ArrlTRl of Trains. No. ii frm Richmondi arrives at 11:17 a. m. 35 Wfhingtbn " 9:58 p. m. 12 " Atlanta 7:22 p. m 36 " Atlanta " 9:35 a. m . 1$ Atlanta ..... l;. g:ppp. "' 6 iNorthbound freight leaves at 12m. ' 63 Southbound ' "5:15 p. m. Nos. 11 and 12 are the local trains between Richmond and Atlanta. Nos. 35 and 36 are the f ist mall trains between AtlautaV,and Washinev i. 'x. Nos. 37 and 38 are the- Washington and ; hwestern Vestibuled.Limited trains and stop .11 LW'-l"U H OlKllCtl A A Pocket book, Card Case,; !or Pursis "useful and always ac ctptable as a present." li We have a line jof handsome pres . ents in leather. Ladies and gen tlemen' sPocket Books, Card Qasesf Purses in seal, snake, calf and Russia finish. Prices range fromlO cts to three dollars. lb MUli . ' concord, nN:.QT 1 A BATOH'OF: LOCAL NEWS. l cteed Upjand Put in Shape By pur Uttstliuirl'eiicil Fuslier! ! Tiremena festival to-night "Liiiu Jter building. id :r Ki- J j Just received at A L Sappen field'e; o;ne barrel of German .frut. Call now. ' ' 3t21 Banker D B Coltrane will, on Christmas DayV celebrate his 53rd annive'rsary. Christmas gloves aad 'mittens for ladies, misses 'and' children at Gib son MorirfsoVs: r " d20 Mrs. John Cook", wife , of tbe keeper, pf'toe county'Tiomft is ' 'Visit- Fro'm - 'December 10 to '25 the oouthern will sell, round, trjp tickets to Atlanta'for 75:.; j rroperiy owners snouia rememoer the firemen 'anU "give" them a - good patronage to-night. - - - - .t ) ' ... - , Mr. J T Pounds is closing out bargains in furniture in the Morris building, next door to "Morris House. The forecast calls for showers and colder weather tomorrow,: which inT dicates a damp, bad day if; it rains. Umbrellas built extra good for Xmns erif ts and the handles are the very latest. Prices from 90 centsto $2.50. Gibson & Morrison; . His friends were real gl ad . to S3e Mr, James Bell on the streets 1 this .,- . , . . ...--x , n unsr, after his long ' spell ; of ' r 4 : ; 1 V s1" mormn fever Heinz's mixed pickles ' and: fine Dai" a v nrpftin nhftfiap besides-an 'a8 SDrtment of candies and.nuts. special ly for the Christmas -trdef f&V John K Patterson's." nNewesf J goods? in town. the Southern will tell tickets from Concord to Atlanta and return 19th to. 25th? ' inclusive, sfori, idr -TOtindrVtriprFMalo lim days f rom date of sale. ltis often a mystery a cold has hyn ' ckuht.'i l Xhe fact is The $4.75 cent cheap rate ti tothe Atlahta' ExposiUdn inVh' W,Vfe rtjirohiale this'imorning. turn were ut'oh JBale : r Aver's Pills, being composed ox Aver's Pills, being the essential yirtnes of tne dos, - stiort rrTirn IHiU however, that when the blood is poor aronnd Ihe'Btack Dy meacs oi a rope and the sjpfem'-Ore'Mea; jbe- and tackle. rn'W Tlllhm A-i comes pediiiiarly liabie! sfir diseases. -The Southern Railway has rpkeed When k'petiteldr1 tfe 'st'rerig jf wJolW:" ! faileiapwniaahorild: ,ba thi o'atside of ihe .tickei fab i to takh" withbnelay ; -H ! convenience of those' .P.-rWh v'Wn rate tickets 1 Vfiowftow'the trains are rdnbmg, taWeperientsV without any ot tne ourucu ----- onU ' bought woodbrous-materianwhatevI- is the reason why they are. so much J jbiWJ WuJr etu- more efiective and valuable than any clothes ca u gn cathartics. The best familyi.byo. ch,!!ey , ne annual scatement of thJ county's -MnfiTi;, V I 8 "pendtturearmii Fgs id manuscript, j Of the )fo .r t - vy uu bun rpBinanoa ... " voluco ong was coLi- .-- taea today, not baviug finished on eeaay, ' ... 1 The; "Southern has. reduced the tettatlanta -d&tn on from date 'Sltff&ii: Wnen rftin Karros j- iii ." clpck today, Merchant's 'made a - meir gooas in. They ?e,;e out again, however. ? ' - peryman John K Patterson ,USa!,ted best trade of fcF towii,, f of he' has "the freshest goods and -the greatest Variety of airy v store in thefcity. 1 Hommy; grits and buckwheat always fresh! . 3 6 noftbbound passenger train, a?sixTnn"rs late'tbday. An :n .-uame m op sciieuule time. tug oume or tue southern mail. Ohnstmas one does not have to iiss ten for, ttie; 'cannon cracker. They 'rnik - c:.:8 ncaru. taBUV; enough- thfB , w ; ;R;;A-f)odd and J Belle Sloan, the Kentucky Taofce . and .mtle men struck i-z town today and took lup t:? vli" , v l-WA otayujb, x ney have some fine stock. ; j I Dry & Wads worth have put out a ne?unHerlw6 trim! uicu m yenow, ! xt-is as conspicuous as is "Kiah M urr, who runs it, and who has'had'hfs hairfcropped." ! :Mr. C K Gla8co w has resigned his position as teacher at the R .V Caldwell school house, an Nof 4 township. Mr. W W Morris will lu&b unarge ui iue' euuooi alter van nary 1, , v" i; - . .. j , . llrJi ' H W Ludwie, of No. 4 ownship4 spill (o ; Butcher J Beck a fine lot of cattle this morBinc, Mr Lad wig, besides . one i of a bur best farmers,! deals extensively id cattle ralsingli.viW c - 4 CR Cook, a former "resident of this city, but now of Cfh'ina Grpve township, Ra wancounty, was in the city today (Thursday) direct .from the Brnshies, with apples, chestnuts, To spend the holidays at home the Normal' school girls ' will arrive to-night. K Among Tth8ml are Misses Elizabeth Gibson, Emily Gibson and Bessie Sims. ' Miss Fannie Hill will come to-morrow. , . ! : Mr.. Thomas Motly, aged 73 years, living,- on r the plantation ofl Mr. T i 1 i i Samuel J Ervin, three miles west of ,. .. , -i , town,' died Thursday mornings at 1 o'clbck Tof 'nnen mohia; HHis remains will be interred tomorrow at Poplar rr: i li'i A ' ' i - , v ; ; L: Merchant J r Allison vis naymg aa awning put in the front of jhB store,4 Besides "being up lo date and qQite in style, it will keep the snow from his front door during itbe. . .turwi' . ataclc ''painter strpek town Tuesday and did up the Buf- fa0 mill, and is today painting jthe Umoke stack at the Fenix,. Roller Mill; He is suspended 'and works ,wher 6n:time'or no and at what. time they may be: expected. j ; rm, omail nhild of Mr. and Mrs. a,, rr , nanni,nvine la8t weefois thr dtZ77 " ikuoa ur HUMAJNIXY. Trai wsWi, o, rTvSM ftPfJ is in Charlotte ito Hfi. Dr. M L S'teyens, of MimJoday, - '- Mr. S T Pearsoo, of Morgan ton; spent Wednesday in the cityj Mfs. J)wJght -; Morrison; 1 ' of Iredell couhtyfis1 visiting at Mayor Morrison's ; 'u iit. Miller J W Reed is home again from a visit to relatives in Western North Carolina. :- ; . Mrs. A M Brown and Miss Claude Fisher will "; return tonight from Atlanta. . , - ;. Mr; and Mrs. J W OalS and little daughter left yesterday for Lynchburg, Va, r ? 'ir - J Editor P. S Starrette and family of Mobres yilie, are visiting at ' Cap t. J M Alexander's. ' c 1 '.' j Mr. Frank 0 Rogers came in from the University last niht. He will remain until after the holidays. Mrs. M J Morgan and Miss An nie Byrd, of Forest Hill, have ! gone to Alma, N. C, to spend some' time. Revs. M A Smittf and W H L McLaurin left ' this ' morning 1 for a two days' trip to the Atlanta Exposi tion. ' r " l'r. : Miss Mattie Gay, who has tejn visiting at Rey. M A Smith's ; for the f aat week, returned to r Char lotte, her home, today. .' ; Mrs. Fred Smith, of Rich- mond, Va.,: is visiting at - her fathtr-in-law's; Lawyer W i M; . . ... . j i - Smith's on West Corbin street, Fine Kentucky Horses and Mules. Wait for Dodd's auction sale of Kentucky horses and mules, Satur day, December 21st, 1895, fifty head of horsts and mules, atMt J Cdrl's stable, Concord, N;' C. Gome td the sale, as they will positively ; be sold, legardless of cost. Each, horse; or mule must be as represented, or no sale. Positively no by s bidding. Sale will be held, rain or shine. Stock will be at Corl's stable; Tri- day, December 20th, Comeand see them. f ' ' R. A. Dodd ifot "Bob" Wallace's. . Revenue Officers Vandeford and Means seized the distillery of Mr ' J; R Wallace Tuesday, in this county, near the the Cabarrus line. : :This is a large aistillery, so. the, haul : 4 was a good one. Charlotte Observer. I .The 'seizure the Observer. of was made Saturday lastr It was not the distilleryof Mr?Jf R Wallace, but belonged to one J R McLean, who liyeson7:the,old Edwin Harris place, in Nd, 3 townshiiJitm couity. The articles seized rs iho the pos-j 8 Harris, ow'ned no , lntereaiTln j the distillery and lives - several- miles from it'Besiiles that Bob i Wallace ish6tln thVdistilling5 business He liyes in 1 Cabarrus, tooj Miss Ob-1 server. l 4 ' - When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, ; bffp. she yaa a ChuJL ishe cried;f or Castoria. i (tFJien e becana0.stiss;he clang to Castoria, WLen she had ChUdnsWshe gave them Castoria, Messrs-" W'ebb;''and';'llaDe today shipped ' to ddnpord1 k tanasbineltali iaW inonument. which wm be'erectsd oyer tttfe f iMWb&&W Yihlsi - This flrm yesteruay puv up KmilY monument: injiie 5t,J Paul hurjing ground over the f raves, tot Hi:: rXlten Heilii aria' three of his dhildren,--Sali8bury World, 1 - j ' V wby Dr. Miles btyv twaw session 'of ' Cdliector'R S Haitis, in 1 WHEN PEOPLE SEE THE BAR GAINS WE HAVE THEY WONDER HOW WE GET THEM. Take Towles We have a splendid one for 10c, A pren tlemancame in the other day and bought them thought we were bluf ring him. Wo- got in another lot. pame price- -r ' - - r , - Such-a collection and variety of Ladies Hanokerchiefs plain and farcy border. - Think of bujing thrm for 5c, Can't tell them from 10c ones. uet Smyrna Rugs uch useful presents. You can buy one for 75c $2.25, $3.50, 84,00. GLOVES 15, 20, 25 and 35c. Kid Gloves, pretty shades at $1.00 per paii s. Quite a pretty line of SATINS for fancy-work, ' i i- -r; See bur - L Id is Split your Sides for 25c . - , ? 1 mt s and Boucles and quite a good line of SERGES 45 inches wide '40c. per yard. Don't forget, all wool, both ways 25c. yd. Beautiful white Gounter- panes $1.00, $l,50.and $2 00. T 1.1 X. i.- L 1 eara' l"t4t. ""aT" 7 Iconscienceiand eive vou thehanmest Chnstraas ever spent.Canft miss it I :a:2 in - j - -kt "u aLu)lum sxuuuu lu wm. rtu J ft P ft u contributed to this great handkerchief show: You milit Tfl.v from-5 fits to $1. but that's ; not the point... we offer sey- eraldozen chiefs at very low trices, We are will- ing that you should irb , evervwhiere else and try vltSj?. here. : Tour-.better jildgment will dp !the Test,i-.;..':';'r:4,- : ; .; : -iiinen drawn work at kll prices, fronr$l per;f6zeii: to $9. Gbine1 and see us and we wilj do you good. fl I LlflilSBIl. Moq and UUGHI Jacquard GIBSO LOiEiCOLUl We want your trade anC will sell you goods at suck prices that it will be to youir interest to come and see us Box Paoer ft, : o : 24 sheets paper and 24 Eeveiopes in box for 5 c. ChiTdrfin RftAfArs w - . r i : o : 4 to 12 years old for $1 25, that sold for v $2 25 and $2 50. ; Ladies Gapes for $2.50 and We have the cheapest line of " . SHOES yu iave ever seen 2 rrrro ti . f r YY P lr'MT' sell- tO VOUt t LOWE. SOI I m s. 7