? .V . . ... 3" 11 -1 1 ,K FOR THE NEXT FIVE Thesalestnen''will;markdown3the-prire ofJPurniture, today purchased fromJCannons,Petzer &5Bell, After i ' .-"',''. 1 ' i I r 8. 1 ' .. v. -i teh. stock hasjjbeenjgonethroughj SLAUGHTER THE8:PRieES, Ths stock vvasjbought for spot "cash money, an&t '. I ' ..... " "' " a price that our customers canhave the benefit. Vb Will sell FURNITRTE OF ALL!NDS CHEAPER FOR THE NEXT NINETY-DAYS ThanJanyJPurnituredealeriii North Carolina, Seeing is believingjjcoma and see us. DRY & WADSW0RTH. REDUCED ; RATES, ioilon Slates ircmaiicnai Expasldon ATLANTA, A.v tpteraber l8rrDecembcr 3T, I85; . k , . Yor the above occasion the Southern Railway Co. will sell low-rate round-trip tickets to ATLANTA, GA., and return on the follow tng baaia: FROM- a 2S Alexandria Va. ...... Asheville, N.C...... 28 .2519.25! 14,00! 12.85 0.40 6.75 LJuriington,w. u. 18.70 13.TO 0.65 Burkeville. Va .... E3.25 17.0a 11.951... . ., Culpeper. Va ... 25.30U.5& 13.50, Chatham, Va. Charlottesville, Va... Chapel Hill, N. C Concord, N.C. CharlotteN.C Danville, Va Durham, N. C Front Royal, Va ..... . Greensboro If . C. . . . . Ooldsboro, N;C Hendersonville, N. C. Hickory, N.C High Point, N.C Hot Springs, NrC .... Henderson, N. C...T.. Lynchburg, Va.. .... . Lexington, N. C . .. Morjranton, N. C. Marion, N. C. ......... Newton, N.C Orange, Va.. Oxford, N. C ......... Richmond, Va Reidsville,N.O.. Raleigh, N. C South Boston, Va .... Strasburg, Va. Salisbury, N.C Statesviile. N. C Taylorsville, N. C .... Tryon, N. C Washington, D.C.... West Point, Va. Warren ton, Va ....... Wilkesboro, N. C. . . . . "Winston-Salem, N. C. 20.8515.30 10.55 12.40 23.2517.05 . .... ... . . . . 6.5b 6.86 20.4015.00 10.85 14.20 13.16... 10.40! 9.65 20.0514.7(M 10.20 120.4015.00 10.45 26.2519.25 14.00 17.6512.93 9.20 ei;75i5.e5 ill.CO 11. 70. ... . 8.C0' 6.25 7.25 8.40 .6.76 8.05 7.25 7.10 7.25 15.30..... 11.25 12.45 10.50 16.95 14.00 te0.4015.0ffl 10.45 te2.M16.60 U.60 16.TJ5..... 11.80 15.30;.... 14.85..... 01.23 10.9 15.30 U.25I 24.5518.0ffl 13.10 10.45 20.40 wm 23.25175 12.40.;.,. ioiW:ta.ouitti E0.40,15;0ffl.u.. 10.451..... 10.80 B1.5515.8G 28.2519.25 14.00 15.30) 11.25 7.25 T.25 8.1 15.30?.. 16.35 .... 11.25 12.00 hn rx IJ.W. IU I . . .. . 7.85 26.2519.25 23.6517.35 26.2519.25 22.9516.85 14.00 12.60..... 14.00;.. . 11.80..... 19.0013.951 0.80'. .... (Sates from intermediate points in proportion.) EXPLANATION. Column A: Tickets will h nnld RntmnhrK , and 12, and daily from September 15 to Decern j - ,rJl 1895 delusive, with nnal limit January 1 4, iOJU. Column B: Tickets will be aold dally from September 16 to December 16, 1895, inclusive, with final limit twenty (20) days from dale X ale. Column C: Tickets will be fold dally from eeptemoer la to December 80, 1895, inclusive with final limit fifteen (15) davii from d&tn n ale. No ticket to bear longer limit than Janu ' ary7,189ft. . uouimnD: Tickets will be sold on Tuesdays Thursdays of each weele from. September 17 until December 24 1895, Inclusive, with final limit tenxlO) day from date of sale? f Column B : Tickets will be sold dally from , September 15 to December 80, 1895, inclusive, . r with final limit seven (T) days from date of sale, O : SOUTHERN RAILWAY Is the only ttW entering the Exposition Grounds, having, a double-track, standard guage railway from the center of the city of Atlanta to the Exposition Grounds. For tiokets and full information apply U your nearest agent, or address J, M.CCLP, W. A. TURK, Trafflo Manager, Gen'l Pasu Agt laoo Penna. Ave Washington, D, CL thr. MIles'fViiM ttttt uro tuaranteen i'A'b JleadtichelnZti minutea. 'One cat a dose? -4 i REV. 'j 1). SHJREY. D. D ' t-RES A DADE Si ICCOKt'M M RCI A L AND ' , , COLLEGIATE CO UKES. yXotal tl- necessary . .expenses session; of 38 weeks,-: $85.00 to i Ne?ct session ihegins ;Sepf 3895 tt JF-or ..catalogue arid apciaiiinfoiinatioiija address rfie President ,as; above?,, or 1m. , ; . Seobetahy op Faculty -rr FOR SALE -Willi '.'V-i HARD COAL, SOFT C0ALr M BLOCK.GOAt; ' STOVE COAL, ; SMl'tH GOA!L Orders taktfnto G E Fisher's ; .or.givn to myi drivers. or at-my pffice will be prompt ly, a ttiendedao. - i 12 CR A VEi ; ' ' C25a Wotlce. f Seizure Notice isiiefeby given of the seizure ot e foJlowfeg property fot vioktion of the Jnternai-eveune laws of the United States, to wit r " ; v" I ' - AlbemarIe C; November 19, 1895i i . v "'k'aIj-x . v-... .I - v. t 'A wo gray horae, 'ttwo? horse wagon and harness, 1 Talistr arid .'contents, supposed- tovtbe thet property: of N. Hlghtpwe.ii rm'ii t Any person claiming sajd property is herebynotified te appear befotVnhe tm dersignedf a"t rhis omceiuv. Ashville, N 0., withip uthirty .?Q ay from .the date hereof arid: make such claim In the form and-mannerprescribed v by law,' or the prpperty will be declared forfeted to the United States; 2 ;i ri.'v- SAM L. ROGERS. " .Collector 5th Dist. N. C. uy it. r. Jiarris, D. C. Nov. S7, 1895. (n294w. A Uemarbable J'amlly Reiinlon. There watt a reunion of six . broth ers at Dobson on - Monday. Thfee brothers met at the jfoneral of tbeir gister some weeks ago "when the re Jinian; was plaoned.'; Jfive, of the. brotriera are weJl known residents of thlscou o.tv.-biie on;, of lb em liye in- iAIfofth Tl 5 are MeL;WT,, Jfson, M 1 nfl&-, Normacve o thee lrotfeseeisb thd Conftid;arm?Qd thre hem whisffOWinv bjs 66th-year J; wa9 oaptof Oo t conoV-pi jatiUn ;ie,wi(sf wbutidjjd at Get-j bsbiirij;Vgpot chest er,andiieach hpnie on U?ei nd day of December, just 31 years Mr. M Gorman is ' ' now Va 4 resi- vtarft old and was captain of a com pauy in the 37tn Battal;on of CalS vary, Virginia troops. He was also seKousl wounded. . Mr. W MNofmaa was captain of Co. A, 2d Eejgiirent N. O. troops. Hi? age is 62 years. ... Mr. OadBou Norm? n was - not ini the a m 7. buc beJon&ed io the home ua- d, . He ib 53 years old. Mr. M H No. mao was 1st Liea- tena,at in Co. A 1st Regime ct N. C. troops and is seed 66 years. M r. F W IOTman was a pmate ih Co. B, 2jod EpttBlion O. troops. His age is 5lyears. Two of the brothers Messts. L J aad W M, are members of the Mis sionary Baptist church'; and foor of them, M T, Jackson; M H and FW, are Primicive Baptists. They are equally diyided: in their uo'iucal predilection stijeer beicg w pernor CTats and three Republicans L Jackson and M H are Bepub);cans, and W M, M,T and F. W a; e Demo crats. M H represented the county la tbela.st LegJs.'ature, beLr g electel as a publican, . ... These brothers are botis of Mr. C Nojman, who 4jd4rl66i jftged 84' years. Mbeir notherIdied in '51. They are all married men and all have families; and rare :it fipp&t enily in ihe enjbjmeot of good health. Mt. A?r'y. ilews. Pltny Pini. j j.Trpqblee, like babies, grow larger by nursig, ,(t . , : .;: f ,, .j Adversity sborrpws itp. sharpest sting rom pux impatience. ,, y r , teyen the milkof human kindness is sometimes .watered. One thorn of s experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning, - A 'talent lerf ected jn8oltude'; a character, tin the streams of the world. ; : .. .. . ; . ' '. .Idleness is emptiness, the tree in which pap is stagnant and remains jfruitiess? , u..- .. .: .l ... Enyyo imanis great mmotyj hemust remember, much that he 9Pldrt qrget.;; :VAh SlJf some people couldn't iind any, tpg hldf ehind, they would aK ways be on the run. Electric Hitters, i- - Electric Bitters is a medicine Suit ed for any reason, but perhaps more generally need edi-wh en the languid exhausted feeling prevailp? Jvhen the liver' is torptd and sluggish nd the need pf a tonic and alt9raYe?is felt, prpmpt Use of tnii Medicine ,;wiij act nopre surely in counteracting ana ireemg tne system from , the malarial Jpbison, Headache Indir gestion, Constipation, pizziness yield to Electrio Bitters. 50c' and $1.00 per bottle at Fetzer's drug store.5 - ' ' v . SALE notice; . . . Having been duly appointed and quali fied Administrator of the estate of James W.'Lonff decd. I, as such Administrator, WiU on .Wednesday, the48 day of De cenibef. 1895 at the late residence of said James W.'Long in Concord, offer 'for sale to4he-hlghest bidder-for-eash : Ore sorrell horse, one cook stove,one lot corn, two bureaus, lot of beds and bedding, household and kitchen furniture, and other ipersonal - property articles s ;too numerous to mention. This Nov. 26, 1895. , Ij. 31. Archey, - Administrator i j.r : ' . .. . ...... ... ; . - ; y,-,i-,", "''"gSg for Infants ; . r- '. "-a - ... OT H E R S ; Do Yob KnqaA ttat Bateman's 25rops, Gpey's jCordial, many- so-can?d Soothing Syraps m most remeaies xor cmiaren are composea.orjpmm or morphine? Do Yott Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons ? ' ,.k . , . ' -1 ' .. ':' ' -o You ' Kti o w that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcotics xrithout labeling them poisons ? - ': : ' . :: " : . . ' '. Do Yott Know that you should riot permit any medicine to be given your child unless you or your physician know of what it is composed ? ' . Do Voti Know that Castoria is a purely vegetablepreparation, and that a list of its ingredients is published with every bottle? '' v Do Yoilt Know tha.Castor is the.prescrfption of the famous Dr. SamuetPitcher i That it has been Xa. use for nearly (thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold than of all other remedies for children combined? ' ' Do YoW Know that the Patent Ofilbe Department of the United States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word " Castoria 99 and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison ofifense ? ' Do Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely fiarxnless ? Do Yon Know that 35 average doses of. Castoria are furnished for 35 cents or one cent a dose? , Do Yott Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest ? Well, these things are worth knowing. They are facts. The fac-filmlle slfrnatnre of Children Cry for -.-j- ,t ..-V-V.--...; ... -- fj-t. . ':;:-iiiil'r'r-:HM;iiikiiiI IF IT COMES FROM DTS , fl-LT 1 RHFFHF RSOrSTAMDARP'MDT I II II LU tcikir iPDcrvr ATTi crrv m m tmm. .K.ak. W a a. m HHriUKHIWH ANIfillll KN r. iaiwi Willi i ii m mm mr mm -w v. w . AND hUROC J ERS EY. HOGS . FINE POULT R Y. -sy wd t r rna ADDRESS- OCCOtEiECrHHE CONCORD MARKETS COTTON" MARKET, t i s Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer . s1 i';-; oVn 1 .-v't:. ; ' ' . Good middling.. 8.35 Middlings ,..7;85 V Low mHdliri .';vi.-7i; 3 ' Stains . .. 5 to 6 i PE0DU0E MAitKET, i. - Corrected bv C. W Swink. , gngarQured ;mams. 12tol5 3nlk meats, sides, .i. ...... ......80 9 Beeswax . . .... ......... .... ... . . .... . . . . . 20 Butter a....... ....................15 Oorn'. ..ii'i v..u .y..... -..'V..40 Eggs . , wi..i.,...12J Lard...... . ..............................8 Flourorth Carolina) . . ...... 'Xv. MeaU......i..ii..;;.ll..;;..i Tallow.... ..k j.; ... . ...... vv.i 3tb4 Speculation, . y C . km c : HAtjSlONB' & CO. A,, tt' lit lBp' & 132 Pc art Stfee; r ' Stocks, Bonds and Grain bought and sold, or carried on Margin. ; P. S.-Send for explanatory ciicn uu opeouiation, also weekly mar- ket letter - ADVERTISE t-v EIGHT HEBE! tocls LULr and Children,, Is on 'every wrapper. Pitcher's Castoria; RIGHT mmm M I 3 ' a 4 C A M i I . HrrK CI LAL.r rf 'AH PATA n r? iif s. -v m. FRM, DURHAM, N.C. Ktockror Male, v. ' havt tilt, ax-year old mare and on& mule for. sale on easy terms. Apply to me at Mt, Pleasant by mail, ,or at my home two miles west of Mt. Pleasant. , l " r, , , William MisenIiemer. TTL u W Are the joy and sunlight of our homes.' Use all care to keep the little ones in .health. Do not give them nauseous doses. You can overcome their troubles with Dr. Koif&l Oermetuer. They all like to take it because it does J nbt " taste' like ' a medicine, but like a lemonade. It cures cone in young children, overcomes an bowel troubles, gives good digestion, anquiet,. Jiealthfursleep. As a tonic for weak children and as a remedy for use in teething, it is the greatest' in the world. ETSoldby Druggists, new package,, large pottle, i08 Doses, One Dllar l'Manufactured only by ,., A ; . , rt tiafltfl j The Atlanta CleinI Co., Atlanta, w Write for 48.Page Book, Balled Free. FETZE1VS DR TIG STORE Ao morpnme or opium In -aJose3 9ills Cube All Pain. "One cent a aos. OCCON 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 flOROUGHBRtu n niU.i H L A 1 1 SM 'It-

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