K m Vol. XI1L No 12? CONCOllD, N. C, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1896. Whole NO. 1,506 V : 1 dig:;, BRYAW'S BAY. THE DEMOCRATIC PRESIDEN TIAL CANDIDATE HERE. Chea pSto re. lie Addressed 2,500 People at the Railroad Station From the Plat form Erected for Him A. Word on Free Silver and a Word to the Laboring Mai. Over two thousand people gath ered in this city to hear that peer less advocate of thepeople, William I by gold to which the mints have" never oeen cioseu. Then they tell you that our mints; will.be flooded with foreign silyer. We will examine this. For eign countries need all the Bilver they can obtain to maintain their own commerce. France, England, Japan, Mexico all the nations of the world demand their share of the money metals. J Today France has more 'silver, per capita, in circula tion than we have, and that at a less ratio 15 J to 1. And yet silver bullion is higher there than in our own country. Surely no one can Filled to the top now with new goods. Everything you Tvnnt in the way of a new dress from a 3 cent Calico, nominee for Presiden t. Bncklen'g Arnica baire. The Best Saive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheumi Fever Sores, Tetterd Ghappe Hands,! Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statief action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per b ox For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store, Stockholders and Directors Meet. . There wil stockholders Concord Flour and Feed Store. "Fenix Mill" flour, millfeed, bran, meal and chicken feed, kept at Lore building on West depot street and for sale by i e24 G G Richmond. TO CUBE A COJLD IK OKE DAY Jennings Bryan, the Democratic 'country than in this. afford to export silver to this coun i I rn i i t! t ' m tr wW, t in wnrMi mnrA in faf jaxailVO DrOEQO WUlDine iaD - t 1 Iota All i.nwvmTn w4... -h r Wk IOIDi A.J. UlUgglOtO iOlUUU tuc money if it fails to cure. 25c. Then they tell you that all the Ginghams or Plaids up to the handsomest line of Ladles i i Back I I Novelty Dress Goods at $1.00 per yard in town. The styles are abso lutely correct and the price is right. The hour was late, but the people marketable silver will be-thrown on Notice of seizure. cneertnny wauea, unmindful or tne market, loai an ine spouts oeizea near Uoncora, jn, u on Old Sol's scorching rays, their fa- and silver plate will be thrown into the night of August 3lt, 1896, the tmrifft horair) hf nm,narifv th nrnmhlfl and pnnvprfpd into hnl- following property for violating the v. v. . , . : r j x. h; f nr a J a ijq Internal Revenue Laws of the United wucu uio op;wai triu arnvtu hjbj hwu. , nwmu ujwuojuv; w muioob States, to wit: Two small bay yelled until they could sympathize the value of the bullion exceeded horses1 one two horee wapon and with him. in his hoarseness. that jof the plate r Of course this harness?, about 15 gallons of whiskey Amid the waving of hats, hanker- cannot be. and tour empty fcegs, supposed to be chiefs, umbrellas and a general They come to the wage-earner the property of Jacob Hartsell. "TnriQ ia V ot-q rxr nitron lr anv nno hurrah, he was escorted to the stand with the argument that free silver, . ai:nineBald Dr0ne?tvto give notice Two hundred Pairs Blankets and introduced by Chairman A B by increasing the currency, will de- in form and manner prescribed ot nil wif-oa fvnm ota tn Yonne.' For a few momenta Tianv crease the value of your wages with by law to the undersigned at his l i m mm v J u m m w M- M.M m w w mu ki mu r - - - mm ' t $4.50 per pair. increasing them. demoninm reigned supreme and con- lout siderable persuasion was necessary standard has starved the consumers to quiet the people, - of your labor. Starve tne consumer - On beginning his " remarks Mr. and the factory must stop. - Bryan was so hoarse that he was This is a manufacturing town. 1 heard with diflacultv. but as he nro wlsn to speak a word to these opera- IVEGH'S I8tHtiS ceeded his wonderfully I rich, strong tiyes. You believe free coinage to yoice ? peneiraiea to me very oat- ue iu jiuur luiercui. iuur uuui skirts of the crowd, raiting the CHEP STORE. FULL LINE OF The gold pflice in Asheville, N. C, within 30 days from the date hereon, or said property will be declared forfeited to the Government of the United States. - - Bi Sam L. Rogers, , Collector 5: h District N. C. R. S. Harris, Deputy Collector. be a mepfing of the and also of the direc tors of the Concord Southern RaiN road Company, held at the office of W M Smith1 in Concord, N. C, on Tuesday, 29th of September, 1896, at 11 o'clock a. in., when and where all parties interested are requested to be present. J W Cannon, Elam King, jno p allison, D R Hoover, W M Smith, Directors of Concord Southern RaiU ; way. ' " J. F. HURLEY, INSURANCE AGENT, Office over ZETZER'S DRUG STORE. A NICE LINE - OF , STICK PINS at - Gorrell's Jewelry Stsre4 OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL from 75 cents to S3.00, Twenty-five dozen Men's Work Shirts that originally sold for 40 cts have been re duced to 25cts. Ten dozen fii eii s ' ii e&v y mum at , - -At thusiagm of his hearers to 100 decrees in the shade. Mr. Bryan said : j "Gentlemen and ladies, fellow citi " "W mm -1m ' - zens : l saw some ot uoncord s peo i pie in unariotte. ana it gives me en- 1 your own. . lour erapiuyee uiu uut " ". . ...... east, givd you your .vote do not let mm take it from you. ( G-i eat applause.) COL! K L Craven is how receiving the best Jellico Lnmp Coal, COAL BURNERS. want just one more word. Your vote lSyour own. It IS your priVl- Alaft crmfirinr TTnrl Onnl. Kffff lege to use it as you see best and to an(j Stove. Prompt. attention, your best interest. Thanks for your Free delivery. Orders son great pleasure to see so many of klod attention-" And again the licited. them here now. As I have but a crowd went wna. ivs ne stepped on few moments I see no better way of thejplatform there was a tremend u i 1 ' ousi rush for the train. As he as , I r r. mm WIWIII LI s . mm mmU j Every citizen of Concord who intends to burn coal durin g the coming winter will save money and tiouhle by purchas ing from us. We will handle the best junto IIP con and will deliver any quantityJn any part, of the city. Youi oroers are solicited. Headquarters at Black w elder's store, on West Oepot-street. ' 08 " i Hat sold lor 70 cents nave q advocateS cended the rear platform of the rear oeen reancea to ou oenn. . . ,. ... lcar:men clatched at his hana-hnn- qvahtv can t be matcnea lor z . 6 " . the price. M100 Boltsii i i.: r n Very few converts are made by pub areaa BeeKmS lu 8lvo uim a Aarcwc" lie speaking, Jbnt when friend talks shake and the word of "Pod luck,to you. Amia a wua nuzza tne neru that will go at the extremely lovr price of 16, 0 and 26 per yard. NEW with friend and neighbor runs against neighbor, they compare arguments and manv votes are WOOLJEASS-nged I wish to tell you some things CQ I that you may use in this way : : The advocates of the gold stand- ioJtLWJlrOJhoneatY planted in the breast of Never haye we been so well every man by speaking of silver as fixed in the shoe line as at depreciated currency as a fifty-cent present. We have the cheap- dollar. Let us see if this is true, est shoes you will find any Iknow of no better way of illuss place. New lot of those big trating this than by the price of 10 cent hnttpr In mv native town out in - - - , Nebraska we buy our butter from a firm. This man goes out and en gages all the butter he can, to be furnished the year round at the that sold so fast,- White same price- cents, Relieve, is Quilts all the way from 60 cts the price we. pay for it. Now m the up to 1.75. Our- house is Spring, he find's that he has more .now full up to the top and we butter than is needed to supply still get new goods daily and these customers and so what does he . . - departed. The attraction was gone in five minutes the crowd had dis persed. will fill thp We want your trade this fall and will sell you goods very low in order to get it, You loose money to make a purchase without seeing us. 1 Marvelons Resjalts. From a letter wntteri by Rev. J . Gunderman. of Diamondale. Mich., we are permitted to make this ex tract: I have no hesitation in re commending Dr. King's New Dis coyer y, as the results were almost marvelous in the casa of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Rives Junction she was brought down with pneumonia succeeding La Grippe, Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seamed as if she could not survive them, A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discouery; it was quick in its work and highly satiefactoiy in results. Trial bottles free at Felzer's Drug Store. Ragular size 50c and 81.00. In IF & DICK do? He simply places his butter in thA market and sells it at a reduced price at about 15 cents per pound. NTnur if. is the same way with silver. When the mints were open to silver it was worth $1.00 per ounce, but when the mints were closed to sil ver the supply exceeded the demand and it naturally sank, not in pur chasing value, but as bullion meas ured by the gold standard. The fallacy of (heir argument hes in their measuring silver bullion, a Pitiful Condition. - - - - Mrs. Calvin Mingus, whose hus band is now in the county home of Cabarrus, is in a pitiful condition at her home on bank street.. She is in a dying condition with consumption and has neither money nor food in her house. She, has jeveral little children and a subscription is being raised today for her relief .Salis bury World. t Help Wanted. Agents wan ted to sell Macintoshes and Rubber Clothing, Tires and a full line of Rubber Goods, J Part or all of). Free samples, and protected ground to worKers; Factory r. U. We want to Beat . . We 'are determined not to spend our time and energy grumbling about dull times. I We will pitch in and make times lively. Now, in or der to make this incomiog month the biggest July we hav ever had, we are putting out a lot of "Hummers" and we are going to make them hucd. We are going to do away with Stickers. .We will make Movers out of them. Here goes: About 60 pra of Ladies nne shoes of Zeigier's and Keed s makes, all small sizes, 2J, 3, 3 and 4 that we will fell at $1 a pair. Not a pair among them but cost 352 ana over, xney must go. NO. 2. About one hundred pair of .Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, some patent leathers, some tans, some fine dongola pat tips, all to go at 75c rhey cost from $1 to tfi.&u. xney muse go. io NO. 3. -About 50 pairs Ladies fine Oxfords, all Zeiglers, tan. gray and black ooze and fine kid, sizes 1 to 4. All to go at 31, Maddl to sell at 2 and $2.50- They must go. , . "1 NO. 4 About 75 prs ol ijadies uxfords and l-strap sandals Zieiglers. B8y State and Padan Bros., all to go in at $1.25. Call for theinthey wont be here long. They must go. i ' NO. 5 A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c. NO. 6. FOR MEN: A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxfords at $1. They are shoes, andre f res n stock just bought them. ' SPECIALS. 1 .. i . - . .... . . Womens Solid Leather Shoes at 65c. Womens solid Leather Pebble Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. These are 81 Alexandria, Va. Solid as any shoe in the rcarket, regular SI. 50 shoes, to rrr or &1 Motio linn dti!-. i CUnn 1 . . - J a a. mi fe" u w-. mouD Aiiio uauii jn uuucd, iauo auu trailer a ah c. xney are regular 1,25 shoes. Mens heavy English Ties, everyday b hoes, 1.00 Solid as leather can make them Big job in straw hats at 10c, some of them are 50c hats. We buy Trunks in car loads and retail them at wholesale prices. One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just halt price. We have everything in the line of clothing and furnishing goods. Everything up to date and at pricesihat can't be beat any wheie in the State, Call and see samplesjof the free Crayon Pictures we are having made for our cus tomers ; i ;:,:r.i"j "yc',X JOB Twentyfive suits of fine All-WoolICassimere in CutawaylProck Suits, sizes 34 to 36 lor 4 00 a suit. They are ia00, 12.50 and 15.003suita. C-ul on us and see these and other Jattractions. jp&icJj is excluded from the aintBj 1371, New York. CANNONS & FETZER

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