J- .. . TL D If 0 COK001U, N. C., THUB&DAT, IECEMBiis.'18fl.' ( .OT?."." 1 C7::ii ;iy100 a-i'SiM1 4ii3 'ii U "JGIiW i-.'ii.--!. u i" ..- t yv y.'vf: !K A n A TXT 1 O- .T7- Vr' . 1 ..i.ir i , I m . .1 ' M , , . mm i , . .. LADIES JUDGE SOHENUK AGAIN. I & .,VvftailKi,d.,ftnH!tf,hbdh flnvi I r. V ci s 5 ' . ' ,. i - . : V; . . - - rTi. . mmm t . , B i ji j a i i - 11 i! We have the Sterliiq Silver FoVget-Trte-hot Kings for 25c. i ?. L to; m Heas ft Grievance anrf then Animosity. opposition to the confirmation.of tha fi Gin;, III $J ,QO lease of the North Carolina itailroad will appear iii this1 week's Caucasian. Jodge Schenck heads hia: article 'Te Law is Stronger than the Cor .poratnna &n d th.. peoples make the Law The Pen is mightier that the Sword."" ' ' : ' " ' ' ,'- ' v The J udge starts off hy- saying, that his-former article stirred up the Southern Railway considerably and its friend 8. came touts assistance by mation of this-cnmeypr the BaKis more syhdicateought tpjpostpone aj l.iiiriiantal ' i- . 1 ifi.iL : 'i.t ..: i "I - - eaie unuing nexi,uegisianre meets I m oraer to pKe action, v nej runner says t b at the-SpithrnX is I trying to destroy all the i .brancheslof this ixad. The J udge, praises s thje Railroad Commission.tays; thattbas .in duced accidents to life arid iimti ohe A. lelegrram Camo Yesterday to Mr. Virtrivlus Royster That Ills Brotn-: r uau jseen unn uver Dy a Train, half ;by compelling railroads: to, keep th eir trac ks and ; oth er pr pperty In ; 1jY8terday afternoon ; about half I past three o'clock,- while Mr. -Viftru-vius Roystei, Assistant Clerk of the United States1 Court, was busjr at his' desk during the trial of the cases betore the court, a telegram- was handed to ; him. - " ' ' oilt announced simply that his brother had been run oyer by a train . L! ! 1- ! KVA 'JJsrnt Till it m II it -.95. fi repair; He giyes.the, Farmers' AU in Atlanta and killed. hance credit for creating the corns The eleeram came from Ei-QoT mission. ! The Judge states, that the next Legislature should raise a joint com ernor Northern, of whom the young man was a private secretary. His name was John H Royster and lie WW INS-GRAND DISPL'AY. Everything1 ornamental : an.4:Serjdcfiahlfi:r- Besides an elegant, line, j of finder rings, ear drops, broaches, bar pins. suck pins, belt bUcklWand J ' personal abuBe ofThim:in8tead of re mittee on railroadlreform, and let it waa tfairtythree years old. Mr. Royster left Raleigh about plying to his arguments. Quoting formulate a code. ni!.fa3KE&?V 1 naye, Deen a student yuuge..bcnenck announces, that he twelve months ago, took a -good now leaves" a h .SIDEiCQiviBS: CA1SNQ1SS & FETZER. TO-DAY we liave a o large assort v mAtoOi gojd pans.!.. See the.m at 01109, t. WeaVVeTery tiling . in the silverware line von 1 He states that the' Southern em- of foreign corporaHons, written" on faaTe given a deep enouffh-pathos 'to !' wajib f -:' ; ' ploved him for 14 years; that he its banner, the Alliance will win the shock ' of his deaths -but a' more i 1 n i 1 r' imnirp- went.day andnight,. destroying .hJs pgfU;fcomers. : cruel touch was yet to come: yestef- fl J fl! J .d r 1 1 1 H II T ui-smiu, vuav.uo DCUH ) 1UIU lUD CUJ" ( w,(r I UAV mnm 11 0" fllS ItlO nPT ailQ iSlHLer Tfvou find any , thing .in this r uurPorauoa iaw.Ior!A ,an? Jr1" co again, ana ciosesy ;stat? position married, and. - '' . , . - . , , am vain enough to think that I know ,mg that "with, ;fre . silyer,,, fref Ubung wife and infant, that is not exactiv riffht LaW: u..i. :i. 1' -u r;r 'ii- ijr- li:: . 7 " ; 7 " ouujmug ijuum ii, - . . mwHvMr 1 1 Tm8 fact- would- - alone neeni to h Of 5 caCpii Men's all, wool CassW left On the 5:30 train to visitUheir bv fair promises: that instead of re-1 An.i'oui" in our renort of the ! Hpat acci rm q I . Co vr) c W8Grayldtonpuiat.3.00L munerating f or his hard seryipQsJ der by the commissioners in regard terday afternoon in Atlanta about fm s Black Cheviot suits 2.50. ' 1 Mes's pdd Coat s 75 1 cents, u ' ' b. n1 f!rtt.ft.Sn And Tfi rents, Hen's DinCK Ti urbtcu buits iur o.uw. i . i cuauo.wjB-nimin-ni. nejpieea j v n.iu wcre, leitiuu., ; rtiiowng a6pot. i c - 1 a nyjsician ano ourgeon. jjitii o . . I rwi1f-iAri tho lisnnl coo Artvnnratinn " 1 IH tnn P.nrrpr. ftrrtor I . f- i- I TlTW-n nT A XT TTT T CI ' r" "r"1 - - ' w , xn,oww ff ovu MtiiM & r iirj vu-i vvxwo- cooiy turned him out withot preL Uponmotion; it was ordered that by a reporter of the News and Ob TEU SUITS, v Gnaranteed all wool $5.50, Cutaways after disabling his heal?th orfexerpjs- tojhe s fse thetimeof the frightful happening,' v i pTfrrpv f r ing any feeling of humanity or light io its, "aiin&Vv and found the body a corpse in -the? MwiA..mXtf JodbiiUL M 13. ferring any charges against him. thesheriff give. to;.the clerk of he sefyer. He had telegraphed imme- -Yf:f Vlt'thonght I wasf dead arid treated. bofT$ list ..of all, persons who, failed diately to-Atlanta, but had perfected ;c?. Concord, N. C. FFICEf ST,1.CL0UI).,.ANNEX. sOTtiWMltW- ' it,HW,, dead .dS. by. ikbol-1 tognJ; retMo.!tod-oe. no arrangements- that -'he- cred-;to F JljfQ. gjElWNjj C;, A;i MI5ENHEIMER . isuing my omce. Te?ap:anS n i v Judge acnencK Bays tnat ne nas wror, ;ucw j ' -t - a(PnillOPHl'D1 takeino caaes'against the Southern allaie was not in condition talir; of : the, , I Physicians andSurgeons' SlllllUVlllJ . LlUU i Railway free of -charffe:' nor was he thatsaiCclerhand saiddisjt to .the matter. Raleigh News and Obr iSSr&feil? - ; 'i ! . i; . : . ' - -'-- : u uii puHito -suu irresuy lerian cnurcn a disappointed candidate for director solicitor rvWSistr server. Charlotte. JSM .1- 1 Of very FinQ Glay.Worsted Cutawayspf of hNprtht Carolina Railroadj tthat therof to theotemaf the vnet 1 would be prlce"d $25 by people who j ; . mm" J SfcMoss 'Bros. ifiakQ at 10. - These; f . jjQ will haYe jg 8ay jthough:he pe ass grand jury vand hatBupUaPewona ' '.'' . " ' fill T :-J 1. - JI pretend p, ,?4veyou: 25 percent ? sass'.natea ana lntenas to taKe aiimay oe prosecces4a lf-you want any .UlQtnin at aU ' c B he caa . get against, the it will pay you tosee ua. r if v i t i : 1 - pay jruu iudco uo. v . y ...v i' ' - J-1 Wbeh the JLino IsTorn Away. tj . -7 ooutnern ana win ce, greaum tuaay;h m u -v. n utrjz.iLi Viusjo& hzuuuuj, coui i t . , .. r v. . -, . - one who em 7 11.. . . ; . ' f . I WIIU W WILL VCLV VOUVO iffl wPftlr nni i. - r - ,t K - - . ; .' away that the people irom all iraae wioro . . v, tiona jof the5oiniiy meet en mass in 1st. We buy our goods in large lots y rr the ciiijc of Cccpr an makfea I i nniunr-me? care-cases canj ue rtsmuv r - . . - ' j . :. . It May. Do as Mncli for Ton. Mr. Fred Miller,, of Irving, x III,. writes that he had a Severe, jKioieyJj J MORRISON H;. OA'OW.EL A.TT0REY. AT LA W, t ' Officein Moms building, opposite ourt House, actlv what wesav we will loimprf. lb' in jfnri bpr altpirfid that ?x; iWe.areJiereLtfidayiandJexpect'tohe f . , , - , . - . . i TCO ito I insuuraiiruauj-claims' !1 uauuu many so called Kidnej cure3 but without any,, gopd Jesuit, .About a U. We VtTlie owest nosslble .price d-to the Federal -oorirts. - and that J " ij7?7i ? iLi.-'i, tfl.and lound-..relief atncea J . , . ' . - I . ? oi mem. We don't try to mase you .. . :. tMnk they are worth more by pricing inif , . ' aone, ueat aoubtswnat tney arepn. a amounts " excee x. e uo exactly wnai we uy wo w c.iaimea. it is inrmer aiieeea inai . . - : . . ... : -. i .rn-r.Tkth -niinr -rrut -iwa staniicrejief.ii One i trial. , will. 5 prove ixjLVV txxijijijt& MANUFACTintEKS '. OF he railroad claims it ? cannot g We will feell you goods that will j ustice - in these - caees in -order to J please, youj-I r i" hkve them remove i. The Judge a tere as long as we live 4th. fitaad Please Report it.. T lLltl 'L-'zL : ' ".-ii ; i.- our.etatements PriceOo , and 41 eutL pitne proiession: out in an 5th. We will give your money back nLP(1iftta thHt tte . next ?Le&islatnre ofae.pu up)oas aoa't suit you " r - 7 r ' . -1 ' flUrflmftpafl' ft certain .doctor of Wants Them to LeRrn Football- Yn, Ww nrnJ.will enact laws to prevent this if iheireme .W ' ; . ..' we guarantee the price on everything bins are not purloined. r SJ MA.ilbiklnd it3 iTtft-tLt thiSt a v.uuU, I r right Ithis city related His troubles to a re- Am exchange ?ayB - "How long I ' i ii . ; J i 1.T I xtt til if Yol Yrf--r . Fnm o 1 aci titt 11 'l--lor-. ,- i : i ate haa the! ?P auure i ;vu"ivu vsr.L r to .tax. foreign corBorati9g?,. M. J ......... . annmn ,,ftuT(irsit;f I-BulitUe- 'Ule.'Aie1: foreiw corporations can be; ex- .1. that imwnl - Prisidei t Winston anls lM7 i wm;tb.e'5tate tax"iiL D aay'tocome-MicklW-Therevis.aPi l.L i that i eluded posed on its Bhares or stocts. ,1 liAr rARUAftrfti!diini.detoand fox thdJ admission t)f womenr 0 v. ii I ii I p "T0"i " : rpws eloquent on "luxurious cars' pfami made ac this onAfiQa 1 1 i c . CpJ3;CQ?P, 1 N.. ( Cit i - 1" J '--.'w-v flio r.flflftialfr-'Jie statealroli WaafLfcar'eli hooa that wWeiiever Pr i ' The ex-Judge plainly states in the tfc niehtna'all his patience, rj; beginnjnthllke theIrm) pi copdplenq .eUJ Bucklen's Arnica Salye, -The Best Salverin-;tlie? world for nl. rL:lv '-o" 'TfiL TOu ftjieum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains; Corns, and all psidenfedalong tnrougnc tue- oiaw uvgwf isf TmMmmm. -!l"Wfim Eruptions, and positively cures Cashier. I otisi splendor, ,It rf ui:thert reporidi5iaAiPiorder to eave yonipile .or no.f pay requi-e4 IlaiLf. BttYERSlOF .-. tin v. M. OtTTT T ro. Cclttia-ntk " ' r3. CaiTMKm. ,1 A flaiafant. Cashier tl-f i.wiort pprvknta await thftutaDiiny3rtyaikh'ihat 8 tatisf action or flnnrif ritr -Pinrliinn WW,. . ' , : . . . $50,000. ? ;- : v ;. ' V - box. For sale at P B Petzer'a Drug - ,. . ., ., . , I I Bturc. ... . - - - ' I ; . . . . X' mI. 1 . rorueni. i I I --w I if 1 r. rvirif 0 - w. 8urpT V-'rT 1 Urr a A Hrfl fioWT DaH . 1 . . . T . J nTunipn-DQ . - riir n iittatv- Ana tne juuee I'-Odell, . D. F. Cannon further says it would be more con l1.,. XW-ANNON, 8i8tnt, too, with a Reublicorm yjDu w? n,: JjTx, r , mot: if t.hPSft --nabobs 1 . T- i " a- I UL liU Ivl vv, " ... WOUlCl not display meii vctiwA wo-r- ilia ovaa nr the eufierinff poor HE INSURANCE, around the depots. It is tated that w other States have , compelled rail- al Sln eedoffFire Insurance, rnds to take 'but charters. i serfseeus, or write.-V9 o repre roaoB-rowwu ton v fi.cA'ilJ!. -kw: t,-, Rnhenck asserts that the snfViprn is now Btretching out its) Respectfully. , j A Woodhousr & Habeis. i octupus nanus w The store room, next to Dove & Bost, now occupied by Sims & Alex- lander, is tor rent. It is 22x75, with goed basement Possession giyen 1st January, 1896. Apply to j2 " J. Dove.. Stoclt'for Sale.. :;-:'' ) have one sx-year old mSre and one mule for sale on easy terms. Apply to meat :-k ' mail, or at my home two miles west of Mt. Pleasant. . JlMlSENhEMER. . - ' ' ' :"' . , ..0. ' DBAliiiRS IN Jf to adyanced work there." General AOtlCe. - -. I i-i 4i'ta.i . - Notice is hereby given that J hav L .' lost --si certificate" of bhe share of stock t in'ithe.corporation,known.as theonti Fvur-Foot.. wood . always cora remaie iiacaemy, saia certin cate being No. 5 in the books corporation, acd said share - . -- . 'r .' -" r : v " -Foot . wood alwavs " , - . of the aame.iTj-JTft. mvife afi.jn;-Us ? value of 50. All persors are warned against holding said certificate of 8tock-nd-notice 13 hereby given that I shall apply for duplicate certifK caie of -eaid share of stock; Morrison H. Caldwell. Concord, N. C, Noy. 25, 1895. spectidn of all . the gqods we Manufacture. 11 1.

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