XlH.-No. 108. CON COU1V N. C. TUESt) AYt UGUST . 25, 1896 j WHoikB NO. 1,487 ANNOUNCEMENTS i .CONCORD'S HUSTLilR. $ i FRANK HOWAfiD NERVOUS. Bnilt More Factories Than Ay Mnn lhoAeKro f s Broke Down and Does rAD RPfiTSTER OF DEEDS. X U frunnVfnl for past favors, I hereby tnnnce myself a candidate for Office of Register of Deeds for In North . Carolina and Still in the Pnsb-Now at China Grove and Mt. Pleasant. . ' ;:.!' About the busiest man in North Xot Eat Christian Workers. Visit film . t :-.--v ) Not until tbe souhd of the saw and 'hammer a Bed bf th& carpenters 6 . "xu I Carolina outside of the Dolitinians. il u 'L W V:- 11"' - jij . ininnfitv. Riimect mj iu iu" i r : u nuo cicuwuu ui. mo callows uiu. CaDa kramnnr5itin nominatine U8 Mr; R A Brown J of this city, who Wn v Tr,a,b fln (11 ijuo -- v ? ; m.vt?biui , uceiu nuu iJO . U rB nflAI 1 11 I IT JOHN K. PATTERSON. . - FOK SHERIFF. Haying been solicited by many of my friends, 1 hereby announce myn Belf a candidate for tbe oflBce of Sheriff of Cabarrus county, subject to the county Democratic nominate jng convention, t -V. Respectfully, - W. MARTIN WIDENH0U8E 0 W H THE DICK CHEAPEST N THE GLOBE has bnilt more cotton2 factories and large brick structures than any man in the State. -He has just com pleted a mam mouth mill at Gas tonia and finished up work at Bee semer City, where he "-laid many millions of brick. He has three forces of masons and keeps them busy all during the outside working months.: One force is now at China Grove building the immense additional plant to the Patterson mills, while another force, under Mr. R L McAllister, is con structing the cotton factory at Mt. Pleasant, which was begun Mon- sonratifwwi ul X vZia t n Tlie time is now near approachme: when the trading pub en tenced to be hu Friday, reajize lid will want to know where they can get in-retnrn for their that his hfc iwastoeioa cash the greatest den end and not until: then did he and we wanHo say; right here that LOWE AND DICK will believe that jhe. would - hang. He supply all of your ants 1 for less inoney than 'any other does not sleep or eatand Is suffering house I We hay e all you wan t and every train is now bring with nervous piostration. He - is ing'in for us new stuff that will be dealt out at such prices thin and haggard. He wants very tnat.it will make these old time longprice houses shudder little and is not . talkative.-. Minis- just completed a FOR SHERIFF. I herebv announce myself a can ditWe for'the oflBce of Sheriff of Cabarrus county, subject . to the Democratic nominating cpnyention. day trom as j: WHITE. Mr- Browu has couon warenouse in mis city lor tne n nr rii. -:" : FOR cotton WEIGHER. oannou iYianuiauturing. compauyj i hereby announce myself a can 110x50 feet, started only two weeks didate for the office of cotton weigher ago. He is building the wMls on for Cabarrus county j subject to the which will set the water works decision of the Democratic nomi- tank, which is to ascend sixty feet. natiBg convention. F. A. ARCHIBALD. ter8 and laymen, both white and black, have visited him, conducting prayer and song services.. ' The gallows on which Howard 'At S3? JU ST LISTEN! r We want to show you what we are doing: 44 sheeting 4c 'Giuffhama S 1v2c! "Drftaa ilalino 3fi. Men's Shifts lfic ' lar- on. wnicn nowara -' r, r - - v,,- a r 1 : a will , swin? j is ,in readiness, ' .The Ladies' Black; Hose 4c, Ladies mixed hose 4a ;.Th bet 10c trap can be adjusted in a few min- 8Upender you ever saw. Boys' , suspenders 5c. u No better utes. The fall will .be seven; feet, line of Ladies' Bi ess Goods in the city all the way from 6c A highfence will be built that will to $1 the yard. ; See what you can buy for r enclose the gall6ws.f x. u vp-w- - 'nvrni ' ' i..T: - ' 'e 1 box Mourning Pins. Ladies' Two lilves Naveu, KJAM JZi Mr8.PhoobaThomaS, of Junction Handkerchief, 2 balls sewing thread; box1 blacking 10 slate City.fU.;.Wastold by her doot0rB pencUs a lea pendlg 2 erg ina she had consumption and that there x t w -j ts -; n,i1' 1 e' i TOno Asi,nn hKi Two big bars Laundry Soap for 5c, The best 5c plug was no nope for ner recovery, hut , x t. v: L - 0 jv fwn Whfnr Kin NaW tobacco m town , One box 3 cakes buttermilk soap , 83, 2,40(1 flTOfiflvwi w iif Mrrhmfl matches for 10c, 1 box 24 sheets paper and 24 envelopes for In a few days be will begin laying Eggers, 139 Florida St. Sau Francis- 5c Ladiesiine shoefor 65c, Men's fine shoes 90c. 1 iBig bar brick on the new bank building co suffered from a raadfal cold" gains in Men's heavy work shoes; Overalls 35c and up to $1, and in only a short while it will be anDroachinc consumntion; tried Sample Hats bought kt 50c on the dollar, and we are selling complete. . without result everything else' then unem.ine same way. oanor nats iJc, large wnite quiics ior Itcan be truly, said .that Bus bought a'bottle of DrTKifag's New ooc, iuu aozen snirts of eery style at bargain , prices, iuu - " j, .. mi : " , 1 I ; i 3 Z A I I il'.. "! 1 ll 1 . 1 T - - 1 r?idsrte for tbe otiice et Kegister oi r ;a o v,oi TT. moWa iHuovery aim 111 iwu wbbkh wh pieces ouunff oc vara. Closing out rne oaiance 01 our jaaies Dpeds for Cabarrus county, subject , . , , j; - C S?1!!1- ...tS ll.!:.SruZuA?aSf:ri low- shoes at 40 and 50c. The Greatest store" ihe Globe - -v - - r 1 w iiririv m 1 1 nr n an irnii iiiiiit uiiir. ia oiinn i rnamra f 11 -nr imiiii tviuucj rt thn Jomnprnnn n nmi ruin n cr r nn I ' J I ... m I frxm hntimna Lr-n-s-t ki m attt nention. Respectfully, TTT TTT'TyT7 TATTVCtAXT 1 J ' .... 4. ! Af ,r rt . , . . : i I j t Get in the procession and follow the crowd and you will soon land at our station, and you will always find willing hands to wait upon you: FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself a can- No. W. REECE JOHNSON. 1 township. ; that old, worn out land around the yards at the depot; : just think of how cotton factories and brick I , . I buildings nave come out ot it. Vm COTTON WEIGHER. ? Haying been solicited by numer ous votefs of Cabarrus county, I I f 1! J.l. I nereoy announce myseir a canuiuaie , . mormnc .. .. . for the office of cotton weigher, sob- " ! ject to the action of the county Mr. W R Odell and family re- Democratic nominating convention. I turned from the coast 'todav, after Forest Hill News. ? Mrs. Rev. M A Smith and chil dren left for Davidson this (Tuea- Attention, Company You are hereby ordered to assem- ble in your armory at 8 , o'clock to- night. - By. order. of youi; captain, W S Bingham. LOWE & DICK, CHEAPEST ON THE GLOBE. Respectfully, GEORGE F.BARNHARDT. No. OTpwnahip. 1 ! , a two week's absence from home. MBud" Suther in Jail. Several days ago we FOR COTTON "WEIGHER. : date for cpttpn weigher for (Jabar rus county eiabject to7 the Demo cratic convention, i ; : . 4r Roanonf Frill VU VJ VX Ull j J printed! an Mr. Fred James, an operative arkicIe referring to a razor that j had here in the cotton millis very fond Deen "oieu irom xvecua uaruCrBuuF of eating glass, such as electric auu luab lt UttU uccu AUUUVi 1U. k"r inK0 i.mn nViimrrB inHnur possession or a Doger negro, wno which he seems to reU W0UlQ notI Blve " UP- " Utttt uuw i I 1 l 1 ixl x r T Ll i 1U If nresented with a bottle of aeveiopeu xu uger uuugui; I -i i. i j razor rrom a wnite Doy nameu Charles Slither, familiarly known as We want to Beat 1 hereby announce myself a candi-1 panes, etc., is h. beer he will drink the beer and eat the bottle. HARVEY A. GRiEBER. FOR COTTON WEIGHER. -; ' y. Feeling some degree of encourage ment by the; genial attitude of my fellow-men in the county, I most respectfully ask your favorable con Bideration as a candidate for cotton weigher, subject to the action of the democratic county convention. Respectfully, HEZEKI AH MCNAMARA. Rev. D A Bras well came in last night and will spend a few days with his family at this place. Mr. A J Whittimore spent yester day m Salisbury and heard Uy Watson epeak. Mr, Whittimore says he is a good one. Rev. M A Smith left Monday to assist Rev. W M Robbins in a pro- tracted meeting near Enoch yille on the Otilna Grove circuit He will be absent until I Friday. " Campaign Buttons, .. CASTORIA "Bud'Jwho has been living at Pat terson's mill. Boger swore out a warrant arid had the Suther j man arrested and put m jail, tlej was brought to town Monday night. ASK the recovered ' dyspeptics, bilious suf ferers, victims of fevet and ague,, tbe mercurial diseased patient, how they recovered health, cheerful spirits and good l appetite; they will tell you by taking Simmon Ltykr Regulator. The Cbept, Puret and Best FamUy Medicine iu the World I t For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION. Jaunce, Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE. Colic, Depres sion of Spirits. SOUR STOMACH, Heartburn, etc. . This unrivaled remedy is warranted not to contain 5 cents each. at For Infants aiidCliildreii. single particle of MEKCURY,,orny mineral Substance, ut is OWOSITE ST. CLOaD HOTEL! PURELY VEGETABLE, ' I a. j . ' I AGENT, Officetyer DRUG STORE. S Ices r tTsTT xnsta. To Ieeture Here. Rer. Isaac M Yonan, a native of Persia and a graduate of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminars', will be here Wednesday September 2nd andwill lecture at night in the Presbyterian church . Rev. Yonan j will doubtless prove to be of much interest, as a native of the part of the globe that we know so little j about,' as a general favorite among his American boy classmates at the seminary and a genial and winning character. containing those Southern Roots and Herbs which an sill-wise Providence has placed in. countries where Liver Diseases ' most prevail, It will cure svu Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver and Bowels. Th SYMPTOMS of Liver or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain fnintc. often mistaken lor Stomach : Loan of A costive and lax : Headac! . the -: "Record for July, We are determined not to spend our time and energy grumbling about dull times. We will pitch in and make times lively. Now, in ors der to make this incoming month the biggest July we have ever bad, we are putting out a lot of "Hummers" and we are going to make them hum. We are going to do away with Stickers. We will make Movers out of them Here goes: About 60 pre of Ladies nne shoes of Zeigier's and Jbteed's mkes, all small sizes, 2, 3, 3 and 4 that we will pell at $1 a pair. Not a pair among them but cost $2 and over. They must go. NO. 2. About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, some patent leathers, some tans, some fine dongola pat tips, all to go at 75c. . They cost from $1 tc $1.50. They must go- L NO. 3. -About 50 pairs Ladies fine Oxfords, all Zeiglers, tan, gray and black ooze and fine kid, sizes 1 to 4i. All to go at $1, Made to sell at $2 and $2.50- They must go. NO. 4. About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfords and 1- strap Sandals Zeiglers. Bay State and Padan Bros-, all to go in at $1.25. Call for them they won't be here long. They must go. NO. 5. A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c. NO. a FOB MEN: A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxfords at SI. They are $1.50 shoes, andture Iresa stock just bought them. SPECIALS. ! Wnmenn Solid Leather Shoes at 65c Womeas solid Leather Pebble ConpUint are a bitter I Qratn and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. These are $1 V? 'Sld " I BhftAB. all freHh and nice. Ladies fine Donebla kid button shoes, made at ppctite ; Boweb alternately I Alexandria. Va. Solid as any shoe in tbe market, regular $150 shoes, to he: Loss of Memoryrwith a I ! oi frAia Vina fiaiin lil AhnAo' Tnno nnrl oftitArn ftf. ftl. Thpv ftTfi rrTrr'l . " f UiUd to do something I K v" L"f " r T i 77 fcJHj whiwhTrtbThave : bn done; DeblUtyi Low TCgUlaT 1,25 SUOeS. MenS fieavy Jlingllon X 168, VCIj "Qay BLIUBB, i.W OOUU gpirits; thick, yellow appearance of the skin and as leather can make them Big job in straw hats at 10c, some of tnem s&4??y 1fenthmoSnSSK'e are 50c hats. We buy Trunks in car loads and I ; retail them, at wholesale iSSS& ie Eri. tne largest prices, p One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price, We have organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, eYerything in the line of clothing and f uniishing goods- Everything up; 3 to date ad at pricesthat osn-t be beat anywhere the State. Call and IOC juuuwmg r : r I BOO QOiUpiCDitll l10'SWW VtnjvuxwiiiueB nw mxw B virtues on simkqm wwm. . -"- - Mu fW r. S. W. R. R. Co. : Rev. J. R. Felder, Perry. u: Col. E. K. Sparks, Albany, Ga.; C. Master on. Eq.heriff Bibb Co.,Ga.; J. A. ButtsrBainbndge, Ga7; Rev.J.W. Burke . Mscss, Ga.; Vnrf I Powers, Sunt. Ga. S. W. R. R. ; Hon. Alexander H. Stephens. We have tested its virtues personally, and know that for Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Throbbing Head ache, it is the best medicine the world ever saw." We have tried forty other remedies before Simmons Liver Regulator, and none of them gave us more than tem porary relief; the Regulator not only relieved, but cured C'Ed. TblecrawI and Mbssbncex, Maco,Ga. : " Sf AKVFACTUKKD OKLT Wt . ' j.ll. ZK1XIN Si CO Fb&uHphia, Pa. tpmers- 1 JOB Twentyfive suits of fine All Wool.Cassimere inJCutaway Frock Suits, sizes 34 to 36 lor 4 00 a suit. TUey are law, iz.ou ana io.w buiw. Call on us and see these and other attractions. CANNONS & FETZER ,f-t.i "

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