Arrirnl of Trains, 5b 11 from Richmond arrives at 11:17 ra- " Washington " " 10 p. m. . " Atlanta " 7:22 p. m. " Atlanta - - - " - " 'r o: a. m New York " 8:4a a. m Atlanta " " 9:00 p.m. 1 KKnutiH freight leaves at 11:17 a. m, Nos jli and 12 are the local trains between Ssctenona id Atlanta. Nos afl?J35 are the riStSall trains between trrv Kos t7 and 38 are the Washington and 'ivSvern Vestibuled Limited train aad stop at Cowaord en signal. 1 MEADE BAKER'S Mouth. VETERANS. MEET, narvlTors of company F, First If. C. . VATalrr in Annual Session dec PERSONAL P.QIWTEKS. j"A. .meeting . pjp .b;??! Gomala Cavalry Confederate Sur?ivora AescK ciatiqn was 'held in the r court honed Toeadey afternoon ; ,The v an huat election of ; officer! ; held.. H M tf oodman ice preaident. i;r;:r J 'iioiesM-L-Bost and tJ F Smith erai Rufua Barnager to this com nan v. A - cotoi m 1 tteek of t.h r a "w a The Ideal Dentifrice, appointed toJnTestigatafl applica- Preserves the1 teeth, tT':Fa OTTDTl OrTTrl ATI R XflG Oh thA mpnfnf nAAv- nnonil igums and pun- Wash nes the breath. on tbe merifcofi, qbnana jjhe amount aeemeaafisaoie to .be ap-ppppated.- : . . ! John S Turner, - John,-Freeze and :25C PER BOTTLE at f J? Anthony erel -ap$nted i in nnun nTnnr iwiuiuuiee iu uruu resomuona in i y mm m ratii (Hit eference to he de&tba of comradca ruts aua. ;j , u atirew A BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS; rhich haye pec urred ' Bmpe i'. the last .i 2cked Up and Put in Snap By Oni U nsilinir Pencil Pusher. annual .nieenjgt xi; iu. ' Vtuouman was : appomiea . a (Committee of-ojEjiftoobk after and The St. James Lutheran parson'; preerTe the , companyfa old flafir, age is being painted. Which ia in;h1a08e88ion, Messrs H Graber Miller, of ', The ueeUhg joined r to meet tHowan and S A Lawance, cf again at the call of vthVpre8ident. ; reunion Tuesday. Ebb and Flowor the noman Tide at .This Port, lis Seen By. On Reporter . . :Mr. Prank Goodson is oat of the city ford day -or two. ' Mr.- V J ' Swinki5 of China Grove8pent' last night in the city. Miss Emma -Miller, who was visiting friends in the city, returned tq Charlotte yesterday, : ' 1 -rTiie Rey;'s; fitefifey, of St. John's; passed tnrbbgh the city Tuesday night on hia way to Vir ginia. r-'0 - j r ': ; ' u; : ' -. ; ' : ; I J udge ;W J : Montgomery re turned from , Western NortK Caro hiaa;la8tnigbtVv'-,:i , ; Little Miss .Mary. Archey has returned from ah extdndedisit ;tb her grandfather's in ftnwan 6unty. I Misa Helen Smitb, of Guilford College, who has been vvisiting , in Charlotte for some time, is in tbe cityVtW gttt oJMidda Crater Mr. and Mrs J tannon and daughters, Misses ' Adelaide ; - and Margaret," lefr this rnortring for Blowing Rock, to spendome time.' Misses ; Maggie : Palmer and Grape Pbelan - of v Charlotte, are visiting Miss Genevieve Cox, at Mill Grove,, this week. J : ! -Dr; J E Smoot is back in the city after spending several days at the bedaide of ;hia father,; who ; was po criucaiiv ill at nis nome in Rowan county.' , Miss Winnie Adderton, the beautiful little blue-eyed maiden of Lexington, who , created such a furor of admiration at the Buchanan Reed wedding wi'l visit our city on Friday. She will be the guest of Miss oallie iiirwin. SAT. Mi 16x32 -Knotted only 10 -:-19x40-:i- HUCKABACK only 12a cente rpiece. 7 -:-22x40-:- H,TJ O only 20 cents NORTH eAROLLNA COLLEGE- OF; AGRICULTURE ANO ME-"' CHAN IC ARTS This College offers' thorough courses In Agriculture, Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Engineering, and in bcience. General academic studies supplement all the e technical courses. EXPENSES 1 PEBTSESSION, IN CLUDIWG1EOABD : For County 3tudenta . . $91.00 ForallOtherZStudents . $121.00 Apply for Catalogues to ALEXANDER Q. HQLLID AY, ' Raleigh, C; " President. . semin;ab j A Flourishing Snhooi for-Younir Ladies. '' ' TEN TEACHERS Ornamental branches Beceive Carefui Attention : BEV. 0. IiCT. FISHEH, Ai M The To rid Wave. IThis aeema a wave of hot weather rarely experienced and its fatalities are almost as great as a moderate (war. Twenty ohe expired in Chicago last Sunday, 13 in 4 St. Louis, 15 in Baltimore, 7 in New York. On last Saturday 10 died m New York and 11 in Philadelphia. Many are prostrated and some insane with suicidal results, all. from the excessive - beat-v. Hospitals and morgues are being filled with vic tims. Great sighihg and anxious waiting for a cooler wave fill the longings in the rooms of tne sick and dying. ; Chicago mortuary statistics were broken Monday. Never in the his- $ TJiey are tlie best towels ever of fered for the price. ESS! It speaks well for An article when Thft norintv Rnndav School con- the longer it is used the better it is mention at Rocky River church will hked. Such is the case with Ayer s draw a large number from the city Hair Vigor. People who have been -tomorrow. , using it for years, could not be in- - i duced to try any other dressing for 'The infant child of Mr. and their hair, because it gives such per 'Mrs. Pink Morrison, who live sev- feet satisfaction. ral miles west of the city, died w. , - ' -this (Wednesday) morning. Mr.WM Widenhouse relates a singular little freak of the light- 'The board of town commissioners ning and his own narrow escape, "were in regular monthly session He was here in Concord Mondav Tuesday night. Nothing of any evening and as he got home a importance was aone. neguiar cloud came up and as he was put routine business was transacted. ting away his horse the lightning WANTED - Salesmen to sell struck his buggy whip, nipping off complete line of lubricating .oils, gft 11 T 7 ' V connected. No further indications liood opportunity for the proper ! - ,orv,o . , . n rT rty. Garland Refining, to , WideBnUBe had jU8t gotten away .Cleveland, O. - aU; from,the buggy and can be said to The Progressive Farmer speaks bave narrowly escaped When people are obliged to take is lo be stigmatized as a gold bug. mpH!rinA tw Want, that it shall -Anything will do to charge against sive o nick relief and not add dis- Tr... SV. Yu.u w a -wummj Confort to their sufierings. Three torv of the city were so .many laisnying aisposition. maons why people who suffer with deaths recorded in one day. The THE NEARER THE BONE THE it.fl npo UAia nn .t does not weaken but strengthens ! riaa tmnr aa fW dUV uu-u. o.n ;ainunr u -v. i m. ilanH fotVcohoa tho TOhnm m ' I ,f . Pbinoipal. MOUNT P LEA StfCl N O Guilford Oolle ge. GUILFORD COLCEGE, N. C, OPENSAUGUST 18, 1896. Instruction thorough. y' 1 .- Three cpurses foi degrees. Also Music, Art and Physical Training . Healthful location on Dairy Farm. ExpeDses'moderate. ' Send for catalogue. : L. L. HOBBS, President. SALEM 1 Academy and College if 1 n. 4-C abundant growth of hair, causing it and refreshes the whole system. to become natural in color, lustre M xxuanu, muuruo, x. And texture. Thfl -mnkft-r nf ThriiliatidisB "has streets with such rapidity that they reached the end of Ms summer. oAnnot be hauled awav before .thevl n: ia . i.. -m m 1 -W .1 I 1 I IP1 nndOUU ! W Ul T VUU Miss Myrtle .Harris ana Jimmie , : wirt r:: v tt. ltkw y . i. s ifcv wf v - j"k.a .r . m m. m . n f v rm ran mM mm -w- a . Tbe many friends of Mr. M H Lee WaUball. entertained, the fol- , " ilefler are sorry to learn that he is lowing little folks , at ' an ice cream neaun, ana sew waai ia 1011- oi uio mfu.0-. again confined to his bed suffering party Tuesday evening : Xiouift ana i the ponce were unaer oraers ;,w boi tip prouuut ai uiiuuot aujr icai a relanse. Ho wa in tWo oUv I Julia Gray; Mary Virginia' Wads- i. nnAntitiea of disinfectanta on son able sacrificev ; We're during court week, but is now ly- .worth, Rosa Young, Francis Good- , - , ffln dfifld in the watchins your interest in tMs very low, ana h is tnougnt inai uu, wua iittiiopu,Di0u t. - t, r matter ana as a resuu nave tie cannot recovar .. ", , . Margaret Wobdhou8e, Lizzie Propst, stench and prevent rapid decompo 4 v. ulP;.ljBnyB1uiiB was a Ralph Boyd, John Xoung, Frea sition. It is estimated that 1,000 . v..w..MMB. V.C.J uo U081, uossuannon, imam vvaua- iaoaj ort;mftifl arft Ivintr in the streets f wires become ro hnt that U thA n u:tu- a tit dead animals are lying in ine sireew -street lights were burning at noon. rison, Joe Hartsell, Jimmie Harris, of the city uiwzens saw mem Theo Harris, Koy lioover and Earning. ; ScotlamLYqrke. Jt was a delight- In a special to the Charlotte Ob- ful afiair- server from Statesville, we 'learn FOR nearly 100 years! this institu tion for the .higher education of young.women has occupied the very front rank,7 and- was never more numerously attende 1 than now. It is not. only provided ' with a high grade-College- Course, but has ex perts in all of it8pecial schools of Music, Art, Elocution," Commercial and Industrial SStudiea. vve will be pleased to send catalogue on appli cation. Term begins September 3d. JOHN H. CLE WELL. Prin:, al5 Salem, N. C. SALE OF MINING PROPERTY. I North ) Carolina", Cabarrus County. .' ''.-''':r., '-v"' iwill'jstfrpnsefyQ cneapness.' ' ' -' ' ' "k " ; ; ' :;; HERE THEY ARE Backlen's Arnica air. TO RI A i'Ut For Infants and Children. Til fifi--ilmilt Elputuri cx ! yH4&Z7&Cl6& vipr- that Mariam Elliott, of this city, -ad Annie Alexander, of ' Cbar- , otte, had strayed away from the orphan home at Barium Springs.' .bey were found in Salisbary I Tuesday afternoon, having walked 1 all the way froni ttbe5!home. The -children -were taken back to the or phanage. They had became hohie- V? sick ana wanted to go to ...their cornea. ' scnboiofttasle. ir a TTn?n o:i-- r.i mOft the 1st day pf ..September j I paign book -Bryan, Sewall and llpen a .sch c Free Rilvpr nthn Kr tront rooms on the second floor of written by.etcalf, Editoi Omaha. PPr?? "World-Herald. ahnointfid anthnr Kv' Cankons & Fetzer.' For terms, etc., Bryan. Contains i speecbea 1 0and addresaor apply ,to piatiorm. A bonanza for agents, a aiy co Buyer mine lor worKers. unly .per. cent, t Credit giyenrefght J F. HCT R Wk I -choice of territory. Permanent, : Profitable work for '96. Address, he National Book Concern, Star tSxulding, Chicago. sepl2 Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers; Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Ubappe DiacK , oo incuea, tToo nnhUina nnrnfl and all A Karfrain. BillOWS Of Uand- and pdsitively curea ksrehiefs, you' d wonder T how Pilea or no ' pay requied.-ltas t could be done li - we - naan i guaranteed ;to give satisfaction r told you There's no loss to : .By virtue of an execution in at tachment and yen. ex. directed to the undersigned, from the Superior Court of Cabarrus county in the case of r'Rlchard -Eirnies,- Jr., against the Nugget GbldT Mining Company. T Will on Monday tho 7cn day - of Sep tember, 1896, at 12 r o'clock -m.4 at. the court house door of; said County of Cabarrus,' sell to the highest bid Uer for cash to satisfy said execution and venV ex., all the right, title and, interest which the said Nugget Bold Mining Company has in the fellow ing described real e itate to wit:;alL that tract - known as the I Biggera Mining tract adjoining the lands of Paul, Widenhouse and others, situate- in jmo.; y townsnip oi yioarrus. county and bounded ai fplldwa to wic Beginning, at a stone in tne Wily E Biggera line 28 poles east of the rplne :atump corner, ; near Paul Widenheuse a ? gnewuouse and runs as follows: South 41; J West ;53 poles to a walnut. At., a gate,, thence S ,43 box. For sale at r B fetzer a lirug store, j t . ;.,;;v . . ";.J. .y-.'. us, but a Biff Gain to and tlie maker paysjtne -'piper. Come nn:stfi;t Fannie Lippard. wmmmwmmmusmmmMMT mammmmmm I . - ---j p-n rv YA'SHGli 'Y todIi76rTer. A"3inCW Albert ITI luMSrAIOolEQISON permanently Oxford I leSt IT riJICe , lUCi. t I I cured In IS to35 flays. You can be treated at , aUTio- TTaaI Tift ih kll the J hfimfl for same urice under eame firuaran- and. SDHUS Heel Aiea ill x vaao ty.Ifyonprewtqamenerewew neon; I - : Aa! ,PhflflA;ftTfl ienUine "Rare ains. no old goods , an new.rdirectfrom therfactory. tract to pay railroad f areand hotel bills.nd v-wVhvj;Br.fiiJi tocnre-IironhaTataxen mer enry. looiao notasn, ana buu dsto kus mnq pains, filueoas trsncuvB ia niooia, Plinpleft, Copper Colored Spots, Clcers on SaU ! this Secondary BLOOOQISOll W A QqoTTq S6iae.and JBAallenMjthe wpjWjrwl Vyiiiw . AdthMiau ox tne man emuwuipms INSURANCE AGENT, Office over FETZER'S DRUG STORED jl-iVWUy; p ,artV.huilrill of the mMt eminent tjlrrs clans OoOO.OUU capital oenina our uncongi W 28 polea to a 'Btone4 mT centre of great road from Georgeyille forBarv rierfa mill, thence ; with: aid : rOad S 23 W 2 poles to a atone tri" centra of saidroai thence $ 26I E Vfl ipplea to a atone pile on nortn : side small bTnChi'E 3ost,s'corner,-'.; thence-lN 41'J4 35X pojea to a atone, W 13 Big eery cofnethence l$m WW ssswinsgg 1 inii a n fci:n m sun 1 H I IIUIl - t,.., X? 111 I II If Lf .'i.:-i t- I acjhs and RnrmfAxxri rellOTea wj tines' werre jraw:f : . pplea1rStonepE;BIgger9, cwner, thence; S iii M rlSS poles -i. stone 8odthwest i.of Nathan Lambert's house, thence N 51f W 50 pol63 - to tfie beginning COntainmg 238 acres, ss a arge lot of mining Bnhrnery and equimente and'; other personal of property attached mQct, 9,ri?5. r v ..V 5 7- " ?. 1 - ' -L I " ...

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