Vol. XIl.No. 39. COHCORl N. CJ., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1895. Whole NO. 1,381 Cite s Jewcln Yon can . get anything you want in Silver Novelties, ens graved wifti out extra charge at tai IsiSi vi ASS mil Forest mil Items. - " Mr. A J Whittemore and family came in on the late train from Haw Riyer, .where they had been visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H L Mabrej are spending the holidays at.McAdens yille, N. C, wih Mr. I F Mabrey. H ILEM AN'S HIGH! HAND, Mr. Julian Was Paid The . Treasurer Ruled Him Out ror Double Office Iloldins and Took Him Rack into the Fold. - k5v :2h 1 li Gi Ion An Escaped Convict Canght. i Will Brcon was in town Tuesday I purchasing Christmas articles, but did not return to his quiet home in the country. He escaped from the Mecklenburg chain months ago and -t has large until Chief of Police Boger nabbed him. He spen t ; Christmas in jail in this city and Thursday waa delivered over to the Mecklenburg authorities. V I There was right much plotting. at AND COME AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE SUITABLE FOR YOXJit i.1 ... i . . a ' ' j t i " - . -r I ... . " - ..... . -. tub recent meeun g 01 me join t juegx illative Committee appointed by the last Legislature to examine the Stale Treasurer's books. Mr. -Worth's Souvenir SuDOTis: - - ' -v - - ' - ' ... - - . I 7" ' T T" . . 7 books were found to be in excellent 9Prb -Voxes, condition, but the Populist members 71 Rang If you find any thing in. tills that is not exactly right CAISNOISS & FETZER. TODAY .TpiipJ.rr TZnYP-Q v. vuo iULuuiinvc waiiicn iu uuu wi rtni m(o more. Thev almost wanted to "re Wru.ii; TCniiwst ' . . I mj 1 v v v v v W V a about 38 ! Bolve tnemselYeg lnt0 a judiciary. Paper Knives, since oeen ai mt ,:... -r. , . , t . .i nil. nnip.fi. iuo , oiewart .oroineriv w nose 7, 7? -7 names are not unknown m North m-.. ttWx.o Carolina current history, and the Pickle Forks same who have the btataT Printing Metrics. - done, notified their Populist brethern Manicure bets, tn l?Pfln L ahrrn anil ftftnto vicriUnr.A C0U(4 9MSf books for printing work done through Jr ech Chains, anv other than tha Winston asrencv A JiingS. . . . ' ' -- Ambrose Hileman. hb of the fal.e ClJlip OXeS, phophets was chief among the watchmen. Hilenian's Svengali eyes were always on the lookout and their HOLIDAY GIFTS. -Tea Spoons, Hat Marks Kerchief Boxes, We sell Men's all wool Cassimere suits at Central Methodist ehurch IMcn's Black Wool Cheviot suits at 3.00. Men's Gray Melton suitsat 2.00. Mens Black Cheviot suit's 2.50. Men's Odd Coats 75 cents. Bey's Odd Coats 50 and 75 cents Men's Black Worsted suitstfer 3.50. Men's Fancy Melton suits 2.50. : .. MEN'S FINE CLAY WQRS- Saturday and feumlaj- Nights. "Tho young men's luin and how to save the boys," is the subject Rev. David Tatum, the" temperance lec turer of Denver, Col., has chosen for to-morrow, Saturday night, at Porn est Hill Methodistchurch, when he will address pur people. On Sunday villatC3 wa3 duly rewarded. mgnt itev. xaium win lecture at on the "wonderful providences of God in divine leading and answers to prayer," including the speaker's ex. perience andjnahy other?. It is de eired , that everybody attend these lectures. Coffee -Svoons, Glove Boxes, Jim brcll-a, Ma rks, Book Marks, Individ1 kl Wets, Card Sets, -Bon Bon ' Fork&i Walking Canes, Tea Kettles, v- "3 Scarf Pins, . Dresden Clocks. Baggage Check, Belt Buckles. Vinei Gold' GhinMcs,, Told Pens,. Uara -isvs, juv riacers T. Also the nicest line of Watches and Jewtlry in town. Professional- Card 4 Hileman found several items in favor of a Kaleigh firm which he . deemed jLooking for the needy were not eiven out in. accordance! iiev, lu Alderman, or tno baptist wifh thp law It was the intention church, spent .Christmas iPaiif of these high muck-a - mucks to qpraB ui puBiciaue, , wm1Btu.c nJi jgL LLVj XLX!i X , jl , Physician ard Surgeon TED SUITS, Guaranteed' air wool $5.50, Cutaways and Sacks. These are the kind that some merchants pTice $12.50, ignore the items ; above mentioned as well as others under the head of "contingencies," but Ambrose, the great, and his allies were induced to pass them over until the final report is made next year to the Legislature. The Chrlstuifts Gcriiiau, given m honor of the the holidays and the event was equal vj - only. cno family m a cnai ins 4yis:aiurc uuv.ivwuuiae j ha found. This - ood, no rcoiicy, nothing to eat, and mg lasted, led by Mr. John F iwiwuii.wB - ju.uuuiuuu, iucm;:,r vx-w u it: a :. n--.- its upa and downs.. After adjourns family were down with sickness and ment naa oeeu lasen, mi. uuix&u to the fullest anticipations of everv " - ' 1 xl attendant. From 10 to 1 the dace- lueuu The committee policemen and others whether they knew of any needy families in Con cord. He, himself, went in sections where sufferings were ; more likely to bo found if in. existence at all. From all the information obtained and by his own personal search, actual need could iamiy had no -r." . it Tir-i.j -t..i : nrvn. (3 R Mnnfpnmpirv ; Minn Afarcra Ui very r me oiay u orsieu vyuiaways ui o j ' I i i mil Schloss Bros.' make at $10. These ret Cannon, Frank O Rogers ; Miss presented his expense bill to Treae would be priced S25 by people w no r , T , . -r, -tl' . r,rotnr1 tn vp rnn 2S npr rnnt.. kate MeaUS, E3. MOSS t Ml33 Belle If you want any Clothing at all, it will pay you to see us. urer Worth. Means; Joseohna Goodman : Anaa This gentImaQ' 'wbo caretully Be7e are some good reasons. Fannie Rogers Ed p Hill - Mies declined to cash the gentleman's bill ,,.7-,-,, ,v -..n i.mi r Tm0 tti;-- a"'-' u J.n until he had consulted-the Attorney ! jy tJM,MJ K Ml MMjB Will i ,1 J iJM .1 XJi Y A J J . J 1 II n i,f 1,1 A 1 J I J I W r. I . - -u i tj v - - ' n::.i!.: 4u-1WAf rrfT, .TonPfl YnrkA Mi,a Fnirfr T,nv- ref need Mr. Julian the amount asked 1st. We buy our goods In large lo,ts . . , fftr. on f ne prround that he held two I I V . 1 ft. I I 1 I I I t 1 J I Fl M IU X X n U I M.III. ' 2nd. We put the' lowest possible price Salisbury ; Miss Elizabeth Gibson, oa tiiem. we aon i iry 10 mase you Joe Cannon : Miss Ao-nes Moss. thmk they are worth more by pricing I . .. UvnnftiHnn nf Dpnntv f Inllentor. 4hom et rinnWt. what thpv jiTP wnTt.h. Maurv Kichmond : Misa ljailah ""w " " ",r- w " J - " I .i i r t irj "?t7iU ao. vve are iiere ivaay turn cp-cut uo -0-411 n-WM . ...TifScei here as Ions as we live . , 4th. We will sell you goods that will Eunice Beach, - Morrison Fetzer ;; fit and please you. , Miss Claude Fisherj WW Morris; 7 5th.-: We will give your money back Mig3 Gertrude , Pharr, Chalmers if OTirtria 1nnf suit vfill - .1 ' ? ' -? ; 1 -ricir' in ru lla White ; Misa Esther Emu, George WfiimnTsmtfifi the rrice on everything L Pat teraon. we sell. Shoes hats .and all kind of The staa wra - Messrs Tlaln he W0IJI4. nofc r4lse tte Son urnishing uooas. - i - T . t , r there :was the ashes in his fire place unariotts; v .j. ----- , - , . i i w , . ,v . m , . nt hnnnrAnH nt r.nnngflnna nr on f,ts ia pa ha vt4k in in ; zjrifiKfurmmmA rowe. f ranK uavis.- rearson. i -r : r " . - rJ id'-'coupons, which could not be re- Neave, Salisbury, and Frank L counted Bu Jiedid more. . .He stated that if Mr, Worth raised the question, the work of the entire week ' would he null and void?. and : the Governor would have to Appoint bis successor. Mr. Worth immediately decided that m or Gncsr fell Among the company were "While Mr. Julian is still a member Di It Smith. jdlnit V. and Mrs. R S Young, Mr.: and of the committee, when the nexUp Mrs. E O Beach. Mr. and Mrs J ,K cwus.6lu ww , i. v- Huflev. Mrs. M L Brown. Mrs. oq i. ii.f , uaiauu1B Cokcobd. N. 0. j u- n..:. successor appointed. Raleigh neaa I 1 VI I1KM HIIII l I M . 1 f X V 1 X 1 A. l- r;v,f The pleasures of the German Prisifcor 1. jiCDiUCUU I - - Cashier, were continued on Thursday night. J. M. Odell, D, B. CCLTEANE, L. D. Cqltrane, Assistant Cashier For Oxer Fifty Tears. Capital, , $50,000 Mra. Winslow's Sooth;nrr Svrun haa 1 1 AAA O W i oarpius, o.vuu . . . , fif - fl , DIRECTORS; minions or motnersiortneircnnaren J. M. Odell, r. v D. F. Caniton while teething, with perfect success. Elam King, J. W. Cannon, It soothes the child, sof tens the W R. Odell, . W. H, Lillt, .. . "D. B COLTSANE. gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedrfor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little Eufferer immediately. Sold by Drnggista, in every part of the When in heed of Firo Insurance, UrnrlH. Twpntv.fiTA npnt a nifclfiJ cau unu see us, or write. i . c.vr. w:i pout only first-class Heme and For- -d? Bur ,ur " lUBluno fiign companies. Soothing Syrup, ' and take no otner FIRE INSURANCE. iflarrled tn liexlnston. ; i ? j -; M is? Minnie Fisber, , dau ghter of Mr. William Fisher, ,cf Mt. PJeas ant, was . married .Tuesday, Dec, 24th, at the home of her aunt, Mre Wheeler, of Lexington, to Mr. Miller. v-Vr The bridal party passed , throngh Concord en route to Mt. Pleasant. hone of them had employment. This is a remarkable showing ere 6000 souls t ara gathered to gether and where barrooms, too, do not exist you know it was alledged" that Local ODtion would ruin the business cf the town. Concord, N. C. OFFICE: ST, CLOUD ANNEX. JN0. R. ERWIN. C A-' MISENKEII-IER ERW IN & MISENHEIMEIl Physicians and Surgeons OfSce No. 3.'HartyTbuv!dit fr, op pQsite,' 2ndf Presbjteri an ebcreh. Charlotte. N C M0IIR1SON H. CAL DVEL ATTORNEY AT LAW," . - - CONG 3RD, . N. C. . Office in Morris building, opposite Court House. A Ponailiusr. Me. Editor Please give us space in your excellent paper to express our gratitude to the good people of Mt. Pleaeant and Cold Spring., lor a most superb pounding. About fifty good looking, well dressed per sons old and young composed, the company. ' They. moved with stately step" pings in the charge they made, took possession of our dinniDg room and crowned our tr.blo with bounties in great measure,' and when- the room was no longer to be found on the table they unloaded under it and even crowded the children's dining room bench with four sacks of flour No such pounding ever happened p Christendom. - They brought sugar, coffee, butter, apples, lard, sausage, ham, turkoy, chickens, soda, tur nips, potatoes, punkins, fiour, soap, kraut, canned fruit, dried fruit, rice,' apple" butter, dried beansar d cakt of diCerent kinds, r . i t They also brought two . fine rock ing chairs and a beautiful lounge and several other things for par-s sonage. I neyer served a kinder 0 dpli MANUFACTURERS OF people the 3 ova of our hearts Fine Gringhanis, Oirting Cloths, . Plaids, Sheeting and Salt Bags. T"V; ,. if Dealers in GENERAL : MEHCHADISK o- Buyers of o go Respectfully, JVOODHOXJSE & HaBBIS. kind. Hoated But Kot Defeated." , UntiLJanu ary l:.you will find me with a. Bkermish line of Furni ture at the office of King & Lore, Come and see me. d23 tf. ! 8 W. L. Bell, out to them in gratitude. .- . -M.D. GIL23. 1 "...I ' Annual Meeting, .The stock holders annual meeting of the G W Patterson Manufacture insCcnpary will be -j hold at iheir office in No. 2 township Cabanas County N. C . on the 14th day of January 1896 at 11 o'clock a. m. The transfer books will be closed on the first January 1896until after ...the stock holders meeting. iG- W Pattebsojt, Treas. COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kind, and 4-foot wood always wanted best prices for same. We invite an insiDec tiqn 'of all the goods we inahufactnre. ODELL MFG. Co., - 1 Concord, N. C. i .... V 1 '

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