ill Mkmw 0 .MANUFACTURERS OF ; Fine Ginghams Outin Cloths : , Plaids Slieetmg ; and Salt Bags. - " "'Dealers inV". 4 ' GENERAL . - ' ' ;merchadise. Q Bnvers of COUNTRY oi all kind, and 4-foot wood always wanted- best prices ; for same. We invite an insec- tion ol all the goods we manufacture. ODELL MFG. Co., Concord. N. C i Pep Cent. Per Month OR Guaranteed to All Invtttors - ON Investments both Large and Small WHEN MiDE WITH , ' Th New York In?estment Col BOOKERS IN Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Cotton, , 40 AND 42 BROADWAY," NEW YORK CITY. P. S. People wbo.desire tojiave a steady and ure income on small Tot llarge investments end for our explanatory free. There is a difference between ned cines and medicines. .Those of to-day, as a rule, differ from those of the past in many respects. Fully as jrreat is the difference be tween Dr. King's fiOYALMGETUEa and the ordinary medicines of to-r. It is unlike them m :SEriVE THINGS: 1. It do3 not taste like a medi cine. It is "as J- pleasant to take as lemonade and makes a most refreshing drink. ; '. ' S. It never nauseates the most delicate stomach. , ' 3. It doe3 not swap off one dis ease for another. , It does not set up one form of disease in order to relieve1 another as is so often the case. ! N 4. It contains, no alcohol or opium in any form and is always harmless even when given to a babe one day ol& . : ;;;!',. : . 5. It does not patch simply it cures. It reaches as nothing else does to the hidden sources of disease in the blood and removes tha canse. It does this with an ease and power that have never been equaled. nIr JPir9 Blood, "stdascfc W6,6 ud &U forts? niLAIlUL POISON it stands pre-eminent--withont s rival or peer. j - V 103 Bowl, OnDtflaz. ZXaao&axvdOBlyr KSATum c;:nr.2AL csl, atiwta, ca. l tTXCT PC3 O-rAGS PCCX tUIlSD TSX2. A woman never really knows the meaning of happiness and content antil ene is the mother of a healthy, nappy child. The healtn of the child depends . 'o pon the " health of birth. Most allo woman's 'weak: ness arid pahicularltbe eaknes that most BtronelVJirjEuencea 1 tht heaUh of oh ar!n. com-from;80ml tiuctlv feminine organs: -Dr. Pierce's Favorite rrescnp'iou n care tron bles ot this nature. Ic should; be taken regbilartybj every .womauMu riis" the entire .period of gestation. It gives strength to all, the organs involved, lease us the pains of cbi id - birth ir d insures the health of both mot her acd.child. O . - Send 21 one cent , stamps to cwer cos t ot Amaiiing only, and reci vt . free a copy of Dr. Viarc, s Medical Adviser. Address, . World's Dis- penaarv Medical Association, Bkica lo, N. Y. , ' ' KeUucetl Kailroad Rates. Keduced rates have been tut hor izefi for the following occasions: N. 0." Grape Growers and X'quor Dealers Association. . FaveUeyiiie, N. 0., Aug. 17"; Tickets;; on sale to Greensboro, N., p., audi re turn August 16 18, incluaiye. Final limit August 22s 1896. Fare for round trip 3, 65,' continuous passage in both directions. Account Annual Contention land Tournament N. 0. State Firemen, Salisbury, N. O., . August 19 21, 1896 Tickets on sale August 17, 18 19, inclusive Final limit August ad, lbyb. Uontmuou3 passage in both directions. Fare foi round trip 90c. jf - ; ' j - . If I - . Account 4th Aanuaf Exhibition of the Oriental Industrial Stock, Froit and Agricultural Fair, New- berne, N. O., Angwst 24 to 29 1896. Tickets on sale to "New heme, Jil C. nd return at rate of our first-class fare. Tickets on sale August 22 to 28 inclusive, final limit August: 31, 1896. Continuous passage in both directions. Fare. J or round trip $8 20. Account X. 0. Volunteer Fire men's Association, Wilson, ? NJ C, ugust 11-13, 1896. Tickets on sale August 9 to 11 inclusive. Final limit August 15, 1896. Continuous passage in both directions. Fare for round trip $6.65. ; Account meeting Grand Union Lodge of Brothers and Sisters, Sah isburj, N. C, August lltb, 1896. Tickets on sale August 10 to 11 inclusiye; final limit August 15, 1896. Continuous passage in both directions. Fare for ronnd trip $lllO, Encampment of Union Veterans, Union and Woman's Veteran Re lief Union, Binghamton,. N, YM August 18 tOj 21. Tickets: oiUfiftle cr tie above occasion at rate of one first class limited, fare for round trip $19.80, Concord to Bingham ton, N. Y. on sale August 15, 16 and 17, final limit August 25th. Continuous passage in both direc- uons.! . C. H. BARNHARDT, M I). Physician and Surgeon, " MT. PLEASANT, JS. C. Calls received and promptly ats tended to at . all hours., Oflipo at ooy re8dence lately occupied by Or. Moose jl9 91y 33 n in -l o I m m A. mm v i ' m it r J 2V vw 11 Forest flill News... , - - f Mr; and MrsVS Durham, of Bessemer City, are visiting ;Capt. J M Odel!, Mrs. , Durham's father.:, . Miss Mamie ; Morris, left j for Montgomery county nesday. for a two week's visit among "friends and relatives. IeBsr8 w sherw00a, W F Troutman. and J B Simpson have returned to Leaksvillf, after spend- iug two eeks with relatives and friends in the city . . MW Mollie Kitbhie has gone ' to New London, where" she will visit relatives andf rienlls for sonvj timf. Miss Lola Fink, of 'No. 4, is visit ing her sister, Mrs. J&JA Shinn;-on Simpson-street. - - Qiiite a number - of our people attended the picnic at ; Cox's mill yesterday. -:. ; . .. . 'S. , : rl - i Died In illJnois. rf ; . v ! Mr. C Pbifer Foil,' who left-hiB native home itv Cabarrus county 18 years' ago, ' died" at';4 his home in iLitcb field, IUM on Tuesday. Au gqst 4, after an illness of four days !with typhoid fe very Mr. Foil was 36 years, 4 months and 25 days old. His remains were buried at Pane, 111., on Friday,. August 7th. He was a brother to merchant J W Foil, of this city, and Mrs. John W Cook at the county home. Mr. Foil was a prominent member of the Litchfield .Lodge Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and a suc cessful business man. Red need Rates. : ; r v.. Reduced rates as follow will be made on dates named with final limit 12 days from date of sale. Concord to Washington a $13.00, .to Baltimore via Norfolk Baltimore line f steamer $1L00, . tai New York via Norfolk and 0 I) S S Co. $19.00, all rates for round trip. In connection with these rates there will be 10 day rates. Washington to Baltimore and return $2.00, Washington to Philadelphia and return $6.00, Washington to New York and return $10.00, Baltimore to Philadelphia and return $4.00, Baltimore to New York and return $8.00v ' Tickets on sale at Concord August 10th to lltb, final limit 12 day 8 from date of ale. ; i Notice of Seizure. t , Seized in No. & cow tifihip, August 8, 1896, one gray horse, one one-horse wagon suppoged to be the property of D A Evans for violating the In ternal Revenue laws of ths United States, c : . , -.; - Notice is hereby given to any one claiming said property to give no. the in the form and manner pre scribed by law, to the undersigned, at his office in Asheville, N. C; within 30 days from date hereof, or the property will be forfeited to the government of the United States. Sam L. Hogers, Collector. : By R. S. Harris, D. O. Augu8t8,I896. 4 1 CONCORD MARKEXa i . COTTON MARKET. ; - Corrected by Cannons & FetzerV Good middling.......... .......7 40. Middlings 7.25 Low middling 6.40 Steins .. . to6- PRODUCE HAjtJLEl . Corrected bv O. W SwinK. Bacon.;...... 7 to 8 ugarjnred nams..... ...... lOto 12 J $tuk meats,side3. 7 to 8 ;M...20 xZizr ...... ...... ...... . ......... ibtol5 Chicken .s......,10to25 Corn . . . . . ; as ;,.vio - ... . .' -j. '71 1 -M F, uriNqrt Carolina) : .y.;.; .a'8 ileal.... ...........:..;....r...:.5 Cit3 a r"", , , i, -m "" "" ' I AArtfaWoPrnarationforAs- H AVt0pfaWePreoarationforAs-,. imilating theToodaadReguta ting the Stomachs andBowels oi Romotes Dicstion,Gheeiful uess and Rest.Contains neither $ Opium .Morphine nor MhleraL Hot Nae c o i?rc , ' 'A fv: Timnlctn. Seiil" JlH V ' ' ' Mx.Senna . ftocAclle Sal's- ' JhristSeed ; .N ;; v Jtypermmt - jh Carbonate Soda ut librmSezd- : Clarified Sugar ; liut&jyrcen Flown Apcrfect Remedy for Cons tipa- ion, sour sioinaLtLi.uiciiiuuca Worms .Convulsions Jcverish ncss and Loss OF Sleer , - 1 Tac Simile Signature of '-. : NEW "YOHK. - w T EXACT COPY 01; WRAPPER. I. v - mmm i 1 ' " . .. , Made . in . Crayon . or . "Water . color . Tints The Price is ... . . ... . , t ' , ...-.. . . . . .The Loadstone That attracts customers to our place of business. Beginumg today, June 30, 1896, we give to CASfi PURCHASERS ONLY J one of tnose Handsome Portraits when they haver bought furnitnre to the amountpf $25, and if the portrait is not satisfactory you need take it until it is. We give you the Portrait! Free. You pay only for the frame. The cost of the frame, glass, etc., will be . only $1.50. This is the best and cheapest way to get life-like por-. traits of Yourself ,JPather, Mother, Brother, Sisn ter, 'Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, and we have the Furniture, and can suit the most fastidious. ' When you want to rest easy try one of our large; easy Rockers or one of our easy Reclining Couihes, or one of bur Sofas, and when youwaht to make your bed easy and comfortable buy one of our "Wire Spf ing Mattresses. We hav a complete line of Furniture Suits from $10 to 8100.J Space will not admit our ..k mentioning everyjar tide. Our prices are low. ComeV at once ancl ' ' - ; ' ' , , . . . . ' " ' ' V ' . -. ........ begin on the'portraits and get you a card and have itjpunched whenever you make a parchase We are yours to please, ' DRY THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE IS OIT THE OF EVEET fit: Castoria is put np in one-size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't allo-qf anyone to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every pur pose," See that yon get G-A-S-T-0-R-I-A. . of , . f " . ...... wrapper. LIFE LIKE rUn lnA i - rvi. : I" k 7 of Nr. -'1 . . -i ..1' . - I ., - : - - . - WADSWORTH I fc FaUow -m 35 1 .- rv :..' i V