i : : . am ill T 4 Co., MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Ginghams Plaids. Sheeting and SaltgBags, "Dealers in GENERAL MERCHADISE; o Buvers of COUNTRY . ; ?:ci PRODUCE ot-ail kind, and 4-foot wood alway s wanted best prices for same. We invite an inspec tion ol all the goods we manufacture. ODELL MFG. Co., Concord. N. C W. D. Anthony& Co. PAINTERS, PLASTieOERS, VARNISH ERS AND BARER . HANGERS. : " X ALL JOBS GTJAKANTEED. " WE WANT YOUR WOKK. " Old furniture made to look as good as new. Mattresses made or renewed with perf ectTsatisf action. Upholstering a specialty. See us. Wd! Anthony .& Co. do26 w jl V . - - OPNCORD ?MARKE-1'. C0TT0K MARKET. ;i Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer middling........ ......... 7.70 : Middlings ......... ......... .V;.;.7 60 Dow middling lii- 0 tains ... 1 6 PROUUCE MA.&&.T&1 . .J Corrected bv SwinK & White. Bappn; ... ......... .. .... .. . . ri Tto 75 3utarcnred nain8J.....L....iSSo 14 Sulk meata,Bides. .7..5 to 7 Butter .................. ........... lOtplfc Chicken........ . ......... 10tD20 oon;;:::; .45 Lard;;;..;. ............ .............. 7 Flonr(North Carolina) . ...1 82 iieai 45 Oats .......c.:.......,. 35 rallOT7 4 3to4 L.M.ARGHEY,MD. . . ; v Physician and; Surgeon. - ; Concord, N, Cf . , 0FJ1C&: .ST, . CLOUD ANHEX ' 4 m CONCOBD, N. a Office in Morris building, epposite i It loQkfcery mnch like the New Yorlc difiees -haye f qnii preaching religion gltogether,nd Ihfrpl ?pe into r otitic. Over a dozen political speeches were made from pulpits in that city lastSonday. Among the more rampant o ( these minister? eV ftift. donr?!ant M je Rev, Drj Mac Arthur, tier. Isaac Jloldermaol Bey. Dr. Eaton and Rev. Dr. Har aba. All denounced 15 r van in ernu more or less severe, but Rev. Myers, I t became who in : a.: pretiobp sermon declared-1 hat the Chicago "-platform was made in bell, rather surpassed stlf ju last Sondes or The mildpst thing this reverend gentleman ishes JSryan, i .to; havebinvieht into eiileV ' The Vo'ol 4 that thtat for the jroepel of peaca1 and love, nd the jpyea lhat seek the I Ligbt, certainly do not ant to oe oirecreaese qajpo w iii m New York pulpit. Charlotte Ob- maTVOT r 5Then BaCby vu fiirlC'irtr gae her C&storU' ' JHien he wa a dlld. he cried for Castoria When she became MI the eliinj to CastorU, Xiben the had GbOdrsfha gathem Cutotlr Thropeb th St. lonla Tornado. Here is an illustration of the way the wind handled things during the big St. Louis tofnadd This bicycle, nr,mA ; Gf T ,,;a TT? o a d.nnlr Ktt i 1. lard and one barrel of Tineear. Ab- eojuteiy Uh6 qni$ uriirjureparts drh tKo o'4iJs41a onr) tVi AT J-jt-nro r'-- tr AO fnnnri I?. ?f tKooo tiroa be n punctured, uulees severely notes are inserted at the top. VYhite torn, any.one of , th.e holes could B --used for mourning, ?nd- Ihe have been repaired by the qaick-re- bridesmaids wear blackinsteadof pair device iu them, without trou- bemmaidens .these functionaries ble. Riders of these tires, when are old women; : The Chinese sur Ihey have a puncture, need only be name comes first, and j they-shake riarpfnt nnmn na mnnh nir a their OWn hands m8tead 01 the band possible into tne tire before insert- ingthe quick-repair tool. The re- pair can be made in two minutes, at the roadside," without taking the tire off the rim. - - m notice. . J P Hnr!ebksthe; joTd: 'reliable fehn Mntuai Fire InsuraDce Com- ml. . . BJr -hey wnte the , bat pohoj oa-eartb ;e.nm?t desirable at the icwu uyou t o(iiie uuuurau oeiore laiviijK luauinuueaiBu ure anu auci aent insurance. . - .... i i . t Take laxative 3rbmb Quinine Tab lets". ' . All druggists refund the money if it failsto cure, r 25b.J f Primary. gee. ary, liLO iuxsoN -permaoHy home forBame price undersamegnaraa- trafctto pay railroad farAand hotel bill cnrr,Ltp i.ff WefalltOetlPn'If vnnhn-vfttaTrn maw I fatchea In mouth. Sore Throat. 5SfeSilrSS,mS?.Il?t? caancela &dtSfot& niSSS?afi aoi Maeomo Temple, CHICAGO. ir.L. n Mt, Pleasant, N. O. IOXt Session begins SeptombOP 2. ; English, Classical and Commercial, ln. strnctlon tnorotJgh, expenses- moderate, loeation healthful. ' end for cataloj utniui. t end for catalogue. 1 1 ; 1. G. Q. SCHEREK, I J6 4w ,1 ? Hi. President. i. .t, . . j r ai i ! O BR,Wiir & , MlSENiBiElMER-' :eons Office No. 3. Harty building, op posite, 2nd Presbyterian chirch. ;-An Idea I Who can think of seme simple thins to patent? tect your Ideas: thy may bring you yrealtn. Write JOHN' XWRnrtirRfTirV Jw-To-. L f 7i KTaVdr&S offer 0 put) mmm m M w m m . . . . - ASPE IJanted aboxTtdogs. ' There is a measure of sympathy that goes out to the owners of petted dogs when th'ey fall - victims to a dose, but there are great provoca tions. Botchers report that the dogs infest their slaughter pens and attack and sometimes kill their porkers. Many complain that their eggs are euckecU , Now busy hard- working people need their rest ana sleep and they may feel deeply pro 70ked at depradatiori from dogs, Now e WOu,d not be J understood t . f :?f iff complaining have ,eypr;. set .poison for dogs, vlt:- may be some one through sheer wantonness, but who Q be surprised that a man weary ith fa ,abore of the. day .will wt : , , . - u-V u i some kind of: guard while he sleeps. I Now there are several remedies. One is to have few tr nb dogs. An other is break your own dogs from 8ucking'egg8rb'angentle means you cnoose, ana proviae a way io keep them at home when you have not them-with you, especially at night ... :- , i A Kcw Mchlne i - - , i ;c wiou uj unii .mo uuuuub at tention to the" fact that we have placed a cockle machine in our - mill for the purpose of cleaning seed wheat. Call and giye us a trial. Cababpus Roller M ills. ' The Cninesi Work Backward. The Chinese do everything back ward. Their compass points to the south instead of the north. The men wear pkuib auu iuo wuujou trousers! while the men wear their halt long the, women coil theirs in a K I tu6 a knot. The dressmakers are men : women carry burdens. The Books are read backward, and any of the one whom they would greet, jj 8are iauuuueu hiuowibo aou horses are .mounted .from the off 8lI They commence their dinner with the desert and end up With soup and fi3h. In sliaving the bar- ber operates on the head, cutting lte hair;Upw ard: then downward and then polishes it off with a email knife, which is passed over the eve- brow and int0 ythe nose to remove any soperfloous hairs.-St. LquIs Globe Democrat. TO CURE A GO ONE DAT 1 Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. 'All druggists-! refund : the money if it fails to cure..- 25c. m14 be Morgan d: Wrlgnt Guarantee The guarantee of fhe "good, tires' is broad enough to cover almost any kUnd of ail ments-and ; to satisfy the most exacting rider, but the, line I mnst be drawn somewhere, and Mnr- I gan & Wright are trying to make it I Known 10 TiaerS everjwnere tnat tne O I Ifialc r nrenarationa ! irtflirlA t.h& firA: i: Ai r AH rinaai hi p in the M. & W. quick-repkir tire oefore putting the tool into the puncture, and following the few her simple instructions in the cat- I alogue. a permanent repair can be made in two minutes, at the road- J Given Away Free To advertise our goods 4 we will give a way,r absolutely; free,' one box of five-cent cigars,one gold ring and a sample bottle- of Peeler's Pain Killer to every one sending us fifty cents to pay packing and postage. Address, Peeler ANDERSpk SlEniciins Co. ' Lock Box 1, Kernersyille, N. 0 easvi hoffift'lworkj; INrvi books or canvassing. No experi ence. Bona fide offer. No catch. Send stamp for work and particu lars. E. Herrman, 213 South Sixth i Street, Pniladelphia, Pa. 631 nelp TPanted-remaJe t ' n 'f i i !ww iQ&LorDsrt weeK to Man aha iiiiwtwiiuiiiinniiiiimiroimmiiimiuiiuiHtHBM JR7cCctab!ePrcp2rauonfo slritilaling feTaxiandRcgutl ting tteStonachs andBowcls ci ;araKest.Gommii5 natrex m,Morplime tiorKmfirat otNargotic. 'A JlxJennm '7 Arjcrfecf Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca. Worms ,Convuisions.tcvensn ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of EXACT COPY OF WRAPPEB. Hm,um,ni,iMTk.l 1 HbajGnfiiedJU CONCORD STANDARD DAILY & WEEKLY. Democratic in principlev conservative f , methods. - . Newsy but hot sensational. Devoted to the ; interest qf umty; harmony and progress. ' - " v. . '' ; i : ' ' ''' ''' ' sill . , ' ' ' -. ' f Its efforts and aims are to add to the joys of the home circle, the elevation of the am bitious and . aspirations of its readers. . . . It would gladly ! fill the mind with pleas ant and . profitable;,, thoughts, making life's burdens lighter, its -duties dearer, its oppor tunities more apparent.;. , DO YOU If not, please try it and se"e"if you don't say that THE STANDARD is worth many '.a D Publishers. j'riPHAT THE fac-simil'e Iv SIGNATURE ,1 WRAPPER it . ji - t . OP ft Castoria is pt tip In on-Bize tottles only. It if filit old la bulk. Pdn't allcw anyone to Bell vmaTiytHiig else on the plea or promise tnat it is " jnit as good" and "will answer every pnr ioi e." S Bee that ym get 0-A-S-T-O-B-I-A. Tht fe- . .. simile S&9-t-q is ea titoeCyX755&2 e7eT7 THB- TAKE IT? 1: v.- 4 ; CT & SON, m

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