fldeli Manuf aBturine Go. MANUFACTURERS OF Fie G-ino-hams Ontino- Cloths ; , Plaids Sheeting ' and SaltiBags. AUJLJLJ '111 GENERAL MERCHADISES Buvers of -o- COUNTRY PRODUCE 6t all kind, and 4-foot woe dv always" wanted- best prices for same. We invite an inspec tion ot all the goods we manufacture. ODELL MFG. Co., Concord. N. C rd Mional Bank. COKCORD, N. C. J. M. Odell, President D, B. Ccltranb Cashier. L. D.jCoLTRAiffE, Assistant Cashiei Capital, Surplus,? $50,000 $16,000 DIRECTORS ; J. M. Odell, D. F. Cannom Elam King, J. W. Cannon Wc R. Odell, W. H, Lilly, D. B COLTBANB CONCORD MARKETb COTTON "MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling ..............7 60. Middlings ............ 7.40 Low middling ..6.75 Stains .................. ... ,K to 6 PRODUCE MAitKEx Corrected bv C. W Swins. Bacon........ 5 to 7 Sngarcured nams...... 1 12 Jto 15. Bulk meat3,side3....V.....'.....5'to 7 Beeswax. ....20 Butter,.. 10tol5 Qhickena......... ...... ......... 10to25 Oorn.. ......... ........ ............ ,.45 Eggs......... 12 Lard 7 Flour(North Carolina) . ...... ...1 82 Meal.,...;.......... ................45 Oats......... 35 Tallow ............... ...... ..... . 3to4 A SPECIALTYfe UaK.Ph?(iD POISON permanently curedlnl5to35 days. You can be treated tit noma for same price under same gnarao ' v" " c,Vr come nere we will con nocha: cury, iodide p pains. Mucous Patches in month. sr tkT aches and Pimples Copper Colored Spots. Ulcers on any part of theWy, Hair or Eyebrows i faStoS out. ib ta this oecondarv lir.onr rtr we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti nate cases and cnallenge the world for a i ZlmS11- This disease hJ?alWay1 of d ?lik the most eminent physi cians. 8500,000 capital behind our tmcondi. tional guaranty. Absolute proof s sent seSied o L. M, ARCHEY, M .D Physician and Surgeon. : , x Concord, N, O. OFFICE: ST. CLOUD ANNEX j rsre.lf we fail to cure. If you have taken )tash. and still h Of Interest to Bicycle Riders. There can be no question that one of the most important parts of a bicycle is the tire. It has to bear the brunt of the work, is constantly coming in contact vith destroying elements, and generally receives trie least care irom tne riaer. ids im portance of the work it has to do r was earl v recognized by maters oil bicycles, however, and they have ,fl hnwflvfir. and thev have given mucn auenuon to fcuio im portant adjunct of the wheel. j Tnwre are t'oday, pernaps, thirty difTerent styles of bicycle tires oh the market, all of which vary in detail. As to their various merits theories are of little value; actual experience is the only way to de termine this question. Unless an article gives satisfaction, demand lor it soon ceases. After a test pf over six years, during which lime double-tube aod single-tube tires have been marketed, at least three f o u r lb s of a il t b e r i d ers i n t h i s cou p -trv today demand and ride double tube tires. The leading firm in the United States, ard in fact in the entire orld, in the manufacture of.doii-ble-tube tires, is Morgan & WrighY Cnicago. Their history is inter, esting. The first pneumatic tire-j the rags-and-glue kind was giving trouble, and Morgan & Wright stepped in to fill a great public want. They furnished a tire that could be easily taken from the rim to be repaired. That was the prin cipal requirement in those days, besides the usual requirements of speed, durability and comfort. j That was several years ago. Single-tube tires had been pushed in Europe, and were failing, and the same effort was being started in this country. The Morgan & Wright double-tube tire quickly proved its superiority with the result stated above. The quick-repair inner tube, which is this year a standard feature of all of this firm's tires, has made the position of double-tube tires practically invincible, by making it quick and easy for tne riders to secure, at tbe roadside a permanent repair, a thing admit tedly impossible in the maiority bf single-tube accidents. Given Away JFree To advertise our goods we w 11 give a May, absolutely free, one box of five-cent cigars, one gold ring and a sample bottle of Peeler's Pain Killer to every one sending os fifiy cenis to pay packing ana postage. Address, Peeler Anderson Medicine Co. y Lock Box 1, KernerEyille, N. 0 Reduced Railroad Hates. Reduced rates. have been author ized "for the following occasions: Annual meeting of ithe Concate nated Order of Hco iHoo, Nasn ville. Tenn., Sept. 9,j?9G Tickets for round trip one first class limited fare $16 55. Tickets on sale Sep. tember 7 'o 8, final limit Sept. 15. 5 Per fit. Per OR 60 Per Cent. Per Yeap Guaranteed to All Investors on i - Investments both Large and Small WHEN MiDE WITH j Thf ;New York Investment Co. s BROKERS IN t . f Stooks, Bonds, Grain fand Cotton, 40 AND 42 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. P S. People who desire to have a steady and urec income on small or large investments e nd for our explanatory, fre. ; TRADE KIAtiffi DESIGN PATENTS, Month ft Scientifio American 7 Aflency fQ1 xtttxtt ia"ua ana Iree iianaooos write to 1 -JS071 & CO S61 Broadway, Kew York. Oldest bureau for seeming patents ta America. Erery patent taken out by us Is brought before the public by a notlee given free of charge in the year; 8L50 six months. Address, MUI' Vublishees. 361 BroadwayTTW -YotS CUyT f Dr Miles' Pain PHls cur Neuralgia, J Forest mil Jfews. ; Mr. John Mclnnis is temporary depot aget at Forest Hill and also reading clerk of No. 2 Ward pri mary convention. Mr. W F Johnson and Miss Lillie Dennis, both of this place. were . , . Sali8bnrv Thursday. by . . , ., - e -.f-. ev. A u uoDurn, pasior ui nnt Hill station church. The young c?upJe haye the best wishes of a host of friends and acquaintances. Mr. George Wilson, of Montgomo ery county, is visiting his brothers, Messrs. J E and W A Wilson, at this place. Mr. Wilson made the trip on bis wheel, a distance of 45 miles in 5 hours. ReV. I G McLaughlin, pastor of Back Creek church in Mecklenburg countyVand son, William, came over to hear Rev. Isaac M Yonan; of Persia, lecture. Thev spent tne i night at Mr. J R J Cochrane'e, on Spring street, and returned home this morning. Mr. I F Mabrey returned to Mc Adinsville yesterday, after spending a few days with his father, Mr. J M Mabrey. Mr. I VLowder, of Norwood, is visiting relatives in the city. Mr. John Parker came in from Columbia the other day with one foot entirely worn out and the other was quite tender. Tlie Coming of Baby. When a baby comes to the house ieal happiness comes. The care and anxiety count for nothing against the clinging: touch of the little hands and the sound of the little voice. The highest function given to hu man beings is bringing healthy, happy children into the world. Oyer thirty years ago the needs of women appealed to Dr. Pierce, now chief consulting physician to the In valid's Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. The result of hjs study improved by thirty years of practice is embodied in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It strength ens, purifies and makes healthy the organs distinctly feminine. It gives weak women the strength and health necessary for the production of healthy children and it makes the bearing of those children easy. It is sore to cure any weakness or de rangement peculiar to women; stops pain, soothes inflammation, strength ens, purifies, invigorates. The Passing of Tillman. Tnere seems to be no doubt that Ben Tillman is losing his popular strength in South Carolina. He is still the most influential man in the State, but he doe9 not enjoy the ab. solute 8 way which was his so long. He exerted himself to the utmost to secure the nomination of his man, John Gary JSvans, in the recent Sen atorial primary. If Tillman had possessed the influence he had two years 8go he would certainly have been able to pull Evans through. There is to be another primary and it is very probable that Evans will be defeated by Judge Earle, who ran him such a close race last month. The defeat of Eyans would be a severe blow to Tillman, and the lat ter will make a desperate effort to restore his waning prestige. We hardly think he can do so. Many of hia former followers are growing weary of his arbitrary and despotic sway and will not hesitate to Knife him.- V"-Y"'-'-'v' Tillman has probably seen his best days as a political boss. Atlanta Journal. For Over Fifty Tears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain,Vcures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. ; It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-fiye cents a bottle, Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth ing Syrup," and take no other kind itVdptablePrcoarationforAs- similating iheToodandRegAita ting theStomachs andBowcls of Promotes Digestion,Ckerful- ness and Rest.Contains neito Opnim,Morphirie nor Mineral. Not Karc otic. I' 1' It. I Pumpkin Seed' 4bc.Senna JiMU Sails jbustSeed. Jlppernant -&i CafbonateSodar fi fan Seed -Clarified Sugtrr . . Vtiatayrvca' Flown il I t I ! A ncrfect Remedy for.Constipa- I tion. Sour Stoirach.Diarrhoea, Worms Convulsions Jevensn ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP- Tac Simile Signature of TEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPEB. Made . in . Crayon . or The is if fc . mi Price Thatjattracts customers to our place of business. Beginnifltoday, June. 30, J1896, we give to. - CASH PDROHASERS ONLY one of those HandsomePortraits whenjthey have bought furnitnre to the amountj ofA$25,Vand if the portrait js not satisfactory you need not take it until it is. We givejyou the PortraitFree. You pay only for th e frame. ' The cost of the frame, glass, etc., will be only $1.50. i This is the best and cheapest way to0ge.tlitfeJike por traits of Yourself, Father, Mother, Brother, Sis, ter, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, and weJhave the Furniture, and canj suit the most fastidious. Wljien you want to rest easy try one of our larger easy Rockers or one :of our easy Reclining. ""' Coushes, or one ofrour Sofas, and when you want to make your bed easyjand comfortable buykone of our Wire Spring Mattresses. We have a complete line of Furniture Suits from $10to 100. Space will not admit our mentioning every ar ticle. Our prices are low. Come at Jonce and begin on Jhe portraits and "get you afcard and have it punched whenever you make a parchase; . We are yours to please, DRY & WADSWORTH THAT THE FAC-SIMILE ' SIGNATURE OP IS OW THE WRAPPER OF EVEBY BOTT3U5 OF U V Gastoria la put up in one-size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone to sell, you anything else on the plea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every pur pose." See that you get C-A-S-T-0-R-I-A. The fac simile dgB&ture of . LIFE LIKE PORTRAIT - FREE.. . Water . color . Tints I IE Sip yV7-t0- is ca. .The Loadstone

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