. t i .! 4 i 4 J "7 THE "ADVOCATE." JJL " , , I1'",11, Ilnr- i. - ' i'mi i i ' I . I .-", f '. '"'I. - '-.:,... r " ' 11 1 ' " 1 1 1 n BB&tQfS 3" qc? QTiri Qc n cn pi fivfirv out for some useful present tqgtoa friend -Father, Mother, Brother, or Siter, w ne ana Vwi nnn 1 T jyfit. iust such niture Store. We ): easy Roce, a J? oiamg Couch, a Parlor -Suit, , ; xAxxA4-i& a beauty, Baby Carriages, Boys 'Wagons all VAnao v4 oiVi OT "h ? n oG of ghich we have in abundances and at prices D RY & WAQSWO RT iij.UTjiy l$ q !H fte I.. .. Mtoiiiiiiiinn; "fe J " A if3 rAT iU Ci!fia-w - a,. 4 n3 nr Lzzd in U ' . In... .I 1 1 3 IS JUST. A 3 GOOD FOF? ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 etc. . GAtATIA, IIXS., NOV. 18, 1853. Parts Medicine Co., St. Louts, Mo. Gentlemen: We sold last year, 600 bottles of", GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and have Dougni tnree rtoss aireaay tnis year. In all omr ex perience of 14 years, in the drug business, have . never sold an article that gave such universal fiatis faction aa your Tonic , Tours truly, ASKzr, Cabs St Co. ' For Sale by all druggists. SH Gaffllins. (Ifillfip .IU9 Sir UUBOESLiU UUIiU'l Jl UT-, PLEASANT, N. 0. .REV. J D. SHIREY.lD. D i-RES ADADEMICCOMMMKCIAL AND -c COLLEGIATE COURSES. Total necessary expenses : session of 38 weeks, $85.00 td . 8137.000. Next session begins Sept 3. 1895. For cotalogue and special information, address tie President as above, or : , Seoretaby of Faculty, lm I twit - -v . ; . . . .' - ' .- , n n n v is on iuuji.? an alrfeie,ia;neCiEhiiv Ygfife ea,;a e.uujjtu. Fancy - Table, Dining .. . w 7.;-.i7---. i-T . i TXT" A PflTl 'li'hw VOT1 all OAL TOR SAtE HARD-COAL, BLOCKSCOAL; STOVE COAL, . .. SMimCOAL i store. owfmM ray drivera. COTTOiT itAB 11. WW Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good midMinkfi...V.L..... 8.10 u..iu.iijiuD ... ...... 1 ,ou ; Low mHdhn 7 ; Stains ............... 5 to 611 PRODUCE UAitkET v uorrectea b v u. W" bwink. - ? j i5abH.;.XQ.......iJ Buarj-cured naiBf , f..""; . . rl2 tbisi Bulk meaita '8utea.t ;8to9 Olucen . ,f JDto20 3 aAf-5UvI 35 -I allow...... .... ... -3to4 t. s i T T r -r- v ' A BELONGS- TO THE , NEW FURNITURE STORE, j To open Jannary 1, 1896 " in the hoover & Lore bnilding, room now occupied by Lowe & Son ; 4 . I'M COMING if V J Undertaker and Embalmer, H m vi 11 tin SPACE J. JL 1J.VJ Ilev. Itlr. CJrlssom Slakes nn Expln tion About Conference Action. v The Kecord . yesterday published an extract or two from conference proceedings regarding the Advocate, owned land published here by Mes srs. Grissom & Uroom. . , The. clippings referrred 'o were as toUowe; , , "Oo motion, the cfler , of llev. . L W Grissom, balfcowner of the con ference organ, the North' Carolina Advocate.5 to sell his stobi at $1,000 less thaii cok, was referred to the 1 Committee on Books and Periodicals. The committee on Y Books and Periodicals brought in its original J, : 1....' ..t "A ' , ' --j--, I AV Grissom to sell his interest in the mannmr paion uti rr-.. I flu 1111 ur 1 1 1 nru i a North Carolina Advocate to, the conn fereuce." -. . s , "A hye!y "discussion took piece, participated in by Rev. F D Swindell and its v, K B John.; Kev. J T Gibbs moved the previous, and the substitute, offered by Key. K B John to not" accept the North Caro lina Advocate as the organ of th conference, which was adopted by a jote of 59 to 52.,, - : Mr. Grissom naturally wants the matter fully understood and saj3 it all came about in this way: Con ference wanted to appoint the edi tors of the paper . and fix their com pensation this compensation to be paid by the4 owners, -and the edi tors to be installed whether, agree able or not to Messrs. ' Grissom & .Groom, It should be remembere J however, that conference has. no monetary . interest In the paper whateyer, and this encroachment was naturally objected to by Mr. (Jrissoni and then it was he eaid be fore he would submit to it he would sell to conference his. stcck at par arid head a subscription list with $1,000 towards buying it. ; ; M ;, As a result of it all a committee was appointed to confer with a si mil lar . committee ; f fpm the .Western J Conference next year and see what coma pe aone. Jin tne meantime, the Jdi8hop.wa3 requested to appoint Mr, Grjssom editor, which was done. Jithna1iotHerbqay ed "a6H6n' would be' characterizsita a "highhanded prbceedin'triig jtp control man'd private property j?ithout;any. compensation whateyer. Uftdet the, circumstances conference might, in some degree, dictate the , , Howeye tbe milk in the , cocoa- uufc w uei lace inac tnjB pastern people want a paper within their bwri:baliwlcK:THeY(haYe satisfied fev r si a ; T)r : t?Vm west of Raleigtf with it. s: v A proof of his esu-e; riead tnis from conference proceedings: 'Thb ebnfemerated" "froni the paper and appointed a4 commit-; tec -uu uut wnu a nescern JNortn CaSroiinot Cpnf eence ; commitfee, if vucjr win oupuiui uuci "o duy or es vtablS8h' Establish a paper separateiy but ' by 27 majority ,, Grtensboro Record of Saturday December 21, j ill; i ; !. v - 1 ; . For OTer Flftv tarn. Mrs. WmslowV Sooth'bg Syrup has i fbeexi used' for oyerj fifty years ;by iiiiiiuuo vj. uxubucra lur tiieir cniiaren while teething wjOth "perfect supcess. It .soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, : enres wind cplic, and is the best ' remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold" by Druggists ; in every part of the world. Twenty. five cents a bottle Be sure and ask for VMrs. Winslows Southing Syr np," and take, no other kind. ' ' mwr&w s23T95 ' &g taorpnine or optumln Dr. Miles Pais jvlls Curs All Pain. Qn cent a dosel for Infants .MOTHERS, Do (I V El , . Bateman's Drops, Codfrey's y , y ' most remedies for children ars composed of opium or morpiiine? Do Toq IXnow.ttiat opium and morpiiine are stupefying narcotic poiscmo 1 I5o You Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narmfT .Trithout labeling them poisons?- ' ' ' Do Yog Know that you should not permit any, medicine to be given your child unless you or your physician know of what it is composed ?' " ' 1 : ; Do Yon ITnovr that .Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of its ingredients is published with every bottle ? ' ' , ' : r ' ; ' go Voti Know that Castoria i the prcscriptiptt pf the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher ' That it ha3 been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold than of all other remedies for children combined ? . ' . " Do Voit Know that the Patent Oface Department of the United States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to pr Pitcherlandliis 'assigns to use the word Castoria ' and its formula, and that t imitatetnem 13 a jlate'Wrison offense? - T?o Yota ETnow that one of Jthe reason For grantingr this ijovernment protection was because Castoria had been proven tobeaTjsblmelIiarmieGS? iro Yon Know that'35 avernso dosea "of.Castoria are furnished for 'k cents, or one cent a dose ?' ; t . ,r;' J-' r-;;: Do Yon Know that when possessed of ihis perfect preparation,sycur children 1027 be kept well, and that 3'ou may have Unbroken rest ? . . " . ? - 11 . r - . . Wellf tliege tlilnR'B are worth knowing. .They are facts. slgnatnre of Wwcr Children Cry fbr IF IT COMES FROM S H ftOPS H 1 R E AN D DORS URFtn FR8QF5TAtiDP)TH0ROU6HBl(LU nunn 1,1 AND DUR0C J ERS EY HOGS .-nIN t : rOULT R Y. vi BRONZETURKEYS.PEKJN PUCKS ae. Ti ... . -WBIT El FORCATALO OUE - Kinnnres OccONEFCH Reduced Railroad Rates. :. - . t Christmas Holiday; , Excursion Rates. Tickets on salelo all points payment of your taxes. I haye a on Southern Bail way in for'tli fiaro considerable amount still due and linai South Carolina 'd,1ifnfa,''Vir6i forced to beg;in levying on Dcemb'er 22nd to 25th DecerHblBr vour'nrotwrtv aftpr fcfef firsifc of Jan- 29th to January 1st 1896i "inclttsifeVarlG if ;4ot ' paid. So call on at rate of four cents I per milBl S?? :my office and pay up o ae way, tor rcuna tnp.:;xicKetS4ior students . presenling j ceriificatep sign e by Superintendents or Prinr cipals of schools will be .rsQld , frpm December lOth to 21st inclusive ana inlso on samo dates tickets are sold for tne fe'onera 1 public; all ; bearing al final limit to January 3rd 1896. - .i Jr-j SALE pTpjV PitbTX,j Bv virtue of authoritv - vestfta In r Tn1ft under a judgment of the Superior Couttp , vauauu8 coumy maoe in tne cause Mary E. Grpner vs M $ .'Penny and Jn.J x-enny, ana;i ooias nesuer , 4 Will offer at public auction to the h'fgh'est bidder it the court h0US6 deter in ;dnTTrmv h ni.h o clock, noon, on Monday,' the if 20th ''day of J anuaryj 1 896; ili "sam'd 'fceig W. , dayi of oui first week ot January n Supers lor Court, 1896, , All that valuable towlri lot, known as the old Burton1 Grbne'fTot situated on ain streef adjoining; W A. Walter, the ld ; -Hodgins v corner, .arid others. Terms of 'sale, ($50) fifty dollars cash down on dav of Ral hHH hnTo A months uote and . approved t lecurityj witiA-iiiieresi irom aate oi . sale Teduired. Olerkuperidr Court and Commissioner.; Mount Amoens 'seminars 'AIFlounshing School for Youns ' Ladies. -ten teachers; '' Orstsmentol Brarcb'cs Koceive CarQiai Attention , USV. O. L. t.j FISnEK, "a. M Pbinoipai.,1 ' " . and Children. You Know .w. Cordial, many scncalled Soothing Syriite' and A- Is oa every wrapper. Fitc fet' 3 H EE R; BLACK ESS E X E E .FARM. DU RHAM.N.C. 1 f t-- ptlce-Tovrn Taxes- l am coiapeuea to urge prompt and 8a ve cbsl Office opposite court house. : $ iy--,:d. L. Bogeb, , r . : o . Tcwn Tax. Collector. a- ... f cmfeSaiid'&edieines. :? ' . i i5Cli0sa.tof ita-dayt as a rule, dilferirow those of thepast in many respects. 1 Ml? as gTeat is the difierence be tween JDr.- Kins 1 . . 1 t.VI n oa n At thnstft like a meul- binIV Is;ias reaWiit5 to talie as lemonade and make's a most refreshiug drink. ' ' 1 ' . f -'12. It heVer nauseates the mos- delicate stbmachv lv h, . ' c , 3. It does not swop off oneois ease for anotner. Itdoesnot Setup one form of disease1 in 'order to relieve another as is so often ,th case. - f . 4. It contains no alconoi or opium ; in any form and is always harmless even when given to a ta one day ' biu w v ' - ; 5. It "does not patch simply cures, ilt reaches as , nothing eis doeslto "tne bidden "sources of disease in tbeblooa and removes tha causey a J does this with an ease and: power tna have never been equaled. , : ; " l Fbr all troubles' of the Blood, Stoma Bowels, Kidneys and Nerves, d?Lminent of M1LAEIAL POISON It stands pre-eme" . without a rival or.a peer. ? . 1 Sold hy drugglats, ne-w package, by tie, 103 Doses. One Dollar. Manufacture THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL CO., ATIJL V7EITS P0a 43-PAGB BC0S. HAIH3) ' W LI I mm ill FETZEIVS DBVGSTOKZ - i. . '

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