Vol. XII. No. 31. ' . ... Corre s m rj. 5 Handsome line orf Silver Mounted Walking Stipka. See them-at'!or-' rells. lorrelis Jewelry . -w V v . A MURDER AT 8TATESVILLK "I -SuSi iii,, . i m i . .... Depot Htght Watchman Killed. He was Acting Substitute anrt a Negro Asfced to Be Admitted to Get Warm ; --Admission Granted. He Shot the I Watchman. Who Afterwards Died. : STATESVILLE. fW 19. A jderoas negro took the life of a white IVPAiiMismftv W ,a 8 man at the station of th fWh . - "wi-HiL. There will h& a rPfrnU -ls Concord mbtf, a ; : fciAVi J "..KflrV. aUendaup.iis.4g. ; tion WHonB -NO. ; visitor weenie Instalia- : , w ' j. of the nelejectfidTofficera w 'IXrc . - wW,o.O. rWOOlffl AOT SEE WHAT WE HAVE SUITABLE J?0l YOU HOLIDAY GIFTS l Git In rif d. , Yerrthereafter a negro "W bnc lMeIo7' called at the doornU Remarked 0 TS h!s OUvtmS', Neishbora that fc . 8P endid maniigemeDt. - Pitihl. TiVo wanted to dome in and warm him ' " - HlrcVcP& Marks, tf iiUi& wf?PvV?l- "We'ii EhtertaiiiTbur Manicure Sets. lf- .iQra. was etandWin V(U:- t u tt, ShopKpt 1 the, teWranh .ffi Ex-Major John W Boatian. t?A eHs B.-r mw w xi ere mere nf A'1W''Vj! f vt j; . .!iiL-s J Goto oeTS. If you flni aay thing in this .waa a ?"fortable fire in the Btove tAlvfar,?' W m the ci.'J for Tea efc. that is nofexactiy nght " nw -K AuKii .2K-5 to open the door The n- Vf .T WBRrftT here; 'ana ywwp noxes, JL?l- ."?r?:. said tp:hig friend: '.Wi'hivrJ 38 in fiiz;; penet a JSgSfc toa?d jaU. Also the niest line , wit&bft Jewelry lh town left breast adme out i8 giZ. 5 T?'? A T til' bakimere .n... VSB'aer. niade, ia the ' back. i.n .1 r-v"-" it, ' - u a 'a hi. wiim m u - , - wjuvwb graooea ine negro and in A 1 ' M f4 any thing that is"not'exactJy right OAK FETZER. j's all-wool Oasi Bresdm Clocks Coffey Spoons, Glove Boxes, Umbrella Mirks' Book. Marks, individual COfdrSets ' ' Bon '-Bon '. - Lamps, Vimgaretts, gold Pens' &&U;CLses Nut-Picker We sell Men's s 3.oo. Men's Black Wool Cheviot suits at 3 60 77 , .V nro and ,a - Menjs Gray Melton suUs at "w! 8-t, .e rtniggle the nistol fell to the Ull.py O.iMl. SSSS ' tra-' Df ::crt . . home of DanielGlaspy was firW. .,Sft4 x,,,, oor 8 uaa Upats 50 and 75 cents '"""."" uu' 'ne Deg Secured the " SCen. Qf.ifloom anrf rfT;i-,: C.-Fatal Acctdent. aensBlact Worsted suits fcr 8.50. - 0Auwi,iciiua8ml8Z.oU. I ril; aI ENGINEER CURLE ILLEp.l iy ""r U. Professional i U.1U.U 11 some merchants price; J$120V 1 0 MRIV'S PTNT? pt av- WA-rr, uf-uui5 coss ne street to theHenrv lay-tielpless on. his couchr-Wttetift& ' Pwulon ocourrea on-tne. Axt Iiino, lrp MEN S FINE CLAY WORS- Honse, a hotel near by, falling ul only bnis wak a?StS f fr TE1 ft fTTTS conscionAt ho.i- . ' fr - .?n Wlte2, ran -into another freiehf. WfVn3 . V : - ; juaw aa ue sue ij:DaS5?.caiie caning nim from 2 nf Thitv q n wn: -o vwqojrn, u.- :. antefe& SITr- ? dI- died o" S..i sSl CIUDNN , vuv,u. nuu carea rnr. i ir. i pucumunia. Romp tim Hn inAnriv HcmA Binn -v. n : . . Henry E Loner war (mmmn ni?hfc Ha hH W'AtL'i. i liVoAra. Tho . promptly and afterward ioinpd hv weeks. His familr -Warn claim that their proper sienala were' ER WIN & MrST?ifT'pTV - Dr. Thomaa 151 Aiia kt v..- I no'V :ifL ,iiL'Lv-j-. , !out for TDrotectioH of tKpir tmJn i ' 1 'Mi ' uuto uau received iiis death wnnnd ana, on;, rerv rw w.o nf w;, ' . r."v-?r.n.w Pav" t .rvi: , - - "rr- andj died; about noon todav. : f ness ano destitnHomThfd u- L..., j . .. nf n,. w . , ...tteienoors cave the namA nf fVio I moved to eaharrni f f.VU - -lizL- a.. c- x 1UG viaJ w orstea Uutawavs of t , v"w oCnlosa Bros.' mnta otom rrv.jr- ne&TO Who Bnot him aa trr:li ...o , : T" .u axiese I ... ui iiii 1 -"y-s jtip ijr nu Das rpn unu veuar BLreec. 'jHAii VitHJdssaS?-' ?amPton' 8 W atol" 26 jears 8id i?.;0 GIasWws new8 f h.s terrible; fate win be" V i MUMK1B0K H. iWMa If you want any Clothing at all, 0,1' flve ffet 8 inches high." ginger- a B& S'aia'otf;faJfi.on'i; phoot to his many friends: ' - : AlToiTr.AT la7,;-. .ruu.oseeus, . cake colpr, black moustache, W .WM'SId Mt'Sli Pi. yaer was m Atlanta.. He ; - CONCORD, " N. --0 fou,fiuvac,r6asonsmg dexhy hat and dark suitof cloths wattd, at; the;time:bf hVdeath hA wTZ! i m1"' ? " un IVf&t If hours after the acs Omcein Morris building onrosit.' id;-Oharlotte"?-Ob Court ETdllset n?VfS1 - i w w uub Lite iiivvphi. TnsainiA v-maa i w . i u w u aci 11 itK w r. ' . " . - . . ' . " h tt; .f J . ! ' ! ixoufcujiy nurses ana muies. .saturs e aoni irv to mako vnn wbb ionna th n mnmiTirr nv. i! nis. remains wrA nnf f . it:, j -r . . ' . re worth more L... ... --6. rf .7'1C01 tu,s aa eemDer 521st, 1895, fifty head - oi them. orses aud 'Mules. Dodd's auction sale of horses and mules, Saturs iiiil5tiirisp&? ... ... - hi xiack.c vuu I " avuuu iuio i-UUl lilLiy . i no rai M r wwuo nn imnK tnev are worth , , " h - l... t, J oueiuuer low, niiyneaa them at doubts whaMBey are woJ 5 9??any. on?7 lost, $9,30 in jWooitat the pottersfield at the of horses and mules, atM J Corl-s viTAirTjPACTURERa nv i)u vv o n nvn a ... i uiuuc v. nfi mii i nu rnnn air nnri AH .v v,w usuiclcl v. - hihiiih. a if iti rrTn rv i w i ' Aatjjr wxiai we say we will I "iuuj uou vcciiv -T TA - ' wyvvvs, vuujcl iu, iuor yu. we are nere toaav anrl fimppt tr v.Q tab-on nf rf fV. ;i,t. .m .... . I l Aatrocr o i ' . I sale, as thfi-o- win nooi f i waIw n I .v HY.iZ. I ArfJ. tt si hi o here as long as we live v t.Uo m;aoi uuiue ana pur , "" ,""LWO cnnaren, : " ' -- . " D"A". , Kt? o 4th. w. wni .... .u.. ,n tne tne n'8ht before except W'MS&W e q Bpbej-tOaldffell L-?; "l cos'- n.6 . ii . . . ' fit and please, our Uome small change. The thieves oth. Wfl win " iuuus uon t suit you . - . .i... lck did not seem to care anything for : : Sale, will be !n. mS To n ... "eketa as none were stolen. Eieetntute. Stock will be at Corl's stable. Eris e guarantee tne price on evervthine- vulCi UJ- F""ue, oxir. nenry, j iecr.nc uiwersns a medicine suit- wa-y . VPmft and see 'S&.35??at8 and all..kI?d of and Policeman Morgan wereM ftrWri . . R. A. Donp. Cannons ftiretze PLAIDS, SHlLETltf& - , ....... wesell. Shoes hats nnrl oil irinJ J!anri k : L.. !a-TAJsZJt-jv-v-r'-T-- - - 10-Onnrla . "v I "U4"u fOJC -- wiswu) uuv oiuupy IUUre I - - r T promptly on the'scece and instituted generaUf; needed, when the languid Fourteen Hnaire?,nna of jiea. the necessary measures to anDrfchend exhausted feelintr prevails, when thA From Three noW. I the negro, but he is still at large at Hver iB tprptd iind sluggish and the Mr. George Miller of No 8 town, this hour. "- aBd alterate is felt, ship, will likely wiif the pennant In weignoors was conscious for prob f iUOUlcme wm tne hog raising business this vPAr i BAGb '' '.ii...: -0 UEUJ U iuua iiiii Crener v COXCOBJD,, JST. - o. ably two honis after the ball was act. mor! sf.! y.'in, counteracting some oiie does not ht tK. 'ti'd- cut out, and clearly described his e: that U in our hand: MW ftfib ' ' . '- .-1 - ' assailant by name as well as other, SaWfefSS' teTI.. .Chandise. WI'... , .. -V ,r yield to Ell'riotfiite. 7 at. -tted him 1429 pounds of;- J BUYERS OJ? h i :.:h . .. r-- Hi, I. -tn. V V: " ivr eld to ElecBafeVi,. and ; ueu mm iU pounds of; .Si I, Aond time tj,e $i.bo per fe'at Fet.er'a drug one bing 5po. atenman has been shot and the store. s-i poands, the other two, 486. and 443 IT. W. Bays Qemored. respectively. i M. Odbel, T T-V i'.lS. UCLTBAKB, Oaahipr "a uuu'BU UttJa oeen 'j. D. Ooltbaot, Assistant Cashier tlcket office robbed here in the last I twelve months, tho fi 50,00p of attempt haying been made last Drl H Bays,'formerlv nastor of ""' ; I H. . - : ' HOentral Methodist church, Concord, L,?r,8tr9. ,HUd E"n Country Broduce r. ?-wnN e Best Salve in the world for W R. ODELi, W. H,' LffLYW' Cut8- Bresf Sores, Ulcers, Salt D. B Ooltbane. . Rheumi Fever Sores, Tetterd Ohappe -r- - . Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all FIRE IN5?TTR A MrP ErnVil, and positively cures xni llOUnAlNUJ!,. Piles or no pay requi-ed. - It is Whenin hppiinf-w t guaranteed to give statiefajition or Bee uB nr i'BXMee' monev refcled. Price 25 cents per b0- For sale at PBFetzer's Drug u?n companies. store " 'RaonAniftOI j " -t ' . Wooi-hocs & Habbis. I SACECbraWlraS" ' but. who was transferred to the ' .'v' B. ! aU poits South - CarAliV,. - Southern Eailwar in North Caro, 8tationed'at Abbeyille,' has been sent iu nanestoE, cs. U. When Eab7 ,s sick, we gave her Castorta. hen she was a ChilcC she cried I or Castoria. -When she became lUss, die clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave theia Castoria. Una, South Carolina and Virimia December 22nd to 25th inclusive limit December 29th to January. 3rd 1896 at rate of four cents per mile oue way for round trip. Tickets for students present ins ceitincites signed by Superintendents or Prin cipals. of schools will be sold from December 16th to 21st inclusive and of al Kind AND 't' Ponr-Foot wood always ts.VFfces. for same. . We Invite an in spection of all the goods we. Manufacture. juj ioii inclusive and also on dates, Tickets are sold for fl J.I If I the general public all bearing a finall UBGli If1" flfl W 'limit jaWary 3rd 1896 I 1 r- At . - f - .-1 i I ...v.- ) : f " i. I 'f

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