Tho - Daily Standard 531 miles aa hour. The distance! UKT0LO IISEBY 1 ' ; f PROM f it " ) TFIOS IN CASTOB BUILDING .The SUtfdartf is i published every ay unday; oxcep ted) and deliver s ad by carriers. RATX OF SUBSCRIPTION Ono year. . .; . ... months .ii;tr.-cr ....... . 5 2.-00 -i'fcn&O months . . . v ;.l 00 O c 7 wiYinnth 1 '.V. . . . '.v. "5 Sicla copy. r . f 4f vrYv?-: , rlis .than; 'aiy!f pllxqy f r?;lfnce : 1.C0 per annurtt,4n advan '; viirss all commutiicatious to THE STANDARD V Tne SalTaWoprmT has got a lifej job cn hand It ha3 undertaken io pray Bob Ingercoll into a believ itip Christian, v BoU.Im?eisQll la'Jiot a Christian, neither is he a nonbe iieycr, Joroe men are so fool-hardy una suijh n?orahipto3'-of notoriety iLat they. do and say anything. By, and by wb'en Bdb gradually com'eitfp to a;j d pc e pa i a to , he ? grave,; fhtfl i'ome to his miik. Some men are teat find brave until the rub comes, . .' . . . . , - r .v.i It ?as enough for Ex J udge 'chenck to be passing before' a Ue&thk33 public tearing up the very arth against the . release ' of the "Sorth Carolina Railroad, t Around him now revolves one brilliant satel :!Iite the r "gresiivel Farmer. It is oo much ! rhe Southern' might as -ell hit l 3 ceiling v when it is hountiecl by two such law'yers, noted vand pov?erful. - - Representative Shnford5 says he V7ill do'ull he can to secure the free tlelh-ery for small towns and vicinity. Exchange.-- , M . Wca't Harrisburg, China- Groye -and Gia3aJ Elding be in ?'A11 he can" .something's going to bust, . ' i4-;'. ; "'Senator Cameron, of Pennsylvania, -4anacucces that he will rot be a can -didcite for re-election. He'a a free silver man and he saw a sign on the eall. - . . V ) . I .-. ;1 That's an ugly bill introduced in ro the Virginia Legislature to pre- vrent lynchings. It is 'even beneath - the dignity of foolishness. Inflict "punishment on the innocent! Where ever a lynehing occurs a levy of $200 tax is to be put on each 1000 inhab itants. ' i 5 "Trof. E A F Fuertes planned pret - ty well for himself as well as for the tsity 'of. Santos, Brazil, when he planned-: its sanitary i system, for v which it is said he receiyed $120,000. A little more of that kind of sani tary engineering 4 will make him sohd. Gladstone declares that "no cause more sacred and none more urgent than that of th Armenians has ever beenbro'jght before the citizens of a humane and enlightened country." But U lads tone is not .running the uforeten poliey of England jE0w,.; "New York now boasts the fastest passenger train in the worjd. It made the run from New York to .Buffalo the other day, 440 miles in 490 minutes. The average time was botween Syracuse and, Rochester, 81 miles, y?as made in 80 minutes. J Sehatof Allison has informed Irs friends'' that he is in the ring for the Presidency. As he is out open ly he haeohe ad van tage of M r.- H arrfeon , wiio is still resting under the Shadow of his grandfather's hat. r-r . Ife Countess Oaatelinef ojrpaerly Miss Anna (Quld,tis ' getting hooie sicki; It isn't half as funny being a countess as she thought it would be: I t takes an f A meri can girl 3 eomevti in Co& educated' interlaying tfaer Jrcl of at: . titled ' ndtodv that the(ittier titled"' nobodies lobk on as a Bcrt'of P A 1 1 . A ,,. ' to. 1 s . nd vp.nturss. AMiss Wiley of Ne?7-York? Kwlio did' not Have the' reputation bf being a goifrtnand, ate such a "hearty' din- noi on Tr.onVor?Ii(T I'lrtir fhafr cVio tiasn.t eaten a mouthful and ha3 had no deaire for food since. She laid down ; to take asiesta and. hasn't waked up yet. ,k There is a grood deal of opposition 'p to the prpp0Eed iof a World's Exposi tion in 1900, poming from the provinces which look'npon it as a job to put money in the pocket of Paris. j TClien l5aby was sick, we gave her Castorla. ; JThen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, SVhoa she became Miss, she clung to Castcria, t Wtiea she had Children, the give thera Castoria. Tho Cottou Crop. Washinqtox, Dec 10. A cotton crop equal to 07.3 par cent, vof last yeaVs, or 6,375,000 bales of 500 pounds is indicated in he final re turns" from county and State cor respondents. Tha Department of Agriculture's moie complete reports, will Kfl iconpfl in "IfcOi? fna flraf nf I them probably in February. Mean farm prica 7.59 cents, a gain of 65 per cent, on last- year's figures, 4.6 and of 9 per cent, on 1893. Returns from correspondents, almost uni formly unfavorable as to quantity, the weather having proved generally disastrous in the South, caused an unusually early umketing through out the cotton area, with an almost total sacrifice of top crop. Lint, however, is generally clean, so that the quality is exceptionally high. Many reports show crops completely gathered and marketed. For Over Fifty Year. Mrs. Winslow's Sootlrng Syrup ha3 been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums,' allays all pain, cures wind colic, and . is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. , It. will relieve the poor little sufferer, immediately. Sold by Druggists! in. every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle IBe sure1 and ask forJu Mrs. Winslows jSoo thing .Syrup' and take no other kind. inw?&w b23'95 ' : Ho i Jeter Cinclnnatns I . iN&w York Sun: "When will the Hon; - Jeter Cmcinuatus Fritchartl, ihe 'longest and the sweetest voice in Nor tn .Carolina;' unswathe him of the voluminous rolls of silence in which 'he now sits miinled; forget the ceremonial modesty of the be'- ginner in the Senate, an- throw out, high and strong, words which rever berate in the fastnesses of his native hills and fleck away the .reverent bees that are hived in the shadowy deeps of Gov. the Hon, Elias Oarr's world-girdling moustachioa ? It is time for the Hon, Jeter O Fritchard to speak, and to srisak but loud," C. H. King, Water Valley, Hiss., cured by S6!!!8PMjiarjl!aL "For five years, I suffered untoldjnlsery , from muscular rheumatism. I tried every known remedy, consulted. the best. physi cians, visited not Springs, Ark., three times, " spending $1000 there, Desial dpbtdr$ bills; but could obtain only temporary relief. My flesh was wasted away so that. I, weighed otily-nihetthree'pbundji f my left arm Jeg wero drawn out. of shape, the .muscle ' being i wlsted up. In; knots. 1 1 was tmdfcle to dress yself, except witb assistance, acd could o tly hobble about by using a ea'ae.?- 1 ' Had "no appotite, and was assured, by tho -aoptors, tJiiit I could not live. The pains, at times, wore so awful, that I could procurer relief only by means, of hypodermic injec- ?, tions of morphine.' I had my limbs bandaged ' 1 '' In-clay, In sulphur, in poultices; but the$9 gave only temporary relief. After trying , everything, and' suffering the most awful it t X)rtures, I b gan to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ; Inside of twj months, I was able to walk without a cane. In throe months, my limb began to strengthen, and In the course of a year, I was cured. My weight has increased ' to 165 poundu, and I am now able to do my rull day's work as a railroad blacksmith." F53 S.1 L3 The Only Worlds Fair Sarsaparilla. : AYER'S 2 ILLS cure lira da die . TELE 13 JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50cts. GALATIA, Iixeu Nov. 16, 1883." Paris Medicine Co., 8t. Louis, Mo. v . Gentlemen We sold last Teail COO bottles of GKOVB'S TASTELESS CHELii TONIC and have bouftht three gross already thJLj year. In all osr ex perience of 14 years. In tho drug business, have. never soia an articio mat gave such universal satis acuon as your Tonic. Yours truly. For sale by all urusjgiats. ' l v . ount Amoena SEMlNARti A Flourishing School for Young- TEN TEACHERS ' , Ornamental Branches Receive ,; - ;. Caref ui attention , ; v , REV. O. L. T. , FISH EE, . A,VML MOUNT PLEAS N:N 6' v;i Jl.f jANT) MbRE; ' bblonqstolhb new: i furniture store,'.- p To open Jahuary 1' 1896'-. the Hoover & Lore building, room now occupied .by Lowe & SonV I'M COMING 1 "W. i. 'BELL Undertaker andEmbalmer I . Ml kl 1 1 . Wr ' t f . 1 . , ' T r . ..'71 I'.t.l. . M. W m A ( flil H W; Ha 3 lifts p&v-niSP6 im UJ V J mJ bdl fr if M PHIS t- f r ' iTABLETS : ATOvjOENTSfOT THE We have but a large Ma of ail their "broken lots of samples 5c tablets we will sell at 3c, 10c tablets for 5c, 15 to 20c tablets for 10c. WE Al SO POUNDS OF PAP rVVell worth 1 Oc 'per quire wliicri we will sell at 18c per pound., Tliis paper is in oerfeet condition. ) I t . B. sJ.poSTIA E i I'ijHH ' . ..." : rj,r jiist- bleanei BOUGHT FINE TE A O E E T, Proprietor N O 1 . . -T-' '