' 3 Vo XI1I.-o. 121, CON COUl, N. C, TH OBfe b&Y. SEPTEMBER 10, 1896. Whom NO: 1,506 ft LOWE THE SOUTHERN SHAKES UP. n wbtte, Two BUek. Populists and Republicans 4 J Chea pStor e. Filled to the top now with jiey goods. Everything; you iTTont in the wav ot a. new flress from a 3 cent Calico, Gringhams or VI aids up to the andsomesl line or i i Dress Goods at SI. 00 per yard in town. The styles are abso lutely correct and the price is right. Udles : Black amity The Changes Bid Fair to Extend Over Jiore Territory Than Thai Already Invaded. A 8 noted in Tuesday's World, Capt. 0 W Lee, who has heen master mechanic here for ' several years, is succeeded, oy Hrf W H Hudson, of Atlanta, Ga., and Mr, Addacer, also of Atlanta, is made general yard- master at this place. A notice was posted at the shops yesterday; that Mr. Hudson would are manipulating the political strings in a quiet but effective way. Can cuses are held at some place within the city limits nightly. " One white man, a Populist, and two negro Re publicans held a secret midnight session during the first part of the week in a dilapidated house on West Depot street, half way between Gorps of the 1 he Zouaves. The Anthony Drum Fourth North Carolina Regiment, left Wednesday evening for States ville, from where the companies of the Regiment will march to Char lotte. The boya were Zouave costume and gave a fancy drill on the square before leaving. dressed in the row mnrnincr SaiH a. rlrnaH man As the boys were forming in line to march to the d ft not. thn nlpvpr I vuc equare uu tuc ucFuu, uuu drniraial:. Dr. M Murah f rpa take charge of the new shops at success of the Populist in arranging them to inpd drinlc and Mr. vD rv Spencer and the local shops tomor matters for his own glory is not Montgomery paid his respects with ; deflnitely known. It is believed, a round of cigars, however, that the Populist's plans The following young men com; were treated with contempt, as indi. pose the corps : R L KeesIeri Q ifi cations are that fusion between the Smith, G B Caldwell,. , Ed Moss, W two parties ia not probable. It is Morris, Jay Sims, Hope Barrier, said that the Populist is heart-sick George Murr, Ed Murr, Kiah and sore, but will be in the race. mu" on??ontt Jleea' ana x u uaiaweu. xnree servants accompanied the boys. , Htelcholders and Directors neefc. There will be a meeting of the stockholders and also of the direc tors of the Concord Southern RaiU' road Compaay, held at the office of WM Smith in Concord, N. C, oa Tuesday, 29th of September, 189 at 11 o'clock a. m., when and where all parties interested are requested to be present. J W Cannon, . El am Kino, JNO P.ALLISON, D R Hoover, W M Smith Directors of Concord Southern Rail-way. last night, who generally knows what he is talking about: ''This means that the shops here will be done away with, and I haven't any idea that they will be running two months from now." And it looks yery much this way: to us. The master mechanic at Ashe ville has also been succeeded by a new man, a Mexican J. F. HURLEY,. IMSCIRftNCE AGENT,. Office over lETZEIVS DRUG STORK went on duty this we hear is true there will be some covery. as the results were almost marvelous in the' casa of my wife. Marvelous Results. From a letter written hy Rev. J. Parties coming in from Salisbury Gunderman, of Dianiondale, Mich.. Bav the Zonavea ave a fannv drill on are in that place Wednesday , we understand, who we are permitted to make this ex- . J . . ., . tract: I have no hesitation in re- te sqai us week, ana if what commending Dr. King's New Dis- night. more shaking done before the game 1 Worf thrBaitist ------- . . i J Dt1t ia onHoH I ffVmrrrti nf KivAR JnnnMnn bVia wan L he JbeSt Salve 1U ti?e World for 1 . i - .- Th nLif brought down with pneumonia Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt at all prices from 75 cts to It is stated that Superintendent LucceKeding La 0ripDe, P Terrible Rhenm. Fever SoresJ Tetterd Cnanne 84 50 per pair. Wells is at the bottom of the husi- paroxysms of cougrhiug would last Hands. Chilblains, Corns and all TO 1 it .a or;w Skin Eruptions, and positively cures FULL LINE OF Salisbury to lose the Bhops now lo Ithm. A friend recommended Dr. Piles or no pay reqni-ed. It is p.at.ed ViPr ftn nnmWnf thn Am-1 Kincr's New Discouery: it was quick guaranteed to give statipfaction or - - . . J . t j i i i- e a. I - . , ,w t . o.- j i . . , r - inns worsanu rugaiy sausiaoioiy monev reiunaea. rrice xo cents per PailtS P'0JeeS T S-W- fe!! ltoIe.tPlBPetr'.-.I)rng I Men's from 75 cents to $3.00, there. Salisbury World. 50c and SI, 00. rnttnn llnfl AAb WnrflA Tlinn Ever. Mont Amcena Opei Twentv-five dozen Men's tha HPsaion of Mont The outlook for the cotton crcp is Work Shirts that originally I A no inum nn0n fnfiav with I no more encourasins than it has w .1 w - - - V mi Un UbUllUW J UVUV. M VVJ .UI - - a M sold for 40 cts nasre been re dueed to 25cts. Ten dozen n a sffc f ACHKiOMi nmccMATisM reliever by Or. Miles' Nerve piaster O O -A. Xj ! K L Cravei is now receivinc: A NICE LINE -OF - '' 1 " STIGKPIMS at Etrreli's Wry Store. OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL COAL BURNERS. Every citizen of Concord who iatendfv; to burn coal during the comirjg- -wintex-will save money and trouble by purchas ing from us. We will handle the best eiis' HE&VY mum. a large and flattering attendance, been for the past several weeks. and after a four month's vacation Beports from various sections of the Q best Jellico Lnmp Coal, and rest, the youbg ladies will get cotton belt show that there has been Also superior Hard Coal, Kgg down to hard study. The follow- little saving ram, and that even if and Stove. Prompt attention, ing delegation passed through the!ra-m had come it would have Free delivery. Orders son Wedrreadav nieht. in which SoUth hi... u ua llClted,- " j - v i none iiiup guuu, iur- iu ouu uou Carolina as repented by a yerj . v . . . . . 0 rk The 1 liV W . . A v. ... a f I J HTrnlitv rnn'thfi matched lor j orOD 0f iggfi is fearfully short, and j ui a. sv t . m m- . -w "w-m m m it the price. A I X aunier, COIL i anypaTlL solicited th?t sold for 75 cents have Wn rftrlncftd to 50 cents. The JELLICO n and will deliver any quantity 4 of the city. Tom orders art Headquarters at Blar kwelder'si store, or West Depot Street. j oS m00 Boltsi WOOL JEANS that will go ai the extremely low price of 15, 9,0 and 25 cts per yard. ia& :aju.j . : -v 6 ,rop Qf 18g6 i8fearfany short, ' KP ' Mf ia yonnrto tliaf. fViA rnfton Will nfi Jnlift Hftntz. Cornelia " r Henlz, Zenith Layton, Jessie Lay- f '""e ton. Kuth CoDclaad. Audio Jenny, croP- The bears and future dealers are Minnie Fellers, E!ise Voss, Lola becoming alarmed, and it is pre Haltiwanger, of Son th Carolina; dieted that the staple will bring 10 Miss Belle Penland ; Miss Min- cents by November. v We want to Beat the "Record for J uly V. NEW Never haye we been so well fixed in the shoe line as at present. We have the cheap est shoes you will find any, place. New lot of those big 10 cent nie Kluttz, of Salisbury; Miss Hat tie Goodman; of Mill Hill. Misses SHOES. Ella Blume, Ida Blume, Ella WaK ter, Addie ratterson ana uia ueaij of this city, will leave Monday for that institution. good will A Card. We wish to express to the memi bers and friends of St. J ames church, onr Bincere appreciation of the "warm and: hearty reception given us in the lecture room last . ' laWninff Un'dl a)m fnr thfi manv anb- hat sold so fast, hite . - of tfe Wilts all the way. irom ou cts . tit, t nn nL hnrRA i sent to the; parsonage. 1 .i. a We nrize these things, for their still W TiPw oods dailv and halue, but aboye all for the kindly will fill the basement. We sentiments tbayipres May God want your trade this fall- and bless our union as pastor andpedple, will Rftll vnn ornofls very lowmak as mutually helpful ana in order to get it, You loose fruitful in faithful labors. money to make a purchase Very truly, without seeing us. Ghas. B. Miller and Family. o i - A slight advance is reported to day, the price paid being 7.85. ' ASK the - recovered dyspeptics, bilious suf ferers, victims of faver and ague the mercurial diseased patient, how they recovered health, cheerful spirits' and good appetite they will tell you by taking Simmons Liver Regulator. The Cheapest, Pur8t and Best FamUy Mediciuein tlie World! ' For DYSPEPSIA,' CONSXiPATlON, Jaundice, ..Bilibu attacks; SICK HEAJJArlr vpuck jjeprc- of Spirits, bUUK biUMAtl, neanDurn, c., r sion TKic nnnvstMl ri-rrirHv U warranttd HOT tO contain single particle of Mercury, or any mineral supstancc, ut is 1 PURELY VEGET AoLt, containing those Southern Roots and Herbs; which an all-wise Providence has placed in countries where T Svr . ricjaps most nrevail. ! 'It will cure all Diseases; caused by Derangement of tne JAver and IJowels. '.- J. - The SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint are a bitter Wr tte in the mouth : Pain In the Back. Sides or wumbb . - emory, with a Welare determined not to spend our time and fnergy prumbliaigr about dulJ times! We will pitch iD and make times lively. Now, in oi. der to make this incoming month the biggest July we have ever had -e are putting out a lot of "Hummers" and we are going tomake them horo We are going to do away with Stickers. We will make Movtrs out or them. Here goes: , , ' . About 60 prs of Jjadies nne snoes oi zeigier s ana ieea g mdKes. j small sizes, 2J, 3J 3 and 4 that we will e ell at $1 a pair. Not a pair am Dag; them but cost $2 arid orer. They must go. ' . NO. 2.About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, some patent leathers, some tans some fine dongola pat tips, all to go at 75c They cost from $1; to $1,50. They must tgo. .,. .. ,m -y.f NO. 3. -About 50 pairs Ladies fine Oxfords, all Zeiglers, .tan gray and black ooze and'fine fcid, sizes 1 to 4f . "All to go at 31, 'Made to sell at: 2 and $2.50- .They must go. . :. . ' J , - Ten .4.. a limit 75 ma of Ladies Oxfords and 1-strap Sandals. Zeiglers. Bay State and Padan Bros., all to :go in at $1.25. Call for themthey won't.be'herelqng. ; They must go. . , ' ' t " NO. 5 A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c. , NO.' 6 FOREMEN: A lot of Tan, Goat audiBlack Vici Kid Oxforda, at5Sl. They are $150 shoes, ana are iresn, stocK just Dougm inem. SPECIALS. i. Stomach: Loss of Appetite; Bowels alternately :osthre and lax ; Headacke Loss ot . M Li E I dig;; CHEaP store. Concord Floor and Feea Store. Fenix MiU" flour, millfeed; bran, meal and chicken feedi, kept at Lore baildingMbn West depot- street and for sale by e24 G G RlCKMONDi " i . ' Art Senoo . Mrs Jennie Klutfz Art 8chool nii onen on September 14. Recom mendations, etcM are in the hahdf nf hfl rmncipal of the graded Wnmend Solid TieatKer Shoe&at65c. WomeiiB solid Leather Febble? flfiin1 arid Glove Grain-Tjace larid -Button-Shoes at 75c. . These are $i painful sensation of having fdoetog I shoes, all fresh and nice. , Ladies.fine,I)opgola,kid buttpn 'shoes, mae at TthicC Solid as any shpein thejxarket, regulari.ou buobs, to tegular 1.25 shoes. iMena heavy ngiish Tie$ every-day b noes, 1.00 Bolia which: au; finirits tro . .Mm rriiurh. often mistaken for Consumption. c;mo. mnv nf. thw vmttoms attend the " ' - " i ... fhmi di at nthm verv lew ? but tne LIVER, uie largest t - v-t j 57:70 -n. i:r.'.: ;r "i . ,? t " Ianine body, ,ig30bin straw ttata at luc, some 01 aneia and if not Keguiateq in ome, great suucrwg, wv.- , .. Rn.- V,of o 1 VV A hll V'TfTITllrrt in ar lOaQS Alia ' reiail m WUUltBttl Siit. Oa.S. W1R. R. : Hon. Alexander H.btephens, ; We have" tested! : its- vhtuei' personally, and know that for Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Throbbing Head ache, it is theses medicine the world ever saw. We haves tried,f9ity, other, remedies, before Simmon Liver Retul; SaShe'pf gavf u more Uian tern. Dorary relief; the Regulator hot only relieved, but cured k' Ed. TiLBGArtt Messokr, Macom, Ga. . MAKUTACTimKO ONLT BV , tomers- i- -ML. LILES PAIW PILLS. On cent a dose." JOB-TwentyVfive Biirts'of fine illbolICassmiere in Cutaway;Froe3s Saits, -sizes 54 taP6 iprPQa suit. They are 10.00, 12.50 and 15;00 suit Call on us and Bee the8e arid Other Jtractfons. UU

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