Arrival of, Trains. , from Richmond arnves at 11:17 a. ra. 3,5, Atlanta ' " 7- P- J: Atlanta " " 9:3.5 a. ml 37 New York " " 8:48 a. m It Northbound freight leaves at 11:17 a. m, j o t-o Irwal trains hetwpn .1 t 1 orp wall trains between 'Last i j ,0 aT the Atlanta and Washing- are the Washington ana ad Easy STOPS Rev. B. F. Davis, whn h0 w f 'W.low with typhoid fer-te Bii up in his bed. WANTED Salesmen to sell complete line j of lubricating ' oile, greases, .Tarnishes, specialties, etc! lnVhvvestern Vestibuled Limited trains and stop ""J "r I0e proper ConSd on signal. . ttv. GAIiLAND REFIKINQ 0 , viyioiauU, V. . 814 At a meeting of Baptists, near Manly Yost's store, in Rowan coun ty. Sunday last, Rev. J. J. Payseur pastor of the Baptist church of this city, immersed twelve persons, who "wuiue mem Ders or his church in luis city. Every season of the'year has its own peculiar malady. To render the system malaria-proof during these'muggy" and oppressive days, the blood should be kept pure and vigorous by the use of Aver'a Sar- saparilla. It will help you won derfully through the dog days. Mr. H McNamara, one of the many recent candidates for cotton weigher, Monday received a tele gram from his old firm, calling him back on the road. He will pell tombstones from now on and will furnish candidates that i die from disappointment special rates. Mr. Mc. will return in time for the county convention Saturday, "Be regular and punctual- in all things" was one of the old maxims, taught long ago. The last is not forgotten, but the first is scarcely PERSONAL POIrt TEKS; HEADAOH E IN A MINUTE. 10 and 15 cents per Bottle, at ETZEil S DRUG STORE. A BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS. kicked Up and Put in Shape Djr Oar MustllaK Pencil Pnihcr. -Thirty days has September " A fine fresh milch cow for sale, remembered, so irregular is the life "Call on Alley J Scott. lwsl. 01 f most people nowadays. The only corrector of this evil is Sim The members of Price Memorial mons Liver Regulator, which keeps Temple will celebrate their first the liver active and prevents the anniversary by a grand rally Sep- iUs of irregular living n- Dyspepsia, Member 11. Biliousness, Constipation, etc It Regular monthly meeting of the alfi0 CUreS these lroubles Hose and Reel company tonight WANTED Solicitors for cam Every member is requested to be paign book "Bryan, Sewall and present. Free Silver." authorized hv Brvan. ronn , . , . , written by Metcalf, Editor Omaha in Richmond this morning after .."6 --,vu world-JdLerald, appointed author by oaing some ume in me cuy "0" .0' tCn u 11 "11 Bryan. Contains speeches and visumg reiauves. CabatrU8 rUer ml" Platform. A bonanzar agents, a , -Rev. Wright G. Campbell. Tbe Ebb and Flow or the Tinman Tide at Tbls.'Port, as Seen By Oar Reporter p;.-. Mr. J. W. Ould, after spending a day in the city, left last night for Virginia. Mr. C. G. .Montgomery left last night for a trip through South Caro lina and Georgia. m Miss Julia Taylor, of Statesville, is visiting in the city, having came over from Charlotte last' evening. Miss Gertrude Caldwell re turned to the city this morning after spending ;six weeks at Har- risburg and N ewells. Mr. D. F. Cannon left last night ior the Northern markets. He will be absent for several weeks gather ing m ine annual tail stocK. Miss Margaret Cannon returned from Charlotte last evening. She had been visiting Mi3s Laura Wadsworth. Mr. John L Robinson, di Forest Hill, left this morning for Reids ville, with a view to securing a position." -.r. Miss LmarCole left for Greens boro this morning. She will al- tend school at the Female College iu iaai city. Mr. Pleas Monroe, of Rowan county, passed through the city en route l! to Ml Pleasant to enter North: Carolina College. Mr. W. A. Smith went down to Rocky River Springs 'Monday and returned to-day, bringing with him his daughters, Mrs. Watson and Miss Kate Smith. Mr.Jim Holshourser has gone to Maiden and will clerk in a drug store. Jim is a clever fellow and will make many friends wherever he goes. ,''-.' - -! Mrs. Kate Wearn and little daughter, Lucile, left for their home IG- LOT OF- CASHMERE " ; ... , I '' ' '.. ' SHORT. : LENGTHS, "Worth. 15 and 25c. yard, that we are go ing to DR. H. C. HERRING- Is again at the old stand, where he will be pleased - to e &U who are in need of his PROFESSIONAL - SERVICES ; ; . JN0. K- ERWIN. C- A- MISENHEIMER ' ERWIN & MISENHEIMER4 Physicians and Surgeons " Office No. 3. Harty building, op oosite 2nd Presbyterian - church. Charlotte, N. (V L M ARCHEY, M ,D Physician and Surgeon, Concord, N, C OFFICE : ST. CLOUD ANNEX Close and make : Out room for new goods at the How figure of 81-3 12 -k See Them. FIRE INSURANCE. .. - 9 .i. When in need ol Fire lusuiance. call und see us, or viite. We iepre sent only hrst-clat ? dome and f or eign companies. Respectfully, Woodh ns & Uajjlis. Rev. M A Smith, of this city, is assisting Ray. M D Giles in, a re vival meeting at Mt. Pleasant. 1 iree silver mine lor workers, uniy rived in the citv Satnrdav nioht Large plate glass have been $LoU, 1 he only authorized book, from iWoodstock, Va., and is a guest rplaced n the new Phifer store Pu Per cent- Credit given. reight of the St. Cloud Hotel. He will rooms. The new buildine is a Paia ' uuinnree. uegm now wnn spend several davs in the citv with ii : - a. . Ti.. . 1 . . . " beauty. cuoice 01 lemiory. rerinaneni, bis many friends. XEhere will be a concert in the The National Book Concern, Star opera house September 2nd by W. Building, Chicago. sepl2 M. Hilton, of Charlotte. Reserved . seats for the white race. Your pat- Mrs. Alice Foy, from eastern ronage respectfully solicited." 3t. North Carolina, arrived last night -nir w r ti . n i. x and is a guest of H.3q. Pitts. Mrs. Mr. John w Propst, for several .mr. u x uiacKweiaer nas gone to jnxr :a ?ha ot. Louis, where be will engage m janiyhtflrs nf the once well known Rtunlvmnntv. hM mnvAri t.n ftnld Td u u- citizen of Cabarrus, Mr. George Hill Rowan county, of Mr. A J Blackwelder, of this city, PlftQ Tt will hnrpmnmUPH that i His friends wish for hirn success. Ut. p;tD: mnin ' o v,om in thp Mr. Alonzo Blackwelder called r , 1 j . . inlt. ' Laotrn narf. nf tfiA SffltA snnn flftfir and! left the amount of a subscrip Monaay nigni was.ine luin iin-l :u. "w w , . 7 r tUaK TTo will . r.L. ui - m i nnr ato w r IV I ra nnv fl TaT.nfir. I uu " uu " uiveraary oi lue memorauie uarieH- - ""T. ; j . ntfpnH crhonl at North Carnlina CoK ton earthouake. How many of momer auu uuauauu are uu. u0 uneasiness ten years ago last night? M18 wishes to educate and has come Mrs. Pitts, who left yesterday for It is an old and homely adage 10 ooncoru wnu a view tu luuiu. Richm0nd to see her son Uallas,1and iinds an application Here. who has typhoid fever, writes to The maker of merchandise has CONCORD MARKETS, COTTON" MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzeri Good middling 7 60, Middlings .... ......... ,;.:..7.40 Low middling .6.75 8taina ..................... f to 6 PBODUCB UH&XXZ Corrected .hv ttW Swinir.. bacon........ 7 to S Sugarnred nams. 12ito 15 Bulk meata,8ides. 7 to 8 Beeswax 20 Butter ............................ 10tol5 Ohickena... ...... .V. . . .......... 10to25 Oorn . . . . . i ...... .... .... ...... .......45 Eggs.,;...... io Lard....:.. . ........... 7 Flour(North Carolina) ....... ...1 82 i Meal......................:..w...........45 Oats .................... 35 Fallow ...... ...... .. .... . .3to4 "... t . . - . - THE NEARER THE BONE THE - SWEETER THE MEAT. Mr. Sherrill is having the new Times ofEce in the King building trimmed in red, and the design is very suggestive. He likes to have his things read, even to his news paper. "r i - - Miss Mary Brachen will leave for Baltimore and New York to-morrow morning to purchase her fall and winter stock of millinery. She will spend three or four .weeksjin the northern cities making copies ot all the latest and most approved styles. Mr. Henry M. Cowan, chief clerk of the treasury department of North Carolina, committed suicide Satur day last by blowing his brains out. No cause was assigned for the rash act. It is believed that his mind was temporarily deranged. oooktb anv rftnn afflicted with S?. V a5 made a life-study of this ujr special, enronic or aencaie uia- prooiem Pieriitioh - -v m i r At I r brighten a mother's daily care9 and help her to be strong, capa ble and cheerful. It is'ct right for mothers to feel the burden ot ' life erowinsr heavier and heavier year by year because of child bearing and child-rear- insr. That shows some thing is the niotner s pnysicai con dition. There is some unnatural weakness in her delicate organism which disqualifies her for motherhood. When this is wrong everything is wrong. A woman's physical life is wrapped up in tbe special organs of her sex. When these are restored to health and strength the whole woman becomes Dr. R. V. Fierce, ot Mr. Pitts that Dallas; is somewhat reacnea the end of his snmmer. better and is able to sit up. Some one has been treating J M LomanV mule real mean. The staple has been drawn from his stable door for two successive Satur- SWouht Amoena SEMINARS A Flourishing School for Young "." ; Ladies. .; TEN TEACHERS Ornamental Branches Receive Oarefui Attention . KEY". O. L. :T. 2 FISHER, A, 21 Pbincipal, v 'MOTJNriPLEASC. N O His ease peculiar to their sex. Address tne leading physicians and sur geons of the United States, Dr. Hathawav fe Co.. 22i finnth Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. Next Sunday Mr. Hamo Black welder and Miss Cora Allman, of ine Cabarrus Mill, will celebrate ineir weddinty Hav- ThAV wfirft to iiave been married last Sunday, but the contract failed in some way to je carried out. All of their many mends have baen invited. - Arsenic and quinine are danger- uuo rues to accumnlate m one's system, and it is to hoped that these fulouuo. as a remfirixr rnr aenfl. nave i c: v i a bad their . AVa Ano nnro nd should be read by both M a 8M6 antirlntA Lr th ia young nd old. The Wit. the ot Perfectly Bafe to Wto. and TFisxA TwW. U the most successful remedy that has ever been known for women's peculiar ailments. Its sale exceeds the combined sales of all l.u miM'tiP; for women. It cures tne most obstinate uterine diseases. It . goes directly to the internal organism which 19 fhe rl7 seat of all the troubles. It impai to vigor and health where ; they are most needed heals ulceration ; stops the weak ening drains ; promotes regularity ; restores musfular pow?r to the ligaments, thus cor. lecting displacements of special organs x the only natural way. . . UTJfc Compute information regarding the Fa- timonials from hundreds who have used it, are embodied in Dr Pierce's Common Sense i Medical Adviser, a standard medical work of 1008 pages,: profusely illustrated, which will be sent free on receipt of 2i one-cent stamps to cover eat of mailing only. This complete Mamnj result have purchases that you by their His season is over ; yours has just begun. He' s anxious to sell what is left of his mades up product at almost any rean onnaVila QnflTlflP.O WTcTf tZ SaS Mr! etching your interest in this r . i.-llji.-- TYifittftr nrifl nai. a result have a ma n 7 n nr u u tin 11 ill i i. m u. u w w w -w ; ii mnrift some Ladies oa Gents E very where -i to introduce our fast selling goods; ! .f needed by alL "One agent made v- OOO KH Ana TTToaTr " Vnn'Pfln ff the1 same. 81,000 yearly earned, HERE THEY ARE" and permanent position, j n or par iSwisi Herb Tea Co., Chicago. Wash goodt 5, 810 and lu- I.-.-u 12i cents. Figured Mohair, Mr. James L Watson, for the black 36 inches, at 25 cents, past eight months connected with a barffain. Billows of hand- the UUIQ iViercanuie cuuipauy ui , . ' ,,1 Tx,rmdor Vhnw this city, has returned to Salisbury ksrchiefs, youidonder tow and will be associated with E W it could be done if we hada t Burt & Co., of that place. His told you, There's no loss to many friends regret to part with us, but a j Mr. Watson, and hope tnat ne wm 9 . r soon return. Big Gail! lO X OU Mr. John B. Bur well, of Raleigh,! wrtwiTr tha -nir I.' to be president of the tatesville H Kcf f Female Uoilege. Mr. ijurweii is vvmD ' possibly the best known educator 10, 0 ana ou ps. in the South. His long association Oxford Ties: Prince Albert with the Uhariotte f emale uouege, ana spring eei Ties in an iuo and afterward with Peace Institute AW tftft s These are Genuine in Raleigh, both of which institu- bargains, no bjd goods. All uon8 were u v irflnt from the lactorv, ? 4: 1 o n 0 r-rn rj -" i 11 sir v nnf) 33 1 ond to none in the South, nave marked him aa one of the finest teachers and disciplinarians the South has ever produced. Mr. Burweli will announce the faculty of the college promptly, and open the, school October 1st, Charlotte Come add See Us Gilsoi& Morrison. 1 . O pa ;ft U JO) . jlj' rn ; 1 . 0 a SPECI ALTYSSSSiS: tiary BLOOO FOISON penaanently cured In 16 to 35 days. Yon can be treated afc. homeforsame prire under same guaran ty, if yon prefer to come here e will eon tract to pay railroadfareandhotelblland nocharee, it we fail to cure. If you baretafceamer BXUl rout i Si ontl it la this Secondary ISLOOIft IfOISON w nr. 5- V.. . m m a .4 m . . . A exxry. toaiae poiasn, ana bxui DawBcaes mr nVrt of thebody. Hair or Eyebrow? taiiinfr Min. ni nni fsiT.r n in mnnuL e Aiuuau . inmpleft. Copper Colored Spots TJleers on aa tr nrre. Wa olldlth most obatl Bate cases ana cuancKP - case we cannot cure. This disease) nas always k tmt a tin of the most eminent physi cians. 6500000 capital behind our uncondlW uranty. ausoiuiciiivai) DTTjv-tu tion&im spplicatton- Address cuuii . t31 Uascslo ScBple? W 1 ) t 1 : wanted to ture. ndTc AssoriaUonBuflfalo, N. Y Observer uxy

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