- ' - . - - . . ''-:-w. '..4Mi.,:ll.V't .-'.jw . - a,,,.:.'....., - w-- - ' .: .-.:..:., ; j : ' . S . ' " ' ' - - -V . . . .-,. . ...... , :i . . . " . -",'.-... .j ., -w , . . ' J . . .,Y- ,'" - U' , ' i; ., .'..'"".:'.'...;'''-'- - - . .- - , v-. ;. . . ' " ' - j - . - . ; '-: 1 " : r ' . : ; 1 " k ' " " -' " . ' 1 1 r :.r - Vol. XIIL No.. 97, CbNOOHB, N. C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12t 1896 Whole NO. 1,476 ANNOUNCEMENTS. v JOE SHERIFF. Having been solicited by many of my friends, I hereby announce my self a-eandidate for the office of .."Sheriff of Cabarrus county, subject to the county Democratic nominat ing convention." RespfjctfullT, W. MARTIN WIDENHOUSE - " FOR SHEFIFF. - I berebv announce, myf elf a - can-dida-e for"the office" of Sheriff of Cabarrus county, subject to the Democratic nominating coayentidn. Respectfully, THOMAS J. WHITE. , FOIl COTTON WEIGHER. f 1 hereb7 announce myself' a can didate for the office of cotton weigher for Cabarrus county, subject to the decision of the Democratic nomi nating convention. ' F. A. ARCHIBALD. 1 UDAY AT. LUX S MILL. I most charming young lady of this A J.nrso Attendance niui a Bis- Din- m H-1 -'tv:J',t :t ;w"r; :i ' -' Mr,; Morris Caldwell, won. third I distinction, and of course took great Ideligbt in nicking his choice from neivotJoneorcl Baseball Jeaiu Won A Game The Tournament a Crowning Featnrn. - - FOR REGISTER CF . DEEDS. According to .announcement, luesday was a great day at Mill Grove. Earl iri "he ;y nlofning people, both young and old, gathered there in great numbers there . were probably a thousand-id attendance. The usual VHoWdydo V1 4Tm well. I How are1 you ?l occupied pprtidn j of the morning hours. At 1 o;clock the great crowd gathered . together -beneath 'the shade of the beautiful quivering water-oakSj where a magnificent dinner was spread and all hands rfell to." : At 3 o'clock the baselall boys were called out, when Concord and Huntersville crossed bats, Hunters- ville taking first town. The; game lasted for seven: inhJngs; when it was called, the score standing 3 to 1 in favor of Concord. The players were : ' Huntersville. the great throng . that was present to witness the affair,, and led to the rostrum, the pretty . Mis3 Pearle Jones, of Raleigh, who, is visiting in Cabarrus. This wound up the day's pleasures and not until twi light had dawned7 upon them 'did tle happv crowd disperse' for their respective. homes, i , ? "3? k f , CoKcord. I hereby announce myself a can- Deeds for Cabarrus county; subject Caldwell,W. A., lb Stanhouse, cf ; to the Democratic nominating con nention. Rpspectfnllv, W. REECE JOHNSON. No. 11 townehip. FOR COTTOli WEIGHER. Mabrey, M, c Mills, cf Misenheimer, 2b Fisher, If Reed, 3b Rogers, ea Hunter, c Davenport, p Sercy, 2b Howie, 3b Weddington, lb Nesbit, rf Dunn, If Erwin,88 asked what was up'they said "noth ing," bu t did not slack ; . speed. A posse started after them ' early Tuesday morning At Mr. Jim Green '8, in Stanly county, near' the riyer, the two horses became tired down and the thieves turned them loose and liitcliacl the' mule! fb Mr. Green'd buggy and cohtinued their fl i gh t. v;' T he p ursui n g party is s til ) after them and it is .kto be hoped 1 1 hey v; ill oe o v e r t ak en . " " ''' 1 HAPPY ON THE' WAY A Trip to i Klowiiie Kocii 1 : thet Country Will CampV.Out-Two Weeks'. Stay. me gay Mrs. John -A Sims and Miss Fan Stafford arech&perones ' for a p?rty of . joung pleasure seekers and sight seers ea route to Blowing Rock and other points in. Western North Carolina, that left- the city this ( Vv ed n r 8 d a V ) m or O i n e.f T n e party consists of . Misses. Mary and Lila Stafford, Iv -Parks, Alida White, Bessie and DeUa Sims and Messrs. Chalmers Sims, Paul Parks, TTarrTT WJ.lfo Rrnh f John Alexander and James Thoma. son. The latter two will meet the excursion at Mooresville and ioar- .!,...-,.. . ... . ney on from th?re They will Having been solicited by numer- Gibson, rf ous voters or uaoarrus counry, i p.M.i, a n ''""r "ff!" ' Io the fifth inning Caldwell ject to the action of the county dropped out and put Fisher m the uemocracic nommaung convfniion. i uui, uu iv wm how the boys snapped at his curves. Fisher was in excellent Uim and did some pretty work. : "k Weddin gton scored the bi n e run for Huntersville in Ibe third h Kespectfully, GEORGE F.BARNHARDT. No, 9 Township. " - ' FOR COTTON WEIGHEE I hereby announce myself a candi date for cotton weigher for Cabar inning. Will Gibson made two of the rus county, subject to the Demo I nans for Concord, one in the third and one in the sixth innings. Ga- rah Caldwell scored in the third in ning, at the same time bringing Gibson in on a safe hit. The game was interesting cratic convention. Respectfully, HARVEY A. GRIBER. ilv aloner f track. ; 1 .You can al most always tell how a disease starts, aiid where it will prob ably end. It won't go out- of its way to oblige you an- more than a locomo tive will." Disease usually begins when the appetite g iy e s out 4 that's the first warning whistle. Then the stomach and nutritive organs fail to supply good blood. The circula tion grows poor, thin and taintedrlnstead of carrymgnounshmenl to the different parts of the body it carries poison, which settles at some point ana eais away the tissues.. According to wnere it sex- ties it is called liver or kidney or sicin ais tease scrofula. ervsitetas.; eczema, or con- Bumnuon 11 it seuies on iae iungss. ,.n i ai one trouble : tainted blood; clear out thi? taini ana ouiia up uie tissues wuu blood and the disease is stopped: side tracked : it can't uro an v further. No mattei what the name' of a disease is if it's a blood disease. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- Camp OUt and make home wherever ! coverywiU cure it by driving the poison out . , 1 . . . . . . . .1 or tne circulation aim ticaiaug ucw aup- i.uey oawee w pucn ineir lent. The trip will occupy about two weeks. Every thing 'needfulwas supplied, and the partv la sure to have a jdelightf ul experience of camp life, it the weather la favora blkr Olfer this week 15 cases of tlie best SlOa ' shoe for ladies on th& iiarket They come in Gloye, Grain, Button and Lace :v;We;: alsa , have theni at 75, cents and: they aie as good- . as yoircan buy lor 75 cents; Jaut the 81.00 . shoe is the greatest t alue to be- found; v -Ten Gases of Mens UCE ' 4IIIT :-' .CffiGiES at $1.00 to $1.50..-That. is a good- frtiQe .mid easy pair. ,u,ai v .anteed to be as r.pr -sented or money buck. 100 dozen Hhirtf iu Laundried, Uijiiiuu dried and Work Shirts at 15 cents to SI, 00. We can please all in thhr-Hne. u " . " r . - " . V . 150 DOZEN .4 Gampaign 5 cents each. FOR COTTON WEIGHER. Feeling some degree of encourage- throughout and with the exception ment by the genial attitude of my f a prtia Qmpir6) Vic Hunter," of fellow-men in the connty, I most :.j5TL - - 41, W eideration as a candidate for; cotton never enjoyed a better game weigher, subject to the action of the! a crowning featuee. Democratic county convention. a A ft'clock seven regaled r -JespeCtfully, ' u; v,ftnU nnon thmr filfiflt nJbiZHiKlAH MCNAMARA. " .6, 1 T a" 'ZI sieeas, eniercu . u luuiuaiuou .-.. . tmnlr tn rnmnfitft for the arizes and BUTTONS, the honors associated with the "lucky" ones, xne Knignis were: Will, Nesbit "Knight of the Nineteenth Century." Morris Caldwell "Knight of. Ca barrus." Walter Pharr "Knight of Mill Grove." - r- - Mack. Henderson "Knight of River Bend." Charles . Isenhour "Knight of County Home." L S Bingham "Knight of Scrub Hill." Robert Dunn "Knight of Mount Holly." There were two purses for the winners, first prize 510 and second prize f 5. Messrs. Mack Henderson and Will Nesbit tied .on 9 rings, but A! Itdaselioia Treasure. D. W. Fuller oT! Cana joharie, N. says that he always keens Dr. Kicg's Ngw Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very best results follow its use ; that he would not be without it, if procurable. G. A. DyEeman, Drug gist, CatskiU, N. Y., says that Dr. King's .a ew Discovery is undoubt edly the best cough remedy ; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottled free at Feb zer's Drug store. Begular bize 50c. ana 81. uu. r ply of healthy, red, life-yivine blood to re vive and nourish the wasted tissues. It Euts the digestion in order, invigorates the lood - making organs and builds firm healthy flesh. Consumption is a blood disease. Don't believe it can't be cured 1 It is cured every day by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. ; . " Dear Sir: I cannot sar enough for tout ' Gol den Medical Discovery." For two years my little boy sunerea; with lung trouDie-nrst laicing ia- grippe; secona lniermiueni xever; inira, jung trouble.. For two years he coughed.. Thejphy- sidan could do no good and I thought he must leal Discovery. I did. and before he had. taken one bottle he began to mend And t-ould eat a little. When he had taken lour bottles he wa well and now is as stout a befor-; : ' KespectfuUy fosgssii' . '1 (Mrs.) H.OSiIBB"Y for Ladies, Men and -. Children.'1 1 , We hiave plenty f 1 thogw LowShoesyr, for Misse8;anfl Ladies. Pradtor, Morgan Co 1 We Want to Beat at Mi OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL. fiiifi s, COKCOED, N. C. does to Con- J. M. Odell, D, B. CcLTRANB Cashier. D. CoLTRAHE,gA6aiBtant Cashier Capital, Surplus, DIUjE:CTOR8; V J. M. Odell, D. P. Cannou Elak Kxkg, J. W. Caknou W R. Odell, W. H, Lilly, D. B COLTBAHE President I when the tie ride was made, Hen derson won first prize, JNesbit second.- : ' v f. -c'V - . :":"v; Three crowns were . presented to the gallant knights to be placed upon the heads of the fair maidens. Mr.J Henderson who' won first prize, placed the golden crown upon the head of Mrs. . Emma ftnnria. nf Snriner ville. , i " 7 - : - !-?J Mr. Nesbit came tecona ana xnosa for his lady Mies Clara Gillon, aj $50,000 $16,000 Mr. Walter Ibompson Mr. Walter R Thompson., who bast been principal of the States ville graded school for the past two years, and who bad been re-elected for another term, has decided to go to' Concord, the graded: school board, at his request, ; haying re leased him. Mr. Thompson will take a position with his brother, Prof. Holland Thompson,: ,inv a school at Concord, the fall term of which begins on the 31st. Mr. Thompson is, an excellent young man. ; ana ,. a competent teacher,' and the graded school board gave him up with regret. We hope he will do well in Concord and feel sure that he will. His brother taught there last year an4 had an excellent school. States- ville Landmark, , llorse Thieves About. " ; 8ome unknown party entered the Btables of Mr. Adam Furr, who lives about oae mile west of George ville, Monday night and took three of hie horses anc proceeded in the direction 1 of Wadesboro, Finding one of the horses to be lame they dropped him and passing Mr. ' Mar tin P Barrier's, -took . one of his mules. They, were met by Mr. Vftley . Bis&era nd - Duke Linker just bslot7 GeoreTille and were Comg with - terrible speed. Being . tfe "Record for July. We are determined riot to spend our time and fnigy grumbling kibout dull times. We; will pitch in and make times lively, Now, in oi der to make this incoming montn tne biggest July we naw oti iaa, ib are putting out a lot of v&ummers'' and we are going to make them hois. We are coing to do awajptiv Stickers- We will make Movers out of them fHejre-ff6es:' i&&zty'-r - c , ' About 6Q prs of-Jjadieftime snoes oi Zieigier's ami, xtrea'B nuKes, small sizes, 2K 3, 3J and 4 that we will tell at-01 a pair. ; Not a pair amouc them but cost ana ov er, xneymustgo. - 4 f NO. 2,- About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties; socio patent leathers, some tans, some fine dongola pat tips, all to go at 75a They cost troml to l;5aThey must g'j. . NO. 3, About 50 pairs Ladies fine Oxfords, all Zeiglers tan. gray and black ooze and fine kid, sizes 1 to ii. All to go at $1, 4 Made to cell at $2 and $2.50- They must go. . . . ' , ' ; , NO;4. About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfords and 1 strap Sandals Zeieler?. Bay State and Padsn Bros., all-to go in at $1.25. fall for them they won't be here long. They must go. , , s : ; NO. 5. A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c v NO. 6. FOR MEN: A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxfords at $h They are $1.50 shoes, and are rresn stock just bought them. SPECIALS. Womens Soli Leather Shoes at 65ciaWpmeE8 solid Leather Pebblij Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button' Shoes at 75c. These arjr $1 shoes, all ireen ana nice.- iagiep uucuuBuii.au V n VvT Alexandria, Va. Solid as any shoe in the narktt, regular 1;50, shoes, .to go at $1. Mens 'ine Satin Uil oooes,; lace auu km u regular 1.25 shoes. Mens heavy EngJishTies, everv-day bhoes, L00f Solid as leather can make them. Big job in straw hats at 10c, some .of to are 50c hats. We buy Trunks in car loads and retail them ; at whol fcal prices; One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. We haTe evhing :in the line of clothing find furnishing .eoode.- Everything up to" date alat prices that c an't be beat anywheie in the Stat- CM n see sampiestoi me iree yijru 'ulto -w ; - tomers v 7 JOB-Twenty-five suits of fine AlWpollCacwmere toteviggftog:; Suits, sizes 34 to 36 for A 00 a suit. They are a00, 12.50. and l&(XCsml Call on jus ara aee tnese ana omer auruuuuiiD - CANNONS

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