(Co Vol. XHL-No. 136, CONCORD, Nv C, MOJPAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1896. Whole NO.. .1.515- RALLY DAY AT CENTRAL, iback to the county jor interment Sunday, which took place at Beth- ft Gliea pStor e. An fnter en ting ProKrammeRenael-ed and Some Excellent Talbs Made. "First Rally Day'' exercises at Central Methodist church Sunday afternoon were intensely interesting not only to the members of that church and Sunday school, but to the public in general. A most en tertaining programme of singing and recitations was rendered and several good talks were had, Mr. D B Coltrane, the efficient superin tendent being master of ceremonies. page Presbyterian church. ; Rev. J ! Q Wertz conducted the burial ser vice, owing to the illness of Rev. M Shaw, Mr. Poteat's pastor. The cool cutting winds Mr. L D Duva are reviewed th9 life of Hobos Going South. Tramps from the North are mi grating Southward. The advance guard of the great army of the un washed and unemployed are daily CASTOR I A For Infants and Children,, Ths fio- simila cf is cm Terr Given Away Free To advertise oui goola we .-will give a vi ay, absolutely free, one bor of five-cent cigars, one gold ring and. a sample, bottle of Peeler's Pair Killer to every one sending ns fifty cents to pay packing and postage. Address, Peeler Anderson Medicine Co. Lock Box 1, Kernersyille, N. Ck David, which 3ad been the subject of the Sunday school lessons for the quarter just passed, from which he commenciDg to blow and it is maae a epienaia taiK, starting at a well known fact that It lias the early period of boyhood when to be guarded against and, to David was nothing more than any know where it can be done other; ordinary farmer's boy, at- well and at a moderate cost I tending his father s nocke, until he be I was made a ruler, showing David's various traits of Christian charac- W e have a few facts, plain ter and his obedient reverence to and unadulterated, that we God. is the subject that has to studied well now. Stockholders and Directors Meet. .There will be a meeting of. the stockholders and alsoof the direc tors of the Concord Southern Rail passing through the city, going to road Company, held at the office of no particular point, and every in W M Smith in Concord, N. C, on nnminir frsi irht train' from , Tuesday, 29th of September. 1896. Northern and Eastern States brine :?lock a" m ' and wb? I AWD N0 MISTAKE ABOUT IT. vua luiacotcu ai r icuucotcu (jr.,. entirft itip of Wnf.oIn.a- " - - - w u v-r ' Arm Dr. Miles' Pain Pills cure Neuralgia AT COST with them several if not many, who are dumped along the main line that leads to a genial clime in the far South where the hobos aire com fortable during the cold winter months. The Jandlady with the generous heart ia now their best friend, and hear their plaintive tales of woe. to be present. ,1 W Cannon, JJlam King, Jno. P Allison, D K Hoover, W M Smith, Directors of Concord Southern Kail' way. want to lay before the buying public. It will be dollars and cents in your pocket to read what we' have to say and be govern ed by it. NEW DEPARTMENT. We will show from to-day on through 1 he winter a very handsome line of popular priced millinery. Judge W J Montgomery then made a talk to the Sunday School Notice of Seizure, Seized near Concord, N, C, on the night of August 31st, 1896, the following property for violating the Tntornal Potrowna T.ottto rP fVi I I ni f a A On of the brightest stars in the state to wit. Two . u hav cluster of Confederate generals sank horses one two 1 c j . e isit aad Mrs. Jolinsou Dead. JeweJry. Silverware, Clocks, Spec tacles, etc., etc., to go at ACTUAL COST For the next fffepn dsys. It will be to youi M;t s? u call at once and secure some of the r are bargams which we oiler y on. A. B. CO ER E LL, JEWELER. Ladies : Hats and left the caiiBe the darker when harnest?, about 15 gallons of whiskev and took tor his subject David's dy- Albert Johnson fell at Shilob, and four empty kegs, suppo3ed to be ins injunction to his son Solomon : TenneRPPP on A'nril 1Sfi-2 Th the property of Jacob Hartsell. - " , -r , . I -T " f "Show thyself a man-" In course neW8 of the death of his widowed , notice is nereoy g yen w any one of his remarks Judge Mon,f!omery compaDion on Jast Saturday in Lo8 - uiauo Buuio epicuuiu muBMa.iuuD ADgeie8, uai., associates witn it tne by law to the undersigned at hie tne suoject ana ciieu ine Doyo ever recurring reflections of those office in Asheville, N. C, within 30 One of North Carolina's greatest terrible days. Mrs. Johnson was 74 UayB ..from the date hereoff, or said men JKraxton Craven, tne rounder years old. of Trinity college who had shown himself a man and who had in structed numbers of others to, show themselves menJ In his tribute to Dr. Craven, the judge grew eloquent aad deeply impressed his hearers. At the close of the exercises an invitation was extended to all the At Bays' Ihnpel. On Sunday,: Kev. J R Moose, pa8 tor of Biiy'd chapel at Cannonviile, began the canal fall protracted meeting: willi great encouragmenV and the meeting promises to be one of great, results. A yiaiting minis- property will be declared forfeited to the Government of the United States. By Sam L. Rogers, Collector 5th District N. C. R. S. Harris, Deputy Uoiltctor. C O -A. Hi ! . K L Craven !s-n.ow receivinsc the best Jellico liumn Coal. Also superior Hard Coal, Egg and Stove, Prompt attention. Free delivery. Orders so, licited. COAL BURNERS. o31 II eli Wanted Female. $10 to $18 per week to Men aod I. - -i .... . ITYVJ Ui 1 ' LA 1U1 LUO T J J -- V "V4X. members of the Methodist church ter 18 expected to assist tne pastor. bookg pr canva?6iD No experi fvAm tharTr PPst nrto Lar.d tn all nthfirs who would inn AliClc win ue twu eervicea uauu ence. liona nae oner., in o eaten. 1 1 uui llHj r v., i y - TJ l " -- - r t . j . sroO. Misses and children's the Sunday school to remain, when we ?u" " ToVo :l l.hta niVcMaa nT- ftvprvthinir G,o,r 0,hnni.wnfl wnrnani the morning and at 8 o'clock in the - . Jl; ner lr, n.ouulu iiuio la. x x. i"- ' .c5 I vurj uuuutt) cuuvx a wvm.w. . - . I BtrGt 1 -1148.(161 DDI ft JrR to so at the small pront ana under most encouraging promises evemufi' puuuisuuruianjf m low price, that we mark onandmany 0ld and new members vited to attend the meeting. every mine we sen. we aieirflllififi tn tuft PSTW.inllv anxious fo have all . w BncRlen'8 Arnica aiTe, i j - - I 11 w mi. t i. cj . : iL . i j -tWr vi-i -it w oor,foo I . , . Muia, ruia8t cures, uicer, uuj . B" A traveling man was in con verba- Rh.limAV-Srirpa rp nhannp ocii tiiciu tucaLJci tuau LAJ--.7 I tion With a STANDARD reporter tulS I HanHR- CM Ih a ma. Onrrxa flrtd al Every citizen of Concord who intends to burn coal during the coming winter will save money and nnuble by purchas ing from Ud. We will Lundle the beat JELLICQ IBIP EflSt and will deliver any quantity in anypsrt of the city. Toui oi'tcrs aie solicited HI Headquarters at Bla'k West Uepot street. -''!er's stoic, cn We Want to Jd eat .a i- i i t i i tan ne Dougnt any oilier piact? (Monday) morning and among Skin Eruptions, and positively cures aria me Style will cornel. I 4U. a aa:A . utw;! Pna- Pi ea or no nav renm-ed. It ia " i i , h Min'n ug duiu aui ji wu i j i 1 . tlie Record for Jul BOO box For eale at P B Fetzer's Drug tore, ... Two hundred and filty um brellas all the way from 50cts 2.00, for children. - - - B 1 r Cheapest line of shoes, all styles and Kinds to be fonnd anywhere. ' MEN'S HATS iroin twenty stive cents np. Everything Cheaper Than Ever. 01 call tV,A Rnnh nan nominee tor tu gnc bwumwuuu w ' . . i f- inohev refunded. Price 25 cents per IjrOVemor, la BUmcwuiiu ui a. uaugoi- oas character and we should use all our energies and every resource to defeat him." On the electoral fusion "arrangement," the gentleman con tinued : UI have trayelled all through eastern North Carolina and have found only one man who was opposed to the electoral fusion and that man was a black-hearted Republican. The action of the executive committee meets my hearty approbation, for in this fu sion v arrangement North Carolina is safe for Bryan and gives Sewall six and Watson five votes for the vice presidency, where, if it was otherwise, McKiniey would certain ly carry the State." The gentle man was very enthusiastic and urges that everyone be content with the ruling of the executive com mittee and yield gracefully to what they have submitted us. V. "find" Hill Iff as Appendicitis. Mr. A A Hill, a prominent citi zan of Lexington, who has mmy friends in this city, is very low -with appendicitis. Dr. Huberts Young was telegraphed for this morning, but could not go to him. M-, Hill's many friends will learn witn regret of his serious hfflietion. CHEaP store. Mr. Foteat Dead. On Wednesday last Dr. J S Lafferty accompanied Mr. Frank Poteat, of No. 4 townsnip, 10 caiu more, where a tumor was taken from Mr. Poteat' s body. The opera tions were too much for the feeble condition of the suffering man and he died in the operation. Mr. Poteat had been a great sufferer and had nnnrone several previous opera- tions. His remains were brought; "Honest John. "You know old John Gobdncr ?" "Yes." "Never called anything but rHones( John for forty years." "Urn." ; "County Treasurer for twenty eight yeai 8 and guardian for half the orphans in the county ? Trusted by everybody." ! "Yep." " i Dead three weeks and experts have gone over his books." I "Well?" z i "They found that he was hopest in every way." Philadelphia Amer ican. k TO CUKE A COLD IK ONE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. ml4 0 A JHi r f achs and Bhzckatisk rellevea DAv kiby r. MUes Nerve Plasters. We are determined not to spend our" time an d t j-y grumbling: about dulJ times, j We will pitch in and make times live.y. Now, in cr der to make this incoming month the biggGbt July wo bs.v f ver had, we are putting out a lot of "Hummers" and we are going to mke tLvin huaj. We are going to do away with Stickers. We will make Movers- out of them Here goes: About 60 prs of Ladies fine shoes of Zeigler's and Iteed'y m kes, all smalt sizes, 2, 3, Z and 4 that we will Fell at $1 a' pair. K jt a pair anting them but cost 2 and over. Tney must go. NO. 2. About one hundred pair of .Ladies inne Uxtord lies, some- patent leathers, some tans, some fine dongola pat tips, all to go at ?5c Ihey cost from to $i.&u. xney must go. NO. 3. -About 50 nairs Ladies fine Oxfords, all Zeiglers, tan, grey and black ooze and fine kid, sizes 1 to 4. All to go at $1. Made to seli sA 2 and $2.50- They must go. NO. 4. About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfords and 1-strap Sandals Zeislers, Bay State and Padan Bros-, all to go in at 81. 2c. Call for tbem they wont be here long. They must go. NO. 5 A few prs of Misses: Oxfords, sizes'12 to 1, to go at 50c. NO. 6. FOR MEN: A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxford, at $1. They are 8150 shoes, and are tresn stock just bought them. . SPECIALS Womens Solid Leather Shoes at 65c. Womens solid Leather Pebble Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. These are 2. shoes, all fresh and nice. Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoes, made at Alexandria, Va. I Solid as any shoe in the rxarket, regular SI- 50 frhoes, to so at SI. - Mens Fine Satin Oil Sboes, lace ana gaiters at si. - ney are regular 1,25 shoes. Mens heavy Hingiisn ies, every-aay sooes, x.w oonxi as leather can make them Big job in straw hats at 10c, some of them are 50c hats. We buy Trunks in car loads and retail them at wboke&Ie prices. One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. We iiave everything in the line of clothing and furnishing goods. Every thing: up, to date and at pricesthat cant be beat anywhere in the State. Call and see samplesjof the free Crayon Pictures we are having made for our cus tomers ' ' JOB Twentyfive suits of fine All-WoolICassimere in'OutawayFrock: Suits, sizes 34 to 36 for 4 (X) a suit.flThey are 10.00, 12.50Jand 15.008aits Call on us and see these and othei "attractions. CANNONS & FETZER - i -

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