn. who Mecklenburg,, to fill the vacancy best business men of Rowan county waa ; mohbed Ppidft-. morn;n caused by the death of Thos. Qner, died soon Monday morning at his Lwrs Avwv in aiw thA . oo o .uqu. TaV q tt;h home in China Grove, after a nine- n. xrowa . r .rfr to rne exciusiwn 01 an col ored, iabrics. Nothing Deputy Sheriff John S Hill is in "u . " 7 " ,0 " Charlotte News says : i nnTTO 11 'naoa nrirn nnon mnni a . . -i - . Charlotte tracing au escajjedl' " . -"""'i; : "Xhe yictim of this Georgia mob priBoner. He ha. him "locatect and ,nvomner wj.. . .K,.; formerly lived In Oharlotte, and will dohbtless have his game on his partaerofMr. i Frank Patterson in kept a store in the stand now occb retnrfl. the merohantile bosmesa. pled by H Link He ailed in ' un v r a He was about 48, years old, and ba,iniea and moved, to Paw Creek TMe8srs i?rank Cook and A WM a muob esteemad gentleman. to8h wiere he f f or MV. Jones, warm patrons ol the Webklt The remaina Vere baried to-day araj. a then he went, to (Jeorgia Standard, now livng m Salishnry, (Taesaaj; -at Mt., Z!0n N Reformed M ft 0!- married a spent Sunday and Monday in the chnroh, the funeral service being dan?hter of Mr. Gray Utley, and Clty ' conducted byltey. Dr. Trexler. a brother-in-law' of Eev. Dr. Six bill posters struck town Mon Ohma Urovc loses one or its oest Burkhead. He was 51 yearsjold. day, advertising balloon ; ascensions and moEt enterprising citizens. "7 ' . 'lADall Day. which will take place nTor near , About ;. eighty five merry school Ail outside .work , was : suspended girls passed: through the city this town, 5 A An la lr A flan fa ' TmrY Dr. W H Wakefield, of Charlotte, weather, and iha mecljanics and day the , State Normal at-Oreensboro; will be in Concord at the St Cloud laborers' in general; put-- inday Misses Elizabeth aud Emily Gibson on Friday,vember29.. HM..prac around tlie mercfiantsV stoves,' tell- were among ;the.xiumberi and . were andlhro. 4 tov; ingstories; cracking .jokes, scaly- pined by Mrs R E Gibson and Miss . ".' . r,. harkfl. chestnuts !andi roasted pea- Tiallah Hill at this place. The JJr. xsurris, 01 otamy couutv, ... i . - . - - , was in the City Monday night... He whUe, the clerks .were busy party WH1 remain: in AtUntaLnntil is now more famous and is much arranging ; goodsor fcsplay and Saturday n.ght. handsomer than the' last time, he convenience. in the wmdows and fcr J" .-. e iai foil ti?fl nl ftPfl BUC"W' f" J T T I eJ XI W ClUmaU, UUUWbWi v VlSlteatni8 place. , , . h.n fi, 1 ,nvantr P.lnna . .. . . .a-. quii uuc, ao mo Aw - onft of tne lnataument iurauurtj Next Friday night the young am ... t P. . , - , i onr! fhft heavv rain made the gloom . 'ji-jWAw'iJjYiniw ladies of Room 'Ko. 4 ot MoanirHW - , . doubw, wm iiauSw mwv -v laaies, xwoom . , mnrft nercenLible durinff the n .n. 11 t. rv AmcBua, will giye a reception to a : - weu;, --6'-.; -f friends at the forenoon. ; - brutal assault upon Clio Richards, "uuiwi w - I . I I . , -. . . - -mr I color i.me Brawn. the twelye year oitt aangnter 01 mjs. ket adds more to tbe beauty and dignity of a woman's - appearance than a fine black gown, which is alike economical and ultra fasb : ionable. We bave .just gotten in our black and navy blues bought when ! the prices were low can 1 sell you ,75 cent Henrietta 1 Surab; for 5dc 46 . inches wide ' Can sell you" a, $1 ' goods 50 inches wide -for 76c,- Our stock of. Black Creapones are the latest production. " We ' asls all Ladies to see our dress goods beiore buying else-V:- where. .' ' , . Do you want to see the prettiest, line of LADIE'SSHOESJ ever shown in Concord Then come and see us and be convinced. Our No.' 49 narrow Opera Toe perfect beauty. ; Cur No: 71 Needle Square Toe prettiest seoe on tbe mar always sold at 10 and .15 cents goes on our bargain - table today at S centsl They have G-QT TO O-O ; All dress Tgoods cut "to cos t and v below. Flannels at prices you have not seen before. ..WE SELL A-. ..-. atr .75 cents ' th at worth $1.25. is EVERYTHING CHEAPER ,v ,- - r:. this; WEEK : EVER roaiHano nf Mr. .InO. A Oline. Mr W n Russell of Forest Hill, A. very noticeable incident occurs Nancy Richards, who works at the . : Our No, 69 Pointed Razor . . , rhina Grove. I every day at tne nome 01 xuercnani. uinguau iwub. jiwumu 10rj1Ue mi,av Diyuou bas returned -from-Ch 70 Round Toe a herehas been to onichen raiser, 1 that has attracted her motner was at work in the imll, grand seller all at low figures. aangnter, mrs. xxeurj j, - , fl J UK lfn4n - TTa Via a A cnuciuij 1.. wu .--r-v . I number of chickens, the BlacK Mi- $200 bondCharlotte -News . - - ' ia tint I - . t'"v A cup 01 muuuy norca, and White Leghorn species. Ml E K m n r W i. ' wholesome, neitner ib The Minorcas can be seen m a muddv medicine. One way to know rouD to themselves and the Leg a reliable and skillfully-prepared horna in another part of the yard Wnn-nnrifier is bv its freedom from . ihemaelves. The two breeds' se'diment. Aver's . Sarsaparilla is Iq jn trees fifty feet apart and lwavs brieht and sparkling, bes w;jj not mixin eating or scratching rftnB6 s ia an extract and not a together and the most stringent ,iAw,f,w - color line is drawn. He was sent to jail in default 5 UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS Our city tra.de uLeadern pure-Linen Bossom extra heavy muslin double front and back, patent continur ous facings on back and sleey.es, custom cut and at the low price of 50c. ftiBSON '.Morrison. When Baby wag sick, we gave her Castorta. When she was & Child, ihe cried f or Castorta, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria LOWE & SON. 2 V 7 1