BLOODY OKIMB BY TRAMPS, It The Hustling Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. They Will Say Something Next Weektha t V W REDUCED RATES, Coitou States H3 Iiitesiatianoi Espssltion ATLANTA, A., plember 18 December 3f, Yo"r the above occasion the Southern Hallway Go. will Re 11 low-rate round-trip tickets to ATLANTA, OA., and return on the foliow lnff basis: PROM- Q E Alexandria, Va. ...... Asheville, N. C Burlington, N. C. BurkevMe, Va.. ...... Culpeper, Va hatbam, Va harlottesviller Va.. . Chapel Hill, N. C Concord, N. C Charlotte, N. C. Danville, Va Durham, N. C Front Royal, Va. . . . . . Greensboro, N. C...'.. Goldsboro, N. C. ..... . Henderaonvillc, N. C. Hickory, N. C... High Point, N.O Hot Springs, N. C .... Henderson, N. C Lynchburg, Va....... Lexington, N. C.".... forj?anton, N. C. . . . . . Morion, N.O.......... Newton, N. C ...i..... Orange, Va.... Oxford, N. C Richmond, Va...;.... Reidsville, N. C Raleigh, N. C South Boston, Va .... Strasburg, Va Salisbury, N. C....... Statesville, N. C. . . . Tay'.orsviUe, N.O.... Tryon, N. C Washington, D. C .... West Point, Va. Warrenton, Va ....... Wilkesboro, N. C "Winston-Salem, N. C. 28.2519.251 14.00 12.85..... 0.40 I 9.65 6.75 . . 18.70 13.70L 23.2517.05 25.30 tt.65 20.R.Vir.Srt 11.95 13.50 10.55' 12.40!..... 23.2517.05!..... 20.4015.00 1U.35 6.5t .....I 6S& in evil 14.20:..... 13.15... 10.40! 9.65 20.0514.70 20.4015.00 ..... 10.45 14.00; 26.25jl9.25 U.Co 12.95 9.20 11.60 21.7515.95 11.70, 15. 30;..... 6.25 7.25 8.40 6.76 8.05 7.25 7.10 7.25 8.60 11.25 16.85 12.45 10.60 14.00'..... 20,40 15.001, 10.45 11.60 22..6016.50L.... 16.05. 15.30 14.85..... 15t30 11.80 U.25 10.00'....-. U.25I 24.5518.0d 13.10 10.45! 20.4015.00 23.2517.05 12.40..;.. 18.8513.80 9.70. . 10.451 20.4015.00 ... . 21.E5 15.80..... 10.80 itf.2519.251 14.00. 15.30 15.30..... 16.35 10.75 11.2S 7.2S 11.25 7.25 12.00 8.15 4.90 7.85 20.2519.25 23.6517.35 26.2519.25i 23.95 16.85! 14.00..... 12.60! 14.00..... 11.30...... 9.80 19.0013.95!., (Bates from intermediate points In rjroportloo.) EXPLANATION. Column A: Tickets will be sold September 5 nri 19 arwl latin- f.Am Cnni..i is -r- er J5 l&Su inclusive, with final limit Januar j 7, 18 Ju. Column B : Tickets will be sold daily from September 16 to December 15, 1895, inclusive, -with final limit twenty (30) days from date 0 sale. Column C: Tickets will bo sold daily from September 15 to December 30, 1895, inclusive, with final limit fltteeu (15) days from date of sale. No ticket to bear loncrer limit than Janu ary 7,1896. CohmraD: Tickets will be sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week from September 17 until December 24, 1895, inclusive, with final umw ten uuj cay& rrom date of sale. Column E : Tickets will be sold daily from with final limit seven (7) days from date of sale! . Q . . SOUTHERN RAILWAY Grounds, having- a double-track, standard. ETiage railway from tha center of the city of Atlanta to the Exposition Grounds. For tickets at xaa full information nrml-r your ncaivit ugect, or adiresa J.M.CDLP, 0 Traffij Manager, W. A. TURK, Geu'I Pas.i. Airt lrOO Pt 55 aa. Aw TTaishlsffton, D. G. I Jr. Miles' ets3 are ?n.rantp.o r,n ngs to so Y & WADSWORTH. ail Mm mm i MT, PLEASANT, N. 0, REV. J D. SHIREY. D. D f RES AD AUE M ICCOM M M 1 01 A L AND; COLLEGIATE COURSES Total necessary exxenses session of 38 weeks, $85.00 to Si 37. 000. - Next session begins Sept 3. 1895. For cotalogue and ipecial information, address the President as above, or Im. Secretary of Faculty .... . , , " 7 COAL FOR SALE " HARD COAL, ' SOFT COAL, -BLOCK COAL. STOVE COAL, SMITH COAL Best Coal in' the South. Orders taken to G E Fisher's store, or given to my drivers, or at my office will be prompt ly attended to. K. L. (D R A V E N. Notice; of Kelznrc. Notice is hereby given of the seizure ot the following property for violation of the Internai Reveune laws of the United States, to. wit: Near Albemarle, N. 1C, November 19, Two gray f hcrses, 1 two-horse wagon and harness, 1 valise and contents, sup posed to be. the property of N. L. Hiprhtower. ; Any person claiming aid property is hereby notified to appear before the un dersigrled at his effice in Ashville, N. O., within thirty (30) days from the date hereof and make such claim kr the form and manner prescribed by law, or the property will be declared forfeted to the United States. t SAM L.ROGER?. r, Collector 5th Dist. N, C I3v R. R. ITarria T) n Nov. 57. 1895. . . . . An Aced Couple Murdered and Their Home Bobbed. Bluefield, W Va., Dec. 11 Near Bear Wallow,' twentysfhe miles from here, in Giles county, an atrocious crime " was committed last night. John and ;Mary Fcagan, husband and wife, aged 61 and 54 years, re spectively, lived alone, on their farm. Feaeran had sold his hogs and it was known he had in his house some $200 or $500. , This morning early one of hte neighoors went to the house and a terrible Eight presented itself. On the bed lay Mrs. Feagan with her head split open, on the floor lay Mr. Feagan witn his. skull crushed and deep gash in his breast, which had been dene with an axe. lire house dad been ransacked. Two tramps, thought to be Hungarians, weie seen late Sunday evening traveling the road near the Feagan home. It is supposed they are the perpetrators of the crime. Parties are . now in pursuit of them, and if they cap ture them it will go hard with them. Murdered in Cold Blood, Madison county is acquiring an unenviable reputation for crimes of the dark and bloody type. News of another brutal murder reached hero Tuesday. . Jim Payne, in cold blood, shot Sarah Anderson and killed her'. Tho murder occurred December 8th, The same source i frora. which in formation of the murder came re marked: 'This is one of the blackest mur ders yet committed in Madison couaty. " ! Payne escaped. But he wilJ likely be captured before many days have paased by, News and Observer. Marvelous Results. From a letter written by Rev. J GundermaD, of IMmondale,Mich., we are peimitted to make this ex tract: "I have no hesitation in re commending Dr. King's New Diss co very, as the resilts were almost marvelous in the case of my wife While I was pastor of the Baptist Ciaurchat Rivos JuocUon she was brought "down with Pneumonia sue ceeding La drippe. Terrible par oxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended1 Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quicH in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at Fetzer'sdrug store. Regular size 50c. and Si. ' - mm m ktmm tinllfllngr and JLoan I9ti Serin Opened. - ,v . ; . Thefif teenth series of stock in the Concord Perpetual Building and Loan Association opens Saturday, December 7th. Call on the eecre- l lary .and treasurer and subscribe. The third series of. stock matures and will be paid off this month, : A good paying investment. , - ' J. P. Allison, Pres. H. I. Woodhouse, - Secretary and Treasurer. d410t .Lost or Stolen.' : vi-'. A Jarge black hound, yellow tan breast and nose, name,5 Tom, and has been w ith chain gang two years. Anyperson that will return him to me or furnish any . information that wiil lead to his recoyery will be lib erally rewarded. - ' G. F.' Baenhaedt, Concord, N . C.v Dec 11, 1885. f : SALE NOTICE. Haying been dujy appointed and quali fied Administrator of the Estate of James W. Long deed. Iy assucli Administrator, will on Wednesday, the 18 day of De cember, 1895 at the late residence of said James "W. Long in Concord, offer for sale to the highest bidder ' for cash : One sorreil horse, one cook stove,one lot corn two bureaus, lot of beds and bedding', household and kitchen furniture, and other .. personal property articles .'too numerous to mention. ' This Nov. 20, 1805.- .. ; : ARCHEY, '"'"Administrator V . 1 for Infants OTHERS, Do You Know tiutv Batcman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups 2 most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine? I0 TottEnow that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic ISO Yon Know that inmost countries druggists are not permitted toseUnarcoti without labeling them poisons? Do Yon ygtiow that you should not permit any medicine to be given your cHid nnles3 you or your physician know of what it is composed ? Do Yon Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a lis cf Its ingredients is published with every bottle? . Do Yon Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel "ph : That it lias been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now cold thaa cf all other remedies for children combined ? 3Po Yon Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and cf other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word Castoria 99 and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense? i Do Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely IiarraSeos ? Do Yon Know that 35 overage dose3 of Castoria are furnished for 35 cents, or one cent a dose? Do Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children nay be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest? TEVelt, tltese tfiSnfrs are worth knowing. " They are facts. The fae-glmtle signature of Children Ory for ! im mi iiw iiijiijiiii iiy IF IT COMES FROM HHrHlFR mm . S 0FS1ANDARD ANDTHOROUGHdRlI ijFlNE JERSEY C ATTLE Shropshire and Dorset AND DUROCJERSEY HOGS. FINE, POULTRY. W uDlTF rnRtfATAinGUEr ADDRESS OCCONEECH CONCORD MARKETS, COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling 8.10 Middlings ......7.85 Low miidlmg ........... ......7 Stains ... 5 to 61 PHODUCE MA'xtitET Corrected bv C. W Swmk. Bacon........ .Si Sugarnstfred nams.. 12itol5 Bulk meats, sides. .......... ......8 to 9 BeeswaxV.V.. .............. ..20 Butter ... . . .; ... ..... 15 Chickena... ...... .... .........10to20 Oorn ...... 40 Eggs.......... 15 Lard....... ....8 Flour(North Carolina) . L ..1.75 Meal....... i.....'. .... 55 Oats-.......;...... .-35 Tallow..... . ..... . 3to4 pec ui ati on, H AMMONDt & CO. - 1 a.- . a. ?- - 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, W. Y. Scccks, Bonds and 'Grain bought and sold, or carried oh Margin . for cxPat6ry circus lar on speculation, ' also weekly mar ket letter (Free) dwly - ADVERTISE "CS. EIGHT , HERE! and Children, poisons? ICS is on every wrapper. Pitcher's CastoriaB sum. y CCON Sheep. Black Essex E E FAR M,DU RHAM, N.C Slockfor Sale. I have onti six-year old mare and one mule for sale on easy terms. Apply to me at Mt, Pleasant by mail, or at mj home two miles west of Mt. Pleasant. "WlLLTAMMlSESllEMER. n Are, the joy and sunlight of our homes. Use all care to keep the little ones in health. Do not giver them nauseous doses. You can overcome their vsables with Dr. King's ' They all like to take it because it does not taste 'like a medicine, but like a lemonade. It cures colic in young children, overcomes all bowel troubles, gives good digestion, and quiet, healthful sleep. As a, tonic for weak children a&d as a remedy for use in teething, iti3 the greatest in the world. CSold by Drnggists,new package, large 'bottle, 108 Doses, One Dollar. Manufactured only by ! Theltlanta Ctaa&I Co., r Write for 48-Page Book, StUed Free. F JUT ZEE'S JDB.UGSTOEZ rG saorpnlne or opium In Dr. Miles PACT Pills CuaB All Pain. "One cent a do. .A HOI' r imp HHSEEEtfiUP.i!

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