118' CONCOUl, N. C MON DAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1896. ! - Wtto.NO 1 407 XIII. No. VOL 5 PROSPECTS BRIGHTEN. I REAPER DEATH AMONLr US. 1 CENTS Saie of Dress Goods, Another Railroad for Concord and Cabarrus Can Be Had if Our People Will Pull TogetherAn Enterprise That bhoulci lutterest Everybody. As we haye heretofore . stated in bur. paper, thejirospeota for another railroad to our town seem to ongnten, ana jwniJe we are not at liberty to publish all the facts j ust at tbi.8 time, still we feel very much cuuuugcu w,m mo pew prospect cea8ed was A A .U-.'-.SLS -1 -1 1? I luuucu.tuo uuzeuB aiuujj me line nathv fplr' win give me matter bucq encour Summer agementai1 rdesere8 it win lie Gathers' His Sheaves from tbe Flowers of Manhood and Woman . hood. i TOURNAMENT AT SAUNDERS. 1- SfcT URDAY, ber, 51896, l'-' AT 1 111 ft DICK'S. EVERYTHING IN DIMITIES, MUSLINS, . . OREPONS, ETC. noticed from, our, advertising col umns that there has, been a meeting of the stockholders of the Concord Southern Railroad' Company called tor the 29th, when it is expected that matters will 4ake a more defi nite, shape, and that we can then give more facts to the public, The parties who are leading in this movement, and who have been here several times, seem to be thor oughly in earnest, and it therefore stands air parties in hand, who are in favor of the movement . along the line, to put their . shoulders 10 the wheel, and encourage the enter prise all that is in their power. Should this road be built, it would not be only of great service to our town, but would 'be tne means of distributing mohey all' along the line from Aberdeen to Concord, as the management assures us that it is their intention and wish to give preference along the line not only to local labor, Vut also to local tna terial. , - ,. We will endeavor to keep the pub lic fully advised as progress is made. The funeral obsequies of Martin B Blume were held in the Lutheran church : Sunday, Rey. Obas. B Miller officiating. The discpurse was appropr ia t e an d full of coneo lationi The number and' the afcti- tude of the assembly bore testimony to the high esteem in which the de- held and f jheieep sym- f or the bereaved Mr, Blume was an: exemplary young man and gave promise of great good in leading a lifenof quiet purity and model ldvelihess, tut was called away from loving ones in compara tive youth, being 22 -years, 10 months and 23 days old. He had chosen for a 4ife companion Miss Ella Hotityctfiwif Uallant Knights Crowned tbe Lovely JHalds Miss Carrie Emerson, Queen or Love and Beanty, Misses Johnson, Maids of Honor. A very interesting feature of the season in No. 3 township, was a tournament given at Saunders, Wednesday, September 2j A large crowd was present to wit ness the sport.. At 4 p. m. the knights entered ithe contest and did some very good riding, considering the practice they had. Following s the list of riders 5 their ribn-de- plnnies arid v the riurriber Of rings taketf by each : J L Johnson, knight liyed in domestic bliss less than two t - i -.. - . -i - L - -, years, and. leaves her and his infant child together with other most en dearing ties. His remains were; laid to rest in 1 .. the city cemetery. As has already been noted, Sir. Blume 'was yisiting his grandfather, Esq. MA Lad wig, when he toot typhoid f ever and never again saw his home. For Over Fifty Tears will be closed out Saturday for the small price of 5 ctsperyarcL Miss Carrie L Walter, much against her ewn inclination, dropped her efficient labors a week ago and took her bed. For some days no thought of danger was apprehended, but symptoms1 late in the week told of approaching dissolution and she passed into the eternal sphere Salur day night at 12 0' o'clock. - She Stoekbolders and Directors Meet. There will be a meeting of the stockholders and also of the direc tors of the Concord Southern RalU road Company, hel4 at the office of W M Smith in Concord, N. C, on Tuesday, 29th, of September, 1896 ' at 11 o'clock a. m., when and where all parties interested are requested to be present. J W Oannoit, El am Kikg, Jno P Allison, . D R Hooter, WM Smith, Directors of Concord Southern RaiU way. v:-- - v-- ; Eleefrlc'Bltters. of "If I Can," 8 ; W B Mornsob, suited for 'any season, but perhaps 41 White CapV8 ; Baxter Johnson, more genefal.ly, needed, when the. languid exuauBiea ieeiing prevaus. when the nvems torpid and -Blue gish and the, need of a tonic and alterative is felt. 'A prompt use of this -.medicine ha often averted long an'l perhaps, fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting-and freeing the system from the malarial ppison. Headache indigestion, constipation, nizziness yields to Electric Bift re. 50o and $1. 00 per bottle at Fetzer Drug: Store. 7; NJ Archer, "Cabarrus," 5 ; AVill Stenhouse, "Can't Make it," 2 The ties were ridden off and' the success ful knights crownecl the 'following young ladies : Mri W B Morrison, Miss Carrie Emerson, "Queen of Love and Beauty 'Mr. .J L John eon, Miss Annie Johnson, first maid of honor ; Mr. Baxter Johnson, Miss Edna Johnson, second maid of honor. ! CASTORIA For Infants and Children. ThB fas-limila - f - ' - r Is ea vtvtj vxapper. General Inspection. This evening at 6 o'clock, Col. A sir. wriif.--wi rtiHr AOrti-urroeea io U&tulacHe- mlout "One outad J. F. HURLEY, Office over V tETZBRS DRUG STORK A NICE LINE OF- L Smith will hold the specion of company G. general in A number STICK PINS was a member of the German Re- of the company will leave i W ednes- formed mfuich at Mt. Gilead. and day for Statesville to fall in line od ner mortal remains were taKen mere iuo maruu uulu mat umw iu vuai The funeral ser- lotte. at Store, 1M- Mrs. Winslnw'fl Rnothincr Svrnri has That We have ill StOCk been used for ! over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the cnild, softens the sums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately., Sold by drugdatB in every part of the world. The former price Twenty-flye cents a bottle. Be sure - , and asli tor "Mrs. wmsiows cjootn- WaS 1U, 12 ana lO CXS bg Syrup," and take no other kind - r UC1 JdlU. I Under False Pretense. Last week a young man giving his name as S P Fink called at the shoe shop of Mr. J 0 Honeycutt, on West Depot street, and gave an ordr for a pair of shoes. When he had obtained the shoes, he gave Mr- Honeydutt an order bfl Superintend ent WilsoTTj. of the Cabarrus mill for $2, claiming that he was a mill operative. Mr. Honeycutt presented the order to Mr. Wilson, who re fused to pay it, because .bink was an unknown person to mm. oaiuruajr Fink was caught by an officer atd in some way effected a compromise The matter is not yet finally settled. j ' i BncKlen's Arnicasaire, The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, 1 Bruises, bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe xjAa nhiihlains. Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piiua nr no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statief action or monev retunaea. rnoc , box. For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store. Directors Bleet. The Directors of the Southern Cotton Manufacturing Company is in session at Bessemer Cityhis afternoon. Messrs. J M Odell, W R Odell and DB Coltrane, of this city, are in attendance. for interment. TJCes were conducted by Rev. H A etOBaVm'rr.i-Alea. v&inema OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL I Miss Carrie was intent on render ing the greatest service to her par ents and the family and was a lover of church, and especially devoted to Sunday school work, bo much did her mind dwell on things sacred that it was a source of Christian joy ALL MUST GO. We want to Beat to hear her sing praises: to our Sa viour and rejoice in his presence, to her so vivid and so comforting. Miss Carrie was just entering into the stage of womanly maturity, "and tne cutting on: oi a me bo uunaii . tne "Record for July. Wefare determined -not to spend our time and energy grumbling vpars 3 months and 15 cier to mane mis incomiDK moum iuo.uiB" ' or,w ,f v years, o muuiua auu . LO I if At "WmorQ ati r on na.tn mftkft thpm hnm. full hf hnnP. anriffhU L luwu,K UUV " Wi - M ?r"rr 7rr like seems a strange providence, about dulJ times. VVe will pitcn in ana mafie times nvejy. imow, in ors She wab 21 A ava nf arrm v.v. iu v 1 J r o f s rvnvnr liness and good cheer, bhe will oe fufim. Hpr ors: greatly; missed, out; ner virtues in About 60 prs of Jjadies nne snoes 01 zeigier-s ana idea's mpnes, an life and her triumphs in death will small sizes, 2t 3, 3 and 4 that we will Fell at $1 a pair. Not a pair among WQ o onnroA nf romffirf lnno- ftffr them but c6st S2 and ovef. They must go. be a souroe ,pf comfort long arer 2.-About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, some ruJ,wv 7 patent leathers, some tans, some nne aongoia pat tips, an to go at voo. Thelweepihg pereaved who must Thftv nst from Sl to $1:50. They must go. pntrir the week's1 duties with a new. NO. 3. -AHnut 50 nairs , Tjadies fine Oxfords, all Zeiglers, tan. gray hnrdflri and constant sense of life; and black ooze and fiWfcid, sizes 1 to All to go at 31, Made to sell at separation trom ineir d n8 on 4Abbut 75 pr's of Ladies Oxfords and l-strap Sandals Zeiglers. Sunday have our deepest sym- aiA A xor. foil t on in . i 9 mil fnr thPTnthev pa thy. L I ft DICK, Marvelous Results. From a letter written by Rev. J GundermaU. rbf .Diamondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this ex tract: I I- have no hesitation in re- commendihe Dr. King's New Dis cover v. aia the 'results were almost marvelous in : the J casa of my wife. Bay State and Padan Bros. .fall to go in at $1.25. Call for them -they wont be here Jong. Tney must go. NO. 5.A '-few pi's of Misses Oxfords, sizes.12 to 1, to go at 50c. v NO. 6.-FOR MEN:;? A lot of Tan, Uoat and .Black Yici Hid uxiordB at $1. They are $1.50 ehoes, and are fresh stbek just bought them. s PECIA LS. WomeE8 solid Leather Pebble CHE STORE. - Womfinfi Solid Leather Shoes at 65c. While I was -pastor of the Baptist Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes, at 75c. Thjese are $1 cnurcn at xiives o unction . sne was 1 snoes, an iresn ana nice, jjaaies nue avuxjuiu mu uuuuu buucc, wouo m brought down . with pneumonia Alexandria, Ya. Solid as any shoe in tne k aret, regular oioo snoeB, 10 succeeding .La UripDe, Terrible go at $1. Mens Jb'ine Satin Uil dois, iac ana gaiters ai i. iuey are paroxysms of coughibg would last tegular 1,25 shoes. Mens heavy En ?lish Ties, everyday uhoes, 1.00 Solid hours' wi(h little interruption and it as leather can make them. Big job in straw hats at 10c, some of them seemed as if she 'could not survive are 50o hats, w e buy Trunks in car loads una retail inem . at,. wnoic Baie Onp. hnnrfid Mens fine Serce Coats at just half .price. Ve have King's New Discouery; it was quick everything in the line of clothing and furnishing goods. Everything up in itsjwork and.ighly satisfactory to date and at pricesshat can't be bat anywbeie in the State, Call and in results. Trial bottles free at see samples:of the free Crayon Pictures we are having made for our cus- Fetzer s Drug Store- K?gular size tomers 50c and 81,00. ' (j JJ) L W Kill V J-l V tJ UUHD Ui XlliKJ AU- y uuJivocDiuiCiu ju vuvuiiuj,- Suits, sizes 34 to 3G lor 4 00 a suit.f Thf y are 10.00, 12.50 and 15.C0i8uits. Call on us and see these and other attractions. ' A Bnsy Day. The board of county commission- ers bad a busy day of it in paying up the county's debts. All the'road overseers and supervisors were in - ------- -, with their bills. CANNONS FET Z R. ' . , .

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