-4 It Belori The Huitling Furniture Dealers and Undertaker "They Will Say Something Next Week that Will startle You. . - DRY & WAD S WORT H ; REDUCED RATES. C 3 tt on Slates Iottmallci Expssltloq September 18 December 3 r, JPor the above occasion the Southern Railway 4Dq. will sell low-rate round-trip tickets to ATXANTA, GA., and return on the follow ing basis: PROM- B E Alexandria, Ya. . lAfthAvillA. isr. n.. 28.2519.25 14.00 12.85' 9.40 m w w w w 6.75 Burlington, N. O. i8.70ia.ra 9.65 UurkevUle. Va.. hiltiTr- Va E3.2517.05 11.95 25.80 U.5. 20.8515.80 13.50 Chatbam, Ya Charlottesrille, Va... 10.55 23.2517.05 12.40 Chapel Hill, N. C... EO.4Q15.od 10.85 6.5b 5.85 juuoru, n.yj.... n.zir..... CharlnttA. K. fL. . . 10.40 0.65 DanTiUe, Va EO.05H.rd Durham. N-0 120. 4n is.m 10.20 10.45 Front Royal. Va 6.25 19.25) 14.00...., Greensboro, N. 0 17.65 12.9a 9.20 ixomsDoro, H. C. 21.7515.95 U.60 JienaeiBonvllle, N. O. 11.70; Hickory. N. O. 15.30 ..... 5.25 7.25 8.40 6.76 8.05 7.25 7.10 7.25 8.601 11.2a TTIrrVi TsJn. XT l ha nc 12.45 Hot Sprint. N. O ... Ju.OO'....; 10.60 10.45 IiynohburarvVa..... . . faJWl&m 16.05! ft 11.50 11.89 lIorganton,N.J0 Marlon, N. C Newton, N.C.. ....... Orange, Va... ........ Oxford, N.O Richmond, Va Keldsyille,N.C....... fcaleiarh,N. 0... 15.80 14.85 11.25 110.901..... 15.80..... 11.25 E4.5518.n ..... 13.10 E0.40 15 .Offl...... LLU.ftO . 12.40...... K3.25 17.05 18.85 13.8U 070 120. 40: 15.001. 10.4s! South Boston, Va .... Strasbunr, Va. Salisbury, N.O Btatesrille. N. O Taylorsvllle, N. C .... Tyon,N. O Washington, D. 0 . . . . West PointVa. Warrenton, Va ...... . Wilkesboro, N.O Winston-Salem. N. C. B1.5515.8ffl 10.8a H.00 E6.2519.25 15.30! 11.25 7.25 io.au..... 11.25 T.25 16.85 Il2.m! 8.14 10.75 7.85 4.C0 26.2519.25 14.00' 3.6517.85 12.60 14.00.... 26.2519.23..-. 22.9516.85 111.80..... 19.0013.95 9.80' Abates from intermediate points in proportion.) EXPLANATION. T Column A : Tickets will be sold September 5 f? ?l!y from September 15 to Decem 7 f896! mcluaive, with final limit January Column B " Tickets will be sold daffy from September 16 to December 15, 1895 inclusiye, With, final limit. fattoty (20) days from date S 'from .tJcket to bear longer limit than Janu- umnJ: -TjcktswmbiMonT f?d Thursdays of ach week from September im,?1?? mberK tnclusire with nnil limit ten (10) days from date of sale? ftE! Tickets will be sold daily from SS?he? iii?to Dec?15er 1895. inolusive, with final limit seven (7) days from data of sale. . O SOUTHERN RAILWAY 3?wi-only entering the Exposition Grounds, having a double-track, standard Siage raflway from the center of the cityol tlanta to the Exposition Grounds. iror tickets and full- information apply t your nearest agent, or address . . 4J.M.COLP, xr. a. TURK, Trafflo Manager, Genl Pass. Ayt4 lBOOPenna. Ave Washington, D. a ' Dr. Mnea'tttnjftlis are guaranteed to stot JleaUachc in 20 minutes. "One cent a do3e? uoiumn Ci Tickets wiU be sold daflj oL,vcmoer 10 xo jjecemoer 80, 1895, inclueiv With final limit ffwi nn ! , 3 ,!i''fVT',v.""i'- s to so i i I 5, MT. PLEASANT, N.. O. REV. j D. SHIREY. D. D . i RES A DADE M 10,'Op M M M KOI A L OOLLEQiAtE Total r necessary expenses session of 38 weeks, $85.00 to $187i000. t 5 1 f j j ('nii -i k Next session begins; Sept 3,: (1895. ; Fop u catalogues and special , ini ormation y. address the President ns abovjor ' lm.- Seobeta air- of - Faculty t COAL FOR . SALE HARD COAL, . SOFT COAL, CKCOAL, STOVE COAL', SMITH COAL . m Ru 0?,?1 M the orath. Orders taJien to G E Fisher's store, or giwji -to my drivers, .or my (office will be prompt ly auenaeao;fi v t u. r . K. L. CRAVEN. IK Otlcef of Mlinrr. 'tobifce hereby given of the seizure ot the Jnteniapeyeune lWs of the .United States, to Wit : - 4 - ' Near Albemarle. TT. t fl ?-; VAi.mia in " IbdrshorSe and harness, 1 vaUse and contents. uv tn xZ ww.-m.uo.-propeny or w. L. HiJitower. ;,, - s hereof tod make such claim in the form and manner 1 prescribed by law, or the KSS fQrfeted v , BAM L. kOQERP. t DO Jpollectbr 5th Dist. N, a Fy R. S. ETarris n n Nov.X'7,3895. ' fn204w. iili BLO Tlie Tlolet storm Xfonnd. NoBTOLr," Va.; Deo: 10,Preaident Cleveland and his parly have had an exceedinsrly rough time Of it today and ' were unable to , occupy the blinda provided for them at Cape Channel x ear Hatteras. The Violet i ton'ght in an Exceedingly danger ous position, althoucb no, fears are enter laindd t All day long a teriffl o storm his - ianjed dtout Hatteias, th wiiid. ilowlig 2 fiomi the north and nsHhwetirki. ifaxpiet Qt bity iT mllci Jifiiiriyin fft& alLaiong Sity nigh IffS &m&&BM&JULi teraiil4 .tijifleaiied today tifttcSt&te have ti&m ni&def all the irTrnti; erlitloy0 ioair th4 oatiido x&atlbb nibiiiiiiaU of ths pwsidentW party and the only navtLobtaingbie iafronx;: naBtera: bl tbe'ificbniing yessels. One thing is ctrtaiaitot-a 'line s has passed;over thecorirfenent coast telegraph line cdEcfilnfc tbe President or his party. A Hb& With Three Hearts, Mbj. Pleasants, section boss on the Sbathero, lives just below the Nor folk & Western depot. He is clever - gentleman and bis varacity has nevei been questioned. He tells a story that appears to be ra her wide of the mark but he has wil- nesses who vouch to the truthful ness of the statement. He killed a hog last week arjd upon cutting it open he found three well formed heart . Two were located between the shoulders and were much smaller than the regular one, A vein ran between the two Emaller ones and joined the shoulders. Maj. Pleasants has all three heart? ou exhibition at his house and they have been yiewed and examined by a number of peo ple. Winston Sentinel. Orlffiiinl Observations. Always give the devil bin adieu. Red is a last color when it is used In painting towns. The best religion makes a man pray briefly and give fieely. One hilf the world doesn't know how the other half lies. Pride has two seasons a forward spring and an early fall. , When a person devours a book it indicates a-taste of literature. . The world is a stage thaV carries too many deadhead passengers. A great many people get religion religion gets but few people. Never kick a man when be , is down. Bite off his ear, that's beat. f A butcher often hooks his meat, and yet he is seldom arrested. We lightly weigh a neighbor's loss yet find our own a greyious cross. When the doctors tal I out , the patient has a fighting chance for his life. ,The earth itself is a merry-go-round, but ' you don't have Ito buy any tickets. f T,he world is a great barbershop, wiere (every. map, waits -c bis turn to be 8hafexJ.--Orange (Va.) Observer. Notice. Notice; i$ hpb iyen that ihae lost a certificate .f . one share of stock in the corporation,kno wn as the bn cord Femala.Aacdemy, said certifU cate being No. 5 in the oook of the corporation, and said share of the value of $50. All persons are. warned against Jioldng said certificate of stock anA notice is hereby given that l Bttali applytf or a as plicate certifin cate of eaid share of stocks l i-. i; i s .-a -I MORRISOH H. CALDWELL ConcprjdN..O., Noy. 25,1895. -SALE NOTICE Havincr been dnlv annnfntfirl and nnolf. fled Aominlstrator of the estate of James WJ Long deed. I, as such Administrator, willpn Wednesday, the 18 day of De cember, 1895 at the late residence of said James "W, Long in Concord, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash : One sorreJl horse, one cook stove,one lot corn, two bureaus, lot of beds and bedding, household and kitchen furniture, and other personal property articles too numerous to mention. This Nov; 20, 1895. ,i Jj. M. Archey, Administrator for Infants OTHERS, Do Batnan' Drops, GcOftty m most remedies for chlidrea arc composed of .opium or morphine j tJo Ton Enow that opium and morphine are atnpefyln g narcotic txA """ """"" v ' 5 -: :-" 'li i ' -'- t'i j . f'r- Do Yott Know that in niostcoratrfodnir v - vlthout labeling them poisons? ' , . : cotic - Po Yon Know that yoii h6ald unless you or your physician know ox wait Po Yoq Know that Castoria to a piirttyTteetaale tttrrH .ni , Its ingredients is published with every bottle? u , . . Po Von Know that Castoria' is the preacrittionof the famm Tr c.j . That it has been in use for nearly thirty -years, and that more Castoria is now sold thin of all other remedies for childr combined? .,..4 Po Yon Know that the Patent- Office Depatiaent of ;the United states, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right tor Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word Castoria and its formula, and. that jto imitate them Ua state prison offense ? Po Yon Know that one of the reason for-granting -thi government protection was because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless ? Po Yon Know that 35 OTCrajye doses of Castoria are furnished for cents, or one cent a dose ? Po Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, aud that you may have unbroken! rest? . - Well, tltese thlnga are worth knowing, j They are facts. Tlie faosiiaile piyrnatnre of Oh iSdren Cry for ty.;vy y,'K' ijf tjiyf IF IT COMES FROMOCCON ERS OFSTANDARD IxFINE JERSEY CATTLE Shropshire and Dorset AND DUR0C J ERSEY H06S. Fl NE POULTRY. nnrik.iTrTIIDKFVC 1. pnuiu 1 mi u.mm WRITE FOR ADDRESS OCCONEECHEE FARM, DURHAM, N.C CONCORD MARKER'S, COTTON MARKET. v Corrected by Gannons & Fetz&r r ..... . . ... '. Good middling .....8.10 Middlings............. .7.85 LbwmHdlmg ..:;v.7 ' 1 Stains ... 5 to 6 PEODTJCE MArtJCET Corrected bv C. W Swink. Bacon .. v.v; . ; . ... ....... . . XX .li.ViSJ Sugar-cured nams... ......... 12ftol5 Bulk meats, sides. .. ...... ..8, to 9 Beeswax ......... .... . jm 20 Batter ...10 Chickens........ . ..... ......... iOtoO Dorn;-.'.:;. ....v.;.....:U...v.;.'.w..40 Eggs......... ... . . . . ...v.....;.. 16 Lard....... .. ,....,..,,..U8 Elo.ui:(North Carolina) .........1.;7 Meal....... ...M6.5 Oats............................ ;-35 rallow....... ..v... .... ..... ; 3to4 SpecuiatiMi, , HAMMOND & CO, II, 130. & 132 PtarlStreet, NEW YOEK OITY, IT. r. otocKsf uonqs and Gram t?pught and V sold, or carried on Margin. P. B. Send for explanatory circn lar on speculation, also weekly mar-1 sec letter .. ( Hee) dwly " - - . ADvERTlSE . EIGHT HERE ! 1 1 m M 1 liliHT r I T .5 and- Children, You KwrAr that t Cordial, many'io-called SootWtio. T85 not permit mnvinedlgln r l is composed t Is on every wrapper. Pitcher's Castoria. JUL .EL RD f H0R0U6HBRED Sheep. Black Essex DrMIM niir.K fir f rs-ii' -rr" CATALOGUE Stocfefor Mala. , x T haTt onfc bx-year old maie and one mnlp far sale on; easy terms. Apply to me at Mt, . Pleasant by mail, or at my home two miles west of Mt. Pleasant. WlLLIAMMlSENhEMER. UTTL .Art the joy. and jsunlight of our homes. Use all care to keep the little ones Jn health. . Do not give them, nauseous .doses. You can Overcome their gables with Dr. King's lil Oormetuer. They all like ta take it because k does tiot .taste Hke a medicine, .buOEke alemonade. It cures colic ' i j li! '.It mm in young children, overcomes au owe;,trouWes, gives good digestion, imdiquiet, healthful sleep. v,fAs a jpnic ter weak children and is atitnedyfof use in teething, it is the greatest in the world. ,v E7Sold by Druggists, new package, large bottle, 108, Doses, One T)oW Manufactured only by MLMs. (aeisl Co., Ittt Gt : ' ? -, IMto (Or 48-Fige Book, BUe4 Frte. FZTZEK'S DR UG ST0U Pais 'iNo iaorpnlne or opium In n adose-" fnxs. Cube Ail Pain. "One cent a HOKF THE ONES . ... . v v