Q r r Vol.. XII. No. 30. CON C01ll N". C.-THDllSDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1895. Whoiie NO. 1,868 s we, Handsome line of . Silver Mounted Walking Sticks. See them at Cor-rells. Christmas German. The young people of the city have. planned for a grand social event on Ohristnra3 night. A german has been decided upon, to be given in Patterson's Hall, An orchestra from Charlotte will furnish" music for the occasion. It will be giyen in DIED BY HIS OWN HAND, 21r. W, W. Prattler Ends His Earthly '- CxlStenCe bT Ntranffnlallan Fnnn1 Dead In Ills Room This nornlne at 8:S0 at Ills Residence on North U, 0JM km Stiri. ee ' Health i nought A.ND COME AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE SUITABLE FOR YOUR to be the Cause "Left Ko Slcssase. The city was shocked this morn- HOLIDAY GIFTS. u"UUi UA tuo uuuiere turning scnooi wnen it was learned that Mr. W girls and boys. - . - r v v N Prather the well known baker omo uu uuuieuuuner iiau suciuea an nis J50TU JjOTL HOXCS, home on North Trvon street. The Cae Marks, Fire at Cannonvtlie. About 7 o'clock this (Thursday) morning firo broke out in the upper 6 i ft i oo If you find any thing in this that is not exactiy right CAISNOINS & FETZER. TO-DAY Ye sell Men's all wool Cassimere suits at $3.00. -Men's Black Wool Cheviot suits at 300. Men's Gray Melton suits at 2-00. Men's Black Cheviot suits 2.50. Men's Odd Coats 75 cents. Bey's Odd Coats 50 and 75 cents Men's BlackWorsted suits fcr 3.50. Men's Fancy Melton suits 2.C0. MEN'S FINE CLAY WOES- TED SUITS, first intimation of the sad affair oc- Jewelry Boxes, , I 'A'nr H I si T-m Tonin story of the home of Mrs. Winecofiy cuirred at Mr. Prathers home whan Fruit Knives, who lives opposite. the new mill at hia servant was sent to his room to Paper Knives, Cannbnviile, destroying thebedond aroose him. This - occurred at 8:30 Nail Knives, a quantity of bed clothing. The this morning. After waiting for Table BorkS, discovery of the firo was ' made by bini for half an hour to appear, pfV7e7 '0C the hands employed in the new mill Prof Crantz who has rooms at his Bicycle Maries and was quickly extinguished, residence, ascended the stairs leading Manicure Sets' Origin of the fire is yet a mystery to the room Mr. Prather occupied to Shoe Sets, Abont Bogs. mm'm ascertain why ha did -not come down DesJcSets, It is the time of year that almost He tried the door and found it locked YrZE nh everybody has something to say and afc this failure about thoir fine hogs and pigs and were aroused. Tne door leading to Stamp Boxes, for the benefit of those interested in ns irom me room or :nis wire was such we will tell you that Mr. AU also tried and Was found locked, fred Kluttz, of Cannonville, killed Prof. Crantz tnen placed a chair at three 11 months old pigs Wednes Mr. : Prathers door and locked day, the weights of which were 303, through the tiansom and the sad 270 nnA 9.KO rnnnrio nh . . truth was at oiice revealed to him. .w l - Tea Spoons, Hat Marks, Kerchief Boxes, Scarf Pins, Dresden Clocks. Baggage Check, Belt Buckles. Coffee Spoons, Gtove Boxes y Umbrella Maries , Book Marks, Individual Sets, Card Sets, Bon Bon nor fcs, Walking Canes, Tea Kettles, Lamps, Vinegarelts, Gold Thimbles, Gold Pens, Card Cases, Nut Pickers Alsb the nicest line of Watches and "Jewelry in town. A. J. & J. F. YOEKE Professional Cards. tinn ws mariR to ape if a note or John W Phillips, living on North Mr- PratDer hanged himself. Lnmmnn:mii.:nn hft(5 W-WiT.-lmt Spring street, kUld a hog on the Shortly after thiaKews reporter there nonfi Mr Prath,r was a same day that weighed 481 pounds. kUC ;uuu wcut ahrincr, member of the Knights T l A "D HTTT? V" T to tne home at once. : Jtle was au- m i m . tt r : rn Aomnn I JLi iTJL J xvi . jl . , , Templar and a K, of F. No demon- , - . ' mincu iu luc juum wueru mo toix i n i:' t " l ' u,- JTUYBlCian anu ourseon. aiTHiuin will iin HiiMHrvHii u v lihikr i - - orders, Mrp, Prather requested a Concord, N. C. simple and plain funeral. Wcdnea- QFFICE : ST, CLOUD ANNEX. day's imariotte wewii. Took Two Tarnlps. Worse than the Mecklenburg destruction took place. The body rooster scrape was the trial on i a e L u TT7 3 tl 1 1 ' . J- w veanesaay aicernoon oeiore ms on thft bed but when diroWAd hw Guaranteed all wool 85.50. Cutaways honor. Esauire C A Pitte. of Mr. C .r . . A v . andSacks: These are the kind that U t; c, - pir. oraniz was m arKneeiing poai- some merchants price $12.50, E Whitley, of Big Lick, Stanly ! JN0. R. ERWIN. C- A-'MISEKHEIMER 1 mm u -Ti:: : ai v-- ERWIN & misenheimbb; ft son of Marshall Jones', of Faitb, Physicians and Surfreon cut his foot with an axe. The wound 0ffico n0. 3. Harty. brii'dicjr, op tinn nn tliA lft. aiAn rif iha txi A county, who was arrested for taking , . . : ' . . . - , , , .... hemp twine such as -aa commonly two turnips from a basket sitting , . . , , . near the public road, the property ueed ln commercial packing was of Mr. W V Krimminzer. Mr. 8ecare1 stered around the bed Whitlev declared to the last that he P08fc and io kht same manner around first but blood poisoning ensued Charlotte. C was not cuilty. but Mr. Krimminger the suicides neck. He was perfectly and Tuesday the young man died Of very Fine Clav Worsted Cutaways of RftvR that he (Whitlev) offered to "gd Ven discovered and the phyv frcm its effucts. It was quitg a sad i aiciana who xtptr nailed to i nvra iU aeatn irom tno nature 01 me ause yay mm iui ixiv iiuiuipo nucu uo i . .. i a o i i found out he (Krimminger) was gate, say that he had been dead for d unespectedness.-SaliBbury going to swear out a warrant for ar 12 hours at least.- Dr. Geo. Graham i nn mi: . 1 J3 iL. L t : r Li rest. uniLiey was piaceu uuuorai wiiu was iuo ursi uuysiciau au me UL'Wise Girl ScLlosa Bro3 make at 810. These would be priced $25 by people who -pretend to save you 25 per cent. If you want any Clothing at all, it will pay you to see us. MOIiRiSON H. CALDWEL . ATTORNEY AT LAX", CONCORD, N. 0. Here are some good reasons why it will pay you to trade with us : 1st. We buy our goods in large lots and buy them low. 2nd. We put the lowest possible price oi them. We don't try to make you 25 bound for his appearance at the scene was seen by the News and he Some days ago, or about the close next term of court. stated that Mr. Pratber died by his nf last vrnek. Misa Flattie Brown. nwn hands Avd had hen dp.ftd Iri nVmnf IK rraovo ?annrVifor nf TrnnnPd ft TTnwIt and a Mlnfe. r." - c" auuuv x J Mra T TTrsTilr Tink of No 5 noarB' Me Sftia Mr. rratner came j0hn C- Brown, of High roint, townshio. has been verv successful home last nighi a.boat 7 ,clock and eloPed with a printer at work on the : Q wir rntlv ? For alinoBt immediately went to his room. Enterprise, whose name we failed to Office in Morris building, of poaiu Court House. 11 faifeii Co;, MANUFACTURERS OF . . . . ' I TTo did rnf. rArnnv h?a nlnfhpa- and I -thinlr tVioTr oto -nrrkrtVi Tnnrfl hv nriHnir I onmo fiiriA tiftpf. tnPRA TlfilOUrl DirdS I l4" them at doubts what they are worth. have been catching her chickens and left a candle burning and m this pale - They s oppea at Reidsville, but FIJVB GINGHAMS ... oa. vveao exactly wnat we say we wm . a,a onfoj a fi'Apnip aou mcserjug ugub ma uie weuiuui f0r seme cause tne young lauy re- Land?,pecVt0DH cloths, 4th. We will Bell yu goods that will ingfty,tw0 inches from tip to tip, ?eck was not broken but the nd be married, . . , y fit and please you.. f. . &n unnBUniiy large' bird came by strangulation. .Dr. Graham Instead, she sent for her father 5th. We will give your money back w ic was a & . thinks that the saicide was under the who went down alter her and took if goods don't suit you ; of this specie. But it was afterward , . , w , , , . You run no risk in trading with us discovered that hawks were not the uaua uu.-uuv We guarantee the price on everyth&g , fWa Pitintr her chickens the deed of fielf dc3truction was com wocoii tv,n n lritri f only tnmgs eating ner cnicseus, ... , tt nr.u-.-Vii., furnishing Goods. PLAIDS, SEZET1NG mitted. Dr. H M Wilder, the , ir , cangbt a mins tnai nau jsuieu bmni National Coucord, N". G. mhovfinnnn .aha oaf. annf-.Tipr fran and . 4 . t ii . i . t-i,j j countv phvsician was summoned and caugni a minis xuai nau &uieu auui ' -,.t t , TTT, ue uiauc a line oiaycuicuv nuj Prather ended his life iC due 'frcm . . . i - - u The Dead Yet Alive, the fact that five years ago he had a Bftn . A L Carver, the man that had his severe ca3e 0f the grip and since then A ( eye knocked out at the Odell Mill, his mind has been . unbalanced and m idis uujf ouujciiuic Qlda algQ DejDg a sulierer ot. dyspepsia, was reported as having . died from These coupled with a business that the effects or nis wounas, is yet a hftabppn dpreaein caused worrv liyUg man. He came over from iu. Odell, President i,... mi,j,1,i,f oi a.0' ... . X)?B. Cclthaite Cashier. I v-'fiariu''1,0 , , . t , . I " ratner ,was a man who was an en D. ColtranEi Assistant Cashier I yaa -b - tausiasr, tnai i?, ne never went in Gapital, Surplus, death and burial until arriving here. $50,000 He has no appearance of a dead $16,000 DIRECTORS; J. M. Odell, D. F. Canitoix am King, J. W. Cannon, R. Odell, W. H, Lilly, 1). B Ooltrane, a 1 1 A4.fi hi iURANCE. When in iieed of Firo Insrrance, caii und see us, or write. Wo repre F?ut only lirstclaEa Home and For ei?n companies.. - 'Respectfully, "WoopnotsE & Harris. man, although his countenance is somewhat diBfigured. Tnis is one of the few men who live to read their own obituary,' Buclilen's ArnlcaSalTe. The Best Salve in tke world for Cut3, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhe'nm, Fever Sors, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed. It la guaranteed to give statief action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For eale at P B Fetzer'a Drng store Gbrletmas Exercises. Special programmes have been ar ranged for Christmas services at Lower Stone and Bear Creek by the Sunday schools of the reepectlye GI16 fR churches, to take place on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Dec. ,24, at Bear Creek and Christmas day at 10 o'clock in Lower Stone. Key. Paul Barainger was in the city today, and reports that everything, indicates. a merry Christmas at Heilig's., . SALT BAGS -0 DEALERS m JHerchandise. a matter but what he wanted success at the other end. His place of busi ness on east Trade street has ever been known . as the beat in the city ahd for years conducted a prosper ous business, bnt trade had declined on account of his .health; This is the general theory and it is thought correct. Mr, Prather was 53 yeara age and loaves a wife and one sou, Mr. William Pather, who has been practicing dentistry in New York for several years. . V - After the shock of the suicide had somewhat subsided, and 'investiga- Uedneed Railroad Rates. - Christmas Holiday Excursion Rates, Tickets on sale to all points op Southern Railway in North Caro Una, South Carolina aid Virginia, December 22nd to 25th inclusive limit December 29th to January 3rd 1896 at rate of four cents per mile oae way for r uad trip. Tickets for students presenting certificates signed by Superintendents or Prin eiprJs of schools will bo sold from December IGtii to 21st inclusive and also on :m dates. Ticlstsare sold for the general public all bearing a final limit to January 3rd 1896. BUYERS OF Country Produce v of al Kind AND r?tnr-Foot wood always wonted, best prices for . same, vv e -invite an i spectlon of all the goo we Manufacture. V