Tha noil 7 Q tariff J'W , The Standard is published every ay (Sunday excepted) dehyers d by carriers."" iUTEa ' QF SUBSCBlPTiOiN flnp war 1 ..5 uu Six months 2 uu Thr 33 months 1 00 One month. .... .. . . 35 Single copy C TEE WEEKLY STANI)AJJI Is a foaivpage, eight-colurnn paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabar rus than any other pperl; Jt'rice $1.00 per annum , in advance. ADVERTISING BATES. Terms for regular advertisements toade nn own on application. Address all communications to . THE STaNJDARD, ' Concord.: N;C.r 'JONCORD; DEC. 20, 1805. IICRBA11 FOR.A3IERICA. At 'last G rover Cleveland has risen, above the narrow confines of a pet-: tifogit g partisan and at one, leap ii&a. reached the high' plane of pa triolein. It makes no diflerece - to the American people;what the-.poli-lie of tue occupant of the White llo (8f may be wheu the nation is fuji.f h crisis. It is puly impor tant ujm: the President shall be T-DreriUtiv of all. the people in tnar 715W3, and above all else broad traded, libera1, patriotic, and an A aerican through and through. President Cleveland's message voice the sentiment cf tha people. It is un able state paper; His ana lysis cf the Monroe doctrine is eo clear that a child may ; understand it. Eisjmaintenance of the rights of Am rlca is firm, dignified and rnvih. It is cf little import?"ce thut evjce pscple can see in it only, a bid for h third term. Political con siderations may or may pot have actuated the President. He has ris i?i 10 the dignity of hi? great olSoe has 20 bravely faced the Uvvi tH much may be forgiven hire. ' Tho message "will be read and., its seii tfrhtv1. cs re-echoed by every naj 111 1 ;i& United States. When the President of the "United States acts lor a tae people in a grave ' einer jKoncy, when he d 'ops the cloak of iae pa -tisan, he snould have and will havo the unfaltering Qsupport of cyery 010 whe values country aboye party. ' -." '. ' 7.'' . -It in a pleasure tor! .the Morning Ad7er?ir to be able to sgree with President Cleveland, anfdrwe heartily congratulate him' upon -his manly Aurican utterance whjclv is today the talk of the civilized world. It is good to be an American ! It id good to have an American Presi dent ! It ie good to be infthe right ! And it 1 cod to have an Executive vfho, knowing the righst, dares mam tarn it ! We are first and above all lse Americana and patriots ! . y The aboye is-from the Hew York Mornii.'g Advertiser, tnat has cussed Cleveland, vilified, the South and saw nothing good in anything but Re publicans, even going bo far as call ing theTPouhsta the scum3 pf the arth" or -words to thateHect. f. y.fc..M i"f 9 1 "1 ii II .2 0 - surplus 1 revenue,., . however iire, crald extricate ua from cur Ir?eeut lifiloulties, orrgive assurance of safety in 'the future, unless it should br rrqoind to be paid in gold system theGofernmeni anon lided i t. N. lit toi fce u:e( tiling ;tnt payments; j ' : ill ? j .. - aud9curceljiebesry..oigt that such a system is impossible as 1 oh g as the U o i ted S tates notes an d Treasury noteS are kept in icireula- iionj and; are.redeemable in gold .by the;6verument itself on" presenter; 5tio3 Secretary Carlisle,; X. m " ' ;7- The Morganton Herald has gone j baclf into the musty past and un eirthed i f rom;thej y I atnber room? 7 of diyerst8tuffa poem, written by the editor of the Charlotte Cfeserver. If the said editor can :t proye an alibi frqmthe coach pn, which itnpoem "was tvrote," then hevbeepmes. the rival of his immortalDupger. ? -v : ; 7 Although not yeu SubeUh dated by figures, it is not at all unlikely that Great Britain" has i larger pop u la tion than France for the. first time in history. At the census of 1891 the United Kingdpta had 37,797,ooo i inhabitants .against 38,3i3,ooo for 1 France: since then the. deaths have regularly out-nuroereu; me uirtutj in France, while the opposite.has been the case in England.. " Tjiey are very , liberal in Japan. Not long ago a bridge was bnilt which wri, so light that a -notice was put up, "No animals allowed to croes.". was ; found impossi ble to keep: the' rats cfi! .it, and in order to haye a rule which could be enforced, the notice was taken down and 'Nb large animals allowed ' to cross" was put up in itrplace. Senator Peffer: has inade a calcu lation which shows that the average cost of burying deceased cengreeav men is S3iooo. "the value of -an American farm." This is manifeaU ly improvident, and yet it is only the simple truth to say thaV thre have been cases in which the peo - did not begrudge the expense, ; ; Montana papers are telling of a two-year-old child in that State that smokes cigars with as ; much apparei.t pleasure as a seasoned old smoker. Several persons tdl of seeing the child provided with apple and a lighted c'gar, and of his sucking contentedly at the cigar in preference to the apple, There is great; regret' expressed here at, the death of : Colonel, Rober LS teele, of i. : Rocki n gham con n ty , who hVe the Holts, Odells, and Worths, had done so much for the cottonmill industry m North Caro Una. His age was 74, and he was a faithful worker" until the last. Greensbrro Record. : Up to a fews years ago the county of Caston had more regisfr3red whiso key 'distilleries than any other in the State. It ii' noy claimed tliat in the county of Wilkes alcne there are more ''Matil&iies than in this en tire district. " v - . . ,; - . .-. A Jewish fair in New - York city has tue cleared 870,000 tor chaaity in a single night. If the Jew-baiter jwlib nai cooie over from Pus3ia to . .i lecture is to wnte,his imoresslons ot America h$ should not overlook this item, Wihlng ton city has; gained 12, C00 in population in three years, and the total is now placed at 270,000. It is a clear ca3e of a city that has doable. 1 i:i population by makiD its. streata aul pablic places beauti-fa). a tne oDue V V 11 1. 1 1 llif Ul rGSS OF VOICE Aftpr Acuto. Droirchitia, i ; :-. i ) CLQrry y 9 i Pectoral A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE.- - ' "Three1 'montbstago;4!' tooI?a Via.J lent cold which resulted in an attack of acute jbroncluis. , ;pu jnyself undCr medical treatment, and at the end of twp months,, was no. better. I found it' very difficult to, preach, and concluded to tfy!Ayers Cherry J -i-'-teiH " fasti , i ''f!';f .3-i 1 fill Pectoral. The, first bottle gave me . great relief ; the second, which I am now taking, has -relieved me almost n entirely of all unpleasant symptoms, ;; and I feel sure that one or two bot- -tles more will effect a permanent , ;cure..; To all ministers suffering from ; throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's ', Cherry Pectoral.'" E. M. BnATVt.EY, B.D., Jist. Secretary, Am.' Bapt. : 4 Publication Society, Petersburg.ya. r Ayer?a Cherry Pectoral ' GOLD MEDAL AT THE WORLD'S PAIS. AP S LEADS ,w,L OTHER ?ARSAPARILLAS ) TO THE PUBLIC. printing, ,it: will' be promptly, neatly and cheaply done. Yop: cannot find a better advertising medium in Cabarrus County - than., the Weekly ; :: Stand ard, Avhich, goes? to more homes than any other paper circu lating in Cabarrus. Subscription to the Weekly Stand- Aiiixis $1.00 per " an num, in advance, . .ADMIiNibTUAi UK'S JSU.ilU., Having been duly appointed and quali fied Ad ministralor 'of the estate of James W. Long deed. All persons holding claims aaint said deceased are hereby notified to present' tbemrduTy authentic catcd, to the undersigned for parnetit on or before the 27 day of ? November, 4896 or this notice will be plead iri bar to theh:. recover y.: Also 'all ; persons owing said deceased are ndti fled 7;that prompt pay wertt is expected ' ? -, This Nov. 26 1895 d . :;r r 7 Administrator. Having duly 'qualified ts admins htrators of " 4Wiliam , :B x Joy iijrj, deceased, airpersops havlDg cjafms aainst'Baid dSte aFiBr heifeb tftf4 fied to presemtthebi.fdalvraraiheiitr cated at the office, of - Morrison I Caldwell - 4d:enbof ;VN.l,";0:a for i payment .' on ,s orfi bef ore 'the 5ch day of JDecemberAv 4.189.6:. or Una proaiptipayinaakmust be mada-iccj Side 3 - 7 f Adpainistratora EDwARWEtrfMf WmB' Jbyribr Xbis tne and dayy eo . lwj ; : SlLB NOTICE; iV V Haying been duly appointed and quali fied Administrator of the estate of J ames VV Long decd.I, as" such Administrator, will o'n V ednesday, the 18 r day of De cember, ibUo at the late residence of said James W. Lon in Concovd, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash : One sorrell horse, one cook stOYe,oue Jot corn, two bureaus, lot of beds fand bedding .--.Vw. . r ... .. a. , s notice y?Uh Pp.we&&mWM9i ineir recovery. All persons. indebted, to saidiftallffetioWiie'd that ' household and kitchen furniture, and other personal property articles top numerous to mention. ' This Nov.25, 1S93. - L M Akchey, . '-i' ' Administrator' . 4 i ' ?5 tf7 We saie you t ; cent on your CHRISTMAS M PRESENTS: We liave a xiice assortment of Celluloid Boxes, inlaid with mother of pearl, satin lined, for ladies and gentle- men we sen o.uu ruutu Boxes for 3.45. Japanese Vases at less than wholesale prices. Cups and saucers large eneugli' to use, at 5 cents, "Children's A B C .plates up to fine hina Cake Plates at 98 cents, woalh SI. 50 to day; also mugs, teapots, dishes, bowls, syrup picchers, salt and pepper castors, etc. LAMPS. . 7 LAMPS! ljrom 48 cents to $5 50 each, cheaper than you can buy any where from 1 cent up. Doll carriages trom 90 cents to 1.68, Hobby horses $1.24 to'l,89. i I T t. A H Tor E P;"J .BdSTIANf Propi j : :7 n -'V -' i I. 25 to 33 per DOLLS from 1 to 68c. Our stock ot dolls i fu superior to anything we tave ever had, and fully 25 per cent cheaper than you Gan buy anywhere.. 150 .DOZEN 150 Ladies' , and ' Gents' cotton,, linen and silk lianderchiefs for th e: holidays. x Handsoma " Leather, Wood PLUSH - ALBUMS .- - : ' . ' -0 : . y Candy 7 cents per pouni Children's Books, 1 to 5c. Gilt edge, red lined poems, 55c: "Teachers' Oxford Bibles 1.75 to .2 t)0; Ladies solid gold gem setting rings at 75cts to 1.50, worth 50 per cent more.1 Satin pin cushions 20 to 48 cents; A nice assort ment of gents neckweare lor presents.- - both American and French- to 55? cents. Baskets ! to UW each. Japanese Bronze Iray, V2M, $3.50. PERFUME ietdi Ai ' v.

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