foL.XHI.-No,, 150. eONCOKl, c.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 1896. Whole NO. 152D MOKE STREETS TO OPEN; COMPLETE FUSION KO ! GO? seventh diatricts,; whose election is I i. vf tti a Board to MtOn-l Th. to.w -- j' ' I" - aosurea. I . it- . . v.--- for Protection Manly Urged from 1 "e. question : "Are V On ad- All Sides-It is This orsegro Su- verse to yielding the governorship ?" EmJV Ry"bo1 f Ras" Hi replied : 'To that I nave noth aelllsm Chairman Ayer Oisap- ! "buu proves it. ing to say." . Influential .'Populists The Democratic Central Execu The October meeting of the board ' town commissioners was held Tuesday night. The full board was -nrefaent with one exception. ine Democratic Central Execu- say it is entirely too late, to make After 'be payment of bills, the tive committee held a meeting Mon- any change in the ticket, as it ink 'tax collector's and x the treasurer's day nightemocratic headquarJ cwo:weeks toet the news to "'Pop l)onda were presented .and approved, ters, and had a lone conference u Don lists i the interibr. Senator But- SI or UWo U..4.: I 1- AL-SUkil i Mi:- ' I "From battle, and murder and sudd Found dead ! There is something so shocking about sndden death that the mere mention of it sudden death. nm m j r 1 , :v ' -I ' L 11V- Y U11U. tbe paymen 0 Jn'- a - 4 ,; The News and Observer says tbatjosition and, the Democratic mann mindathffer1' MaYOr Momauu woo iubhuuicu iu . . i 1 .-.-irj-siiiVi.-i:";:- I to bear." would Duole any one, to tell.: It w ' w vi mm mar u u v ivu d w n r h m w mm r 1 r - mm m w inn n n w w M-mrm wm. - . , -AV,aofl and eanin the citv hall v u M4 DCUuiu8 -6a ,u uau. jfc uau uo i c noiciai eum lugu iiu uuii virHH iniin imiauKcu. o pntnmpnc nnmDRr or tipw i " -i v- -o--r Fcr many yeaTS the board j tnlB blale and tne Bdity of the frith ; chairs H0NQR.R0LL. Same Written There? The rolhs Ihftt Win Distinction By Hayim? Good Lessons and Con. duet. Thfe iy would seem that it would be more terribl to see some fcSved one" wasting away, daih becoming weaker laily slipping toward death no less certain because it was slow ii coming.; Consumption causes more, deaths than ' heart disease --more than cholera more than1' yellow "fever -m6rethan : any Dther disease the world has ever fcnown. And yet people are careless about ,hw A man in danger of' sudden ' death from heart dis- The Prohibitionist Canyass. Itinery of the Prohibition candi dates lor President and Vice Presi dents, Joshua Levering and Hale Johnson : Mr. Levering wi.l speak at Durham October 14, morning; High Point, Oct. 14, nighl; Sal, bury, Oct 15, morning; Chariot , Oct. 15, at night Mr. Johns&u will speak at .Goldeboro Oct. 19, morning; Raleieb, Oct, 19, nigh:; Greensboro, Oct 20, rnornmc; Salir bury, Oct 20, afternoor); Hickory, Oct 21, morning; Asheville, Oct 21. at night o!4 ease can avoid the danger simply by keeping quiet and avoiding excitement Consump- hM been using chairs from 'the fire- negro vote augmented by a ; large en's ball, ignorant of the fact that importation by the free use of mon- 7 they did n ou Deioug io me major uc cuuiuiiucc ucuutu w mano pni. ; an cffer of fusion on the" State and f m ' . i.vL . J .. ... . .1 tion goes right on with its deadly work; no Uwing u tuo ujjrcociuuii uu&eiB wiia me Jrop-, Xne DOnor roll OI Ine City graded matter what the man does or how he con- tj at Forest Hill ha?; chafed li8t pattj. - V " echuole for the fi month, from &"du fnda and has been properly ditched, 1 Chairman Manlv nt AnthnrlreX oeplember 14tn tO October 9th; 28 the whole body. It is a blood disease. It hands ana nas uwn prpe j u , Wltm famished below;- Owinf to Iherle. Pftmeate. the wholeystem It shows ,i suitable to all concerned' the matter : ?ttomfanrioAtum--, fe: v-f a4W ifni the lungs because theiblood goes to the cf drainage was tabled. to' adrlsr V mmnnication to lavf hnfiniriir thrhvi f1n. I?! JS:?! Chairman Avernnd rtdueafc an ms I nonville1,OttIytllV;ntralaildlFdr-l: there to be made pure. If there is too much fPk. Hinanna f nar. liart ' . . . ' ; V Uflt. Hill nnhnnla hav th nm. impty the lungs are over-worked-oye xuG - , ... mediate consideration of the propo , jsiauu - - - J . - , 81 tion bv his committee, m the time I fnnnen new Btreet8 Was repealed and . . . ; ' . .1 n::j n: - Jt?j-: n n V" definite form. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med- r . ' for printing and distributing tick- r"r 1BS,un V"11' vJ811" pical Discovery cures 98 per cent ;of all caser motion prevaiieu w wpcu a o-icci i . . v .v I C68 Lr 000.800, ranny OKiniier. Anna ! of consumption, lingering coughs throat. mm M O Walter's store, on West eta now yery short v Snefnll, Lelia Propst. Mvran ?I15seiit-! ?" Denot street toconnect 'with Corbin - 'PWW. past few days many Brownij Lin wood Fink, Ingram, Lit- iiefrn ail aboutitin Dr;pierces great iool r . tl I "-. AVtKtti. f iwianVk ' Ca 1 oral 1 1 1 iMire worlc-- '.'Ctmimoit Sense Medical "Ad- .treet near & M Itwa also decided to extend Vai- iruj.m iu .. ;Henry)i Adelene MorriBon, Mary iS ioSiWa7profaseTyniusi fcj.tre.t from We.t Depot: to Cor tionsjpl the Slafe nrgingjoi action mV .$&ffia. bin street. Tbe colored population along agei so tHat the- cause of " the flannv Hill and over ! in Colebure I mptal nVi Atl h trinmnhantTnn;fil-lnnlt.riinA "Rrfin FTarria llvH r,J . t , - " 1 o T 'wr- o""l wT'w Walter X. Main's Circus. rill OTPf. thft Rtrf-At DnPTlPfl that theV I 'TVi ova Vic a Vaan a iDidok 1 1 OUUUci W lODQUrQ OauDQ6r8, J 06 I ' k ' I f . r- - l,CTll Ai r.J TJ,-4. 1 i ' HYi trio ahnvtf nnpopinn af. Sana toe been asking for. A street will 8ad 6 itf&MiSx for ench iSnr ' KnrZ'ZZ:- ioint action as would make it cern Barrier. Jessef Fiehen i C i Charlotte Monday, October 26th, the tain that the State should be saved . - - ,r i ; - r .r - TeacberLilHe Garter, Lnla Coch- to SalistjurratrTQO cents and to mvwwmmmuw a I Id I I a HroOI MA MA rvi nTr I I ha AtA nnna tn. ha nniH stands, Nannie Sims, Elma S other, Oilie trip. Tickets on sale 3ay of the between all advocatespf , free coin- iP.Wfl S?iMmma V111 c?py wniWlTri;k:vmwl.f--Tr:V tj ; aieoicai Aaaociatxon Bufiaio, W. for ready reference in case of sudden sickness, or accidents. ' World's Lispenaarf from Kussellism and its evils. ! A 8 the matter now the race is in doubt. The Demo- Sbther, Addie Wood, PatMcLester, performance; limited day after per. .a- - -i- -t:--- Kay Patterpnn, Kupley Pounds, formance, but are ! not good on the re reason to hope and be- Clarence Stici. ' vestibule trains. Passengers will te opened from Lore's meadow to ihe colored graded school, the course cf the street being left in th'eands of the street committee. The board oon.demned a right of wav back of 1W J Hill's place of r - ' -. - ' I or'ata have Imainpaa tr rlftrP HfwAr to Connect :.u ;f lieve that Mr. Watson will win, but Fouhh' ;Grade, Mies Paulint uown vu - f , f ror,f tt Pftlftn: Means Teacher-Julia Blackwelder, ewer. v "" "r w Beulab Phill ns. Archie Fisher. zation endangers the prospect of Dear mond Phillips. l , two lives saTed, . annopBs withvtwo silver candidates I 'riltn ijrrade Miss Addie Aiex- Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction . w Thw ia not W natri- ander Teacher Archey. Brown, th ia urr hr Ano.tnr ln W eId- lhere is not a patn Andrew Williams. Otto Cook, ehe had consumption and thahere otic man in the State-no matter Grace jBrown, Blanch Boyd, Myrtle was no hope for her recovery, but whether he is for gold, silver or cop- pay vault, Lizzie .Propst, Pearl ,Stil 'two bottles of Dr. Kins's New Die, per-who does not shudder at the fcxffiXS (coverysaved"herlife. Mr, lhomas mere thought of having a Goyernor Sixth Grade, Mies Belle Shirey, Eggers, 139 Florida St. Sau Francis- TlcioQ8 and maiigriallt and vin- Teacher. Mabel Grajber, f Lillie co, suffered from a draadful cold, g Bussell. In or- Cooki Ollie Cline, Janie Patterson, approaching consumption, tried ... ,.o faof Alice Foil. without result everything else then der to make certain of his defeat f Seventh and Eighth Grades, Miss "bought a bottle of Dr -King's New tbe DemocraticStateCenJira Laura Leslie, Teacher. Cassie Wat- DiBcoverv and in two , weeks was mitteV last night formulated a prop- son Jennie Cook, Conie Pounds, cured. He ia naturally thankful -PonnliBta looking fo Daisy Barrier, Mamie AUred, Liddy It is such results, of which these osiUon to thiss king to Bak tr Gillon, Mary S trick are samplesthat prove forider. fuaion np0n the State ticket, as well er Ka e Morrison, Fletcher Fink, ughf ffioldl XaS the -(iLV Cephas lataf, John Kime. at Fetzer's Drug store. Regular piement thejelectoral fusion already roREST HiLt school. i .a. . a AAAnfAM r no man ana ni t'l'o.. amam vv una iv i o vvia nm a i vh acknowledgement. i .. r: " . . 1.: I iulTinv. flforVvJk TSJanTio Rnc Th. ioH3 Af Ut Mrs M Russelli8m passes away, i ana me v vuu - - 1 ... . .1 f ' T I I. iTI MI1LI 17 UliUUIUU. UiaUuslI i 1 ' whole State will nreain ireer; anu -.v . .-Noro ;iv -9 Oncklen's Arnica nire, - The Best Sai ve in t lie world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever. Sore, Tetterd Ohappa Hands, Chilblain, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, an d positively carta riles or no pay J n 0 m -ed. It- ia guaranteed to give siati&f action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drng tore . Given Away Free To advertise our goods we will give a way; absol u t; Kv f ree, one box of five-cent cigars.oue told rins and e: Ram pie bottle -of Peeler's Pain Killer to every one needing os fifty cents ;to 5 pay packitg and postage. Address, , .- . :, . . Peeler Anderson Medicine Co. Lock Box 1, Kernerville, N. (3 ssengers please be prepared to make their own Ghange for above tickets. -EVERYTHING IS GOING- A. T COS r AT A J me all Macraie Dan t. Nora Waddeil. Zula 86Cti0nS fTr;a Grolli!,WlllrofrMnrthTr. Q Miller are mnnh ratified bv the nnflnnt Aroa nwn thorn hv tbe silver advocates in ti, , , , j - of the United States win f rejoice io inms. U.lie smiinf urancn wia- the pood people of Concord during g j ceg inJ North dellv Frank Bridge, Edmund RSb- thefonrdajs of distress spent .id hear hat the si iver tor ces inson. GarlancLCandleenry-Cau theirmidst. To a sorrowing heart Carolina will send a solid silver dle .v .liU,: fio : "there's nanght in this bad world delegation to the Hoase ot Bepre- Secondhand Third grades MrsL liv . iv. .u- w.t sentatires and a free silver Senator PtJole.VTeacber. Marshall . Mills, Z m,' f,TJ y'--l lo nphold the hands of President FurniaBwaringen, Rash iMorris, a u i. a ill rMwiiiii r- ii i aiiikiHMU wm. - , VWWtU &4 AAA bVU V W In. - Clothing - at - Cams - k - Fite's No doubt about it; we are better fixed to please you in Olothirig than we have ever Suits, latest and latest and .Si-- ons toj on'e's comfort and conyen William J Bryan. Lock Pen ni beer. Bhober Penninger, Pi n r ' Wo fVar T. wann" iTno iVn Tfib. 1U,WW Ransom' .UpChurcb,; Charlie Wea- . I 1.i. M'tioori O TT ThA herLT V Ti fVr.nTh telegram was sent out from Raleigh verf Oracle ' Swaringenv Arthur her assistants at the hotel left noth- W P olrtr, . prtB: nhri?A iehof T?rflnir Wil- undone for relief. whicn enas me r Hamsr Beulab Cbrriher; Annie Dr. Young's gratuitous attention W0N T go with ayer. Bunn, Dorothy Means; aUie Uji- rum nrst to last to our lovea one itALisma., .w iuuuuu, wosw wf.w--w. 88 so tender and friendly that f our cratic proposition for fusion has i cat grateful acknowledgements caused a profound sensation in tt e e called out . Rev. Alexander's State and the anger of the Demo Ministrations were all that our own crats is intense L - nor could "have been. 'The' in.. Populist Chairman Ayer gaveput ral eeryice was an every ' way ap- the following this af ternoon ; "Yon priate and in good taste and the can say for me that the proposition delightful Binglng by Miss Rose wm not be accepted. We will not fiarrisand Mr. Lentz was especially entertain any proposition whereby ojed. " ; M, G. G. we lod'any of our Congressnaen m Sarruburg, Oct. U. 1896. the first, third, fourth, sixth and Suits, a latest Glenn Tonight. - s fi if '"''Z '. Don't forget that the Hon. R B Glenn will speak at. the;court house tonight rm& is a brillant spacer. But his ability.. as. An..orjUorjs ,sol well known to ouripeople it is nse lessvlfof -us 'to-' talk:' Be- Bure to hear him ? : .- i-.rt QTO CURE A VOliD: IU OI E .DAT Take lasative'Bromp Qninine.Tab-inonWif'iifiilsWcilre25dJ;,?..; We guarantee to save y oulmoney . leirafiluiisiGs. HATS AND OASJFPB EVERTBQDX. s FETZER ... tf . m -

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