AX OUTFIT CAPTURED Mns Made a Raid Monday Two Fine Sermons, j OUSTED. SLEEPING NEGROE53. Mi. Smith Shaping of this city,! At.tpndpl fha moafinrr D- . Their Rest 90 - ...i m the Haul Got Fifteen r wniuey-An unexpected Lutheran cburch ; in Rimertown . Mn wave Tnem the Dodgfc Sundayjast, and says the attendance anti Escaped. was the largpst gathering he ever Haiders were out Monday night. witnessed at a country church. Rev. Blockaders have been running S D Steffey, pastor of St. John's promiscuously through . parts of church,, preached two, fine sermons, 'Cabarrus for a long time and it has with great effect upon his listeners, been a hard matter to catch them. A baptismal service took place, Nevertheless, Monday night Sheriff when two children were baptized, gims, Revenue Officer George W Rey. Steffey will preach at that Means, Deputies Will Props t and church on the 3rd Sunday at 3 t ftSma left town 8hortlv after o'clock. Oh "Tnf an fc TUhfiflm JHV .- i 'I . dark for the Jingle place on Coddle creek, to nab a man that has been giving considerable trouble out there. Mrs. 11. JJ Holmes Dead. Mrs. R J Holmes, of Salisbury; L 0 W E & D i C K, THE CHEAPEST ON THE GLOBE. The time is now near approaching when the trading pub lic will want to know where -they can get in retnrn for their" cash the greatest amount of goods , adapted to their wants, and we want to say right herethat LOWE AND DICK will supply all of your jVtants ' for lless money than any other house; We haye all you wanfc,: and every train is now bring ing in for us new striff that will be dealt out at such prices. negroes neatled uSlmall pile of that it will make these old time long-price houses shudder. shaving, i Himself and Nightwatch- T T "Y T"PY Broken by Intruders at . Midnight A Great Nuisance. ; Since the new Phif er-King build ing has been under coyer, the store rooms havq been a rendezvous for several of the many negroes that lounge around town, making it their lodging place; ; Mr. W D An. thony has the contract for painting the rooms! 'and ' being suspicious of the "roost," yisited the room soon to be occupied by the-New South Club and there; found sey erali si u mberin g man Johnston busted them quicker. LISTEN ! Going op the creek towards died at 6:45 p, m., Monday at Con- L . J ' ,R r, -yLV We want to show you what;we are doing: .4-4 sheeting MnVris' mill, about one hundred nelly Bprincs. A telegram to Mr.' " 5 v-;----;--7- mc-(jjnghamg 3 lv2cf, Dress Calico 3c, Men's Shirts 15c, lar Zii, from the heme ofEvans Tays WM S.uith Bays she iW ill t,e boned peP: '"FK ?T SRest towel on the globe ioi 5 rind 10c-Bleached Domestic 4c, , a short distance from , the road, tomorrow morning: '. " 'f; ... . " Ladies' Black Hose 4c, Ladies.mixed hose 4c. .Thd best 10c i o worfnn ftnrt ftt nnnA:hft. i Mrs Holmes WftB IhA nnW onr ; . ' k F vmw. j v u v t yi. .. . v , , ; j u u wouuuui u u. v to investigate, finding in the yiylng member KJJM ' t tVi f ',1 t from various people about the aggre- line of Ladies' Diess Goods in,the city all. the. . way from 6c TT ... D y; eation'ofllUtle neirobs that con. to $1 the yard. See what you can buv for 3 Heilig. Her "mother r - . . -' . .t i . - - j 1 ..; ; -,- ; j , . ? r j . . n..A.JC j gregateunder the wninffs, over the NMTH niTITVriTl'. 40-hair Viina. 2 rarers Tittfidlps. waguu r j , i e gregate under the -awnings, c S8,1UU u:nwc' , r u J. - ,7 "v . 'r'" 'eWewalMonlSohaayXwS atGnight, fifteen gallons or corn .wnisxey, x nis riatj aim iuriueu me hdk v 01 ; reia-, find was all seized, together with tionship, of Mrs, .Holmes to the the wagon and team. T 7 Smith and Furrs and others of Ca- The man bad leii the wagon aod barrusV ;J ; 1 ;;m ) was found at the home of Taylor The late deceases of the family trying to sell some Whiskey, having were Major 8 G Heilig, of ' Mt.1 his little brown jug with1 him. The Pleasant and Col.; F N Heilig, j! of officers preyented me trade, ho weyer, Salisbury, The 'other members of and wber they put in their appear- the family were. Caleb Heilig who ance the man stepped aside to get a died before the lata war, Mrs -Key. drink of wateri He made one lean Cone, formerly Mrs. John Miller passed out of the sight of the ana motner .ot. Mr. uaniei Miuei -B" 1 box Mourning Pins,-ladies' m;?n? Handkerchief, 2 bails sewing ttread; box ttackin 10 slate V mdeH pencils, 3 lead .pencils, 2 papers pins. . Tety:obscene januaga and make ;t i . Two big bars Laundry Soap for 5c Thebest c plug so iii peasant that lsjiestate to tobacco in town One box 3 cakes butiermilk soap 8c, :2,40() goBy suchVplacei, especially oh Sun- matches for 10c; 1 box 24 sheets papeiand 24 envelopes for day. The trouble has been laid be- 5c, Ladies' fine shoes for 65o Men's fine shoes 90c ; Big bar- fore the policemen and ? it behooyes gams in Men's Aavy wotk snoes, Overalls 3oc and up to $1, the authorities Jto rid the town of Sample Hats; bought at 50c on the dollar, , and we are selling such'a nuisance. y'.if'i them the same way. Sailor hats 10c, large white quilts for '; ' mt' ' "';v.' .'V"; 65c, 100 dozen shirts of e ery style at bargain prices, 100 Tbe naKistrate iectuiis. pieces outing 5c yard, closing out the balance of our Indies' ' Some muddle seems to exist with low shoes at 40 and 50c. The Greatest store oo the Globe officers making his escape. It is of 8tatesyille,V and Mrs. George "ga o the election of magis- for bargains. Every train bringing in new staff that will go i,. PAftVw Rrnht: mothpr nf thA TRm. trates. J v f: , : at sucn a price as to kuock: out competitors. River for his water. hardt brothers of Salisbury. The nam? or tne, Diocsaaer is not 4" uni.u . ;,:M oofrfft hands to wait UBon vott." iv 1 om l (tiiu uud auuiuvuui I j. i of the I r, . - , - -- ? trates. The law directs that three oagis- Get in the procession and follow the crowd and you will trates shall be ellcted in each town- soon land at our station, and you will always find willing known, but indications are thathe is and we haye not possession from Stanly county. An overcoat particulars. She leaves a husband was in the wagon, in the pocket of and family of chill ren who have which was, founti an, envelope ad our sympathies in this their sad be- drpssed to Hon. S J Pemberton at I reavement. Albemarle. The Sheriff was nt)t after this man, but brought the plunder in just the same. The eam is aVBrown Bros, stable. for each one thousand inhabitants . , - , . . . of a town . or city. This requires the election of nine magistrates in Concord. One third of the magis trates retire every two years, by expiration of term. Of course they & DIG CHEAPEST ON THE GLOBE. W E K, The Ideal Panacea. - James L. Francis. AJdermaD, 10th. Chicago says : I regard lr. King's Lowest iemperature ew Discovery as an Ideal Panacea 30th. ' - for Coughs, Colds and Lung Com plaints, having used it in my family for the last five years, to the exc!u- sion of hysicians's1 prescriptions or other preperations. Rev. John Burgu8,Keoku3f, Iowa, wrires: I have been a minister of 11. the Methodist Episcopal church for 50 veara nr mnrfl. anrl havft never found anything so beneficial, or that U&TT Weather Report for Aucust. Tne folio wing weather report for are eligible to office again. the month of August is furnished The nomination of magistrates n hv piof. H T J Lndwi. of Mt does not belong to the county con- p.' OT,i... . vention. They are nominated and f ieasant ... t : . ; . i, . , T. . . . Highest temperature 97, 9tb and ele.cted tneir respecuve town- snips. Ward No. 4 passed a motion last Friday night authorizing its dele gation to the county convention to be a committee to confer, with like committees frpm the other wards for the purpose of nominating suit- 52. on the Average temperature 78.8. No. clear days 12; partly cloudy 8, cloudy 11. I Total rainfall 2,95 inches. We Want to Beat . tHe Record for July. RAINFALL FOR THE gave me such speedy relief - as Dr, King's New Discovery. Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial Bottles free at Feszer's Drug Store. February March April May June .Inlv ' I want every man and woman in the TJnitea AUgUSC fctates interested in the Opinm and Whisky w nave UUB Ui. my UUUKb Uii tucsc ia - eases Address B. M. Woolley, Atlanta, Gi, I Total uux csaj, and one wiU be sent you free. YEAR. 2.06 in- 5 89 2.19 : 1.19 2.53 4.33 41 ' 6.83 u j 2.95 u 27.97 " We are determined not to spend our time and energy grumbling about dull times. We will pitch in and make times lively. Now, in or der to make this incoming month the biggest Julywe hav ever had, we rrn nnrfino' nnf. ft Inf. nf 4l:lTnlTleR', and we are coiner to make them hum. need the approbation of the other w n. enine to dolawav with Stickers. We will make Movers out of - . . . i . i - " . - three wards ana mat tne suoject them. Here goes: a hi a m on for magistrates. It is to Number days on which rain fell, be 0 d that this method will will receive due attention. u (I it A NICE LINE , ' -OF ;'. ; STICK PINS Jewelry vEteret OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL tail's GAST0RIA For Infants and Children, The fae- simila is ca eTery rapper. J. F- HU'RUEY, IMSUHAMCEAGEMT, Office over ETZERS DRUG STORE. Oolne to College. - College students are passing through to Mt. Pleasant every day. Mr. H B Shoup, of Mikesville, Fla , was met at the' train this morning by P. H. E Derrick, one of the coN lege faculty. Mr. Charles Phillips, of this city, left to-day and will begin his etudies with the opening of school to-moro row Others are expected to-night and tooniorrow. The Comins of Baby..'" When a babv comes to the house real happiness comes. The care and anxiety count for nothing against the clinging touch of the little hands and the sound of the little voice. The highest function given to hu man beings is bringing healthy, happy children into the world. Oyer thirty years ago the needs of women appealed to Dr. Pierce, now chief consulting physician to the In valid's Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. The result of his study improved by thirty years of practice is embodied Jn Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription. It strengtn ens, purifies and makes healthy the organs distinctly feminine. It gives weak, women the strength and nealtn necessary for the production of heaithy children and it makes the bearing of those children easy. : It is sura to cure any weakness or de rangement peculiar to women; stops pain, soothes inflammation, strength" ens, purifies, invigorates. rfominatea on First Ballot. It can't be beat. What ? The Model Steam Laundry, of .Charlotte It does the nicest and best work that can be done at any laundry Give it a trial and be convinced. See Anhrev Hoover, aeent. s2 About 60 nra of iLadies fine shoes of Zeiisrler's and Heed's mkes, all small sizes, 2, 3, 3J and 4 that we will sell at $1 a pair. Not a pair among them but cost $2 ana over. - TUey must go. NO. 2. About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, some patent leathers, some tans, some tine dongola "pat tips, all to go at 75c. rhey cost from to 5fi.5U. xney muse go- NO. 3. -About 50 pairs Ladies fine Oxfords, all Zeiglers, tan, gray and black ooze and fin kid, sizes 1 to All to go at $1, . Made to sell at S2 and $2-50. They must go. m , , , . . , . NO. 4 --About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfdrds and 1-strap Sandals Zeifflers.. Bay State and Padan Bros-, all to go in at $1.25. Call for themthey won't be here long. They must go. J NO, 5 A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c. v ' NO. 6. FOR MEN: A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxfords at 81. They are $1.50 shoes, and are fresu stock just bought them; , S PE C I ALS. Womens Solid Leather Shoes at 65c. WomeES solid Leather Pebble Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. These are 81 shoes, all fresh and nice. Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoes, made at so at 81. Mens Fine Satin Oil Shoes, lace and gaiters at $1. They are regular 1.25 snoes: Mens neavy Jngusn xies, every-aay auues, x.uu ouiiu as leather can make tnem. Uig aoo mi straw nats at ,iuc, some 01 mem are 50o hats. We buy Trunks in car loads and retail tbem at wholesale nrices. One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. "We have everytnmg in tne line oi ciotmng anu jurm&muK m uuuo uvajmuug up to date ana ai prices inn. i uo ucow buj wuv see sampleslof the free Crayon Pictures we are having made for our cus tomers ;:v:" v : . - . . ; JOB -Twentyfive suits of fine All-WoolJCassimere inCutaway Frock Suits, sizes 34 to 36 for 4.00 a suit. They are 10.00, 12.50 and 15.00 suits. Call on us and see these and other attractions 1'; C AW HO N S F ETZER -1 .

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