Daily Stand org; JOHN D. BARRIER & SON. 7 Editors and Proprietors. JAS. P. COOK, Editorial Correspondent OFFICE IN BRICK BOW. Democratic Ticket. NAlIOJMAL. 1 FOR PRESIDENT, WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN FOR VICE PRESIDENT. ARTHUR 8EWALL. STATE. 5 FOR GOVERNOR,.-! CYRUS B. WATSON OF FORSYTH. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, THOS. W. MASON . OF NORTHAMPTON. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE, CHAS. M. COOKE OF FRANKLIN". FOR TREASURER, B. F. AYCOCK OF WAYNE. FOR AUDITOR, . ROBT. M. FUKMAN .OF BUNCOMBE. EOR ATTORNEY GENERAL, FRANK 1. OSBORNE OF MECKLENBURGt FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, JOHN C. SCARBOROUGH OF JOHNSTON. FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICES, AC. AVERY, of Burke, Geo. H. BROWN, of Beaufort. FOR CONGRESS FROM 7TH CONGRES SIONAL DISTRICT. SAMUEL J. PEMBERTON. COUN IY. FOR THE STATE SENATE, v C D. BARRINGER. FOR THE HOUSE, i MF. NESBIT. : FOR SHERIFF, THOMAS J. WHITE. ' FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS, i " J JOHN K. PATTERSON. FOR TREASURER. CALEB W. SWINE; FOR "COTTON WEIGHER, 1 W.Ji.BOST. FOE SURVEYOR. JOHN H. LONG. FOR CORONER, CHARLES A. SHERWOOD, o FOR COMMISSIONERS, " ' L. J. FOIL, J. S. HARRIS, M. L , BROWN. v CONCORD. OCT., 1, 1896 " THE KEG IO X OF THOUGHT LO CATED. It is a well known fact that science has been prying into the mysteries centered in the cranium and so thoroughly has the brain been studied that nervous disorders have been traced to the particular parts of the brain from which they emanated and the cause removed. . ; Indeed the cranial expert sees the brain as the geographer sees the sur face cf the globe and as the machin ist sees his machinery, bat till re cently the point where thought is formed seemed to baffle his skill. A German scientific expert now seems confident that he hat discovered the seat of thought, and to make his theory 'the -more creditable it is that particular part of the brain . whose functions have hitherto been un known. He finds the brain in an infant in a condition that he corn pares to a green apple. That of the adult as a ripe apple. With the Roentgen rays and a well defined knowledge of the brain, it seems that we might eventually know when a man is a safe leader or when he is off. Whether it will be very comforting to a majority of us is doubtfnj, K We suspect that the number of brains that will be found perfectly ripe and sound will not compare favorably w it ft those of apples and it mighl; beV of great advantage, though of -little cwtnfort, to afellow to know that it is a defective spot from which his hallucinations ema- nate, and .if .not too far gone might cause him. to keep his mouth shut to the joy of the rest of the world. The ediror received a special in vitation to visit the opening of Con cord's beautiful millinery stores, and gladly .responded. He j does not pride-himself on the best of, taste for the crowning touches of nature's crowning work, hut he ventures to say that Miss Nannie Alexander and Miss Moliie Bracheu both have stocks of . headgear goods tjbat would maKe an ugiy gin preuy ana a pretty girl prettier. These stocks are certainly very beautiful and are well up at the head. We are sorry to learn that Mt. Pleasant's most venerable citizen, Col. John Shimpoch, has suffered another stroke of paralysis recently and is now filling out life's lingering decline with. little to make life de sirable. The Colonel has p issed man's allofed years, and by reason of strength; has even; passed his four score years, yet with vitality of body and mind that keeps at bay the an gel of death, the struggle of nature against nature leaves little; of life's apparent joys. . Mr: Tom Watson -is trying to claim that it was the understanding ing that Sewall was to be taken down and now implies a threat of Bryan's defeat if Chairman Jones does not attend to that little mat ter. Mr. Watson does not know that Populists are not all so erratic and contentious. We have a num ber, and we think a goodly number in Cabarrus who had determined before the fusion to vote straight out for Bryan and Sewall. There is little doubt that Bryan and Sewall- could have had a heavier vote than Bryan and Watson. But of course Mr. Watson can't see it that way. :- - ; .' V ( j Hbn. Tom Reed says he does not like, campaigning it is too much like doing "penance" for him. We are not surprised at this. It is no easy matter for a man who requires so much belly band as Tom! does to transport himself around. Morn ing Star. V .-k J A man may dress as well r as his own good judgment and the assist ance of an artistic tailor may elect. He may take.his tubs" but if his digestive organs are out of order, he will have an unwholesome appear ance. His complexion ? and the white of his eyes will have a yellow? ish cast. His tongue will be coated, appetite poor, , his teeth rusty, his breath abominable. He is one big, unmistakable sign of constipation. The quickest surest, easiest sway to cure this trouble is to take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They are made of refined, concentrated vege table extracts. Nothing in the leaet harmful enters into their composi tion. They hunt down all impuri ties, and "make them move oh." They are the product of many years' study and practice.; Dr. Pierce cannot aflord to put forth a -worthless article. ; ; Address with 21 cents in one-cent stamps, to cover cost of ; mailing only, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y and eet a free copy of the "Medical Adviser." "i ' Help Wanted-remale. f . 810 to 618 per week to Men and Women for easy home work. N6 books or canvassing. No experi ence. Bona fide offer. No I catch. Send stamp for work and particu lars. " E. Herf man, 213 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. i o31 A $25,000 Fire nt iVilmlnston. Wilmington, N. 0., Sept. 3Q Fire along the rive front, Tuesday; nigtit,;destfpyed several naval store?, eheds iind whaives',- with some 8,000 barrels of rosin and a few casks of spirits of turpentine. Tne loss is f estimated at about $25,0UU ; ruuy Lgg' The Swedish barqnentine, Ver dani, with a cargo ot 2 685 barrels of rosin for Manchester, England, lying at one of the wharves, burned to the water's edge and sank. A Kalnral Ieatli; 14 What does it mean, pop, when the papers say a person died a natural death?" " "When a man dies a natmal death, Bobbie, it means that he died without medical assistance."--Booklyn Life. Fifty Years Ago. Tresldent Polk in the White House chair, While in Lowell was Doctor Ayer; Both were busy for human weal One to govern and one to heal. And, as a president's power of will Bora etimes depends on a liver-pill. Mr. Polk took Ayer's Pills I trow For his liver, 5Q years ago. Ayer's Cathartic Pills were designed to supply a model purgative to people who had so long injured themselves with griping.medicines. Being carefully prepared and their in gredients adjusted to the exact necessities of the bowels and liver, their popularity was in stantaneous... . That this popu. larity 4has been maintained is well marked in the medal awarded these pills at the World's Pair 1893. 50 Years of Cures, bis . , v JNO. R. ERWIN. C. A- MISENHEIMER ER W IN MISENHEI10R Physicians and Surgeons Office No 3.. Har ty -building, 1 op posite 2nd Presbyterian church. Charlotte. N.'O. - ..ry DR. H. O. HERRING Is again at the old stand, where he will be pleased to see all who aire in need of his PROFESSIONAL; - SERVICES COAL! "K L Craven is now xeceivins: the best Jellico Lump C oal. Also superior Hard Coalp Egg and Stove. Prompt attention. Free delivery;; . v Orders eos licited, : - . . . L. M ARCHEY, M D. Physician and Surgeoni t . : Concord, N.-G.., - rX OFFICE : ST. CLOliD3ANNEX" FIRE INSORAHt'E. ' - : v t, -- - . - When in heed oi Fire Insui ance call and see us, or vviite. Ve xepre sent only first"cla.s Home and For eign companies-' Respectfully,: - ' AVOODH-IU8 & UaIJIIS. J. F. HU-RLEY, INSURANCE AGENT . Officeover v JfETZERS DRUG STORE. RACKET h Men's Laundered colored shirty 28 cts; Club house ties 5 cents up. ox4 cents tp 40 cts. Ladies black hose 4 cents to 37 cents. Ladies 35 inch HermsdorfOperia hose 35 cents. Ladies white collars 10 cent, cuffs 18' cts. r Ladies silvered or black bone shirtwaist buttons 5 cts per tioz. -f Ladies black "silk watch guards 10 cts. Chair seats 3 to 5 cts each; ' , "Wire hair brushes 8 cents. Royal talcum pow- der at 3 for 25 cents. Handkerchiefs 1 ct to 37s cts each. Mens caps 10 cents, . . . i . . . hats 23 cts up. 5 Stob. n Two papers needles for 1 cent, or better ones 1 cent. ' Sewing machine oil 5 cts per bottle. Towels 4 cts up. Shaving brushes 3 : cts up. G-arter elastic 2 cts per yard iip. White tape 1 ct per roii.;: Hooks and Ts 2 doz. for 1 "cent, ' improved 1, cent per dozen. - The Ibest ... colored spool cotton; made at 2s cents. ; Tooth brushes 2 cts up.; 1 Shoe blacking 1 cent up; ' v f Six dozen shirt but tons for I cent. Three lead pencils for 1 cent. - Combs 3 cents up. 1 (