Vol. All. JNo. 27 1R CON001lLN. C;, MONDAY, DECEMBER 0. 1895, RIOTERS PLEAD GUILTY. ' Whose 30. 1,365 See our Sterling Silver Anniversary Exercise oftbe Winston. -' m jc. w. C. A. Ht f mston, jN, 0., Dec. 7Seyen- ff?!ffiynpSfoe?;vviwiio participated iii Winston recent riot and who esi caped arrests and trial at the last THE CORPSE CAME TO LIFE, LEGISLATURE A TIE. rraiLfla. Wi-Cr? -itAi-i ,mau. i;fwi4 The Democrats Won Xsterday In the Will Recover, Although Supposed to . . be Dead for Two Day. Wis Jewelry . fa. 1 Novelty. S"???r , ? a' W of the Solicitor they ere oil y "taxed! .with Uje cost, which aggregated $16 in-.cach case. Four dpclined to plead guilty. They will' he tried V.r Anniversary exercises of the r Win ston-Salem's Young Men's Christian .Association will be held in the First PreaJvte,fiaa w church, tomorrow aiiernoon. me address will be de livered. by State Secretary Timer, who v pavs -.the.' Association t his. first' I you find any . thing in this "7 ot ine w jwrs Tvri.A itui ud uictuo tuts peBlueIll Villfi'a hftafc AlMATip" haV Inat-'life mind, and will be sent to J Morgan- tpn ?a8yln m. ItJs saidf.he ajtenjigted iaj buuul ms wire ana cnuaren a I fanr AaTra anrt Wo sell Men's all wool Cassimere suits at " " $3.00. .. v. . j :;Win8ton hipped, 259,0QQ pounds linn'u Kinpi? vvnni i nP7inr giiitb nr .- mi i - ? ' i . . . r STiiTX ot mannfactured tobacco tnis week. - A. waiter- in- a hotel here stole a $roo that is not exactly right TODAY Men's Gray Melton suits-at 8.00.. Mens Black, Caeylot suits 2.50. Men's Odd Coats 75 cents. Bey's Odd Coats 50 and 75 cents. , Men's Black Worsted suits fcr 3.50. Men's Fancy Melton suits 2.50. MEN'S FINE CLAY WOBS- his tlm? -jece watch last night Today he was tr(ed, cgnyfcted an(i Pentended to the conntv roads. The owner got Guaranteed all wool $550, CQtftways and Sacks. These are thejkjtfdrthat some merchants price 12.50, krstood ive difjiiifV td Qn Tnesday 7Mrs. i SamuelKeEr he. Igjaiatoreby a majority of 468 died and Undertaker Roon, pf PitUv Special. Election. Louisiel Kyi )ec 7.The Wilke3B Ar j! . Pa Dec 5. Democrats won today tin .the special There was a : ;yeryi much anrprised election in,tha f orty-ei ghth legisla nndertaeii at Duryea-this morning tive the, over Charles ABlatx, the Republi-i touj, was caHed in by the family, tHe An M Z - 4 n A - fl. .L " . I n .t.A L.J A 1 V 1 i 1 ' vjiur uuunuee ; ;.4ia a iciU ii) iBc x.ju i uiciwuicu lut: tuuy in tnetusuai siyie, tncky Legislature is left; withatief put crape on, tbe door, and this on joint ballot and the balloting for morning, as it was necessary ;to keep United States Senator 1 to succeed the body until the, arriya: of .some I -Trf Senator Blackburn is. likely to re- relatiyes, Jie prepared : to mbam. l FOR TRF WflT TH A YJ UTTTT the , Republicans : and Democrats water and then applied cold water, J Winchester Onyx -yrttk.bftj his 8urpri8eand horror the Clocks,' Walnut Populists two and it is pretty well supposed corpse sat bolt upright. J31ock&,uak blocks, assured that the Populist yote will ..unjiertekjer. did not staj . 'Z?)fffJ JI epJit.,,, ;.n,-V-v ' : " ' " ' n a pe.P0nd,iooK, nut rnsnea away, ncKe watches. - JL ne election was a nouy.coniesieu .aucuc reauueutuo. atfeeue- one.iQairoll had fuseMsjcerpT; gained his senses and ieptq. Jo cate after the November.elecUon be-, doctor's residence. A pnysician cause of the secret withdwal Uf I hurried to the house and found the ShreveYtne ' Rublican candidaie. woman alive and surrounded iyher qarrp:!, . .who is : ex-Speaker JDfJthe happy family. She was;; yery weak; House, declared he could not ; ac- b.t thet doctor administered etimu centf an election:' carnKwlth it lanta and eays she will live. . . , . the least suspicion of tf a"ud and de- The woman was only. siciwd I . , 9j I F Vfl RSCF manded a special election. - - days and died, or was s apposed to lUUlllt ;fm Tl Professional Cards. Sterling-Novelties ; by the gro. Ster , ; r , : . Ug. goods in . " ' ' j - " " CiPes. ; SILVERWARE. . (iau and see us be fore, buy log your - vJ; t :: holiday goods. We have whatvou want. ,in ghjs esultefl, ;althoighLiip. pnBj was says she was in a trance seriously injured, John Whallen, JIi!,nude f A little girl who attended services at oneof Jbhe churches of, the city Sunday morning heard the minister announce that there would be a mweeiin:of the Ohr 'siiaaEndeavork during the evecing, which the child did not oad'erslaod, and when reach Of very Fine Clay Worsted Cutaways of home, c.-awled into her mamma s Schloss Bros make at $10. These lap and sa;.d: What do you thinkl would be priced $25 by people who T, hp ftJd th nhristiana pretend to save you 25 per cent preacaef . said tne ?LniStians If you want.any Clothing.; at all, . and devils; would meet at .bur.churph it wilLpay you to see ns. this evening The child was yey Rere are some good reasons much ;cited:,and afraid: . ; wlvy it wiil pay' youto ; oetaT" ' trade with US : Mnrdr,erJLlpyd, ha was.an 1st. Webuour ioods in large lots in .Chester, S.v O.;. Fiiday. last, was ami Duy mem iow. i uuriea ounaay ai. ine rneumx. uiiue. zna. we put tne lowest possiDie ; price invthe lower edge lot, tbis i conniy; think they are worth more by pricing Hundreds of colored people went out them at doubts what they , are worth. 0 he funeral from all parts of the 3d. We do exactly what we say we wm t His remains passexllhrough here as long: as we live ' I the city Saturday. 4tVl "Wa -rrrill onll -TTrtTl VTa tVlOt. Will fi i &uuuu, ' Salts Dare Come. ' 5th. We will eive vour money back The Thompson school football if goods don't suit you team have their new suits and they Tourunno risk" in trading with us. are beaits, too. The : uniform is c guarantee tue price yu cyeijw" . . . resell. Shoes hats and all kind of comprised of jackets, pants and 17. iM TIGHB y, M. D. ?Physician, and Surgeon. Qpncord, ,NQ. . t Furnishing Goods. Cannons ft'Hretzer highek stockings, colors of which are white and Tid. The fever is now at its is! iNationai Bank. COKCORD, N. O. ItOSt. Mr. Thomas Li taker, of No. 4 township, lost a single case purse, containing $21 thirmornjng, Tlje money was divided-into two $5 bills; ten dollars in silver, one $1 bill, and fen nr fifteen cents in change. It President was lost in tJannonrs DacK iol, Cashier. I Brown ,r3ro tables, or ; between' CoLTRAOTr ?-A 8818 tan t Cashier town.vand 4jB,drr?aVstore -t Forest Hill. Finder will be rewarded oy leaving same at this office or deliy ered to him. 4 d&w. JM. ODELL, . :; p B. CCLTRAOT, i Capital, orpins, $50,000 $16,000 the Democratic leader in the.dis- For Rent. !4. tnct, . got into, rouble at one of rthe The store room, next to J)py? & vptingplces and was, nnceremoni- Boat, now occunisd bygims i Alex qnpchedn Under, tor rent, isxj with 0FFI6E: .'LGUD - ANNEX. " X JNOERWIN. C MISENHEIMER police responded to aeyerai ricalls January, 1896. Apply p - It A, c- ; I -v ,rtt .. r ; t u buibad no diM6ulty in suppressing j2 Dove. MKJNMlMifixi trouble. t Excellent Music. irjBhyw!an3nd Surgeons Office No. 3. HaTtv - building nn The Episcopal choir rentjerjed, posite 2nd Presbyterian church. nmmmmmG excellent music at the Snndav arlotte, X U. - - , ffc innfrpn thafcVOTr ear.Bome oer-I . :. - . I i ' r ,a u- " f ' - , son CALDVEL ATTORNEY AT LAW, CONCORD. K. C. seldoffl yojij hear gf any of & offertory, Harkhllar y . Unm m No-k -m- ? 7 hlindtw bftinW raidedJ An unusual - . -J?iJ, ? 'Office in Moms-building, opposit feWKIae&JH Soal" at the, night. service he sang Court House. ' thk Satprda, Rights flne b3atone ftt the ser?iod r : . and Sunday, con,; fom.' bat-jtUa 8aog ,0alrary, as, .volantar and : . , . COi ill lilstl aMo nt ot thft Tila. stqfl flooded , the ,T v K,n,liv T.irh t Cnrn.Hnir, niifht ortrl if la I - . ' ""u-'nw ; Sunday, afteraoon ; Mr..;,pigQtt sf6age, Jflded, Ihathy. accident, if . ,fi pfKSbleHan rarv school and,as8i8ted..e choir, which eimBtt sUttu;;da ; anout MANUFACTURERS OF a)ift!what ptipoe coulthose a nr0 teache w8 larre'sted wx; fUsksie used,:df J not for retailing iWedne8day on a chargexf assault 0TJT1KQ CLOTHS, iy-dyL! :;0?l"JllBt: Jnde Hanirn L Ferrali: of the' ? . : v: . 1 1 ; ness is becpnig a so e on the town, , . ordinarv. ,whichohldand- shonld be broken .. The negfo was' standing by, 'the up, ii ai kv j - door of a car on which Judge Ferral was riding and lie asked "him to ..LJii Marveioa e.uis, Moaff the door. With an Ufflv reolf From a letter written .by Rev. J U at,tflntfid jndaA Fen-ail.'- wound- Uunaermai :rw,, ino- him in the eve: He iumned off tii.'a 1. - T- IL! l0 ' nuuea to inane bux . . , tim uu couapcvi PLAIDS, SHEETING 1D:SALT BAGS O f .jjIALERS in: ; V - . "I ' , , : .' v Merchandise. . we are per .tract $-Lhave'BO liesitatio in re innmmanrlinD1 !!. TTin NfiW DiaV jcovery,'ras4heiesults : vere alinost' I bon imarvelous in fheease' pf - my wife While I warpa)5tor rof theaptist CnurajtRjxe-?-icJ! bronght down ith) Pnpjjmbnia sucj jeering: La Grippei Terrible par- The negro? was released on $2,000 m General TPiien Baby was slci. we gave her Castorfew , iNhen she was a ChUd. she cried for Castorla. . When she becarde Miss, she clung to Castoria, - BUYERSJOF WvvBmo nf.'?i rnni?Vimipl I'TOhnld 'last I utu - -w c i o.u miv luiu vuiiurvu, kua avc idicui vcuwui i t . uuuuujf a iuuuurj . , DIRECTORS; : I. Odell, D. F. Cannon jlam King, J. W. Cannon, H. Odell, W. H. Lilly, D. B COLTRANE. Notice. -: , . V Notice is hereby given that I have lost f certificate of one share of stock in the corporation,known as the Con cord Female Aacde my, said certifii rate beintr No. 5 in the books of the corporation, and said share of the value of $50. AH persor s are warned oi7iat hoi dtner said - certificateof vhftn kj t T3: TtienvoTiAfl. i. nofipA la nPTPnv rivfn that u UCOU Ul X' 11 D Aliou t 1 QbUUn BUU uw.tw o u and see us. nr wHf.fi. We repre T nuaii onnlv for a dunlicate certifi FIRE INSURANCE. hours with littl e in tert op tonand 'it seemeu as irrflne qouia noc Buryive them. . Jl friend recommended Ir King's New Discover; it was quids I Buiidingr and i ita wnrlr n.nrl bichlv Rfttisfanf.nrv I Opened. in results Trial ., bottles free at Fetzer's drug store. Regular size 60c. and 81. . . - nt only first-class Home and For companies. , - A Respectfully, : WaODHOusE & Habbis. pate of said share of stock. Morrison m. ualdwell. Concord, N. C, Noy25, 1895. . -' -, ' ' . I There: ml 1 ;be s a ,cal I comTinnica tiok of Stokes Lodge No. 32 A. F. and A. M., Monday night, -Decerns ber 9 at 7:30. Work m first degree. By order of W. M. N S. J. Lowe, Secretary. JLoan 15 th Nerles a The fifteenth, series ofJ-istock-in the Concord - Perpetual Building and Loan Association opens Saturday,' December 7th .Call on the . -secre-tary and .treasurer and subscribe The third series of stock matures and will be paid off this month. A good paying investment. J. P. Allison, Pre3. H. I. Woodhouse, Secretary and Treasurer. V d410ti of al Kind --AND JPbnr-Foot j wood always wonted lest juices for same-, .f We , invite an in: spection of all . the goodN we Manufacture. . x ii .- ' - i "... w.: ' v

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