...... I'DARK-SKlNNiib1 2 tj'f , t , - ' - lift J 'i.V -'"' ; t 4.- iii,ii..ww.. I ! ' ' ''" FOR THE NEXT; FIVE, DM?0 Thejsalesmen will!markfdownlthe price ofjurnlture; k today parchased fromCannpnsPetzer &JBell. After tell stock has, been goneJthrougTi with,Twe will c SLAUGHTER The stock was!bought for spot "cash money, and t a price that our customers canhave, the benefit A vVi. will, sell .' : '.. rv FURNITRTE OF ALL KINDS CHEAPER" FOR THE NEXT-NINETY-' DAYS Than"!any!Parniture dealer in North Carolina, Seeing -is believing, come and see us. DRY & WADSWjORTH REDUCED, RATESC Cation slates afl igf eciatloual Eyposltloa tpltnter 18 Occeober 3F, F895L Tor the above occasion the Southern Tlattwii v 'Co. will ell lo-vr-rate round-trip, tloketa to- aiiianiA, iA.f ana return on, tha ioUoir basis: S Alexandria, Va-. Aaheville,' N. C...... Burlington, NVO.i;.i H.OO! e.40i 6.75 18.70 13.W Jiurfeoville, Va.,.-. 25.25 m. Culpeper,.Va.... te5.SOU.53UV..; ri3.60 fjoatnam, va. 12U.85 15.30 iarlottesTille, Va... 35 17.05 10.55 12.4 Chapel mil, N. C E0.40 15.00 6.6& 6.8& 10.85 concord, N. C......... 14.aK Charlotte, N. C 13.1ffl. ; . 9.65! Danville, Va....; 20.05H.7ffl Durham, N. C 20.40 15.001 10.20 10.4S ront Uoyal, Va. . . ,. . 8.25 19.25 14.00 Greensboro, N. C 17.65 12.93 9.20 oldsboro, N. a 1.75:15.93 U.60 Jiendereonville, N. C. Hiokors-.NC4.. High Point, n;c..;.. Hot Springs, N. C .... Henderson, N. C Lynchburg, Va. ai.70! 8.C0( 5.25 7.25 8.40 6.75 8.05 7.25 7.10 7.25 (15. 3W.;. 11.2.:.. 16.95! U2.45T.T..; 14.00..... 10.50 P0.4015.0d 10.45 11.50 (22 ZQ 16.50 xiexington, N. u 16.05: 15.30..... 14.85;:.-.. 15.30';'..;. 11.8CV Mor?anton,N. C Marion, N. C. ........ . Newton, N. C Orange, Va Oxford, N.jC .Richmond, Va Beidsville,K. C ltaleigb,N. C South Boston, Va . . . . fitrasburar, Va. ....... . Salisbury, N. C fitatesville. N. C Taylorsville.N.C.... Tyon, N.C Washington, D. C .... West Point, Va.....;; Warren ton, Va .....";; 11.25 10.901 n.25 P4.5513.0d 13.1(W E0.4015.0ffl 10.45 E3.-2517.05 12.40 a rm' , 18.85 13.m 10.45;. '4 10.80 14.00;..... 21.65 15.8 pt.2519-,2 lligffl.. t. 7.25 15.30 16.35 10.75 11.25 7.25 32.00 8.15 4.90 -7.85 6.25' 19.25 14.00' 3.6517;35 t I2.6O;..... 14.00..... U.30..... 26.2519.25 22.9516.85 Winston-Saleni; N. C 19.0013.95! 9.80' CBates from Intermediate points In proportion.) e, EXPLANATION. , .JSmSA! 4ets will be sold September 6 w XbSS? f3rom September 15 to Decern, t 1896! 180olnclusive Anal limit January i-, Tickets wm be sold daflrfrom SPi8?!!" December 15, 1895, inclusive. - JalJi twenty (20) days from date 3 cJSLum? c,v' Fketi wiU bo told dally from September 15 to December 30, 1895, inclusive, "Sto ,&!ftSf55ee,1,a da78 ?om date ol irr7, kofctoear longer limit than Janu- jjSEL 5 L ' "ftrt" j wffl be sold on Tuesdays 7 '1.h,u"dy of eavjhveek from-September intf!iI???S?mbcr24' 18 Elusive, with final limit ten (10) day from date of sale? Column B: Alcieta will be sold dauy from September 15 to December 30, 18951ffsJ with final limit seven 7 days Jm dVto oflSS 9 1 . ' -; SOUTHERN RAILWAY -Jf?onL ne enjerfn the Exposition '?2S?5:ni!?2f Rouble-track, . itiESSE your nearest agent, or address J.M.CtJLP, W. A. TURK. o : Trafflo Afanager, Oenl Pass. Agt icui rcnna. Av. Wftshinston, D. CL r. jiaca jcaitt jctt cite juaranteeQ tovr&t J ' MeatfcchelnZO minutes, MOae cmt aToosS b-so launujriroui ma center or the citvol Atlanta to the Exposition Grounds. For tickets and full informutt doso.' - i f. Vi' TH E RRWES; MT FLEASANT, Ni'or REV-." J D.i'SHIR D r'RES A I) AJ)JJM IOCOitMM KtllA L AND- COLLEGIATE CdtJRSES? : if. r STCfWmaWrirfQ to i COAL, FOR. SALE i SOFT COAL, : I n ' 5 . . j BLOCK. GO Ali. STOVECOAL. 4 Best; Coal 4 in' tha South. -ore, or given ip,m&mers. L aRtAE'Ni Ifotlce of Seizure Ujightpwer. ; V . jnyperson clafmlng said property is hereby, notifled to armear befnrp TtK; hereof and make sucb cfaifA- in: tiSform and manner prescribed by law, or the P0!? i19111 Ve Glared forfeted tq the united States. ' ' - - - " 1 t r SAM L. ROGERS. ' t W Collector CtrrDistiN; a iy iv. r. jtiarns. u. c. Kov.27,1895. Ifis Craw. ' -A pretty, yet pathetic, sight was witnessed at Atlanta the other day. 4scp of the trains from; the. Bouth ?;oiled iajq the depot . there ajif?htfid fromit a little white boy about . ten years of ace and a colored lad of 14. the latVef s1 bikek shone like polished eboiny, IBhadb egg, one arm was goneV and htf&ot alcbg busjnac his white compaiop cpeemfd m Jhg beat of SDiritB. and while the latter carried a email worn Walilnhe former hopped oyer the pavement in the direction lof -the iExt)Ofiition. Many . Southerns knew, them, for their home wS in New Orleanj?, and the'negroboy, Alose, by name.is cne. of tho heroes of the State. He was found in the woods when a baby by the mother of the white boy, whose husband .was ir -the lumber , .and Uvea severflKmilea above .Ntjw, Orr leans. She , topk the little pickan inny home, treated him kiiidjy,, even affectionatelj, and when her own son was born Mose became pas' sionatelv attached to himi finally the husband died, and the widow and the two boys lived on in the swamps. One night the river rose, broke over the levee and swept the mother and wo.bqys put into tne darkness and the flood. , Next morning the mother was rescued . by a fishe rrnan, and a search then instituted for the boys. They were finally f6und. The white child perched on a slipDery log just above the water, the negro, Mose. up to the neck in the slimy flood and his arms sustaining hiB young master on his dangerous place. His exhaus tion' was so greatltnat he nearly died fbrwbile heroically struggling to save the white boy he had not flinched while great logs bore down upon. him and crushed his legs so that they had to be amputated. His p.rm,al80 was rendered, useless 'and was cut 'off. The black hero became so dear to the heart of the mother 'tnat when she died a year later she left her smail property to the two boys, who tnen emoyed to New Orleans, where her relatives resided Every body there knows their , story, and aBvthexpass .along the. street or -sit plav.inin the squares many, a bag of rpas peanuts, ; fruit, candy and tpys is give? ,hem , byi Tthe passers by. The relatives allow Mose- to have almost -ntire charge of his ycfung master, and; gave7 them ' per J mission to attend, the Exposition to gether. They attrhcted universal Zatten- t ion there, and it is doubtful lif any other two boyi 'hao! so good a time as Mose end his companioh.Hick o-y Press. ' yy- ' ' p-JTX 1 IJ 1 HJ ' If II 1 M J 'l) 11 . r 1 i CONGOR& MARKETS;, 1 t. (- . '- v - ' 1 COTTOK MARKET. ; " ' ;. r f,;.'':'".- : i(eted,l)y;Pannons(& Fetzer.. Good Kiddling.;;...; .... 8..?5;! , PBODUOE,lfAr!rT5T Duearcurea nama 1 9. t a1 k Bf(imeatB,,8ide8:.:.:..,.::r..:...8'to9 i . ...... iV iJutter ..v-v.....i;.;i ;.i... n.i;jji5 Ohickenal;;...... 2 :V...i.il0th20 Aggs.:....... 121 ldui(rtharollna) 35 rallbw ....... ... .... .... 3to4 Dr. 1 J; E. C ARTIiAOT ; iauko2sreiEN.TisT. Makes a specialty of iilling teeth without pain. Sixteen yeais experience. : Office over iippardss,'&'vBairierastore' inngs,... ... .....7 8 ; t 3nii7iP.,!;iii? f5,? to '6 - s 1 (nHwAtter Feb, .8, 1894. 25 . . . . . .'..7 millions of atioaably the 0:: tho world lias ever Juiowu. ftivoa them health. It will gomething whioh la ahaolntely aafe and'praotioally porfect child's medicine. l kli V v ' .r" 1 ;.-.;. ; ,. : , Castoria deatroy JWprmaV ; , Caatorta allays reverishneaay . . . Castoria prevents vomiting Sony Card. ,;V' Castoria cures Diarrhoea and -7ind Colic, 11 Castoria relieves Teething Troubles. ' Castoria euros Constipation and !Flatnlenoy. t. Castoria neutralizes the effects of carhonio acid gasjor poisonous ntv Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach an6l bowels giving healthy and natural sleep'. Castoria Is put up in ono-rize bottles only. It is not, gold in huli, Pont allow any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or promiae that it is just as good and " xtrill answer every purposs." See that you get C-A-S-TrO-R-I-A1 The fac-similo signature pg Children Cry Jot ML re IF IT COMES FROM MvCONEECH EE FRS OFSTANDAROANPJHdROUBHBRED IFIN E J ERS SHROPSHIRE ANDBORSET SHEEP. BLACKjESSEX AND, DUR0C JERSEY-HOGS:. FINE POULTRY. , Dnnii7CTHDrVC WRITE FOR .ADDRESS OCCONECH n Itednced Railroad Hates. j Ootton State and International ' M ' It. Exposition , Atlanta, Gal Tickets on saleltSptember 5 and 12 and daily from September 15 to 'Decern ber 15. 1896, f inclusive.,, witkpfinal limit January. 7, 1896. v Fare , for round trip 814.20., Tickets on sale aaiy irom sop tern oer id to uecem" ber' 30, inclusive with final limit fifteen days from date -of Bale. Fare fprit round trip, SlQ4o Ticfctsum, sale daily from September qj JJecember 30, .inclusive withfinal limit sevec L iA9if B9j Fare for round, trip S6,55v . V - Ah V I Specuiatioh HAMMOND & CO. i - ft- 'iO i'iii 130& 132parl s ocks,- Bonds aHd Grain bought and sold; or carriea on'Margi r 40 .7 1 i notice town taxes;: 1 The town taxes for the rear -iq are now nrfl notw HnU 1 - -"u S ' t eot - All peTsoBS ViflTat ""KS costs. The law 2??w Property fhwJXeffm FWJT and ia-bQ: . ri Test Temedy ffey laanB nW Wii anChildr. It la liarril' gave tbetr Mves. tin ii'MotA- n is on every wrapper. Pitchers Castoria. EY CATTLE DCKIKI 11 1 U Q AC iii CATAL'Q G UEr W EE FARM, DURHAM, N,C -2:3 Soticc.' I All persons holding claims against Jf Wi3orkead, deceased, will please present them to me. or, to H I Wood house promptly. All persons in" dab ted to same will pleas call and settle at once. - 0? 1 w 2w 1 j f-i ' A LIDA L. BUPKHEAD. Executrix of the last will and testa- ment'of J W Borkhead. Some Medicines beloog to one i season and some to another. KHIG'S" ROYAL; GERMETOER I IS IN SEASON ALL THE YEAR ROUND. $j . .T-y;.- ?r v . - I' - ! . . I '. ( .. . IN THE SPRING urifies the blood, removes languor mes xne Diooa, removes langw PPtessipn, invigorates and exhila- l INiiTHBSUmmER It overcomes th!e relaxation and debility aiase&ideitrmaes the most ae- 5 la , moTW fW-L When malaria Ji rides.on every passing Jreeie,M it is the great preventive and fvUflfailinffiwu-e.Of troubles result lUffom that, cause, , Vf ! , r wk w V..wnl?0 i is still needed for curing Colds, Grip, Cpiarrh,, Hheumatisin, and the Uls that belong1 to cold seasons ' . ana uncertain way, put wiiu ; ..and triWhant p'riVer: ' Konio at AE! TIb- r3E?.Qrti v1 t. 1 . - rirfifre. large ji wvw ujf iiuggiSia, lien " V 1 . W 1 I 'IMIilil 1 1 '1 iTT i j 34 f in k9a. tJftifrtT'OTt j IX. n HOB" I r 1 r 1 r DOttiei 103 . Doses, One Dollar. , iianui- TOE WliHTA CHEilbAL tJOi ATtAKTA, tX I . Write for 48-Page Cool, Mailed Free- FTZEK'S;DR ug storz r BOQEB, i. own lax Collector. 1

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