v CONCOHL N. C; SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1896. FREAKISH CORN EARK. Whole NO. 1,514 A Man Brines a Cob to Tonn, Each Oraiu of Which is Narroandea by Perfect Shucks. ill, OlieapStore. The ingenuity of man ha3 hit upon a plan by which corn and fod der can be grown together. A a soon aa the new crop comes generally into f ayor there will be no more fodder racks and hay will not be used as extensiyely as stock feed as it is at present. Mr. W II Prickett who lives five and a half miles south of Atlanta brought a new fashioned ear of corn into the city this morning and all wno aa v it wonaerea. it was verv The cool cutting winas are mnch likfl -thj nrd inarv pat nf onm commeuuiuft "V" " 1 as far as the cob was concerned, bat - . tovvp" nnn r. ji, of having a "big shuck over the cob unu- where it can be done , & . .. B . jvuv- - ana ine grains, eacn grain was pro :.n nt. fi TYinnprfil ft fost, I " ' 1 rAahiftnfc that has to be vided wilh a shuck of its own- These lpfl well now. little shucks were as perfect as the Ve Have a few facts, plain big shuck, only they enveloped a md I unadulterated, that we single grain instead of the whole want to lay before the buying ear. public I A genius from South Carolina Itiwill he dollars and cents who did not explain how he came to in yjour pocket to read what Ipossees this new fashioned corn had we have to say ana be govern some of it at the exposion- He so'd ed by it. lit at one cent a grain to all who de sired to plant it. Mr. Prickett bought 50 grains for which he paid NEW DEPARTMENT. U half dollar. He planted the 50 I ..; I trains in tha pnrinp". and although O - - - x ca j ; a this has hppn xptv nn favorable vear 'p will show from to-day for a kind3 of erop3 be haa made GllfllirUUIi 1113 VVllHCl cl I A Lriltle Disappointed. A large crowd was in town to-day, he drawing card being the hanging of Frank Howard, which did not take place. Of course it was gener ally understood that only a few was to have witnessed the execution, but those who are curious and naturally love to be on hand from all sec ions some from neighboring counties, were here. It waa a disappointment to many that the hanging-did not take place, while others are satisfied with the turn of affairs, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The fa slmila signature cf I Ifoward a Scared Negro. . Quite w large crowd of colore! people and a few curious whites went to the depot Friday evening, when Frank Howard was taken to Raleigh, and as the train was rolling up there was such a racket and so mucn confusion on the outside of the office that the negro criminal thought certain that a mob had come to take, his life. He was surely a scared negro, and for the first time since his arrest showed signs of fear. stockholders and Directors Meet. There-Viil be a meeting of the stockholders and also of the direc tors of the Concord Southern RaiN road Company, held at the office of W M Smith in Concord, N. C, on Tuesday, 29 th of September, 1896, i ftflrj at 11 o'clock a. m , when and where; all parties" interested are : requested j T 5 Given Away Free To advertise out goodg wp will give a ay, bbfioiuieiy Irct, one box of five-cent cigars, one gold ring and v nample bottle of Peeler's Pain Killer to every one sending us fifty cents to pay packing and postage. Address, Peeler Anderson" Medicine Co. Lock Box 1, Kernereyille, N. a Dr. MUes' P?iin Pills cure Neuralgia. AT COST AO MISTAKE ABOUT IT. parties to be present. handsome line or popular pi Iced millinery. Ladies : Hats from the few grains he planted six bushels of corn. The grains that were planted with the shuck, around them produced the same kind of corn, but those from which the shuck had been stripped produced ordinary every day corn, with the3huck around the t i p ? x j r J , 1, . i , , , I wnoie .ear inaieau oi aruuau etuu mm tbe very cneapest up to ii .i i VTTQ-Tf v i n rr I Mr. Prickett claims, that there is lima u.11 aiy ico tiuvx c v -i j mmf, j tUont the small Drofit andHuch merit in the new-fashioned low price that we mark on corn, as it will be invaluable for everything we ' sell. We are stock. The whole ear can be fed to especially anxious to have all the stock , and the cattle, and they the ladies see our hats betore wni get the benefit of both the corn mey ouy. vv e guarauiutJ LU and the shucks. This will save much feed in the shape of ehucks that are wasted as corn is now Ted. sell them cheaper than they Can be bought any other place request J W Cannon, El am King, J NO. P ALLISON, D R Hoover, W M Smith, Directors of Concord Southern Rail way. . W. D. Anthony & Co. PAINTERS, PLASTieOERS, VARNISH ERS AND PAPER HANGERS, i ALL JOBS GUARANTEED. WANT YOUR WORK. . . . ur entire Jine of WfttohfiP Tewelry, Silverware. Clocks. Sogck tacles, etc., etc., to go at ACTUAL COST For the next fifteen days. It will be to youi interest to call at once and secure p me' of the jar bargains which we oiler you. TO CURE A COLD IK ONE DAY Old 'v. 'iture mide to look as Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- good as -i .v: Mattresees made or lets. All druggists refund the renewed with perfect satisfaction. money if it fails to cure. 25c. ml4 Upholstering a specialty. See us. W.D. Anthony & Co d o26 w jl I ount Ambena SEMINAR A Flourishing School for Yourig Ladies. TEN TEACHERS Oriament8l Branches Receive Carefm Attention L. T. FISBER, A, M PRINCIPAi., vronvT plEsntt. N o A. B. C O RR E LL, JEWELER. ins from us. A Prayer lor Girls. You ask for a little prayer. Here is one written by Jeremy Taylor in hia effort to teach the world what wa3 meant by holy living: "Teach me to watch over all rny ways that I may never be surprised, by sudden temptations or a - careless spirit, nor ever return to fohy and yanity. Set a watch, O Xord, before' mv mouth, and keep the door of my lips. thac I offend not in my tongue, neither j against piety nor charity Teach me to think of nothing mlt REV. C. Thee, and what is in order to Trfy glory and service: to speak nothing but of Thee and Thv glories, ard to do nothing but what becomes Thy i. v t- Tnhtm I hn inhnira morntr bythe grace of Thy holy ep, rit, YQ- Wailt tO Beat naru eeaifu up tj Luts uiiy ui lie demption."-Ruth Ashmore in Oc tober LadieB Home Journal. K L Craven is now i eceivins: the best Jellico liiimn Coal. Also superior Hard Coal, and Stove. Prompt attention. Free delivery. Orders - son licited. 1 COAL BURNERS. Eyery citizen of Concord who intends to bjirn coal during the coming winter will save money and trouble br purchas We will handle the best JILLICO m C91L and will deljver any quantity in anypait of the city. Iloui oraers are solicited. Headquarters at Blac k greyer s West Depot street. store, on . 08 and the style will Ibe correct. H00L Two hundred and fifty urns breilas all the way from 50cts S2.00, for children. f n mm saw : ii '.Bib ton. Cheapest line of shoes, all styles and Kinds to be found anywhere. MEN'S' HATS m twenty vfive cents up. Everything Cheaper Than Ever. The new corn is.quite a curiosity, to say the least of if. Sunday School KeorKanlration. The congregation of Central Methodist church, will reorganize the Sunday school of that church tomorrow afternoon at 3 o clock. It will be entertaining and profitable Mr. D. Bw Coltrane, the superinten. dent of the Sunday school, has is sued the following invitation. "You are invited to be with us on our Firat Rally Day," Sunday, Sep tember 27th, 1896, I beginning promptly at 3 o'clock, p. in.: Bright faces, glad hearts, sweet faces, and other interesting exercises will greet you most heartily. Come and go with us. We will endeavor to d? you good. j The public is most cordially in vited to attend. Revival at Forest mil. Rev. M A Smith, pastor of Forest Hill Methodist church will begin the fall series of religious meetings at his church tomorrow night. The Rev. J D Arnold, of King's Moun tain, is f xpectd next Wednesday to assist Rev. Smith. Everybody is cordially invited to attend these meetings. SILY1E .0E T4 T CP Better than either is a healthy liver.: If the liver is O. K. the man is O. K. : His blood is kept pure, his "digestion perfect, and he can enjoy life and act intelligently and patiently upon the questions of the day. You all know what to take. : Arou have known it for years. It is Simmons Liver Begulator - . the "Record for July. We are determined not to spend our. time and f nay crumbling about dull times. We will pitcn m and make times liveiy. isuw, in ors der to make this incoming month the biggest July we Lave ever had,-wo are putting: out a lot of ''Hummers'' and we are going to mke them hum. We are going to do away with Stickers We will make Aipvtr out of them. Here goes: About 60 prs of Ladies fine shoes of Zeigler's and .Berr?. m Jces, all small sizes, 2J, 3, 3 and 4 that we will Fell at $1 a pair. Nut pair amongf them but cost $2 and over. , TUey must go. NO. 2. About one hundred pair oi Ladies Jb me uxtord iee, somo patent leathers, some tans, some fine Idongola pat tips, all to go at 75c. Ihey cost from $1 to iu.&u. xney must go. NO. 3. -About 50 pairs Ladies firie Oxfords, all; Zeiglers, tan. gray and black ooze and fine kid, sizes 1 to jli. All to go at $1 - Made to sell at S2 and $2.50. They must go. - ' . NO. 4. About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfords and 1-strap Sandals Zeiclers, Bay State and Badan Bros-, all to go in at 81.25. Call for them they won't be here long. They must go. j NO. 5 A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c. NO. 6. FOR 1VIEN: A lot of Tan, Goat and BlacklVici Kid Oxforda at $1. They are $1.50 shoes, and are iresn stock just bought them. El CHEaP STORE. ia Yon Ever ' I Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles ? If not, geva bottle! now and et relief. This medicine has been found to .ue peuunany adaptedlto the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spoliator are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters la themedi : Heal th and strength nAraTit.AAd ' by its use. bifty ifSSMM ON S SPEC IALS TIT ;' For years you-and your fathers have found it of sterling worth. It is and always has been put up only by. J. H. eilin & Co. Take none but" the ' genuine. It has the Bed Z on the front of the wrapper, n n A v Vi i r nloa ia li c QQTifift n n rl conts and 1.00 at Fetzer s DrugJ ing ' ; Womens Solid Leather Shoes" at ,65c. Womens solid Leather Febbla Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. These are $1 shoes, all fresh and nice. Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoes, made at Alexandria. Va. Solid as any shoe in the n arkct, regular .8150 shoes, to. go at 81. - Mens Fine Satin Oil Sboes, lace and gaiters at iney ? are regular 1,25 shoes. Mens heavy Jjingnsn iee, every-uay auuea, x. uuiiu as leather can mate them iiig OD in straw uais , v. are 50c hats. We buy Trunks in' car loads and retail ipemm at vruuitoaiw prices. One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. Ae have everything in the line of clothing and furnishing . goods- Every thing up to date and at prices! hat can't be beat anywhere in tbe btate. Call ana see samplesjof the free Crayon Pictures we are having made for our cue tomer8 '' " ' . ' JOB Twenty-five suits of fine All-WoolJCassimere in'Cutaway'Frock Suits, sizes 34 to 36 lor 00 a suit.l They are ID. 00, 12.50 Jand 15.00AsuiU Call on us and see these and otheijattractions. -CANNONS & FETZER ir t) - Store - ' ...

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