3aily Standard, JOHN D. BARRIER & SOU, ; Editors and Proprietors. AS. P. COOK: L J '' itUiwi i OFFICE IN BRICK ROW. ; Democratic Ticket. atrichia interests are-secure in Dem ocratic supremacy as has bee abub oantiYiiieinonstrated, ou lr ne, ai low himself be staffed . by secret he may drive himself from happy aQ3pleaian t relations. His tory j is not wanting in instances of where the better element after suffering misrule rises to the occasion and for president, secures the greatest good to all; If - - 1 i . : . - . - ..... WILLIAM JENNINGS :BRYAN, evil designers wish to reinaugurate NATIONAL; FOR VICE PRESIDENT. ARTHUR MEWALL. 1 . JSTATJB. tar: to re FOR GOVERNOR, CYRUS B. WATSON . OF FORSYTH, 0E LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR THOS. W. MASON j r OF NORTHAMPTON. ' . FOR SECRETARY OF STATE, y.CHAS. M, COOKE OF FRANKLIN.; " FOR TREASURER, B. E. AY COOK j of wayneI for auditor, ROBT. M. FUkMAN I OF BUNCOMBE. ! I ...... ,:, , EOR ATTORNEY GENERAL, FRANK I. OSBORNE j OF MECKLENBURG. . ''. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, JOHN C. SCARBOROUGH OF JOHNSTON. FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICES, A. 0. AVERY, of Burke, our experiences i .of te reconstruction days they are taking the course do it and they should bear the. 1 eponsibility. ,; Democracy nas well established her claims to the con- i. , . ,. ; i - i fidence of all lovers of. State rather than office. , v . ? - THE ELECTIONS OF MiGISTKATES- The enfranchisement of the negr race was done expecting to contio the South in the interest of Bepnoi hcanism. By disf ranQhJsinjj a larj; e numoer or tne nation'sbeaf piemen, in the South it had the deairec effect and we were largejyjunde) A H Racket negro and carpet. bag rule Tiber were the State's dark days. It wat the period of mis t u ler and State and county bankruptcy. We refer 'Even .ith us the magistrate's office lost .much of its dignity, and, "created ; much local confusion.. Do we -want, the election of magistrates and commis signers ? If even we did , we conld well afford to forego, this. little priv ilege o a little, more voting for a system' that has done well for all so long, and that insures prosperity Mr. Purneli advocated the election f fj00JeV ?, .. ou;fi ea;evr of magistrates and county commis h - -''uil-J-J-LlLJl sioners. He did not show to us h The next Federal House will have how it would improve matters but 358 members. The New York the burden of his argument was that Journal claims 185 of these foVsil- we might as well elect them as any- ver and 162 against with 10 doubt- body else. He admitted that it ful; but the New Yort Times might put a number of the counties claims" 212 -for gold. Now whq in the State under negro rule , knows irom, these wise acres which rklrivHoh vo oa JNOV thfl nftTYlA nf Vflnno nrnoo fori nran tVio iaf mill ;n,K I in the Old North State as ifc tnav I : .. well do, but who ; ever heard of P Tb9,gold ha& haTe. enred oat a Vance's lendina an, nf hi. infln. 8U1U uuugrees lor ine next session. D , , J w I ' . . - ' " -'. 1 encea for negro dotn'inaUon in any "'"""V luey n,,Te pnt WM w,n- S1 n H Men's Laundered trary, when this notion of electing magistrates and commiesioners loom ed up some years before his death he Geo. H. BROWN, of Beaufort, threw himself in the breach and FOR CONGRESS FROM 7TH CONGRES- with all his trrBab now Rtarl ih 0- - Mr j SIONAL DISTRICT, SAMUEL J. PEMBERTON. QOUNLY. FOR THE STATE SENATE, C D. BARRTNGER. j FOR THE HOUSE, ' . ! v- M. F. NESBIT.- j FOR SHERIFF, THOMAS J. WHITE. FOP REGISTER OF DEEDS, JOHN K. PATTERSON. FOR TREASURER, CALEB W. SWINK, FOR COTTON WEIGHER. W. H. BOST. FOK SURVEYOR, . JOHN H. LONG. FOR CORONER, CHARLES A. SHERWOOD. of the counties ? ; Na, to the con- !ey.'ID the Prsidential ir. They and by the skin of their teeth they make it out, . beyond . perad venture, that the Senate will be for gold by three majorijy provided a gold m: i current and held off the fatal hln, '""" cceeas urn uameron The svstem certainly has a rebuke m PeD11. , , downing . men Q5 cehtS. ' I mill stntU 4.1 X 1 ' Club Eoiise ties 5 cents up. i Sox 4 cents to 40 cts. Ladies black hose 4 cents to 37s cents. Ladies 35 inch Hermsdorf Opera hose in the name and life of Vance. It (does not follow that in a free popular government that every citi zen shall have a dirrct vote for will catch at a straw. to Ladies white collars 10 cent, cuffs 18 cts. Ladies silvered or The president and vice-president of the Seabord Air Line say there is no truth in the statement br he every public officer. Many ffices Associated Press with reference are filled by appointments and by a the alledged sale of the Seabord vote of our renrpspntativpn TJnr $1 in ..or. Ou0 i free government contemplate ' DUttOUS 5 CtS per dOZ. jjcu j iiimau, aiier icoKing oyer I the Georgia ballot battlefield thinks Ladies black Silk at black bone shirt waist does free government rnntpmnl a www f the power of &xik irresponsible and unadant.pd plpirifinf to mia rt v. i" u w vv A U IV; i. HID hindranceof the best interests of "l? ! T"'' Watcll guards 10 CtS. ifcpif oi n says "the white neonle have either itself and all others. It is a travesty on true govern ment. Before the war we did no FOR COMMISSION KRS. L. J. FOIL, J. S. HARRIS, AL L this evil to contend with, and we BROWN. says "the white people have either gone back to the democrats or the negroes naye turned democrats.' have He don't know which. CONCORD, OCT., 12, 1896. THE SAME OLD SCARE. had magistrates and coun y govern ment by appointment, a? d there was dignity connected with the offices. Now we have the additional incen tiye to retain the good old system to We now hear that it is talked bv avoi the domination of the negro tne negroes that if the Democrats race ln tne Eastern counties. A win they will be disfranchised. No I majority of wisdom and political more potent evidence of their un- yirtpe is contemplated in a popular fitness for promotion to the ruling government rather than the number sphere needs to be presented. Have ot machine ballots. ; not the Democrats been in complete Mr. PuTnUTaid last Frid6y power in the State from 1876 to night that protection had maae the 1894 ? What did the negro lack in South prosperous. What, ai asser his pursuit of happiness, that the tion I A He took good care to not tell whit man had? Schcols for their us how. The high tariff was es chUdren, asylums for their blind pecially nard on the South. Scarce ?;d mDte and county homes for ly anything that the South produces ther poor and helpless have been is protected. The South was pros freely provided for. Positively no nerous inst after thP Wflr fn. go.u was withheld from them and ariff wa8 not so high bufc gradaaly extended to any one else, -yet there the pressure became greater and was probably not a campaign in all greater, till we find general 'depres thoseyears that some , men, white 8ion ana discontent. A protective outside but much blacker than their lariff favors one ! community at the victims on the inside haye not met expense of all that can not avail thenegroes in midnight secrecy and themselves of it. The South has stuffed them fuir of fear that the nofc Win the tariff swim. If wWawwc suxug io piace tnem thew ftoiiM h l ft": T Chair seats 3 to 5 cts each. Wire hair brushes 8 cents. Royal talcum pow der at 3 for 25 cents. in a condition; : worse than .their original sUver ;Ths thyeiieye or pretend to believe. Then of course comes .a measnrejof hatred The negrov8hould "know'tnaf he as a xace is not equally endowed ffith the white race and he is eafe Fifty Years Ago. Who could imagine that this should be The place where, in eighteen ninetv-thre That white world-wonder of arch and dome . ; . Should shadow the nations, polychrome . . . Here at the Fair was the prize conferred On Ayer's Pills, by the world preferred. Chicago-like, they a record show, v Since they started so years ago. Ayer's Cathartic Pills have, from the time of their preparation, been a continuous success with the public. And that means that Ayer's Pills accomplish -what is promised for them they, cure where others fail It-Vwas itting,. therefore, that the wprld-wida popularity of eseiiffshouict 1 be recognized by the World's Handkerchiefs to 371 cts each. 1 ct Mens caps 10 cents, hats 23 cts up. Two papers needles for 1 cent, or better ones 1 cent. . - j-1 Sewing machine oil 5 cts per bottle. Towels 4 cts up. t Shaving - brushes 3 u up. G-arter elastic 2 cts per yard up. f White tape 1 ct per roU. Hooks and Ts 2 doz. for 1 cent, improved 1 cent per dozen. The best colored spool cotton made at 21 cents . Tooth brushes 2 cts up. Shoe blacking 1 cent up. ; Six dozen shirt but tons for 1 cent. Three lead pencils for 1 cent. Combs 3 centslup. hm ?afce-o'1893-ri; faot- even np the South, bu t ihe tariff only avails where competition comes tariff bill did have a 8ham itafiff on farm products, but it was not avail s 4 i en. 50 Years of Cures. NOTICK. e I XTASt tiYeii man and woman in the United imSi rested in-the Opinm and Whisky Box SS2, and pno wiU bo lent you tree. ! - n . .