Vol. XII. -No. 36. CONCOllLY ' 9r SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1895. Whom: NO. 1,37 S SOME THOUGHTS. I You can get anything yoii want in Silver Snjfffestcd . by. the Time, Condition and Thincrs ioohlngr Backward and Forward. past experience rise rapidly in the ladder of success, bat for , ind meats, commercial agencies, etc. I have Been comparatively few debts collected bjj judgement In moat cases forbearance and a little km 1 1 Another year is almost gone. 'Xmas is near at hand. In a few N Ovelties, en more days Santa Clans will my his timelV aid will obtain money from a graved without annual visit and gladden the hearts debtor' whre prosecution and perse- ciira uuarg ai 0f thousands of nhiMrn in , nnr cailoa wouia bo cnppie mm mat land. e the collection would be impossible, bouvenir Svoons The rich will in some instances remembered. These days which anthem of Praise thWg TaMe Knives. should ba hannv dava tn all wi.1 raRr ror blessings receive ana enioyed, JiruiV ILnives. so swiftly by that we will not haye and Petitln3 for mere in behalf of Yper Knives, Hmb fr. Bnn or,ri f y.. tne untortunate ana distressed. V '"j Uoncord, T. O. ; : ' X." nji WnZ' 1 V W V IV i L(J jicKie jporcs. Bicycle Maries, 4ND COME AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE SUITABLE FOR YOUR. M HOLIDAY GIFTS. : UUU4Ui me collection wouia De impossiDle. uuivuviur ouwru. ill exchange gifts .and At thece of the year 1895 let 5 nces the poor will be go jip, from eyery heart an Jewelry Boxes, tpoo Aarra ,v?u anthem of praise and thanksd vinsr Tnhlo -f?v,oo Tea Spoons, Hat Marks . Kerchief Boxes US $100 nary 1st, 1896 will usher upon the beginning of a new year. In many important aspects 1895 has been a year of startling and If vou find an v thins in this that is not exactly right - CA1S NOIN S & FETZER. Stamp Boxes, TO-DAY We selL Men's all wool Cassimere suits at $3.00. . Men's Black Wool Cheviot suits at 3.60. Men's Gray 3telton suits at 2.00. Men's Black Cheviot suits 2.50. Men's Odd Coats 75 cents. Boy's Odd Coats 50 and 75 cents . Men's Black Worsted suits fcr 3.50.7 ( r Men's rancviMeltoTrsuits.2.50 Horseless Wngon. it is seldom on sees a wagon Manicure Sets, running alotiff the rmblic mad 1 !sh.n(. lSP.t.h. vurMU " rumors, nois, without a horse or ? mule attached, JJesC Sets, mnraer, Buiciae ana a restless and fnf; :jn iiW tifn Wi Tam-a 1 ea Bets. uneasy spirit seems to . exist every- Blackwelder was oim? down the Kc5 air wnere. The nnurecedented revnin. h;hu of n i Mn; , ico, . - . T I ""'O v-t - V U D , tion in political sentiments in our South Main street when his horse country, and now the pending crisis became unhitched, waited out the between us and Great Brittain all I shafts and let thQ wagon have a run combine to emphasize the statement I all by itself. No one was hurt and that there is evidenly a spirit of dis o serious damage done.' trust and dissatisfaction that: i a na . . .m - , j A r.onjjer Iloliclay.tnan Usual. nino aa tha nnivonoa H as JuahI c " hu ue muaivaoo nui4 09 UCCUI n i m ' - - t? 1 I ha mwttni tr iyimbIoo nnnn fia seated as hnmaa prejud.ee, enyy and ecboo, cbildren bsa .becn am hi ti on. . 1 - - ? sacn as 10 cause ine commissioners Scarf Pins, Dresden Clocks. Baggage Check, Belt Buckles.- Coffee Svoons Glove Boxes Umbrella Maries, "Book Marks, lnaivia'at ' Sets. Card Sets, Bon Bon Forks r Walking Canesx. Tea Kettles, Lamps, Vinegaretts, 'Gold . Ghirnhtcs, Told Pens Card Cases, JV ut Pickers? Also the nicest line 'of Watches and Jewelry in town. A. J. & J; E; YORKE GHUROH DIBECTOB Y. St Andrews Lutheran church, CannovillA "Rev. H- Ai McGnlloucrh : January 1st, 1896, iU frt maVo ft tinte Hit? hnli- nastor. finndav Rchonl 'at 9.30 a. J 1-tS "J I vv - "w w-v . -w w.. I - ------ " uuu uwoiaWuugioum aLa poverty mHfl f;mA fw m every Sunday. Preaching every MEN'S FINE CLAY WORS- ,n f?8?n" wherepeace, plenty wag from cen,, 2h to 1st Sunday at 11 a. a., and regular uiWJmlo a-jear- ago. Jannc- od but j. Jear Tacation semce every Sunday night at 7 Men whose fortunes were then ea- . . i' . avi ;n t .v. b'olock. excepting the firat Sunday Onaranteetl all wool 65.50, Cotawaym I timated at millions are now nenni-l ... ... . lin nnnh mmth. ana dscss. -'inese are ine kihq inai . i, . ... uu Agom uumuimuBii wwi v Cards. some merchants price $12.50. less and withoat credit. Of very Fine Clay Worsted Cutaways of Bchloss Bros.' maze atiu. inese -would be priced $25 by people who , pretend to .save .you 25,per cent -' it you want any Clothing tit all;' t -1 iv will pajryoirtof see us. , , As I f write the uaines ot several U, .li..., A - 2 pastor, seryices ei brominent North Carohnian8- at'llia. 2nrand;7KXr m. , Sunday uZTT. ". kept away on account of measles. Prayer meeting eyory. Saturday night at 7:00 o'clock. Public cor dially invited. - ? ' All Saints Episcopal church Rev. J. O. Dayis, rector. Morning service p. m. Sunday i. -.ifffp: rr present; todays the Remainder: 1 THl (ffllta foryears d ye,l8 h flt at th(J A illaaUI lUDUh very head of our leadingnanciers, News- , - J ; . - ; recur to my memory, with the sad 1. '-J Jii,- aP4n(i?ofinn nf fha font fti.f ah. . I" ? L 1 f B530Ciauon OI ine iaci mac one Unnlnrs tenons Disappearance. wise investment swept away the ac- l A gentleman arriving, here from cumnjations ef a. busy lifetime and Southport yesterday said that Mr. at 11 a. m. and these men whose favor and friends I Sam S Drew, ex-register of deeds of school at 10 a. m. Prayers Wcdnes ship were courted, by people cener.l Bmnswick conntv and . a mpmTipr Mo.v nt 4. n. Berfi arepfmsQgdtmsoriS ally . and.who ; were :':held np to the of the firm pi E F Davis & Drew, K Forest Hilh church, South-Rev; why - it Will pay you to -1 young as examplars ot what thrift, merchants, had mysteriously disap M. A. Smith, pastor. Preaching at wvs7 tnh 7o enery and enterprise would accom peared and his whereabouts are uni 11 a. m. and 1 p.m. Sunday school r - f . v - t ivii r t--1 plish, are now seldom thought of I known.- He cohveved his nroDertvlat 9:45 a.'m. Prayer meeting every ' 1st. We buy our goods in large lots and le8S frequentiy referred to in to Mr. Fred Harper and Mr. E F Saturday at 7 p. in. The public and buy them. low. - f- . r- - - - I .... T r - . . . f ,i . , - t oa w r. tiAwt' rAjQ?Wft nricelF10" A meu wnom- rraa- uavis. one .ii was iounu mat. tne "v" on them. We don't try to make you street rated a vear asro at five hundred I Tironartv was alreadv mnrtaaced fnr I meeting at 7 p. m JiX? dollars, whom he now fuHvalue, to a gentleman.. in. the St. James Lutheran, church-Rey 3d.Wedo exactly what we say we will rates as unworthy of credit. country. Mr. Drew left , home on M...G. (J. Scherer.-pastor. Services do. We areiiere today and expect to be But there is another side to the the 16th insC to come to Wilmine- every Xord's Day at 11 o'clock a. m. here as long as we nve. Inio.tnrp; thPffthavfl hwn nolnsRal fnr. Un haa nnt. l?ppn WrH fnm and 70 p. m. Prayer meeting and AWl!eU yougoodsttatwm tnnparna Wan i rqR L; lwnw Rfo. lecture Wednesday at 7 P. m. Xib nUU Ulcaao JfWU. I - .nuv MbMu w t ' w l uiuuui if iiuitugnwu wuui Physician and-. Surgeon. Concord N, K - OFFICE : ST. CLOUD -AtoEX. JN0.R.ERWIN. CA; Physlcfarnand'Surgboris ' : Office Ncv & 5cxt3 building. posite 3nd Pre&by teliau unariotte. u. u. c MORRISON blLiixVEt: . ; k TtbEOTT lf - i w; ; ' CONOORD, n a 7 r Office in Morris building, opposite Court House. dell laietpg 5th. We .'will give your money back straggling against tide, with an im If goods don't suit you You run no risk in trading with us We guarantee the price on everything we sell.' Shoes " hats and" all kind of Furnishing Goods. Cannons & S'etaer tor (1 penetrable cloud overhanging their future, have with an indomitable will and a determination that laughs at impossibilities surmounted all difficulties and find themselves at the close of the year luxuruating in peace and plenty. January 1st, what an eventful day. to us all. Many will be trying to balance their accounts. Some puz zled to know how to invest their profits and many others wondering hnw thftv nan mepf. fhfi nKlmai;nnn J. M. Odell, President ThA mnt ,A , " D. B. CcltrIot, Cashier. The an who has -had his fortune Tj- T). fiOT.TTi a x""rl Assistant CashieT swept away by fire, or the farmer who has lost his crop by flood or Capital, $50,000 frost has the sympathy of the pub- ourpius, viovu y and aid lf neCessarv: but th . i r w J. M. Odt't.t. D. F. Ca vxon t0 collect accounts, or the heretotore Backlen's Arnica Salye. , Bay's Chapel; Methodist Church Rev. J, R. Moose,' pastor. Sen ices Concord, N. C. The Best Salve in the world for a 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday Outs, . Bruises, Sores, 'Ulcers, Salt' scho1 at9:30a. m. Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns - and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure3 Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisf action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug 8 tore. " ' : . -1 Elam Kino, W R. Odell, D. B J. W. Cannon", snccessful financier who has failed W. H. Lillt,- because of an unfortunate deal, is OOLTRAUE. FIRE INSURANCE. When in need of Fire Insurance, call und see us, or writa. W e repre sent only firstcla83 Home and For eign companies. Respectfully, Woodhouse & Harris. held up a3 a failure and unworthy of confidence or sympathy, He is sued, reported to commercial agen cies, collecting agencies, black-mail ed and eq completely handicapped that it is impossible for him to do anything. There is- many a man who could start again and with his nr.Pase at the conference. When Rev. J H Page made the re port of the Aberdeen circuit, he stated that it was a unique ctiarge, unlike any that he hnd ever heard of in Southern Methodism, in that it was 44 miles long and loo yards wide. At the close of Mr. Page's report, which was. a very fine one, Rey. J jN" Cole arose and made pleasant mention of Mr. Page by saying that a very cultured gentle man of Raleigh said he rsrely left his own church to go elsewhere to seryices, unless it was announced that John C Kilgo or Jesse fi Page wa to preach in terne other . pulpit Raleigh News and Observer's report of the conference at Elizabeth City. First Presbjter'an church Rev. W C Alexander, Pastor. Preach ing every Sunday at 11 a. m., and 7 p m Sunday school at 4 o'clock p. m. J?rayermeetin every Wedn nesday.night at 7. Central Methodist Church Rev. R, H. Parker, pastor. . Services at 11 a. m and 7:00 p m Sunday school a 9;30 o'clock, a m. Epworth League meeting at 6-30 p. m. Trinity Reformed church Rey. B Frank Davis, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m., and preaching at 11 a. m., every first and third Sun dav And Sunday school at 3 p. m., M and preaching at 4 p. m , every second and fourth Sunday. Y. P. S. C . E. meeting, every Sunday evening at 7:30 p m. All are cordially invited - . '' JThen Batgr was sick, vre gave her Cactorfa. Alieu she was a ChUd, she cried for Castor!. Whea she became JQsa; she clung to Castorla. Then she bad Ghli&ro, she gae them CertorLv ' MANUFACTURERS OF. Fine G-inghams, Outing Cloths, i - - , Plaids, Sheeting and Salt Bags. Dealers in GENERAL MERCHADISE. i o Buyers of COUNTRY PRODUCE" of all kind, and 4-foot wood always waht ed best prices for same.. We invite an inspec tion of all the goods we manufacture. ODELL MFG, Co-; Concord, N- C

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