i 1 " " - - i , - ' - - j' - w, r,, '?''f''' , 01 XIII. No. 107, ANNOUNCEHENTS. GONCOTW, Nv C. pNPAY. AUGUST 24, 1896 NOTE OF IMPORTANCE, f w yw1 " ; - i. .Tu-1 ip J Whose NO.a,486 F0R REGISTER OF DEEDSv Tbankfufior past favors,! hereby Primaries ftbenld Re nlr i fbe Totlnc Places 1 All Prelb Sure Too are Rlsr&t. .j.r.. V- It might be well if or the good 0 w E & D I C K, 'hip Cabarruflcoumy, BUyJfu I of Jjarmony in the of tne wmocrauu uuu, - . Unounce myself a candidate for people of the Democratic party in (hA office of Register of ueeas ior No towns tlOu Pi ..rn . and realize the importance of hnli ..nttnn rvH ittri:LJ uu v and for the cause to THE CHEAPEST ON THE GLOBE jiJUIN jv. r ax a jjixkuvii uug vuv primaries uun x nuajr uiuv. Every Democrat should be on hand pok sheriff, ; at the regular voting olaca tin each HftTine been solicited by many of precinct. Instead ot the primaries friends, I hereby announce myMfor wardg x and 2 being heiaat:the 'eel f a candidate for the ofl5ce of Sheriff of Cabarrus county, supjecc to the county uemocrauc nominal jng conTention. . KeBpectfully, W. MARTIN WIDBNHOU8E for shebiff. school house at j CanhontlUe and Burrae's iiall in No. 2 wardwe are requested to .mention the fact that the primaries must be held at the regular voting places Li taker's stable in No 1 ward and at Brown Bros, stable in ward 2. Please note T herebv announce myself a can-1 the fact and be there, It is very lm- didateforthe office of Sheriff of portant that you should be thrfre. Messrs. 1 Holland and Walter Thompson are tno of the strongest :.fehicliy,; laorally. end pblthiijl fcafe itnown at the TiJt!coQ' to':; pre ifountnfeufor college, Theix fine scholarship their fine charfic I The time is now near aDProachihe when the trading pub- ter, their spieled hthnslMm and c will want to know where they can get in return for their their lofty ideals are bound to in cas,n e greatest amount of goods adapted to their wants, spire andJinbM pupil, given to ant to ri& hefe that LOWK AND DICK will fhrd -fc supply all of your wants for less money than any other etr oharge. hey. have both had house We have all you want, and every train is now bring etpenence in teaching, and their ing in f or ua ne Btufl wiU be dealt out at such prices union in one sqhooi woold produce that it will make these old time long-price houses shudder, a combination difficult to enrnsks. . tb co!n womd a .TT 1ST T T 'ST.P.N I be fortunate to : possess such a school. ! : Geo. T. WiKsroK. We want to show you what we are doing : 4-4 sheetine President niyersjty of Texat. 4c Ginghams 3 12c, Dress Calico 3c, Men' Shirts lfic, lar- Austin, Tex., Aug. 10,96, naarma conntv. subiect to the Democratic nominating convention Respectfully, THOMAS J. WHITE.. Don't forget about this matter. Afraid That It Wfcs a Girl. "The Cleveland Plain Dealer' say 3 that an aged man sauntering across Superior .street the other day was FOR COTTON WEIGHER. 1 herebv announce myself a can didate for the office of cotton weigher I somewhat rudely jostled by a youth J were , pretty and for Cabarrns county, suoject to me fur wheelman decision o tne uemocratic nomi- collision tumbled a""6 . ",.r . ltne oia centieman nrommiv raDDea l z . j , I amount exceeuing $o is w oe paiu, paid, wifh nnnfliHftrAhA jtflnAflfv. tL. :-iJJl- tL u a. rAo bvp-totph nnnns: i r w ,-.--- ii uwaya ju kvu i uiuco. -rve a great mina to taKe joui-jj preminm is pai gest towel on the globe for 5 and 10c, Bleached Domestic 4c, Ladies' Black Hose 4c, Ladies mixed hose 4c. The best 10c suspender you ever saw. Boys' suspenders 5c. No better line of Ladies' Diess Goods in the city all the way from 5o to $1 the yard. See what you can buy for 40 hair pins, 2 papers needles, j 1 box Mourning Pins, Ladies' .number of, gold coins the size Handkerchief, balls sewing thread, box blacking, 10 slate j made of pure Oregon gold. They pencils, 3 lead pencils, 2 papers pins. something very l wo Dig bars JLaundry soap lor oc, Tne, best oc plug Gold Coin. ' . . Mr. Aley.K jDorrell, trho is in North Carolina on a visit to home ONE OEMS BUUllU ; -A UU SAAM AJ9AJ tnlfHII M . Tiie shock f scarce iu these parts. He says that tooacco m town Une box 3 cases buttermilK soap be, a,400 the rider off, and ht rsaeldom ohe gets hold of silver matcne? Ior 10c I box 24 sheets paper and 24 envelopes lor nention.;-' Respectfully, W REECE JOHNSON. No. 11 township. premium is paid on certifi- gains in Men's heavy work shoes, Overalls 35c and up to $1; Sample Hats bought at 50c on th e dollar, and we are selling them the same way. Sailor hats 10c, large white qnilts for didatrXef Renter of 7 cates. J ; ; : ; N pieces outing 5c yard; closing out the balance of our ladies' Deeds for Cabarrus county, subject But he didn t do it. He just held Mr. Correll has gone up to Maiden low shoes at 40 and 50c. The Greatest store ou the Globe to the democratic nominating con-1 the young fellow a minute, and then 1 Buend a wetk or ten days. ' for bargains. Every tram bringing m new staff that vs ill go let him go "Why didn't you spank -' : ': ' im ' at such a' price as to knock out competitors., him, uncHf said a bystander. Twj4yefvaii. Get in the procession and follow the crowd and you will "Well," replied me old man, with a Mrs. Phoebe Thomaa,X Junction 4ana at our station, ana you win always nna willing FOR COTTON WEIGHER. humorous twinkle, "I certainly City. 111., wastoW by ; ber - doctors I bas to wait upon you. OWE would if I hadn't been a leetle afraid she had consumption and that there Having been solicited by numer-Uw VnAhhv ii jk . , iwas noaioppfior ner recovery, dux ous voters ox iaoarrus county i hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of cotton weigher,, sub ject to the ': action of -the county Democratic nominating convention. Respectfully, GEORGE F.BARNHARDT. No. 9 Township. covery JKSre4 hetiifev Mri Thpmia Eggersv 109 Florida St9 San Erancis co, suffered from ,b drtdM approaohing consumpticn.a. vrithoui result every thUur dsa? ihest announced this (Monday) morning, 1 bought a bottle of Dr sllinirfsi ; Ne A Goait Cltlsen of No. 6 0a4l The-deatK of Mr. Henry W Crest, la note of whose illness appeared in The Standard last week, was CHEAPEST ON THE D I G-K GLOBE. t Tif' Mnora having ..-ivsar-ts Wn want to Beat lfl No. 6 township at 4 o'clock. ft ia 8uch results, of which these " V v VV-- W VW 1 FOB COTTON WEIGHER. 1 hereby announce myself a candi ftato ffti ftftft traiflrVior frir lahAr tub county, subject to the Demo, po years of age cratic convention. Respectfully, HARVEY A. GRABBER. FOR COTTON WEIGHER. Feeling some degree of encourage ment by the genial attitude of my Mr. Cress was one of the best 1 are samples, that prove te wonder- I fir nfHirk or ha mAiimnA ' in citizens of Cabarrus and an indos LrtK i?rAAfaihAitlfiH UWUK.UD " " " " " ------ a, w wvwww troasfarmr He was. widower, lat SVtzer's Drug store. Regular and leaves three 8126 Md daughters, Miss Emma Cress, Mrs. Will Goodman and Mrs. William K Beaver to mourn his death. His remains will be buried at 8 1. John's tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Interest Hoaffht Out For several years jMesars :X A C Blackwelder and J4CS9line have conducted a scxcsrEiner cantile business on 7cr Depot . tlxe Becord for July. We are determined not to spend our time and energy grumbling' about dulJ times. We will pitch in and make times lively. t Now, in ors der to make this incoming month the biggest July we have ever had, we' are putting out a lot of "Hummers" and we are going to make them hum. fellow- men in the county. I most respectfully ask vour favorable con sideration as a candidate for cotton weigher, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention. Respectfully, HEZEKIAH MCNAMARA. CaSTQRIA For Infants and. Children. street, but things have changed, Mr. We are going to do away with Stickers. We wUL make Movers out of Blackwelder having purchased Mr. About 60 pra of Ladies fine shoes of Zeigler's and Roed niin ft'a intPMHt in the holiness and I small sizes. 21. 3, 81 and 4 that we will sell at tldft pair. Not i " . I , rfifcX - J mi A. ' : i 'H, . . .. ij tnem out cost z ana oTer. xuey .muBs-eo. , will continue at the came old stand. Na AbOut one hundred pair of Ladicaine Oxford Ties, s makes, an a pair among some lialli dcutvf tf Campaign Buttons, 5 cents each at U's Jewelry Sluts, OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD ffQTEte welder with his business. The Cubes All In. I- - ! . ! Mr. Morrow, clerk of the Sope rior oonri vesterdav eot in all of ln nor.Tiiie. - . w l - . . m -m-r n the new ballot boxes HO in all Mrs. John Nankin, or sso. o (which cost the county $140. They township, this county, died, at the came hieh. but according to the home of her fathar, Ur. Mcuorkie, Tne deal was made by mutual agree- patent leathers, some tans, some: fine donccb- pat tipB, all to go at 75c af r AmAvA to mey cost irom to wui xey ihubl ment, Mr. Clme having decided to a . ..Abont jeB foe O xTOda. all Zeiglers, tan. gray go into other business. and black ooze' and fine kid sizes:! to 41. All to go at $1, Made to sell at Miss LanraB-rnhardthM accepted .Jn and ,..tr.n ferial. Zeirfore. a position and will assist Mr. Blacks I Bay gtate and Padan Bros-, all to go in at $1.25. Call for them they won t be here long. Tney must go. NO. 5. A few pre of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c. NO. 6.FOR MEN: A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxfords at $1. They are $1.50 shoes, and are freen stock just bought them. SPECIALS. Pop. Legislature, we them. Charlotte Observer. J-I F. HiTJR-L'EY, 1NS0RRJSCE1 AGENT, Qffice'jover. FZTZER's DRUG STORK gelp Wanted female. $10 to 618 per week to Men and Women for easy home work. No books or canvassing. No experi ence. Bona fide offer. No catcb. Send stamp for work and particu lars. E. Herrman, 213 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. o31 m n Ma. : must have m jMooresviue ounaay aneroouu after an illness of ten dayBi bhe was removed from her home in No. a to that of her father for treat, notice. A call meeting of Stokes Lodge No. 32. A. f F. and A. M. tonight. Work in the first degree By order of W. M; J. C. Fink, W. M. R. A. Brower, Sec. nr' Miioc' TPnin PiUs&re guaranteed to stop 77AiYr.i.ri20 minutes. "One cent a dose. ; Womens Solid Leather Shoes ai65c Womens solid Leather PebbJe Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. These are $1 shoes, all fresh and nice. Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoes, made at Alexandria. Va. Solid as any shoe in the ztarket, regular $1.50 shoes, to f . .a . co at $1. Mens Fine Satin Oil Shoes, lace and gaiters, at $1. 'iney are ment, and gradually grew weaker fegular 1,25 shoes. Me until at last the end came. as leather can make them. Big job in straw hats at 10c, some of them i.a T?antrn was the wife of one are 50c hats. We buy Trunks in car loads and retail them . at wholesale Mrs. Rankin was tne wile o one iceg Qne hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. We have of i Cabarrus most prominent citi- everything in the line of clothing and funiishmg goods. Every ing up JQ 0r,A a most Estimable ladv to date and at pricesthat can't be beat anywhere in the btate, Call and zens and a most tunable laay, g lesIof he free Crayon Pictures we are haviug made for our cub possessing womanly traits that were t0mers- v' s truly Christlike in character and JOB-Twentyfive suits of fire All-WoollCassimere inlCutaway Fr9ck was esteemed by all who knew her. Suits, sizes 34 to 36 i or .400 a suit. They are 10.00, 12.50 and 15.00 suits. rrL un, nave the .vmhathv ot Uall on us and see tiiese ana oiner.aLirncucxia. X tic ucicaivw x j - i j the entire community. tm 1 t .1 try. M t RAVfTlAa took place at Bethpage church this i la W& w IM QZ t af FETZER ternoon.

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