... Arrival of Trains. 35 .Washington 9:5S p. tn. - 12 " Atlanta " " 7:22 p. m , , --New-York- v r . - 8:si-mvv r -' 33 "Atlanta " 9:00 p.m. 64Northbound freight leaves at 12m. " 63 Southbound r '5:i3.p. m. Nos. 11 and 12 are ' the local trains' between Richmond and Atlanta. Nos. 35anii6 ate th fast mall trains between Atlanta Siifdf Wahine: ton. Nos. 37 and 38 are the Washington and :Vau.tkwteyiUuted JL4miUd trams.and stop vs. . 'li. ... APockelxboolii -.f Card Gase.!otv r urs is vu setuio. and always ac- -cbp table as - a -presents W .A, liave aMirie , of r ; V V -' handsome pres. - , tiit. - - entaiimleatheiN Ladies and gen tlemen'sPocket BooKs,; Card Cases, Purses -. in seal; snake, calf and Russia finish; : Prices range from 10 cts to three dollars, , muni yiiuti stunt, concord, n. c A BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS. I'icked Upud Pat in Sliape By Our 11 nstllnie Pencil Pusher. Just received at - A L, Sappen- barrel 0f German Lowe & Son, nave spiendid bar- .ains -they speak. of in a "new ad. -to- day. Christmas gloves and mittens for aod 8naPPig a pistol ai him. Clar iadies,,misse3nd children at Gib- eDc.eDel7 the P.?01 nad one ball in son & Morrison'. : d20 bat did not think he had snapped From December -19 to .25 the Soutiem.will sell round ticU to.Atlanta for $4 75. Mr. J Tr Pounds is closing but brnh f nVriitn inS' SMhrr w;ii:. 2 nr-:lTTl.: ' " : . See the announcement of DryjSc .,.., . - u (j.. , : .. W9th, the bigifurmtwe, deaK . - .. . r f - Umbrellas built extra good for Xmas gifts and. the. handles are 'the very latest. Prices from 90 cents to S2 sn Rih,o & Morrison Lawyer CaM well spent Thursday ; in:Salisburj ir. consultation with his client, Dr. Wbi'e. tWif ai o-imrrl and rWm Inst - between J VY (Jjmron s anu Jborest -Hill. Finder will be rewarded . by !e.;y:ng at this office. 2t. The packing in the doom of; ftlfe boiler at the oleachery blew out this morning,- making it necessary " to shut down for several hours. ,r n , i - 1 riu The Southern has reducedthe . . ,i - s t- nates to Atlanta and return on December 10 to uve uays irom.aaie vLfmv j vlj ine itacKec man nas a new au, The Racket is filled to the'brim wiih a Jarco v&-:?tr of beautirui C h : ; s t mas presents ;ta;:- Go see'thVb, -Mr, Walter Brown, once a resident of Cabarrus, now of Rowan county, is down forJhehQlidays.. He nnd wife are wishing at. Mr. Andy Winef toff's. , , , 4 5L Heinz's m Daisy, cream cAees.bes deras. ortmnt of candieVdntt hattgT&lf ly for the OhHstmas frb-d'KH system.: 'If has a n:ght operator at eyery telegragh station on tiie line between Washington ana Aijaaw. Grocervman John K Patterson has nnaoubtedjy .! the 'best trade of the town, for ..he has the Iresnesi goods and the greatest variety or. any store in the city. Hominy, . grits and buckwheat always fresh. town., . - r , . ; -Hfki;i gan its use ana irom tne urat t m ?:,xl bean to-get better. and:aiXercs;4g The Southern Bar- f running all; trains on the .bWCkr Tf - worth its weisht in aouse of Cherokee county, the S:ate. 1 rr ' ' ' ' - ' - ; 5 MM! Southern wil 1 i l finU. ; .Xrota Loncord to Atlanta and WfnrA 32$?29? Pf-Po?itiojj December ?.?0 ' WrHimitS Ave J'Q ium uaie ot sal 3 ? . Wfe& et to 5Ma not 'soa.geiluine i.07er and over azain- it has been proved that Ayer's Sar: eajJbrillaLstands alone. " among' rmedi cmes-as .the most:. reliable tonicall teratiteXin pharmacy -CTt stood alonQat the World's Fair. 0fea I of the n. ?tes ia; classified into a?56,mulattoe r5ls' v k? r!"?8 the gamut. Singers, public s speakers,- actore, auctioneers,-teachers preacn'ers, and all who arejiable to pverstax and ir ritate the. yocajiorgans find, in Ayi PFfiMPM: a safe; certain" and speedy relief A- timely dose of :PParatin has prevented many a throat troubieTj , ; Shot by conipatbn v Skk oia, Ga 'i December 10. Otis Gles,: the son Jof & .nfbminent citi- zen, was accidentally shot and pain- fally-wpred - in- thei n Tuesday.- . . Clarence Fallp, the sixteen -year- old.; son-, of ; the postmistress,, was playing "Buffalo Bill" with Otis. around to it.-, v ' .he wonndia painful, but Otis will recover. Hfe SS; T 1 V Mrs.-Winslow s .Sooth'pg.Syrup has been used forovfr fifiv i vpark Kv milliohBof. motHers for their children uirJi:u:JL -irjLvii.--riJ -wuiio iccmiug,vim-ueneu6 success. It SOcthe3 Hhe child;.', so'ttens the (gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor , ; . , 0 y, , little sufferer, immediately. , Sold by Druggists in e?ery part of the world.-; Twenty.five cents a bottle Besure andask forVMrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind.1 " mw?&W 823T95 , r; Insurance Cases Euaed, ; Trenton, N.- C, December 19. The insurance conspiracy trials from Newberne have all ended and Judge Graham pronounced sentence on the men yesterday afternoon'. Ha sell, the" leader of the con smracv was sent fo the penitentiary F"j wt t.,, u for Beven years. William fisher, . n m $&a J I r Delamar and Levi T Nee tencedlo serveltwo yea were seni years each in n Wr,ftr Uil. Alllof the defendants appealed and gave bona. J.ney say iney wui carry the case f04 tne uniteu oiaies - - . . - 1 r ' r G Caillouette, , Druggist Beaversville, 111,, says 4 'To Dr. jr New Discovery I owe my life. Was talien with LaGrippo atd tried all tho physioians for , miles iyJW 1 "t.TTi -Hm up and told could. noe iryLKins- Ne'DiscoYerrm ".vyWAlwoVc ieri store or house witigut it." Get a free' tr?Al at '" -petzer's Drug Store. Talfnj; iioiisay.' rp. ra(je(i school closes down to . nrhmas vacation. It i , . ... . k t is underwood that it - lW0 weeks in Christmas f estiyities. ;r . 3 4m. hikw AW.fau k Sons &.Co.Bc:? UTTHEAMERICAN TO 3 AUG 0 CO. DURHAM. W.C. U.S.A. MADE FROM igh Orado Tobacso JLSCD ABSOLUTELY PURE THE RUSH OF HUMANITY. People Who Travel, as Seen by Our Reporter..- y , - Mr. and Mrs, George W Means have gone to Atlanta. Mr. R E. Phifer arrived, in the city last night, from New. York.; r Mr. Joseph Cannnon is home from Patitops, Va., for the holidays. , Messrs. Dan and Herbert Bar rier, of Mt. Pleasant, passed through the city last night en loute to At lanta. ' Misses Lucy Montgomery and Alida Smith arrived in' the city last night from Conyerse College," Spar tanburg,' S, C. r i;r- D4 A and Mrs. Garrison, of Bessemer city, came up last ; night The doctor returned today. Mrsl uarnson win spena several uays here." M essrs. Morrison Fetzer:v and Will Johnston of the . Presbyterian High School at Mebane, and . Frank Cannon, of Horner's, at .Oxford, ar rived at home last : night t to spend the holidays. Fine Kentucky Horses and Males. Wait for Dodd's auction sale Kentucky horses and mules, Saturt day, December 21st, 1895,' fifty head of horsts and mules, at M J Corl'is stable. Concord. N. C. Come to the sale, as they will positively'; be sold, ; gardless of cost. Each , horse or mule must be as represented, , or np sale . v Positively no ; by bidding. Sale will be held, rain or shine. Stock will be at Cod's i stable, Fris dav. December 20th. Come;and see them. ; R. A. D6dd4 'TThcn. Baby was sick, We gave her Castorla. JVhen she was a ChilcC she cried tor Castoria. When die became Miss, she clung to Castoria, fben she had Children she gave them Castoria, J! An Editor tor Contempt. ; t . The cas3 of . contempt in which 'Judge Ewtt fined Editor, Robinson, of the Asheyilte' Citizen ana sen- tdnced Kim to imprisonmen-t for criticizing a decision Of court wp,s argued in i,tbe supreme court this week. Messrs Adams, Moore . ana Craig7 appeared for -the respondent and J 1 5 Moody -for the State Rileigh Pre3S-Visitor, t ; - . EXECUTOR' NOTICE. ; Having, this :the 18th- dar of J No J,v,Uor i Ra": ; bftfin' s duly appointed and quahliea as executor oiHPl: will ana testament 01 ro. Huie, deceased, 1 nereoy nuwiy . au prrfons indebted to thestate of deceased id make immediate r pay rtWf fhftrAnf tome. And ail. per. cna ii P.vin ? claims against the de woiii arfl hwrAbv notified t o pren fVi ntn fliilv, authentiriLed," to fnr nflvmont. on or, beiore tne iQfV ftv nf November. l&So. or . this notice ;wiii bo pieaa law 01 fcueix, recovery. . miUM r.roAR, rt M V Air I- Tim rl a urn tt iuu wm m Maj, WHEN PEOPLE SE THE BAR- QAxmimmsfw hey ; WONDER' HOW WE GET THEM. Take Towles We have a splendid one for 10c. A eren- i tlemanfCanfe Hh the other day and Dougnc inem tnougnt we were diui ttf4gbjmf x ; We .got in another lot. Same price.? - v - f pvSuch;a collecion;aiid .variety, of L?d es HanoKercnieis i plain and" far cy f border. Think of buj mg thrm vf or 5c. , Can't tell them from 10c one 8; H - r v iwr na Ruas Such useful presents. You can buy one for 75f-2 r25, $3.50, 8i,00. GLOMES yt 20, 25 and 35c. Kid Gloves, pretty shades at $1,00 per pairs. . Quite al pretty; line of SATINS for fancy work. i See our" - ; lioiiiG tjiiijs Split your Sid 63 for 25c. . Boucles and quite a good line . of SERGES 45 inches wide iOc-per yard. Don't forget, all wo dJ, both ways 25a. yd. Beautiful white Counter panes $1,00,' SI, 50 and $2;00. n conscience and give you the happiest Christmas ever spent. Can't miss it n anything. Bound to win. No .Presents that satisly, ease the TRADE J A PR H contributed to this great- handkerchief show. Yon ;;might pis.'&6mct:ttf$l, but that's not the point. . ; We offer sy eral dozen handker -chiefs v ; iat; veryc i5rices We are.wi ing that -y on shblild g6leryrQ--Mse and try to better them afld. then come : hee;;e)3etter i judgment viR .do tlie V:' ' TJineri"draWafrk at aU.pricesi'frbm.$l ; -ner dozen' to $9. Come and see us and . we will do you good. iipiiisiiii. and Jaequards of f 1 li Ill The best thing in LADIPS FLUOED LLNED BLACK SEAMLESS HOSE for the small sum of 10 cents. Tte same thing in men's at 10 cents, A six hook corset for 10 cents is what you ought to see. HBGIFS from; 2h do 35 cents and ara good values. Nothing . cheaper in towa than onr line of 3C If you want a for 50 cents that is worth ll,00 you cau get it. Hi IBMBi

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