Vol- XIII. No. 103. CONCOllT), N. 0., WEDNESDAY AUGUST 19, 1896 v Whole NO. 1.482 ANNOUNCEMENTS. PEMBRT0N F0R CONGRESS. ! did not need to make a speech. He LO D I C K, H Stanly s Wbii io the Front Reached the Goal On the Third Ballot. ; Mr. x neo. ruuttz was -called and Thankful for past favors, I hereby Congressional district assembled in audience with bis 6ne flowing ora-1 1 jL JCj Jl A IT JGj O 1 KSSSSofi Tuesday ; tory, relating interesting features of CabarrUB county, subject to the ac- the 18th and were called to order at tQe Chicago . convention; and the tion of the Democratic .nominating 12 m., by Hon. M 11 Pinnix, who nouncauon mseuDg in jwew xorK as convention. itc3peci'Uiiv, JOHN K. PATTERSON. called to the chair Mr. C G Mont gomery and asked Messrs. li K Clark, rf tVo Rfo taotil lo- Tinrlmarlr Will FOE - . . . Bavins been solicited by many of ole f tDe 1 avle J ltce and M friends. I btreby announce my H B Varner, of the Lexington Dis. Bell a candidate ior iue uiuce 01 aiua, 10 aui as secretaries. , On taking the chair, Mr, Mott Sheriff of Cabarrus county, subject to the io unty Democratic nominat ing convention. 1 Respectfully, W. MARTIN WIDEN HOUSE they related to our presidential nominee, Mr. Bryan. Mr. Kluttz told of the imraenss enthusiasm in New York, and in bitter phrase de nouneed certain New York journals ON THE GLOBE. gomerymade a wUlrtimed, guarded and fitting speechjwhen the commit tee on permanent organization and The time is now near approachinsc when the trading pub lic will want to know where they can get in return for their cash the greatest amount of goods adapted to their wants and we want tcTsay right .here that LOWE AND DICK will supply all of your ants for less money than any other house. We hay e all you wank, and every, train is now bring- in calling the notification meetinga ing in for us new stuff that will be dealt out at such prices failure. in the midst of Mr. that it will make these old time long-price houses shudder. Kluttz's beautiful oratory, he fell t T r"S rT1 T T rt rn T Tv T 1 "" with bad grace into that well worn J I J I ' j j) I j IN' FOR SHEPIFF. I hereby announce myself a can- committee on resolutions were made (there being ro contesting delega tions, no committee on credentials I in ' 'dida'e for the office of Sheriff of was Leeoeaj. . Cabarrus county, subject to the Convention then tooka recess for Democratic nominating convention, one hour, after which committee re- Itespecnuny, Uorf Mr T. S Ocprman fnr nfirma- THOMAS J. WHITE. K " L ' 7ZZ 7 r Z nent cnairman auu iue teuipurary secretaries to be permanent. Mr. Overman made one of his characteristically vehement. speeches, FOR COTTON WEIGHER. 1 herebv announce myself didate for the office of cotton weigher for Cabarrus county, subject a can to the drawing the lines sharply between decision, of the pemocratic'nomi- the two grand parties with stirring .nating convention. J anneals for fidelity to Democracy. r . A. AKU.till5A.ljLJ. .rJ.ij xne committee on piauorm auu re3olutiocs, however much the differ ences of representatiyes, buried their FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself a can- differences in -the interests of har- didate for the office of Register of , u v,Qit. Deeds for Cabarrus county; subject and reputed through their to the Democratic nominating con- chairman, S E Williams, the follow- nention. Keppecttully, W. REECE JOHNSON. No. 11 townehip. ing resolution, viz: Resolved, that the Democracy of this the seven th Congressional dis trict m convention assembled, re FOR cotton weigher. affirm our alleciencs to the Demo 1 Haying been solicited by numer-1 cratic cause a3 enunciated by the ens" voters of Cabarrus county, 1 Chicaao convention and tie conven f""' " - ; tion at Ealeigb, and pledge oorselves jpct to the action of the contity gly to the support oT the candi- Democratic nominatmsr" convention, dates 01 s.id convention nommaea. . n I Resolution adopted. Nominations for Congress were then in order. 4 Mr. JO H Armfield in a very an propnate and unaffected way pres seated Iredell's favor son, Mr. W D but poisonous thrast, that interna- We to show you wha(. wg arQ doing. geeting tionai DimetaitS would nave tte Un. fl-ino-hnTna.: S 1v9o. Drpss iTnliV.n Mon's Shirts Ifw. )ir- United States ask other nations how gest towel on the globe lor 5 aud' 10c, Bleached Domestic 4c, to legislate in financial matters. Ladies' Black Hose 4c, Ladies mixed hose 4c. The be; t 10c Mr, Kluttz was made presidential suspender you ever saw. Boys' suspenders 5c. No better elector from the district by an en- 15ne of Ladies' Diess Goods in the city ail the way from 5c thusiastic vote. to SI the yard. See what you can buy for Th followm were appointed the OTTTT1 ' OlT'TXn1 40 halT Vins2 Paoer; needles. Executive Committee of - the dis. r-1 1 dos Mourning rma jaaies- trie P B Means ot ;Cabarru3, J TTnndkfirchi(4f. 2 halls Rftwinor thread, box blacking. 10 slate D Elliott of Catawba, E E Raper pencils, 3 lead'pencils, 2 papers pins. of Davidson, Will X Coley of Davie, Two big bars Laundry Soap for oc The best oc plug H P Grier of Iredell, R S Rinehardt tobacco m town One box 3 cakea buttermilk suitp 8:-, 2,40u of Lincoln, J R Blair of Montgom- matches for 10c, 1 box 24 sheets paper and 24 envelopes for ery, L H Clement of RowaV S a pc, Jaaies nne snoes lor b&c, Men'iS nne saoes yoc. JKig oar- Hearne of Stanly, EC Puryear of finsm neavy wors saoes, uyeraus mo ana up io i, v ... Y Sample Hats bought at 50c on the dollar, and jwe are selling The convention .waa.haimomouBU el erv 8tvle at bargain nricei. 100 and enthusiastic and the DemOCratS nionoa nntinnr tth rr nlnoinrr ATif fho hfjlanno rf rn ln-a, enter the contest with a steadiness iow shoes at 40 and 50c. The Greatest store riie UK,be and a confidence that should bring for bargains. Every train bringing in new all that vrill go out the full vote for victory in No- at such a price as to knock out competitors. vember. LA.DIES WANT RELIEF. (jret in the procession and follow the crowd and you will soon land at our station, and you Mvili always find willing hinds to (vait upon you Respectfully, GEORGE F. BARNHARDT. No. 9 Township. FOR COTTON WEIGHER. Thereby announce myself a candi date for cotton weigher for Cabar rus county,-.eu.bis.et to the DeniOH cratic convention. Respectfully, HARVEY A. GRiEBER. i. UIUC1. Mr. J M Brown, of Albemarle, made some very happy hits in nomi nating Mr. S J Pernberton while he was less fortunate in some of his re flections. All in all he proved a brilliant champion of Stanly's Eon. Col. Paul B Means seconded Mr. -rr t i - r I JTcUlDcriULi O ; UUUlHlaliJUU XX iviai ment by the genial attitude of my vote of 272 was cast (Davie county fellow-men in the countv. I most from some unknown cause was an- FOR COTTON WEIGHER. respectfully ask your favorable con- 8ideration as a candidate for cotton weigher, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention. Respectfully, . HEZEKIAH MCNAMARA. Campaign Buttons, 5 cents eaqh at Gornlrs Jiwlry Store, OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL INSURANCE AGENT, Office over FETZEWS DRUG STORE. represented), necessary to a oboice 137. j First ballot stood Pembeiton 86J, Turner G2J, Kluttz 82, Pinnix 99. The name of Kluttz was with drawn by' his demand. Second ballot Pernberton 86, Turner 91, Pinnix 95. Mr. Pinnix disavowed any aspiration and asked that his nme be not used. Third ballot-f Pernberton 157, Turner 67, Pin nix 5. ; .; rembarton was aeciarea nomi- nated and being called for, expressed his thanks, his buoyant hope, his steady purpose to work for party success, and his promise of fidelity to duty if elected. . j Mr. Turner being loudly called for, came forward and in his rev marks displayed wisdom, ability and loyalty to the party and to its nom inee. H5 declared that his nomi nation was made without his desire or furtherance and that he had only consented as a duty to make the canvass if it wete a party demand. Mr, Pinnix, in answer to call, said he had not been a candidate and Starclicl Garments Itnined by High ! Hct Weeds That Grow alons Hie The Standard ba3 heard all kinds ofkicka about .ihing3 in gen eral around the town, but the most serious one is that of the high weeds and gra33 growing along the side walks and ditches. The ladies of the city are kicking because on seyeral streets the paths are eo nar low .that afier a rain they cannot pas3 along wnn starenea sKircs witnout their being rDined. It is a great pity to ha ye the ladies suffer this great nuisance and some" steps should be made at - once to give them relief. V The work is very much needed on all the streets except North Main. The Standard is m sympathy with the ladies, but can't pull weeds. LOW Ei & DIG CHEAPEST ON THE GLOBE. k; We Want to 6&t tlie . t ieoor Off To Xeweli High Scliool, Arthe summer months come and go, so do the school j boys. Newell High School, which opened its first session last week under the manage ment of Prof. P E Wright, for merly of Enochville, who is an ex nnrienced teacher, is i drawing a r . . number of young boys from Cabar rus. Master Alvin Watson, of this city, Mr, Daniel Faggart of Poplar Tent, and Mr. Thorton White of No. 11 township, have entered the school. v . j Home From Oregon. Among the many visitors to our pleasant little city is Mr. P Alex. Correll, Jr., who is on a visit tohis parents and friends in this city and county. He arrived Tuesday from Berry ,v Oregon, where he is engaged in farming and the saw mill and lumber - business. Mr. Correll is highly pleased with the prospects on his section of the continent. He was surprised to find tbaV Concord had grown to such enormity. for 3 "uly. : We are determined not, to spend our time and enr' y rrumbliog about dull times. We will pitch in and make times lively. Now, in orv der to make this incoming month the bigeret July we hav r r v--r,l p.d wo are putting out a lot of "Hummers" and we are going to iU&tLur hum. We are groin g to do away with Stickers We will make Movers out of them. Here goes; About 60 prs of Ladies fine shoes of Zeigler's and Red'u m kec, all small eizes, 2f, 3, 3J and 4 that we will Fell at 81 a pair. Nfc a pair am3itf them but cost 82 and over. They must go. , NO. 2. About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, some patent leathers, some tans, some tine dongola pat tips, all to go at 75c. Ihey cost from 1 to 1.50. They must go. NO. 3. -About 50 pairs Ladies fine Oxfords, all Zeiglers, tan. gray and black ooze and fine Hid, sizes 1 to 4. All to go at 31; Made to sell at $2 and $'2-50- They must go. - , , NO. 4 About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfords and 1- strap Sandals Zeielere. Bay State and Padan Bros., all to go in at SI.25. Call for them tbey won't be here long. Tbey must go. ! liO. 5 A few prs of Misses OxfordsJ sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c. NO. 6. FOR MEN: A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxfords at $1. They are 61.50 shoes, and are freeu stock ju3t bought them. Womens Solid Leather Shoes at 65c Womess solid Leather Pebble Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. These are $1 shoes, all fresh and nice. Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoes, made at Alexandria, Va. Solid as any shoe in the n arktt, regular 1-50 Bhoes, to go at Si; Mens Fine Satin Oil Shoes lace and gaiters at 81. They are regular 1.25 shoes. Mens heavy English Ties, everyday fchoes, 1.00 bolid as leather can mate tnem uig oo m Buaw xiai.a u iw, are 50c hats. We buy Trunks in car loads and- retail them ; at wholfealfl prices. One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. We have everything in the line of clothing and furnishing m goods, 'Every thins up to date and at pricestbat can't be beat anywhere m- the State, Lall ana see sampleslof the free Crayon Pictures we are havmg made for our cus tomers :' . , j' ' .': '';' - JOB Twentvfive suits of fire All-WoollCassimere in' Cutaway Frock Suits, sizes 34 to 36 lor 4 0(1 a suit.' They aie 10.00, 12.50 and 15.00 suits. Call on ub and see these and other attractions. ' CANNGiSS:& FETZER

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