' ' mmTm 1 ... x . , " Just think of it only a few days till Christ mas, and as usual everybody is on the look out. for some useful -present to give to a friend, - Father, Mother, Brother, or Siter, ' Wife and Children. We think there is no place where vou could get just such an article, as the Fur niture Store. . We have everything that would make home cheerful and happy, an easy Bocke, a Folding Bed, a Bed Loung, a Couch, a Parlor Suit, Fancy Table, Dining Table, Dining Chairs, Hall Rocker, SSide Board. Wardrobe. Ladies Desks, Gents Office Desks, China Closets, Book Cases, Oil Stoves a beauty, Baby Carriages, Boys Wagons all sizes, Trycicles, Pictures Mirrors, and a thousand!other things we can cshow r you all oTghich'lwe have' in abundances and at prices "to suit thelmost fastidous, Come and see us. . ; 1 ' ' ' ' ! ' L Yours to please, . DRY &1WADSWORTH. TITX.X29 OP BTA1E If ETTB Wilkesboro bus had seven different snows tbaa far this seasao. HinWnrv nnnsiders iesuinCf $4o,000 j . -.-. - ? . m of bonds and installing a system of u&ter works. - The Nevis tells of Sid Tarpley, cbtored, of Burlington, having goU ten drunk, lain out and frozen. A fores he pays the ' freight, ex Lientenant Governor of New York bas been making a stay in Asheville. The Dajidson Di-atnh says the report that is going the rounds of the press ttiat Henry Raker, of that countyj had killed' bis wife by beat ing her, is entirely, false in eyery particular. His physician says that Baker's wife died from natural causes, ' :''" : , , A. I'atlietic Story. Burlington", la., Dec 10. Phys sicians ana parents naye oeen brought face to face with the neces sity of makibg a strange choice in thia city. Two little sisters were sick with dipntheria. The Chicago and St.' Louis boards of health were appealed to but anti-toxine for only one little sufferer could be obtained. This meant life for one child and death for the other. Tne relatives shrank from the choic? and the physicians made application of the remedy to the child most critically ill. It lives. The otber is dead. rate 56 VP n3 a, 71 TASTELES nn 7 m a - Lru 10 JUGTAOCOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cto. Galatia, Ills., Not. 16. 1833 Parts Medicine Co., 8t Louia, Mo. Gentlemen: We sold last year, 600 bottles Of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and hare bought three gross already this year. In all omr ex perience of 14. years, in the drug business, hare .. nersr sold An article that gave such unirersal satis' faction as tout Tonic Yours truly, Abnst, Ga.br St CO For saleby all druggists. mm, MT, PLEASANT. N. C REV. J D. SHIREY. D. D f-RES A DADE M 10,'COM M M KOI A L ;,;----. AND ' - COLLEGIATE COUK8ES. ' 4 Total necessary expenses session of 38 weeks, $85.00 to $137,000. ::'::;::::a,--' Next session begins Sepf 3. 1895. For cotalogne and special inforuiation, address the President asabove, or Secrtaby of Fac ulty. lrrf COAL FOR SALE7 HARD-COAL, SOFT COAL, BLOCK -COAL. STOVE COAL, SMITH COAL BestJ Coal in the South. Orders taken-to G E Fisher's store, or given to, my drivers, or at my office will be prompt ly attended to.' K. L. CRAVEN. CONCORD MARKETS COTTOIT MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling................... 8.10 Middlines ;..7.85 Low middling ........... ...... 7 V Stains ... ... 5 to 6 PRODUCE If Ait rIET i Corrected bv O. W Swink.v Bacon..... ;....8f Bugarcured nams.. 12itol5 Bnlk meats, sides. .......... ......8 to 9 Beeswax 20 Butter ...........,....,................15 Ohickena......... . . . . . ........ ..lQto20 Corn. . . ..v ...;i...40 Eggs......... ... 15 Lard....;; ............k.-......;;....8 Flour(North Carolina) ........ ...1.85 Meal...... . ...............,. .55 0at3.........MM..o.....;....i.::. . 35 rallow....... ...... 3to4 SALE OF TO7KPROPERTY, By Tlrtue of authority Tested In me under a Judgment of tha Superior Court of Cabarrus county mde in the cause Mary E. Groncr vs. U J Penny and Jno. A Peany tsdToblas Kestler, f will offer at pubUc auctson tathe highest bidder at the court houss door; In Concord ..at 12 o'clocXcoon, on Monday; the Oth day of January, 1896, the same beTii'gMoii day of oui first week ot January Supers ior Court, 1896. All that valuable town lot,'knov a as the old Burton Groner lot, situated on Main sfteet, adjoining -M A Walter, the old Hodgins r corner," and others. Terms of sale? ($5Q);fifty dollars casji down on day of sale arid balance on C fmonths note - and approved recuriiy. liiiicat livm uaie or E-ne Tequireci. JAMES C. GIDEON, lerk Superior Court and Commissioner. This, December 16, 1895. Speaker Reed to Aunonnce Corarall Jtees Tonay or Tomorrow; Washington, Dec. 19. Speaker Ree,d will announce the House com mittees tomorrow or Saturday at the latest. The work is. practically completed, although changes may be made until the moment of their announcement. Speaker Reed ex plajned today that he changed three chairmanships in the Fifty first CpDgress while the list was being read from the clerk's desk, and that the haste with which the commit tees were made tip at this time might result similarly. John L Sullivan says he has made $2,000,000 since 1881, AMINISTRATOIl'S NOTICE. Having been duly appointed and qualified administrator of the estate of Margaret A Hileman, deceased, all persons holding claims against the said deceased are hereby noti fied to present them, duly -authenticated, to the undersigned for pay ment on or before the 17th day of October 1896 or tcis notice will be plead as a bar to their recovery. Also all persons owing said estate are notified that prompt payment is expected. J. A. Bakkhardt, This Oct- 17th 95. Aminisfrator . i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having been duly appointed and qualified ad nmistrator on the es tate of the late Dr.' Solomon Furr deceased, a'l persons holding claims against the said deceased are hereby notified to present them to the unt deuijned duly auvhenticated on ?fief or?e 20ih day . of -Noysmber. 1896, or this notice will be plead as a bar to their recovery. Also all pern sons owing said deceased are uotN fled that prompt payment is exs pected. . L. M. MoRbisoN, Administrntor. This, Nov. 19, 1895. SALE OF TOWN LOT. By virtue of authority and power con tamed in a deed of trust or mortgage ex ecuted to me, W C Coieman,'on the 13tb day of December, 1694; :by Henry Hc Nijht and his wife, Chaney McNight, I will sell, for ctli, at public auction in fiont of thev court house door in Con cord, on ' :e 20th day of January, " lfc96, the same l; .ig the third Monday in said montl- at one o'clock p, m., a cerUln lot of laad situated in that rart of the town of Concord known as forest Hill, al joiniDg Hie "rs of W. C Coleman and Odell Mzv . .ctn.jb company, the meCes anu boundanes of whic; are as fo'lows, viz: Eegiflnfng at a stonbn the r.orLh side of a sti eet running from the Eeattys'F oai d road to a noint called Slip pery Kock;,! hen n; 20 w 60 fee; lo a stake; then s So w 45 feet to a stal e; .- then s 20 e 81 feet to.a stake on said street; then wilh noith edgi of said street, n 60 e 45 fcet'tb'begmnirig point. Saiimortsrao-e or deed of livst is lecord.cd in -llie 'office of Besisl.er.of Deeds of CnbirrnsomiTii'tr in Accord of MomaoresNp: 8pages 140 Tlais uec. 17th lbfJ5. . Trustee. : ar "5) f Lr Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Mornhine nop other Narcotic substance. It is a harmlr substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and tor Oil It is. Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years -n by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and iy3 feverishness, Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. v Castoria. Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its. good effect upon their children." ' Dr. G. C Osgood, . j IoweU, Mass. Castoria is the best remedy for children of Which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying- their loved ones, by forcing opium,' morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down' their throats, thereby fending them to premature graves." , , Dr. J. F. Kinchelob, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children thet I recomruend it as superior to any prescription known to me." : ' H. A. Archer, m. III So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.?. "Our physicians in the children's depart. ment have spoken highly of their expert ence iri their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confes3 that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital and Dispensary,. , Boston, Mass, Aixei C. Smith, Presi The Centaur Company, 77 i Murray Street, .New York City. .jj' -. '.' --'.- , i ..,.iV i. Hi .r. ii fn. ,t, ,.'A-,iL&;?3?m?i I F IT COMES FROM .yCCONE E.CH EE DTS yILIL-lFlDGHT. FR.S OFSTANDARD AND THOROUGH BR LD 4FINF JFRSEVCATTLEf3j SHROPSHIRE AND DORSET 5 H EE P. BLACK ESSEX AND DUR0C JERSEY HOGS. Fl N E POULTRY. BRONZETURKEYS.PEKlNDUCK5.ac. adIt p rnolrATAiftfi UE ? ADDRESS OCCONEECH EE FARM, DU RHAH N.C HNKft Rednced Railroad Rales. Christmas Holiday Excursion Bates Tickets on sale to all points on Southern Kail way in North Caro-. lina, South Carolina and Virginia, December 22nd to 25th December 29th to January 1st 1896, inclusive, at rate of four, cents per mile one way for round trip. Tickets for students presenting; certificates sisne by Superintendents or Prin cipals of schools will be sold from December 16th to 21st inclusive and also on same dates tickets, are sold for the general public, all bearing a final limit to January 3rd 1896. Mount Amoena S E M INARV A Flourishing School for Toung Ladies. TEN TEACHERS . ' ' ' -- , . ' j . ' ' S ' . I . - . ' . ' " Ornanantal Branches Becelro Carefui attention UEV. O. L. T. FISHER, A; 11 ;:v ;:V : "; ; Principal, 'r'T;' v--; MOUNT PLEASANT. H O THIS SPACE .. AND MORE BELONGS TO THE HEW : U KNIT ORE STORE, i To open Jiannarycfl) 196 V the Hoo ver & Lore " buiidine-' room now occupied by- Lowe & Son I'M COMIISG I JTotlce Town Taxes. I am compelled to urge prompt payment of your taxes. I haye a considerable amount still, cue and will be forced to begip levying on your property after the first of Jan nary 1896 if not paid. So call on me at once at my office and pay up and save cost. Office opposite court house. J. L. Bog ee, Tcwn Tax Collector. - urn W RIVAL . KTUER : This pleasant and perfect remedy, so delightful to take, so refreshing and chnarating, stands in highest favor jrith aU Who know it best, as the great cat of aU medical remedies for both eeses, of all ages and in all conditions. DMT IT WILL DO FOR YOO. DCI j:a AFrETITE. tia Cjca refreshing SLEEP. QatibicarOiaESTION. (i c!3 nzira jesr KERYOUS EKERGT. ft cd frt j: KIDiiEYS lapsrfect order; It iII bring jou out of sickness teto HEALTH. NEW PACKAGE, IARGB BOTTLE, 108 , . SOSES ONE DOLLAR. SOLD CY ALL DRUCCISTS. MANTTFACTURED 0'LY . The Atlanta CfeEical Co., Atlanta, 61 ' WHITE FOP. 43-FAC3 EO0E, SIA&E) J M5- FETZER' S DRUGSTORE- Undertaker, and; Embalmer;

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