Vol" XII. No. 37, GONCOIUV N . C. , FBI DAY, DECEMBER 20. 1895. to s 61 Yon an Set .nythingyou want m Silver Us fl Will - " j o vemes, exiK graved without extra charge at Jewelry 'Iff j. You - Whom: NO.' 1.375: JTOBTY KILLED. An Xxploslon Mines at Give In the Com A report, considered authentic reaches us this p. m., that there was an explosion in the coal mines at Egypt this morning, whereby forty men were killed. Egypt is not a telegraph station and further particulars cannot be Llearned. It is on the C. F, & Y. V, Railway, not far from Ore Hill. LATER. , - . The following was sent' us hv -r ' ,' - . j & Y. V., who passed i here this p. tn. on his run : ' "This a. m. between 8 and 9 o'clock, the coal mine at Cumnock (formerly Egypt) blew up. Sixty miners went down tp work early this morning and only .nineteen were If you lind any Jthing in this taken out after the explosion. The mine is five or six hundred feet deep. There was a large quSn ity of dynamite in the mine. Cannot learn the cause of disaster, probably nresdamp . A large force of men are at the shaft, trying to rescue the entombed miners. There is little hope of taking out any of the men alive. Those who succeeded in escaping f re badly buried, some fatally. STILL LATER. Capt Campbell ' passed Cumnock at 1 o'clock today and says the exact number ' killed was thirty three. Greensboro Record. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEF. French papers are jubilant Over England's dilemma, , V v The Louisiana State Democratic mm i conyention is meeting in Bhreyeport, LNO 00MK ANQ SKE WHAT WE HAVE SUITABLE FOS YODK. $roo that is not exactiy right CAANOS & FETZER. TODAY We sell Men's all wool Cassimere suits at $3-00. .. Men's Black Wool Cheviot suits at 3.00. Men's Gray Melton suits at 2.00 Men's Black Cheviot suits 2.50. -Men's Odd Coats 75 cents. Bey's Odd Coats 50 and 75 cents Men's Black Worsted suits f cr 3.50. Men's Fancy Melton suits 2.50. MEN'S FINE CLAY WORS- the National Christian Confer ence met in the Moody tabernacle at Atlanta on December 18fch. i ' Four of the injured men on the Bfr Paul at New York died at dih CaneMcirkt ' erent times during the day and Jewelry Boxes, night, on the 18th, and death now Table Knives, number nine. . . V : V j - Fruit Knives, The Atlanta committee in charge Nail Knives. of arrangements for colored people's 2 able Forks, day at the fair, December 26th, re varies, quest colored ministers to preach on typle Forks, the importance of the colored ex- hibit on Sunday, December 22nd, Shoe Sets ' and urge the race to attend. r: Desk Sets, The Georgia State . Populist con- Jch Plains: vention met in Atlanta on Decern j Rings oer loin to eiect delegates to tne oiarnp jzoxes, national convtntion. The reason it met before the national convene tion was qalled was because of the cheap rates to Atlanta. The usual Populistic platform was adopted, Coxey was not allowed to address the body. The convention favored upholding the Monroe doctrine. HOLIDAY GIFTS. Ted Spoons, Hat Marks Kerchief Boxes, TED SUITS, Guaranteed all wool $5.50, Cutaways and Sacks. These are the kind that some merchants price $12.50, i lilil m For Good Lessons, A contest has been going on at Mrs. S V "Er win's school for some time, in spelling lessons, a prize hav ing been offered to the children for the one making the record. The Of very Fine Clay Worsted Cutaways of Pnze is a handsome book and fell to bcMoss Bros make at 810. These the lot of Master Howard Pitts. would be priced $2o by people who pretend to save you 25 per rent. If you want ahy Clothing at all, it will pay you to see us. ". Scarf Fins. Dresden Clocks. Baggage Check, Belt Buckles. Coffee Svoons, Glove Boxes,. Umbrella Marks? Book Marks, Individual Scts, Card Sets, . Bon Bon ' w ; Forks Walking Canes, Tea Kettles, Lamps, , Yinegareits, Gold Thimhlcs (jrola J ens,, Card Cases, Nut Bickers Also , the nicest line of Watches and Jewelry in town. A. J. & J. F. YORKE i ! Sft Get a Head on II 1m JLike a Tack.- . I see the Caucasian has attacked the Charlotte Observer regarding its comments on the worthy J. P, in this county who bought a blueack Professional Cards. Albemarle to Have Another Lawyer. Esq. J E Price, of Uaion county, U,, the acoonnt of wbich firat occurred in yourDld Furnace cor was over yesterday and bought out Mr. T J Jerome. Mr.' . Price is a young man and comes ;highly recom mended Mr. Jerome i3 expecting to go to either Atlanta, GaM , or Monroe, this state. --Stanly 'Enter prise.' C Rere-are some good reasons why it will pay you to trade with us: Treat for the Children, St Andrews' Lutheran church will celebrate Christmas by giving the little folks of that Sunday school a treat on Christmas eyenight. A special prrogramme has been ar- lst. We buy -our goods in large lots ranged for recitations, songs, eta and buy them low. . A real nice time is in store f oi them. 2nd. We put the lowest possible price oi them. We don't try to make you Jink they are worth more by pricing Shortly after nightfall Friday Mw . A, , : evening the member of the Baptist do. We are here today and expect to be congregation gathered at tneir kere as long as we live. . church on Spring street, heayily Apiuf11 y0tl gdS Wm ladened with various necesearies and 5th. We ' will give your money back substantial of life, preparatory to "goods don't suit you going to the pastor's home on Bell You run no risk in trading with us Avenue, whither they went to pound we guarantee the n rice on evervthmg .. . , jeseU. Shoes hats and all kind of him abont 8 O'CIOCK. ic was a pleas ant surprise to Rev. Alderman. furnishing Goods. Cannons hi a ial Bank. Thursday's Wedding, - At 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the home of the bride on West Depot street, Mr. Will A Fink, of No JJ 5 township, was married to Miss Annie Piess. The ceremony was performed by Kev. B F Davis, of the Reformed church , assisted by Rev, A H HcCulIough, of St, An. drews Lutheran churclL, An '; ele- D. Coltr a xttt a oo;cfof naMer crast dinner was served tbe bride and groom ana tne awenuaiua. Cokcoed, N. O. j!'M. Odell, j: B, CcLTEANE, President, Cashier. pital, $50,000 1 $16,000 T- Cure for Headache As a remedy for all forma of Head- nn, nxo va T.iAt.Mft Kilmers aas pruvuu iu Odell, D. F. Cannon, ba the very best- It effects a per- iru, j . w v 'ANNOxf, manent cure ana iiiO Auwoii K 0i)ell, W. H, Lilly, habitual sick headaches yield to its . 1- B Ooltbane. V influence. We urge all 'who are l?Tnr t afflicted to procure a bottle, and HE INSURANCE, miemedyrt , 1 iil'T A Sensible Preacher. Dr. Preston said last Sunday nighty in the course of his sermon, that he was surprised that as pro gressive a city as Charlotte had no system of organized charity. He held up Wilmington as an example. This city, he said, was trampridden; he wondered ;why all the tramps in respondence. I wonder if the Cau casian has a better book to offer? If so I would like to see him trot 'er out, I wonder if he didn't learn in a Blue-back what a B A was, and get from it also the schooling that might be better utilized than in writing free silver editoriaie? They may all say what they please about. "Old Webster," but they .all have to look betweon its lids for their "accenta"ana "pronunciations." Free silver has a black eye in this neck of the woods just at this time, as the boys have all gone a duck hunting, Chrstmas is on our handa, L. m, arghe m. D. Physician and Surgeon. Concord, N, C. OFFICE- ST CLOUD ANNEX; JN0. R- ERWIN. C A MISENHEIMER. ERWIN & MISENHEIMEBL Physiciansand Surgeons Office No. 3. BTarty buildiut?, op nosite . 2nd Presbyterian church Charlotte. C MORRISON H. CALDWELL ATTORNEY AT LAW, CONCORD, N. O. Office in Morris building, opposite Jourt House. f.VA nnnntrv did not flnnV hprpi tn an into winter anflrtr: h hhwA weddig bells; are ringing in the air, that nnlees a mah (able-bodied) and '-Twoouls with but single worked, neither should he eat. The . 7 n I l church should take care of God's poor, but not a Bet of idle, trifling men. ! ' - ! - one"soon will beCorrespondent in Gastonia Gazette. Fonnd Dead In Bed. Mr, Eli Miller, an "aged farmer ltTcs on second creek near Gold Hill, was found dead in his bed yes terday morning by a member of his family. The old gentleman had lived out his three score years and ten and more. The cause of his death , is not known bat it It supposed: that it was caused by heart failure, He xrta a widower encl lived with his only danghUrV lira George. Fish, er. Thursday's iSalisbury World. Weds a North Carolinian. Lynchburg, Va., Dec. 19. Miss Carrie Warkick Daniel, daughter of Senator John W Daniel, was mar- ried at noon to-day to Mr. Frederick Harper, of Wilmington, N. C. The marriage tooK place at westerly, the coun try house of the brid&'s parents, in the suburbs of this city. Rev. T M : Carson, rector of St Paul's church, officiated The par lors, hall and-, stairway were beauti fully decorated with evergreens, palms -roses and smilax. Much of the wbrK, was done by the fair hands of the bride. ': "' An Excnara f Conrl. Governor Carr haa: authorized an exchange of Superior-; courts, by Jade Tliarman'aWllI. : Colubus, O., Dec 19. The pro- which Judge Robinson holds the bated. will today of the late Senator spring term, 1896, of . Franklin Thurman ihows he was worth Iron Tm yna I . it'll inno nr Pi VI Tl c . inor TAsiRi the use of th's UMSCO "r. .7 T7:fi r,fa I Caw I eir, z?1 it-clas$ Home and ij or Respectfully, . , Woodhouse Haeiiis. and $1 cd't Fetzer's Drug Store- county com t, tica Judge Boy kin; wliile Judge Boykin holds the spring term of Washington county : court, vice Judge Robinson. f m Bncfc.len'8 Arnica aiTe. V The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands," Chilblains, Corns and ali.j Skin Eruptions, and positively cureo Piles or no pay requi-ed. lo is guaranteed to give statieractioii ur monev refunded: Price 25 c?nts ter box. For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store- - , $160,000 to $170,000. After pro vidin for the distribution of cer tain personal effects, the will, which it drawn October 29, 1879, directs that the real estate in Columbus, be equally diyided between his three children ; all other real estate equ ally between his two daughter?. MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Ginghams, Outing Cloths, Plaids, Sheeting and Salt Bags Dealers in GENERAL MEROHADISE. -o Buyers of countrit . produce; of all kind, and 4-foot wood always wanted best prices for same. We invite an ins-oec- tion of all the goods Mr. H W Blsckelder; whoaboa while in tha act of I WL. Mi? Ur. UO. , ed to pieces butchering a hog, is able to be with the assistance of a stick. out Concord,'lsr. C.

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