Vol. XIII.-No. 123 CON COlll), N. C, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1896. Whole NO. 2,eCfe ME i Clieai pSto re. : Pilled to the tot) now with new goods. Everything you want in the way of a new dress from a ' 3 cent Calico, Ginghams or Plaids up to the handsomest .line of i i HIbH WATER MARK. :: WATSON AND GUTHRIE HERE . ;:::v..:'-vv;:v. Five Hnndred and Fonr Ntndents in The Gubernatorial Candidates are All Departments at the University. JDlsscnssin? the Issues : Jointly A CHAPEL HILL, N. 0., Sept. 11. Good! Attendance Watson win The high water mark of attendance spea Tonight. has been reached this week at the According to date previously an University. The first week closes nounced, Hon. Cyrus B Watson and with a total attendance of 504 in all Major jWm. Guthrie are here dis. departments. Tnese are distributed ca8sing jointly, the issues of the day; as follows: Collegiate department The hour of speaking being so late, 280, law 45. medicine 26. summer we are unaDle to give a synopsis tov school 153. This means, if the ex perience of the past is carried out, a ers m total enrollment of 600. The Fregh man class numbers thus far one hundred men. Notice of Seizure. Seized near Concord, N, C, on the night of August 31t, 1896, the following property for violating the Internal Revenue Laws of the United States to wit : Two small bay horses one two horse wapon and harness, "about 15 gallons of whiskey and four empty kegs, sapposed to be the property of Jacob Hartsell. Notice is hereby given to any one claiming said property to give notice in the form and manner prescribed by law to the undersigned at hip 1 umue io Asneviue, in. j.y wiinm ou days from the date hereoff, or said property will be declared forfeited Mr. s mm day, but will furnish it to our read Monday's daily. There are several hundred countrymen in at tendance. Many of the faimers are t0 the Government of the United hindered from turning out on ac- States. By Sm L. Rogers, Collector 5th District N. C T Q XT l -nit-m i 1 . . 1 1.1 . . r ..!..! Xfc. O, JLJ.M,Ii.O, made his formal opening address to 8Pea.K aL cne court oon8e ai 0 0 CI0CK Deputy Collector. the students on Tuesday in the pres- lJulKm- -avery uuuj is respecuuuy ence of a large gathering, outlining iavited 10 hearhin. the policy of the University and his Groom 76; isnde 67. own policy to the younj? men. The Dr. J L Johnson, of this county, mendations, etc., are in the hands 1 I a 1 1 L " ll 1 n Stockholders and Directors MeeJ. There will be a meeting of t2 stockholders and also of the dbea tors of the Concord Sou them road Company, held at the offico- air W M Smith in Concord, N, C, 33 Tuesday, 29 ch of September, lStH- at 11 o'clock a. m., when and wbst all parties interested ; are requests to be present. ) W Cannon El am King, Jno P allisok; D R Hooyer, W M Smith, ! Directors of Concord Southern RaH The week has been an interesting count of the busy Reason. Mr. Wat otia ah OhnnAl "Rill ' T)r Alriprmftn the Democratic nominee, will w nt m V M w w m m -m m w 1 m W Wl Tl Jh p MJ w I Art Scboo . ;j- ' , ' Mi 8. Jennie Klutt'z Art School will open on September 14. Recom- snppfih wafl rpHfiived with prfiaUn - Mvo i 11 Alonn oiVic of the principal of the l - o 1 uuu JJXi a, XIX j umupi VI UU . A CDIUtO I , . iuuoiaoui wj iu juuue lxxu. cxiw near uas xtiage, uuinora county, partly as a result of it all the o!d wtre unitea in the holy bonds of Dress Goods at $1.00 per yard classes of the University have volun- mairimony yesterday at noon at the in town. 1 lie styles are aoso- tanly adopted resolutions prohibit- residence of the bride's son.in-law. graded 812 J. F. H U RLEX , , INSURANCE AGENTr. Office over . tETZEWS DRUG: STORED right. Two hundre d Pairs Blankets 8elf government. The new adminis neln Wanted female. $10 to 818 per week to Men and Women for easy home work. No booka or canvassipcr. No experi ence. Bona fide offer. No catch. the faculty in- the first principles of Ridge. Rev. R L Stafford offieiatett. Send stamp for work and parties lutely correct and the price is hDg hazing, thus co-operating with Mr. John W Stafford, near Oak ; 4 50 per pair. FULL LINE OF Men's Pants tration starts on witn all the ae partment8 in thorough harmony. All the student organizations are forming and the great school is thoroughly started on its year's work. Commons Hall with arrange ments for boarding one hundred or more opens with tea next Monday night; It is one of the best equip- Twenty-five dozen Men's Ded dinine rooms in the State. Both Work Shirts that originally thia and the kitchen are due to the beneficience of ,Mrs.toick Ba ker, of New, York. It -is a great boon to all students. Jbive new men from 75 cents to $3.00, sold for 40 cts have been re duced tp 25cts. Ten dozen (illir HfiSI OVER ALLS The groom is 76 years of age while lars. J. iierrmanri bontn bixtn . -i ii ,j " Street, P nladelphia; Pa. c31 the bride's age is 67. . . Mrs. Alson has relatives in Win- Help Wanted. '- u -u 4- j . I Aerents wanted to sell Macintoshes otnn inhnm sho TrtoifoH ooruro I nana ! i B and Robber Clothing, Tires, and a ago. Dr. Johnson is the father of fan )jQe 0f Rubber Goods, f Part or Mrs. H W Foltz, of this city, and is all of). Free samples, and protected , Tmmorliofoltr Afbr fho .prcmnnv 1371, NeW York. the newly married couple took their departnre for the home of Dr. Johnson, in this county. Winston Sentinel. '''-:C Ifcadache and Neuralgia cured toy.Dis JULES' PAIN l lliLio. "One cent a aose." A NICE LIN OF PIN STIGK mm at OPPOSITE ST, CLOUD HOT EI. COAL BURNERS. Every citizen of Concord who in.tCB? to bum coal during the coming w iaiis will save money and trouble by purc2ii -ingfromu?. We will handle the -Is aai; world for ,S,K.L Craven is now receivins: thebestr Jelhco -Lump Coal, Also superior Hard Goal, Egg th?t sold for 75 cents have been reduced to 50 cents. The qvality can't be matched for the price. f -lOOBolts- WOOL JEANS Backlen's AmicasaiTe, iThe Best Sai ve in the A'V- Outs, Bruises, bores, Ulcers, Salt I nA QfrtTTO prAtY1T,f rtnrimi mcuui tmcuu tucxx ultulCuW Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe " haye been added to the teaching Haifde Chilblains; Corns andll Free, delivery Orders, sp. fnrnp an infltrnntnr anVi in Tjafin. Glri . Riiinf .nn onrl rnoif i 70l7 nnrQ JlGltt?tl ; ' " modern languages, English, history Piles or no pay required. . . It is and ecientific physical culture- guaranteed to give statisfaction or While the. last does not count on a For eaie at P B-Fetzer's Drng AyU O Wglllt tO uuuioc jcu mi, iucuuuug iiuuico Store. the State thoroughly, equipped to JEUICO and will deliver any quantity in anj?lL of the city. "You 1 ortiers are solisSri-CU. Headquarters at Blakw elder's stoi&j ck West Depot street; , The Young Men's Christian Asso ciation gives its annual reception to that will go at the extremelv Lhe new student3 with retreshments Georcre Barnbardt liart. make intelligent physical culture 0n Thursday last, Mr, George ,F practical, pieasanc ana proniaoie. Barnhardt once figHriDg as an at. tache of this office, met with quite a serious accident. He was riding his Beat ! tlie "Record for July lnv -nrice! of 15 ' 20 and 25 cts per yard. - NEW : SHOES. Never haye we been so weir fixed in the shoe line as at present. We have the cheap est shoes you will find, any place. New lot of those big 10 cent and short talks, music, etc , Friday night in Commons Hall, TO HEAR BRYAN. on hpnamfi frightened i - - v ..; ' , ... . w ora ilfitfirmmfid not to snend our time and fnersY gruraS&n and threw mm, Druismg auu - - Wo -nh 4 dUihnfiRHiv. Mow. w scratching him up pretty badly. We der t0 make this incoming month the biggest July we have ever hatf-srt K, rriovi tr knnw that George was are putting out a lot of MHummerB?;and we are going to make them huasw. are ad to know that ueorge was fft Hn ftwft with stickera. We will make Movers oui W fi W V.Ufi V v w . . that sold so fast. White X Special Train Will Probably Be Rein From This Point to Cbarlotte Thursday Xext. The Staitdard learns on relia ble authority that the Southern Railway Company will probably run a special train from this point to Charlotte on Thursday next, when Candidate William Jennings Bryan; will speak there. If Concord and not fatally hurt. Quilts all tlie way from 50 cts Cabarrus will furnish 200 passen up to $1.75. Our house is gers mo j now fnll n-n to the toD and we commodate them. One first class still crpt. TiPOT tfnnris dailv and will fill the basement. We want your trade this fall and will sell you goods very low in order to get it, You loose money to make a purchase without seeing us. ASK the recovered dyspeptics, bilious suf ferers, victims of fever and aguethe mercurial diseased patient, , how ihey recovered health, cheerful spirits and good appetite; they will tell you by taking. SiMMONb Liver Regulator. The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family . Medicine in the World t For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Depres sion of Spirits, SOUR.STOMACH, Heartburn, etc. This unrivaled remedy is warranted jiot to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any mineral substance, bUtlS .PURELY-VEGETABLE, T.fo;riinT tVnse"futhem&ootsand Herbs which an fctA 1 ' , . all-wise1 Providence has placed" in countries where f.Viom.' TTerA enfis: Ahnnt. fiO nrs of Ladies fine shoes of Zeigler's and Reed's mib$ 51. small sizes, 2 3, 3i and 4 that we will fell at SI a pair. Not a pair them but cost $2 and over. They must go. m- JSU. 2 About one nunarea pair. oi uaaies xime uiiuru iieB-BBizaisi patent leathers, some tans, some : fine dongola pat tips, all to go at .ix. They cost from SI to $1.50. They must go. - KO. 3. -About 50 pairs Ladies fine Oxfords, all Zeiglers, ' tan 23.3 and black ooze and fine feid, sizes 1 to 4. Ai: to go at i, iuaae to bcai 2 and S2. 50M They must go. ' ; . - ' : v l J rT1rr KO1. 4 About 75 prs 01 Liaaie8 uxioras ana 1-strap oannais eijaa. Bay State and Padan Bros., all to go in at 81.2c.. Call for them thsar won't be here long. They toust go. ; j ' NO. 5 A few prs of misses Uxiords, sizes to J, to go at ouc. NO. 6. FOR MEN: A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Onfoii at 81. They are 81.50 shoes, and are iresn stocK just oougub mem.. fare, 70 cents, will be charged for I 'I'VtA nnm r I mill I . tv u , T nrfll nT- all tne Tonnu "tT "f. ffiSS.SiVr th. . - Wo5.en9 Solid Leather Shoes at 65c. WomeES solid Leather RB2te lee the station early in the mornj- xijyr b v. . i,.5, .a Glove GrairiJLace. and 'Button, Shoes at 75o. .These ara $1. A UC X i.A X X VJiTlU Ul V-U LJ."W m 1 - . -v m m I . 1 inc in time to land them in Charr lotte for the speaking. 11 nic;; V CHEAP STORE. Electric Bitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally neeaea, wnen me languid exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and jaliig ffish and the . need of a tonic and Alterative is felfcl A; prompt of this j medicine has often averted lone and perhaps fatal bilious fevers No medicine will act more surety in : ";tin and freeing the system from the malarial poison- Headache inrhGStiOn, CODBUyauuu, iiuyoa vieldf to Electric Bitters. Wo and bottle at Fetzer' Drng nr had taste in the mouth Pain in the Back. Sides or -Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism ; Sour Stomach; Loss of Appetite; Bowels alternately "costive and lax; Headache; Loss of Memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do sometmng which aught to have been done ; , Debility ; Low Spirits; a thick,' yellow; appearance of the Skin and Eyes ; a dry Cough, often mistaken for Consumption. Sometimes manv of these" symptoms attend the disease, at others very few ; but the Liver, the largest ; organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretch edness and DEATH wilf ensue. : - The following ?highlyestemed persons attest to the virtues of Simmon Liver Regulator : Gen.W. S. Holt, Pres. Ga. S. W. R R. Co. ; Rev. J. R. Felder. Perry, Ga.; Col. E. KT. Sparks, Albany, Ga. ; C. Master son, Esq.,Sheriff Bibb Co.,Ga.; J. A. Butts, Bainbridge, Ga.; Rev. J. W Burke,. Macon, Ga.; Virgil Powers, Supt. Ga."S.W.'R.Tir-; Hon Alexander H.Stephens. W hove . tested its virtues nersonallv. and know that for-DyspepsiaJ Biliousness. and .Throbbing Head ache, it is the Dest medicine the world ever saw. have tried forty tkher Remedies before Simmons Liver Regulator, ana none of thm gave n more than tem porary relief! the Regulator ntt only reHetel, bat cured is." EId. Telegraph ad Messenger, MacowGa. MAKtJFACTVRBD OKLTBT , ' J. H. ZEILXN & CO.. FLadelphi. p, Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoes, ma Sst, hVioph. all fresh and nice. Alexandria, Va; Solid as any Bhoe m thenarket, legular yi-oo fenoesoo. go at $1. Mens Fine Satin Oil Shoes,; lace and : gaiters at SI. Thegacrto Eneriish Ties, everv-day bhoes, 1.00 fcciaa. o . - . a - as leather can make them Big Jbb m straw hats at auc, some ojpzixk nn. v,oei i - w hnv TninkH in bar loads and retail them at wholcs&dt Drices. One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. We hnnt everytHibg in the line ofclcthin and furnishing : goods-Everythinsrcp, to date and at pricesi.hat can't bpj beat an vwhei em the State. Call aaa see sampleslof the free Crayon nctures we are navmg maue wr uuj bUiUUl 19 J X V till "li. V t3 DUlbO Ul JJ.JJO - 1 wy'luooiuiui " . . "" Suits, sizes 34 to, 36, Jor100 a :boiC.1 Whey weau-uu, i2.ou ana loaaua tJAll nn 11 H HI1U HCtJ LUCBO DUU UlUW.(MmvnvMBi CAWNOSMS ill W 4 Store.