'..'The Standard . i published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carrier. KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION I One year. - ... -. . $4 00 Six months. . ....... , . . . Three montbs. . , ..... ... 1.00 Oae month .35 Single cony..'. . ......... .05 The Weekly Standard is a four-page, eight-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other paper. Price $1.00 per annum, in advance. ADVERTISING RATES : Terms for regular advertisements made known on application. Address all communications to - THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. Arrival or. Trains. - x"p. ii from Richmondiarrives at 11:17 a. m. 3S " Washington "- " 10 p. m. :2 Atlanta " " 7:22 p.m. 36 Atlanta " ." 9:35 a.m. s7 " New York " " 8:48 a. m 3 " Atlanta " " 9:00 p.m. 64 Northbound freight leaves at 11:17 a. m, " 63 Southbound " " 545 p. m. Nos. 11 and 12 are the local trains between Richmond and Atlanta J J Cook, of fro. 5 township, was to have gone to South Carolina last wee!:, but was detained at his home on account of an attack of malarial fever. It is hoped that he will soon be out. consider it my duty says Mr. .Dies, of San Diego, Texas, "to certify that AyerV Pills have com pletely relieved my wife of neural gia, from which complaint she was, tr a loDg time, a great sufferer." 1 hey are easy to take and always effective. On Thursday last the congrega tion of the First Presbyterian church supplied most bountifully the pantry of their nastorv Rev W C Alexander, who, with his family, had been away for a month. WANTED Salesmen to sell complete line of lubricating oils, greases, varnishes, specialties, etc. iiood bpportunity for the proper party. Garland Refining co, Cleveland, O. sl4 Rev. Prof. C L T Fisher, of Mont Amo3Qa Seminary, preached to a large concourse of neoDle at Cold Water Lutheran church Sunday afternoon. His sobiect was "Th ios. ana w are the 1 lionnnn nu:t t tt.h 11 tt fast mall trains between Atlanta and Washing- "T. U1 U11BL xuw -611. niS ton. Nos. 37 and 3S are the Washington and dlSCOUrSO Wa8 OUQ lull Of lnforma- bouinwei-ciii vrauuuicu wmiicu trains ana Slop i 4.:,.., 1 1 . . Loticora on signal. UUu up" itui maiuiugi People who live in new countries are liable to be prostrated by malar PERSONAL POIMTEKS. IE AD h A vJ V ial fevers. Inhabitants of cities, by ini J 1 reason 01 bad drainage and un STOPS HEADACHE IN A MINUTE. wholesome odors, suffer from simi lar diseases. AyerV Ague Cure is warranted a Bpecific for all malarial poisons. Mr. H C McAllister, Contractor R A Brown's efficient 'foreman, came in from Gaatonia Saturday night. He will resume work at once on the tank. When the tank is complete he will finish up the Phifer building and from thence to China Grove, where he will be en- The Ebb anil Flow or the Unman Tide at YMsf Iort, aseen By Our Reporter Mr. George Horn buckle left this morning for Trinity College. Mr. James C Fink is spending a week at Misenheimer's Springs. Mr. D J Bostian is in Albe marle, having accompanied Hon. S J Pemberton home. Mr. Richard Gray, of Charlotte, was in the city yesterday, having come over on his wheel. Miss Hattie Cook, Messrs. Her bert Cook and P M Misenbeimer I. . ' 1 n t Bpent yesterday in irreensDoro. ... j The Hon. Cy. Watson went ! from here to Henderson ville, where he and Major Guthrie speak today. Messrs. C M Cooke, Jr., and R B Ieard, of Bessemer City, Spent Sunday in the city with friends. Messrs. E1gar Caldwell, Scott and; Albert Fretze, spent Sunday in camp with the Fourth Regiment boys at Mooresvilie. -j-Mrs. George W Taylor, who has! been visiting in the city for a mopth past, returned to her home in States ville today. -j-Dr. C A Misenbeimer, of Char lotte, passed through the city yes terday on his way to Mt. Pxeasant, Ma old home, to spend several days. f-Mrs. M H H Caldwell and chil dren have gone to New London to spend a week with Mrs. Richard Eames, Mrs. Caldwell's sister. Mr. Caldwell accompanied his family as far as Salisbury. BIG LOT OF- CASHMER'E 5 Per Cent Per Month 60 P H t P IN SHORT : L NGTHS, and 25c. Worth 15 yard, that we are go ing to ... Ou 10 and 15 cents rer K" " - I d o uuiu umioiiujaot Bottle, at A Rnenial to the Durham finn says that a man named Robt. Bowles, who lived a few miles from Roxboro, committed suicide Wed nesday night by cutting his throat with a razor. He sent his wife and child of! to get something for him, ana on tneir return iney iouna nim I tn I wnafo re9 Ana r tiro a nn a count of feeble health. (TIER'S DRUG STORE. Backlen's Arnicasaire. I'The Best aaive in the world i or Cuts, Bruisas, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or - no pay requi'-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P B Fetzer?s Drug store. : : - T and make . room for new goods at the low figure of Guaranteed to All Investors :rr on Investments both Large and Small WHEN I) W WITH Thp New; YorkInvstment Co. . BROKERS IN Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Cotton, 40 AND 42 BROADWAY, ' NEW YORK CITY. j P. S. People4 who desireto have a steady and ure income Hon , ;small .or .large investments end for our explanatory, f re- . JN0. R. ERWIN." C A- MISENHEIMER ERWIN & MISENBEIMER1 i Physicians and Surgeons . Office No. 3. Harty buildiner, op oosite 2nd Presbytorian church. Charlotte, NGV FIRE INS UKANCE. Yard. -a SHORT LOCALS. A traeedv erowme out ot a mother's heroic attempt to saye her Mill child from death in front of a train Will Preach at Chapel IIill. Rev. Thomas E WInecoff , who came from Mississippi to this county some time aeo to visit relatives 'and . friends, has accepted the pastorate of the Episcopal church at Chapel Hill and will not return to Missis sippi. Mr, Wineccfii went down to Ral Miss -Berta Kimmons, of Hill, passed through the city on her occurred 1 near Newbern Wednesday, eigh this morning and will return way to Newell's High School. Mrs. James Wade, with her lUtle 0 Chanel Hill tomorrow, where he II I, Harris, whitfl was bafore the ? '. . . wn8 a. ral,a" will meet his wife, who is vet in . iT j C a j: tracK ana wnen tne train wnicn ajux iui ucxug uu "4D was approaching them was nearly f.nw cuy oxuxj,. o opposite them the little girl at- Tfr. 1?l,'nnWAU WHn nf TPnvaal I tomnt or! ! tn nrncn i n frnnt. nf it.. HThft into. iiz.a,uoiu i attoi, ui x- uicou w.. - carrt of Thanks. Hill, is visiting at the home of Mr. mother sprang alter ner anajerKea Pv ,Tx Cook, in No. 5 township. her backward and beyond the rails, me neroic motaer ueraeu, uuwcvoi, Mrs. Martin Blume and Mr. and Mrs, W H Blume request The The Laura Sunderland school, being mangled beneath the wheek. Standard to thank most sincerely See Them. When in need ol Fire Insuiance, call and see us, or viie. We iepre sent only nrst-clat Home and D or-, eign companies Jttespect'auy, Woodh u e & Ualbib. ' GAIIilO H f ETZER I THE NEARER THE BONE THE SWEETER THE MEAT, ine mile west of this citw will be gin its next session Wednesday, Oc tober 7. . : The time for. holding the even ing services at the different churches of the city has been changed from 8 to 7:30 o'clock. The child was unhurt. their many friends in both town and Some men are afraid u""j -'uuu .j of death, some arc nathv shown and exnressed in the not. xviosi oi U3 ,i j lu e uTrrrl in 1 1 i i "j i r i fc t t ii tii uuk t the grim destroyer to-1 husband and son. day; We would rattier put it off until to-mor row, or until next Bnrnecl Ills. Eye-Ball J - - 1 HC Tjl .1 rt ll.lln..ll nn-n MnnrlaTf not count tor much m iir. .CiUgax vaiuwcn dijcxxu uuuuoj the matter. A man TOifh fho dri-im nnma At. IvTnnrfiaville. tnnv nor want tr rli 1 J " 1 r-w , - . ..t .... A. H.-L He mav not want to ne met Wltn an accident inat may TT I -J m-m m De SICK, iie may Wisn nnita Hi so a frnn a VVhilftlvinor and hope and pray " that he will not be in a tent, Prof . R L Keesler entered sick nor meet death, uh nifrarette in his mouth, which hotine won't help him.! ; r . ft is what he does, and not what he was knocked out by a falling gar 7i cii oa that serve his purpose. If a man rpna f0 nnnn uA hall nf TKo W; f Unnvrt Q ro TOh n 1 ' u flv, atin ii nervous. irritableJ cul" -" "r wirtAted. he mav wish he the left eve of Mr. Caldwell, mflict- uvtJH jusi over ine'.iiaDarru8'auu wwpiw , - . - ftfoi" c n;kf would eet well, but one bottle of Drj . a - . hn v-' lain v in m. iiirin n.Liiiiiav iiiciiiw i . nr t A.r-... m i auk - - j , - j o Pierce's lioiaen iucuiuu xyiM.uvcijrui - . alter a long and dragging 8pell OI An more than an ocean of wishes. If a mar, i on the way to consunpuon, dc u ioVp a 55tot as auiklv as rosi trifil -1.1- tj ehriiiri nut on brakes. He Those who now tolerate mice or . jib w mm cMtcn ww u uvj -k a - w . w m w mz i i iir " ait. 0u v r- - i - - . " . . . i - -3 i :j Mr, W G Weddington, son of Kegister of Deeds W M Wedding ton, has gone to Salem, Va., where he will enter Roanoke College. Dr. W H Wakefield, of Charlotte, 'svill be in Concord at the St. Cloud on Thursday, September 24. His practice is limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. - tf mm'-. j It is an old and homely adage and finds an j application here The maker of merchandise has reached the end of his summer. His season is over ; yours has just begun. He's anxious to sell what is left of nis made up product at almosi any reas sonable sacrifice. We're watching yonr interest in this matter andj as a result have made some purchases that o o n tn tn CD O Co 33 1 I 1 M IW1 6) Om0 :o -n o-rnn c I q -is: 3 pa O 4 v r JU -7 !. . ; ' . . i w. Hen 4 n o) a P X 7 i-l 1 3 rn O X pi mm A Lamlnons Cat. O I B1U1V. - . . . . I masons build the vault in the new needn't be Mt5?J?,H rats in or about the house certainly it Was ?e .H - u,!nfl t .ui. tint that i In. just taice ine,riiAt xucvAiixxv.. .v- . muou wo w.huw .mww t en Medical Discovery cures incipient . . , t Httje uauKana not Knowing wnai w ..rVirvriirht medicine. The ior exclaimed : "Ain't that a Dig lMPTicai Discovery ' cu: chimney 1" will surprise you cheapness. by . their J a ii ait(A rrpf1 consumption. Con' tinn is a irerm disease and a blood tn secnre and no thin &r to keep, has The Must-Have-MoneV-Sale at diseaSe. The "Golden Medical Di$- . ; -f41 ovxA ,nar nUL A Z - "I" vnic the Pf-rms and Durifies the ucuwuauuWw .vrw. XX SX -S J!U e. any darkcorner0rn0ok. andeAect- spent with Odd. Our people know TX solid. whoUsome flesh, ually scares away all Bucn pesta. a bargain and appreciate it. Hundreds, of grateful people afflicted This cat is struck or cast from Mr. 7flh. suff. a vAntiff man "LT'haveSS ttrtS metal or other like material to as to . i - j-.-0 , v.v- -: . i: xf A ru i. animated feline theOdell mills for the purpose of p. ,s common Sense Medical riatMi It is nainted OTer with la uoupcuuicuuDuvo Adviser, a "rCTS.. XI T:r":" U:rta r,ftinfL r fhat Ik ahinfta in . . I LmV TjeTiirll will oe Km cc wu icvciu uiiuwu -v m" Rev. Paul Barringer, who has rTfwentv-one (21) one-cent stamps to the dark iike a cat of flame. After copy for ready referenct being USed for about A - Week the Kaar, i lL. 4.A ft 1 w L,o,iincy wiv. Every famut rfll i - . . . ill I 1 . -1 nrvr for Tffi V tt HERE THEY ARE: f Wash goods at 5, 8i, 10 and 12 i cents. Figured Mohair, black, HQ inches, at 25 cents, A bargain, Billows of hand ksrchiefs, you'd wonder how it could be done if we hadn't told you, There's no loss to us, but a . ' Big Gain to You and the maker pays the piper. Come ann see themi 5," 10, 12, 15. 25andl 50cts. V i Oxford Ties: Prince Albert and Spring Heel Ties in all the new toes, I These are Genuine Bargains, no old goods. All new direct from tne factory. . 1 ; - - ' i Come and See Us. Tin! There is a difference between edK' cines and medicines. . . Those of to-dav. as a rule, differ irom. those of the past in many respects. Fully as great is the difference be tween, Dr- King's : - .OYAL: 8ERE3ETUER and the ordinarr medicines of to-2vv It is unlike them in THESE FIVE THINGS: 1 . It does not taste like a medl vXine. It is as pleasant to take as lemonade and makes a most refreshing" drink. 2. It never nauseates the most delicate stomach. 3. It does not swap off one dis ease for another. It does not setup one form of disease in order to relievo another as is so often the case. - 4. It contains no alcohol or opium in, any form and is always harmless even when given to a babe one day old. 5. It does not patch simply it cures It reaches as nothing else, does, to the hidden sources of disease In the blood and removes tha cause. It does this with an ease and power thai have never been equaled. Por all troubles of the Blood, Stomachy Bowels, Kidneys and Nerves, and for all forrac of WAT.A11IAT. POISON It stands pre-eminent without a rival or a peer. fcld ty flnxgtfata. nrr packa lare ot tU 108 Domi, OnIllar. ltaauXacturdonly THE ATLANTA CHEISICAL C0H ATLANTA, Gi. trans joa u-rAoi gpog. xiaxlxd tzzz. uitsoiiliitrisoB, , ' . :i '1 . ; - " . . .. . .. . : ' ' , - . t -' - . ace la Korever ires euuer u&iue Sundav rats. v ciocfc, a. m. T 1 .

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