The Daily Standard BY JAMES p. COOK. THE BILLVIWE 4JEli. They have stopped bur Midway show of the tarred and, feathered mu, -ine tar canto-n:& rnn. THE BEST r. uvii. - u, -iiie tar caqp 0:1-and only "'! , , , - left-three feathers 'on him, i"V ; - I IOE IN CASTOrBUILliiNG 1 ? :W?n? sultan if Turkey Ihe Stanlor,! ;0r ' tne POOr fellow has SIT hnnA ay (Sunday excepted) -mi delivers . . A X 1 curriers T.fiE cao Hasyer Shown. '-Worfl of &s3& BATE3 OF SUBSCRIPTION One year;, 7. . ....... .. .. .84 00 Six months . ............. ., u 00 Threo months .............. l 00 Ono month... oe Dingle copy 05 Terms for regular advertisements tuaue iinon on application." i Address all communications to 1 THE STANDARD, Concord. N. O. CONCORD, !NOV. 27, 1895. The Western North Carolina Cons ference of the M E Church, South, meets at lleidsville tomorrow, Bishop Bun can presiding. q0l. John R ' cuiiur or tne weekly, of . " I would like to add mjr testimony to 1 nere is. still room at nn w PHlsand to say tBat t Wv Vit';' for a few more visttors.v8i rihiii. ??n Owras-derivk4tt The Iegselatiare is n.ianit, OI'neadaoho catued-br theie 'dnrano-i. many bills. W wiah Jt, rf Z, Ulents' Ayer's be equated. us how to pass Bill Collector nM- seryed. " ' rUOU ujh WOHIQ rnrna a to buy a quart of liquor at a time; and then, in f snnh-. u-n- in 1 1 mi i 1 " ft mm L 1' Fu. X- 'f ;; it We now have UNDER VESTS in wool fmfl fnTtnr frr v. f v$r Jan slat misses and ladies. . t0 4 cents Infanfs ierjsev rib wool 25 cents. A Throueh" nufci fcv TT7 TIT rv . -! and Geo W Watts, of Durham J WM a- vu"vi uunuiiiinH n o in I t WW 1 W.A fnfAl of OtcK rvnrv JT" ' , Vxu.vuu. EaVS tttB Kill oun, the removal nf TTninW mu'. " w utuu JL U( yai oemmary fi0m :FamnHfl;j ney, Va., to Richmnnrf :J en MetidAc-i 1 liv v. praoticable.: ' - tot disorders Jf the 810 Keidsville, and a ' laVmBn' 4 , A te embracing trrelve . answer LSS i,'1S Methodist Charch. and : Eev. j,. m e "Wtfwealern sjibwW of ". P p -otn 0 Kilgo, president of Trinity 7 ' Presented to the in- M7T eg"?ate h -.-w-4u a aiue DOUt m m'f " fwi ' Dest all-round 9 Special bargain, coarse jini aiDS in blacfe 5 to 40 owo Siir job worth 40 oTi.r ac "si BigjobgentsUer-n ' ff-k-n . . . . Ciian cotton sox at lol;it;dorfli3le GOOD, WRrnr. seamless aox: at 5, C; K! U 10 cents. 8 and r.Lity ooJiese receifiatf lare nnn. on thh . . ,Ut er . tribnt UM. It VnnderTn traa tnethe'doeeor H aying it ie bjterian Synods Ht Virginia 'S a. nsbt to tuke the dash and fh North Carolina. : ' 8 ' colu2iI gajing it is all rongj ans are now niaturiDg for the the question has dot been settled we work removal. At a meeting held v, .uierence w;ill give' H0 -""muuu une doctor ood the eolnnM fh ' mittee of the beard . w ins floor for a coap or three ""T S comittte was named, fccuu,-. :.aa iet tfceirestle or 1., f"DJs D0W " band will be it- If it dees Col. Webster will .w, eui,10Jea n the construction of the JdStatejrille L.nd i,Brt: T " T ?M1Ji!l,er w,th otberf. Talking of monkeys, there is a manin iew York atbrpfionf !inffa, - enBabrv 'S from ft Strafe disP. -fWa ChUd. she cried for rw. -li it acremjgalia, and say thai tZZT ca-y !"'y cases bare beer, n( ... ' oe!"etheDiatetort . word in the medical KmiH that this case is the only known o.J. C'ilStinjo-. UK .ffl:: - f lafstcno Jfcirn -o- tuucieu man. a Pnip - n . femamau to aa " 7? C . "Wner SefaU: feet and faca are alreaiv 7 7 ' , VC needin? rain in ors -csey. His disease is simnlv able to witWnmi ... , . e . o.., -,:on, a f0 ;J winter. . " "U f Pical at, ... tendency to re- of our .old experts' were at . , .6.ui species in iroacman mine Mondav o-fcer 770., a revision to the primi- they. report tne mine W aboat -rm8D, The Pole suffers K''ut ana ""t Very little work no isconTenience beVond ' tiii ,n Proeress. - , Wic au misplacement of the wer jaw, which' has protruded, thus rendering the teeth useless as wcl1 as P"fu. The Ca8(, wo. ""ted to a clinic at the ew . York ,cc!ge cf der.Uatry-.thh week," ind to' "citing 7trj great dea, Qf .ntere . ' w ia il? Highest HonoriT at World's Fair. t " v-" " " i - '''' ' . fc5. "vV v1 K'.t Cr 'l I. mm ' ra ft hi e frit, '-- Y f ,f n n n Those editors who ar cn A declaim against the lynchings wnich " O P 1 . . -uA eaUn irequent occurence in the 0UUU1!t at teast bestow some -are or vmr indignation upon the v..-., ur9 aornble than the 'jeenmee. which follow its commis cn. When the brutal and fiendish crime of aal, woman and little ; girls-the mother, wives and daughters cf;3outhern homes-ceases .o becorutcd. then tbc lynchiDg of offenders , will caw Jt - 7 iou li U re -lope thst it will cease he- xuic -'duc lynching is wrong. Pearl Lyerly, eon of W W Lyerly cut his font XTftfrr T. J ' "mm- ... f '"i Vau1 Monday morning. u v. . r The infant n.hiiri p nr. 2 ,7. .m ui -"-tr. ana iirs. Knfus Trotitman waa .Ji o- MWiniena cnurch on last Friday : Mrs.DERidehour,ofNewLon don is yery ill. , bought Uai wSSSrlSSffiS !9 reZ?r 8oll m article that 113 Tour Tonic. Yourt trul Pprs1Iebyall:aruigv, A'otlce orxi8solutioii- ' . - firm Ki "n ly Klre that the iLV,S4'?,?P.-' Co., com. Cr. It A ShimoonV -..vr. , Oilier, 'Was DS..? i- - - ." va"etl in consent on W.. 1' Von. -umuu it! T". I Iflflfftn Ol ... 1 t - ii tlv'T r Misses iersft v vih . w j m.M.t w i-iuu vsta 25cv V: Ladies jersey rib cotton voof-a of 10 n. o p- . wu io, do ana 4oc. pli ' jersey no wool'vest vcuia. una jlHHf and drawers fine goodSj $1.95 ; Infant m per suit- . - 10 Zephvr bootee8 u wira nne -.merino 1 Infants wooTyests only .OO.per pair, mere, pluKjd Ladies red medicated ' ' MERINO' WOOL tocki.,, vests at $3 per pr. i V v. - v Misses and vm.ti... ;Jaies winte and colored mixed rihh 1 rrencil yestm0'4O S"bb(?d 11036 7 8 1.0 Ladies.' white and colored to 8 ?5 nribbed- merino cotton drawers. at 10 cents. Youths' merino cotton un black.W, ZJ' nbbed dershirts, white and colored at ceS P 8 U2 i t W 0 CCS. " .' . Mens' white and colored LZLL6? Wack KN1TUNDERSHIRTS lOcen S atmc.f r P cents. ' w Mens' white merino cotton TT ou"13 at a5 35, 38 and trl' inese SSot Bliitu have ' ' ' sold for 4f cents tin Mir at 5 cents tier um.. k season, : , 0 "UA- Befit brass pins at !J and !o. shirts at llTandTsdr: pe?SS St-t 3 cents blerbreasted and back at 60 c ' ' Mens' rmVo -i..,r Best spool silk at 4 ,t(c trout 75 cents. '"i ' iucts' WJ'e tape 1 ' , , cent per roll, 29 inch cotton Mens' good red wool under- plalds at 5 cehtsL ' shirts at 70 cents. : n ; . niiingaua, cotton .flan Ladies' that sell for 8J and loots at 7; f, . U ASHM ERE All wool red flannel tr 13 ffloves (aH wool) at 15, 18. 20 cents up. ?- -anneI at 1j 25 andSS ror.)., 'Pi..,.' Er - HEAVY Twin ,m xor tne i - - a uio at least 20 per cent cneaper than last year. . iile Fxaok aud tan col ored Sweed finio i . y wvw eves ai .40 cents i i ; Ladies' fl ftPOPrl 1?rU .i'm'" I v.vv AAllUtl HI I K ovw .t uu centss - v-y gloves at IS'civheavUs lleeccd lined, !; ' v es'. Ho OKS AND I's navy flannel for skirts at 20c. Good' 6otton blankets 75c up fcomforfcs at 90c and $1, connterpaines 63cts to $2,68. ; Three rjOlirtf! fanihar nillnwa at t)0 cents. ' ; r CuiSC onaver will soon have I will f Xi. Miller. . ul 'o CCS iua large fiandsome residence com! WhZtf WOOL SOGKS Black shelter m time of storm. Tov. 4 '05 urm- j T; . . - - - Infant Gents' blank gloves at 25 and 38e Gents' lQ-4sJieetsat$lty5P ppir. White -'swans down T at 25 ctsper yd. Black Aurora trimming at 'The Misdonary sale will h J'fcfM! fr past e .cal hair socks 1 w - .1 '. .T ' I . .T .... uents' fine wnT.Qffl . w . . . j bmid oe at Bethel Lutheran church Wn sai ii . --vnmayui cnit, weet. All come. t? 1 genes' . -u MORRISON" K fU,nnrr,r 20 CifiTlf wow " : . , ..... . ' VttlJuv. - . Inthatlhaye" It is s dd that Col. J S Oarr, of Durham, .carries more insurance on ifl life than any man in the World. He has jasfc -reoen t!y taken out an auditions! 400,000 policy. , :.- . ATT0R1TEY AT LAW, l v n in thfi nrirrt: i" snare of stock I ytKU, . 0. ' cord Vr;X'afahe ??- ffili".Morris;buildink bDnnaih cate bein. Kat;..;' ,03'" certm, uourt House. . ;; .VFocs are'warnpd rpL . . J i U upiiisi said certificate of t, joom, next to Dove & that o jj , " .Mi'oaie certifiV w"tv AiS rent, it js 22x75 wifh T cate of said share of stock. , . oed basement t. I5' W th MnppTonw rr . . vUv,Miuu yiven jar Concord. 'X ,1896. Applr- wraps cheap. . Ttvo yard pat ieris cjf fine; embroidered fian- 91,0. per piece, i jWe have purchased a lot of silk which' we will sfl at Sets (per 5ct skein. - - ' f-V B.' J fepprietor. A