: . . . nrarnri i i . Arriral of Trains, j ii from Richmbndi arrives at rtrtf a; m. " VVashington 9:58 p. m. 11 T 1 " New York " 8:51 a', m- $ " Atlanta 9:00 p.m. 6iNorthbotmd freight leaves at 12m. v . . 63 Southbound 44 "yiSPMn Nos. n and are the local trains ; between Richmond and, Atlanta. Nos. 35 and' 36 -"are the f ' ? mall trains between Atlanta and Washing ton Nos. 37 and 38 are- the - Washington and Southwestern Vestibuled Limited trhins and stop. at Concord on signal. ;: , : J "ISV 'j Ter, home-like style. . " V TKnZ&XZrz W ? Mr. .Mabfc ..8b,. :.. 8 ! Mr,:W WbW&eitf lifer' d& tr.'ig orrow ntefatt to wrV tend a reart&K ytu::7.K i. Fine Toilet Waters Crab Apple Blossom, . True Violet, CO L09NE and Florida Waters in bulk at one dollar per pint in out ana patronize the ; a resign ;cooipli&a- ' to i w Morgan, of Lanrens; 0., who j T8a; 7aT Stafford's- guest f N r A word! to tne wi3e is sufficient. t tour better ha If and get a oetter dinner at the Bazaar tnahyorj dattlhaTe prepared for the same money at home. dlO Several riigfiis ago Marsnall Ma ti of "Forest HilL at a IatehW found two i greasy looki n g white tramps huddled up uader the house 9f bis father. .They were frightened . . -1 ? , ...... .. . ana maae their escape before he could get a level on them with his You can have your bottle UIU ' n Fresh citron, raisins, recleaned currants, extracts a,nd spices for fruit cakeaand Christmas goods ftf. filled as you want at UZEnS DRUG STORE, CONCORD, N: G- A BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS; picked TJpiand Put In Shape By Onr liustlius Pencil Pusaer. Miss Bettie White, of Rocky win leave next week -for .Corpi Christi, Texas, where she will spend, the winter with her brother, Rev. Walker White. Rey. W hite, whose child died in Statesviile sevN eral days ago; will then return to at Seedless raisins 7 J cents per pound -..if J. m the Racket store. al2 Texs with b13 family. The northbound passenger train L3 three hours late this morning, "New crop New Oi leans molasses at -Edward Hill's. As an emergency medicine, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral takes the lead of all other remedies. For the relief and cure of croup, whoopingcous;h, sore throat, and-the danderous pulmon- We regret to announce that Rav. ary troubles to which the young are Lancaster, of Rocky River, is quite so liable; ft is invaluable, being sick. prompt to act, sure to cure. Notice the many nice articles for The Baptist State Convention in presents, advertised by Yorke's jew- session atGhreensboro represents 160,- elry store. 000 white members or more. The Fresh Carolina Rice lust in. at ;n: CohfeWnce thai recently J F Allison' s for 5. cents-per' ponnd. adjourned represents 64,000 aiem i ; .V l - vliJjlAil: ! Dera. ; Tfafe Kor tt Carofin Confer- ... v r- r v:.i' ence-that meet&at EliZABeth Citv on AnAli MO ta rTt 1 TO I Din W I - , -. :' . . i J. i . Mrcuutouay aupwucj large? ywujr Cabarrus r ( ''?' ; ; ." .with tnore thap, 600,000 mem oera.- e . ""rtr -v"-nwiimingwn M-essengex; The Charlotte News tells of a - i - '- U ; - Vi nm n ovtrf r- -- , - quarters are .!.. m u0 v. fintyArfl nn fwnn:nf nf an Tndian ar- Millers store. ' 1 ' t.j.j 'i.:;;;.V.; Bazaar for 25 cents, including coffee occc ,c:fc?rr:"B v .w : ; little 12 rear old girt inv Mecklehr. fred KluU, coal dealer. na neaa- . rtr nn WeS of Charlotte; ia visi ting in the city. ;;v-':.;e- v: rMr. 'John W Bos Uan, of Albe marle, fepent kst- night' and tdday n tne city - .'. - - : '.: Mr. and Mrs. J M Allen spent yesterday in Charlotte, purchasing at'ticles of furnishings' for tfieir new home. - ' ";" ' ' ; Mrs. M O Dosenbury returned ast night from Lexington, where she had gone to attend: the funeral services of; her little grand-son. Dr. and Mrs L M Archey and Mrs. A M Brown left this morning for Atlanta. They will return on Monday nsxt. Mrs. ,, Martin Boger and Miss Claude Fisher were also of th party ' ? - -Miss Mary Fetzer left this morning for Reidsville, to spend sev eral days with relatives, ' Fiom there she! will go to Richmond where she will spend Christmas with friends. 1 ' ' S: Dye Finish and Quality ! A Bazar in tne lilt alter Untitling: Op posite St. Cleudi Ji ' . V One of the most attractive things of the eeason is the Bazaar which tne ladies of Central M. E. church are now arranging. You will have a fine opportunity to buy handsome embroidery, , paint ings, beautifully dressed dolls and fancy work of all description, which will make very acceptable Xtnaa presents for your triends, - ; ' Tne many delightful things they will have to eat will plea3e the moBt f astidous. I 1 i : ' : Open Thursday evening at 6 oclock and continue through7 the week. . . i. menu: Turkey, Chicken, . .Roast Beef, , Roast i . Pork, Sausage,-Cold Ham. :X ' : Cream Potatoes, Scalloped i Tomatoes, ; , Candied Sweet Potatoes j " ' Cabbage. Cold Slaw, Chicken Saiad, Pickled Beets. Cianberrles ' ' Apple Jelly,. . -. J . ujsters, , ; Stewed, - Scalloped, Med. ' iv -: Ceieiy. . . .l . Ice Cream, Gelatine, Ambrosia, Whipped - - V-' Cream. " ' Cake The most important is X DYE AND FINISH. Meor Serge, 5 inches wide, wool both ways, 25c per yard. French Serge, 45 inches wide, Wool both ways, 40cper yard; worth 50c ; -i V . French Henrietta, 45inches wide, wool both ways, 50c; worth 65c. Biack Faille . Francaise ' Silk, 20$ inches wide, 85c: worth ; $i.o - i;-vfv . Another lot of BOUULESI- tn black, 50 Inches wide, $1.00 per yard, worth 1.35. ' They are shaggygot the curlupjto date. fHPOBTED PLAIDS, bilk and Wool, 38 inches wide, worth 75c our price 60c. See our patent LOIE'S COLII We want your trade and. will sell you goods at sucbl;, prices that it will be to your interest to come and see us. Box Paper 25 and 35 cents per pair. Fits like kid. Don'tcometoollate. We are selling. cANTsrojsrs &;fetzek : o : 24 sheets "paper and 25 Eevelopes in box for 5 c. iCf w ST sv V Vl"Vi fr7 ?x.-L Children Reefers. 4 to 12 years old for St 25, that sold for $2 25 and $2 50. 3000GC)OC3000:1 Ladies Capes for $50 and up. Angel Food, Etc Coffee 4'' Gocola e. The bazaar makes a pretty display wards she wa3 eied with violent s tnnn-rr Viirra. In tY . Til f aVpi. I Z I VJ 4Unn VAnnw otiTAl1.lt - ux xauuj . V7- y P1UH auu ucr UUSCA uca" w o"c"; l;Chocolate Ice Cream, Prinie of Wales Duuaing, ana me iauiea iu uuwc a ne suiter ea tne same as a person are sure to make a success of it. whd ; fiad been snake bitten, and a Hf. T m prto i9 .lnaimr nnt. doctor Worked With her all night. The First Fruit of tne Exposition. bargains in furniture in the Morris The sappp'sition 'is that it was a ,. ckaMSViD-.ri building, next door to Morris House, poisoned arrow and' had retained the the first,, fi aits of the exposition, The vestibule' train coming in poison through all these years. from' a commercial Standpoint, apr from the north thiamorninc was ..j;: ...J" " : pears in theeffort noW Wing made cofered with that "beautiful white , arra have been ..adJ ZZ snow" that is so pure, you Know, by Sims; & Alexander to' furnish ! aSr, Circus soap still leads ; the market, every body with fireworks. They Guatemala and Mexted. ! ueuaioia anuwu 7" d fl8YMU ' lUU8' " ; T !The ideis toitablish' omer- and Soap poam f ot sale at J r whistle booms, cannon crackers,1 i . . A H-vt vrfVWJ Allison s. : ; . Httle crackersi- firecrackers, soda maQeQt. eibibition of tne ffoductrf j A 'now rmrfv will: he one OI thft arkrtlrArs. 'flna. in fact, the hand" . - ! - -.rv,"... Tr . . 0r those countries, ana aiso w es many-ChrUtmas events,, TeresnlJ fipraest assortment of the finest blitK ' ih Cbata vBlc Gnatemil may be reported in, detail, when t pur :makes of plain, and fancy candies. and Mexic6 .permanenf eihiWts ' 6t New Year's rdsolutions are sworn gee them before you nuy eisewnere, fc prodtlct8 and manufactures of There will be an important called xor -.- rtte Sonthern-Stei. meeting of the Conpprd, Hose and headquarters, -iney are go.n out ,T n..,mJL-.tf Wrorhen of business and sell cheap. d&wdl9. S H 0 E Reel, Qompant tphightl ;iTemett r take notice repdrt;at yonf Jno. E Allison- keeps- a Wtxen Baby waa rick, we gaare her Castorla. J7hea she was a Child, she cried for Castorla clung to Castoria. gave them Castoria. line If yon pee it, let us hear some of dry'goods shoea, hat? and gro thiosi.abput it. Nearly eyeryone; on ! wheai became jcss. she cim cerie i wtichleers lpw a3, the the street this af tern don predicted she Children, sbega, irttwaot naiin-ft 'tfrf'trL ' h. v 1 J M ..MR. flio fnrAAaafc for tomorrow I am;. V Tf VDM Vw www , OXivVfy HUM ww w - - Every bdo'ii tallSrinHstsat reads: "Threatening with rain or presenti:!'and-5-if'yd b snow, followed bffcir ikC Western colognes and seen ted'- waters,, con portion," salt Fetzer's: drug,- store' adyerse Let it snowi ment. .-. v '. ; - Noticed O CX A. L ! I have just received a ca load of the r 1 I! - . m m m V Beans, oatmeaU hominy geiaune, Notice is hereby given that l nave very besritim oliyes, macaronir canned goods of in the cprporatioriiknown as.theCon- r" T all sorts at J P Allison-'s, cord Female Aacdemy,, said certifi' .grat6 r . If von are anions to find, the cate being rTo; 5 in the book ot the stove etcv C ; if. you, are anxiomi corDOration and 8aidr8hare- 0f the i ij most reliable Diooa-piiriuCA, of $50 ;AU persons are warned : Ayer's Almanac the testimonials ot . flt hoiding.Baid certificate-of jicog llea;e those who hate bfeen- cnred.ot sucn and notice is hereby given that orders at my house, terrible diseases as- catarrh, rheuma. I shall apply for a duplicate .certifin fiMafer'a' store, tism, and scrofula, by Jhe use of catefsaia ALFRED KLUTTZ, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. " CtoncorcL EK O.L Kby. 251895; f r. , Cannonyille.. THE .. -COMING ; ; WOMAN If the fashion plates are to be believed will wear black, and f there never wai such ar demand for" BLACK DRESS! GOODS to the exclusion of all col bred fabrics; Nothing adds more to the beauty and dignify of a woman' s appearance than a fine Mack gown, which is alike economical and ultra fash ionable. ,Wvey have just got: ten in. our black and ; navy. bliW feought when tilpriqes . were, low can J We have sell you 7o cent nenrietra , Surah for, 50c 46 inches lme f wide Can sell you a $1 goods 50 inches wide for r. j 75c. Our stock of Black Oreapones are the latest production We ask all you have ever seen, Ladies to see our dress goods: belorevbuyihg else ' . where. . Do you want to see the prettiest line of LADLE'S SHOESJ erjar sliowu- in .Concord T?hen cbnie anct see us and be convinced. Our No. id narrow Opera Toe perfect beauty Cur No. 71 Needle Square Toe prettiest seoe on the mar ket ' ' - ; Our No, 69 Pointed Razor Toe the:most stylish yt; Our No 70 Round Toe a graScT seller, all at low figures. MLAUNDRIED SHIRTS Our city trade "Leader" pure Linen Bbssom extra heavy muslin double front ahd-bacK, pateint continu ous facirigsf'qn back and sleeves, custom cut and at the low price of 50c. Gibson &: Morrison. v. ' the cheapest Wei want to sell to you, LOWE& SO Ml, 1;. yourself accordingly.

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